Cortex Command

Cortex Command

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How to: Mod your first gun
Por Tleno
This guide explains the very basics of Cortex Command modding for newbies by demonstrating how to create a simple gun by reusing game's data and how to make a standalone mod work. Also contains some useful links to more advanced tutorials.
Your first mod folder
The first thing you need to do is create a new folder for the mod. Like this:

Note that the mod name must end with .rte, you know, like ZombieNinjaCorporation.rte, or Robots.rte. If you remove .rte or add anything after it, like I do with .off, you'll have the mod disabled, which is handy if you don't want to have the mod on now, or it refuses to work for you and you don't feel like repairing or updating it right now.

Next thing you have to do is take Index.ini and ModuleIcon.bmp out of any other faction's base folder. You know, Ronins, Techion, Imperatus - it doesn't really matter. Copy them and paste inside of your .rte folder.

Feel free to edit the logo, you can freely do that with MS Paint or whatever raster editor you got out there. It doesn't matter, as long as it can save as .bmp and you stick to this palette when picking colours:

I'll return to it later, for now we got index.ini to edit. All we need to do is learn how to edit file paths.

Index.ini looks someway like this:
DataModule ModuleName = Ronin Tech (Name of the "faction" ingame) IconFile = ContentFile Path = Ronin.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp (Faction logo path) Description = Rag-tag parties of bandits who prey on weak and unsuspecting explorers. Their soldiers are unarmored and weapons primitive, but they manage to get the job done. (Faction description. 'nuff said!) IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Effects/Gibs.ini (Path to one of the .ini files. Ini files contain game data, and they load in the order you put them, so for instance if you put gun in first one, and the bullet it uses in second one, it won't load.) IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Devices/Devices.ini IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Actors/Actors.ini IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Loadouts.ini

Now, we're going to change it to look like this:
DataModule ModuleName = [Faction Name] IconFile = ContentFile Path = [Your Mod Folder Name].rte/ModuleIcon.bmp Description = [Overly long and silly story involving dinosaurs, or whatever.] //IncludeFile = [Your Mod Folder Name].rte/[Something].ini
Note that [ and ] are unnecesseary and just indicate you are free to write anything you want there or have to write down something specific depending on file location/mod name. And the // before the line simply disables it, seeing as we don't have any other documents in the mod for game to read. But don't worry, that'll change soon! Also, another important thing - try not to mess up the formating, it is important.
"Borrowing" the data
If you have tryed launching the game already and it doesn't crash, good job, your first mod's foundations are perfectly intact!
Now, we'll move on to adding actual content to the mod, and learn about dependenencies on the way there. Note that taking and reusing the vanilla (slang for unmodded content) game data when creating objects is a simple way of creating something functional quickly, and taking someone's else mod content without permission and with intention to upload it is a jerk way. And that's bad, m'kay?

Anyways, back to business! Now, I'll take these files and move their copies into my folder:

You can try using another weapon too, but note that all weapons have different dependencies and may require different files, not to mention it might make it harder to follow this tutorial, so you can leave that for dessert.

By the way, feel free to rename the sprites (term for, you know, the images 2D game uses) - as long as file path you'll use refers to the proper thing. Also, about AK47000 and AK47001 - these are considered different animation frames of same sprite. You can have just one, or two, or over nine thousand frames for your gun if you feel like it, just don't forget to have the 000 numeration thing if there's over 1 frame, and remember to define amount of frames in data (More about that later).

Now, open up the previously created index.ini and change

//IncludeFile = [Your Mod Folder Name].rte/[Something].ini

IncludeFile = [Your Mod Folder Name].rte/[AK-47 or whatever you named the thing].ini

Yes, remove //, uncommenting is very important.
Next, open up the weapon .ini, and we'll change the file paths. Simply scroll down or use search function to find lines like Ronin.rte/Devices/Sprites/AK47.bmp and replace them with new ones, for instance TlenoTutorialGun.rte.rte/MagazineAK47.bmp. If you feel unsure whether it all went fine, just launch the game - if something is wrong, the game will politely (If you can consider crashes polite) inform you on which line of which file it failed to load. Once all paths are altered (there should be just two for AK47 - for the weapon itself and the magazine) we can move on to replacing object names to avoid game confusing original weapon's and new one's objects.

Firstly just find find all instances naming the bullet, like Bullet AK-47 and replace them with something new like Bullet TlenoTutorial. Afterwards you need to do the same with Ak-47's (People who are modding a different gun, you might need to look into the .ini on your own to see what needs replacing, generally you need to replace all names of all new objects with new ones, same with mentions of those objects within objects under them - it's best to use Replace function for that, just try to replace the exact term, like Bullet AK-47 instead of just Bullet) Tracer, Round, Magazine and finally you ought to rename the gun itself. Done, now we can move on towards altering the weapon properties!
Altering the properties
Now, before we move on to making infinite ammo galing speed superlight AK47 that shoots artilery shells or whatever, you might want to actually, you know, change the visuals. As already mentioned, any basic raster editor is perfectly fine, even MS paint, simply because instead of requiring any sort of transparency in the images the game ignores this super bright pink you might have noticed already.
Anyways, open up the gun image, open up this little fella found in game's Base.rte folder to have the palette to take colours from, and draw, draw!
Here, take a gander at what I scooped up in five minutes for the example gun:

I'm leaving the magazine, which is in a separate file, unedited, but nothing stops you from altering it the same way you altetred the gun. Actually, I mind sound abit like captain obvious, but you can do that with all images.

