

148 ratings
Kuwait NPC Guide
By NSTM and 1 collaborators
NPC guide for Kuwait regarding both quests and vendors.
Zombies are a threat. Do not underestimate them.
Hello, and welcome to Kuwait! This guide will explain how to complete most quests, and provide tips on how to complete them. There are two safezones on the map, the first being Icarus, and the second being unmarked. We will start first with Icarus, as that is the closest safezone on starting.

Going to Icarus
Icarus is a clear shot from the starting spawns - while you can swim there, boats may spawn along the coast which can aid in traversing the waters. It may also be a good idea to acquire some starting items, such as clothing, weapons, food, and possibly most important, water. Below is a quick diagram of locations that are not safe to loot, and routes that you can take.

Icarus: Civilian Quests

The Perfect Rod
Location: Ocean
Goals: Have a Fiberglass Fishing Rod in your inventory
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
He provides you a rod, so you don't need one beforehand. Each part has a 1/35 chance of dropping each.

Tip: You can sell extra fish or extra parts to Adnan, extra resources to Dominic, and then combine your dinars into larger ones with Augustus.

Apex Predator
Location: Ocean
Prerequisites: The Perfect Rod
Goals: Have a Shark in your inventory
Rewards: 125 Experience, 10 Reputation
This can only be done with the upgraded rod. The shark has a 1/44 chance of dropping.

Tip: Get lucky.

Jump Start
Location: Jahra Industrial
Goals: Defeat an Electric Boss zombie at Jahra Industrial
Rewards: 200 Experience, 20 Reputation

Tip: You'll need more ammo than you think. The boss zombie can be a ranger or police zombie, which are stronger than regular zombies.

Location: Hawally
Goals: Defeat an Earthquake zombie at Hawally
Rewards: 200 Experience, 20 Reputation

Tip: You can escape the boss zombie's attacks by going onto the roofs of buildings - though, you won't be able to fight it unless you have help.

Location: Burgan Oil Fields
Goals: Defeat a Fire zombie at Burgan Oil Fields
Rewards: 200 Experience, 20 Reputation

Tip: Having a firefighter outfit will let you be immune to the fire attacks - alternatively, you can also attempt to "kite" the zombie by maneuvering on top of the large oil pipes.

Head into the Clouds
Location: Hawally
Goals: Find the two missing children.
Rewards: 100 Experience, 10 Reputation
This quest is quite easy. You just need to find the two children and bring them back to the safezone.

Tip: Using either a rope ladder or a palm glider will let you get the other child.

A Brief Excursion
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire a Briefcase.
Rewards: 25 Experience, 3 Reputation, 3x random item
Briefcases can drop from civilians, baskets, or from fishing.

Tip: This quest is repeatable, and can provide many useful items.

Master Farmer
Location: Farms/Food sources
Goals: Acquire 3 of each vegetable seed.
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation, ability to buy seeds from Rosa
You can go to farm greenhouses to find seeds, or go to food locations and turn vegetables into seeds.

Tip: You can buy planters from Rosa, wherein you can then grow more crops at your base.

Prerequisites: Master Farmer
Location: Farms/Food sources
Goals: Acquire 3 of each vegetable
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation

Tip: Hopefully you had extra from Master Farmer. This quest is also repeatable for EXP and Reputation.

Heaven's Eye
Location: Unmarked Southern Camp
Goals: Acquire telescope parts, repair telescope
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
You just need to go out and find the telescope parts, then interact with the telescope to repair it.

Excavation Site
Location: Construction Sites
Goals: Acquire a Construction Helmet, Pickaxe, and Headlamp.
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Construction sites will have what you need. Kuwait City has a construction site, and Jahra Industrial is mostly construction. Headlamps can be found from campsites.

Tip: You can craft the headlamp with two tape and one flashlight.

Ancient Armor
Location: Miral + Sharq
Goals: Acquire armor parts
Rewards: 25 Experience, 3 Reputation
It's just off the coast on the beach, hidden in some bushes.

Replica Armor
Location: Icarus
Prerequisites: Ancient Armor
Goals: Acquire 5 metal sheets, 3 rope
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation, Rusted Talon
Once you complete the quest, you can craft the item whenever you want. You can get the supplies to make the armor plate from most locations.

Tip: Hold onto this armor, as you can upgrade it with deadzone items.

Valuable Vase
Location: Icarus
Goals: Acquire the Vase
Rewards: 25 Experience, 3 Reputation
This one is kind of a freebie.

Ship Sighting
Location: Icarus
Goals: Sight the ship
Rewards: 30 Experience, 3 Reputation
You need to first complete Heaven's Eye, then talk to Atlas at night to check the telescope.

Piece by Piece
Location: Hawally
Prerequisites: Ship Sighting
Goals: Acquire the radio.
Rewards: 40 Experience, 4 Reputation
You need to acquire the radio, then bring it back. The radio is in a hardware store in the heart of Hawally.

Amira's quest will continue in the military group.
The following quests require completion of Military Operation 2: Desert Shield.

Quenching a Thirst
Location: Al-Abdally, Civilian Locations
Goals: Acquire 2 Cucumber Waters
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Cucumbers can only be acquired from Al-Abdally farm, then cut with a saw. Water can be purchased from Flora, or found in regular locations.