Now, let's return to the weapon's .ini again. I shall, now, explain what which of those separate game objects does and what values you can alter to make the thing work different. Once again, watch the formating!

Bullet, MOPixel (This is, to put it simple, your bullet. You know, one pixels-sized projectile. Some guns, for example explosives, use moving objects instead of pixels, by the way) Mass - Painfulness = Mass*Velocity, note that thanks to Newtonian physics superheavy ammo might make you fly in opposite direction! AirResistance - Keep to minimum if you want bullets to remain fast for as long as possible, increase if you want them to slow down due to friction with air. Works great for creating short-range weapons. LifeTime - after how long the bullet will vanish. Used to prevent your PC melting from too much bullets flying around and once again limit the weapon range. Sharpness - How thick armour can the bullet pierce, note that super high levels will damage the terrain significantly. HitsMOs / GetsHitByMOs - boolean (0=no, 1=yes) value indicating whether the object interacts with others physically, all the objects have this. Colour - defines the pixel colour in RGB, set the values from 0 to 255

Tracer, MOPixel (Pretty much second bullet of your gun, can be used for decorative or whatever else purposes, same as bullet)

Round (The bullet & it's shell and whatever, Apart from offering great possibilities for customization for somewhat more advanced users, allows to alter projecile velocity) ParticleCount - Alter if you want the thing to shoot out more than one projectile. You know, like shotguns do! FireVelocity - How fast the bullet flies out.

Magazine (Not only is it separate from main body, it is actually removed and replaced while reloading. If you don't want it to be visible, set it's image to base.rte/null.bmp) RoundCount - How many times the weapon fires before it needs to reload. Set to -1 for infinite ammo.

HDFirearm Description - pretty obvious. AddToGroup - used by AI to reckonize how to use the gun. Explosives are avoided to be used at close range, Sniper weapons category is used at long range and is mostly added to accurate guns with great zoom/fiting distance, Primary Weapons are always a priority to non-primary, and stuff like that. Mass - the heavier, the more the weapon burdens your units. FrameCount - found under the image path, indicates how many frames the thing has. GoldValue - pretty obvious, too. SharpLength - sharp aiming distance.You know, like iron sights in FPSes. RateOfFire - the greater this value is, the higher is the firing rate. ReloadTime - the lower the value is, the less time it takes to reload. FullAuto - If 0 you must clock for each shot, otherwise you can hold the mouse down. ShakeRange/SharpShakeRange - how much the gun shakes while firing, can influence accuracy and stuff like that. ParticleSpreadRange - the greater is the value the greater is the spread and the harder it is to hit where you're aiming. GibWoundLimit - how many times the gun can be hit before breaking down.
In case something else is unclear, feel free to ask about it in the comments!

551 comentarios
Beer 19 OCT 2022 a las 10:06 a. m. 
Architector #4 21 ENE 2022 a las 11:59 p. m. 
Oh yeah, Paint makes no guarantee of the texture actually having the proper pallete. That explains why it got messed up!

Do you have Java on your machine? If you do, you can try using my tool, which automatically converts an image to the exact format needed for Cortex Command to be able to accept it. Download the ".jar" asset here and double click it:
Lightningcrush 21 ENE 2022 a las 4:15 p. m. 
microsoft paint
Tleno  [autor] 21 ENE 2022 a las 1:47 p. m. 
Yeah maybe the index file is badly formatted? Try to make it closer to vanilla one.

As for sprite, what program did you edit it with?
Lightningcrush 21 ENE 2022 a las 12:20 p. m. 
The problem of the weapon not appearing probably has something to do with the index.ini's.
Lightningcrush 21 ENE 2022 a las 12:16 p. m. 
I fixed the problem by moving the weapon to another mod folder and editing 2 index.ini's in the folder. But the weapon sprite is super glitched and im not sure why
Tleno  [autor] 21 ENE 2022 a las 11:58 a. m. 
Does the weapon have a Buyable variable? Is it Buyable = 1? GoldValue set to anything?
Lightningcrush 21 ENE 2022 a las 11:44 a. m. 
I messed around with it a bit and i can now choose the faction in the choose faction tab before the game starts. But there is no weapon or tool tabs for it.
Lightningcrush 21 ENE 2022 a las 11:34 a. m. 
There is no error when i start the game, the faction is just not in any of the tabs.
Lightningcrush 21 ENE 2022 a las 11:31 a. m. 
ModuleName = Repeater
IconFile = ContentFile
Path = Repeater.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
Description = Repeater
IncludeFile = Repeater.rte/Index.ini