Tip: Vending machines can also sometimes drop water.

Lunch Time!
Location: Civilian Locations
Goals: Acquire a Grilled Cheese, Chocolate Milk
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation, Beach Chair
Technically one could buy all of these items from Flora - chocolate milk can actually be made using a milk box and chocolate bars.

Tip: Vending machines can also sometimes drop chocolate milk.

Location: Mechanic Locations
Goals: Acquire a Blowtorch, 5 Metal Scrap
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation, Ace
Mechanics are the main source for blowtorches, but you can also acquire them from construction sites, and rarely from Briefcases.

Tip: The Ace has increased zombie damage. It's a good idea to keep it.
Location: Icarus
Goals: Acquire a Wildflower Bouquet, 3 Chocolate Bars
Rewards: 100 Experience, 5 Reputation, Oakbear
There are wildflowers all over Icarus, which can also be turned into cloth.

Tip: The Oakbear is a good weapon to buy.
Icarus: Civilian Vendors

Fatima's Grocery
She sells fresh food that has been cooked, as well as supplies to cook more food. All prices are in KWD.

Cooked Fish
Milk Box

Lena's Day Shop
She sells traditional clothing, as well as some starting weapons. She can only be talked to during the day. All prices here are in KWD.

Leather Slipper
Plaid Ghatra
White Ghatra
White Gown Top
White Gown Bottom

Tip: The White Gown outfit has much more space than regular clothing.

Laila's Night Shop
She sells urban clothing, as well as some extras. She can only be talked to at night. All prices here are in KWD.

Militia Scarf
Black Scarf
Black Dufflebag
Black Hoodie
Trouser Pants
Baseball Bat

Kyle's Smuggled Supplies
He sells illegal products, and will only show up before sunrise. All prices are in EXP.

Low Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box
Canned Bacon
Canned Ham
Makeshift Bat
Raw Indigo Berries

Tip: This is the only place you can acquire indigo berries.
Icarus: Military Quests 1

Military Quests 1
Before being able to do any military quests of any sort, you need to talk to Issac first, who is in the most central part of the island. Military quests are split into 3 different tiers, each of which is unlocked with every "operation" completed.

Location: Icarus
Goals: Pickup the cursed skull
Rewards: 10 KWD, 3 Reputation, Baseball Bat
This is a free 10 KWD, an easy way for the player to learn about the currency, and is also a free melee (in case the player didn't pick one up).

Location: Kuwait City, Oasis Oil (unmarked)
Goals: Acquire 1 Gas Can, 1 Blowtorch, and 1 Vehicle Battery
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
The gas station in Kuwait City, the unmarked Oasis Oil, as well as various mechanic spawns behind barns are a great place to look for these items.

Tip: It may be worth holding off on handing this quest in, as a blowtorch has quite some utility - in fact, one would need it for another quest.

Sweet Tooth
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 2 Doughnuts, 1 Maple Syrup, and 1 Bottled Cola
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
One run to the doughnut store in Kuwait City should yield enough materials to create the first two items - the bottled cola can be found in baskets, or may drop from vending machines.

Tip: It really sucks to have to drink the cola because of dehydration, so make sure to stock up on water.

Medical Run
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 10 Cloth, 1 Painkillers, and 1 Morphine
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
While there is a pharmacy in Kuwait City, you can acquire all of these items from baskets as well. Airdrops also have painkillers in them as well.

Fun fact, for the longest time painkillers weren't actually part of the drop table, resulting in us believing we had horrible luck.

Armory Refill
Location: Sulaibiya, Jahra Industrial, Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire a full Civilian Ammunition Box, 1 Oakbear, and 2 full 1911 Magazines
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
Sulaibiya has quite a bit of police spawns and zombies, meaning that you'd have a good chance of finding what you need there. Jahra and Kuwait City also have some spawns.

Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 4 Wire, 1 Hammer, and 2 Metal Sheets
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
Hammers can easily be found in mechanic and construction locations, and even from civilian locations. The wire is the main problem.

Tip: Hopefully you didn't hand in Mechanic yet, so you can use the blowtorch to make the wires.

Snow's Quests
Snow's quests are repeatable and random, at the added cost of being slightly more difficult than the quests given by everyone else. You can only take one at a time per tier. However, they are always available. There are 3 quests that she offers:

Supply Run
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 8 Metal, 8 Cloth, 1 Tape, 1 Glue, and 1 Chemicals
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
These supplies can be found just about anywhere, from fishing to baskets to even regular spawns.

Tip: You're able to complete this quest without leaving the island at all.

Food Run
Location: Ocean, Northern Half of Kuwait
Goals: Acquire 2 Cooked Meat and 2 Raw Fish
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
Fish is easy, while Caracals that drop meat spawn in the northern half of the map.

Tip: Caracals also have a chance to drop milk, which is a good source for water.

Weapon Run
Location: Farms
Goals: Acquire 1 Colonizer and full Colonizer Clips
Rewards: 25 KWD, 3 Reputation
Farms are your best bet for finding this gun. There's also a chance of them dropping in airdrops.

Tip: The clips that spawn in the gun can be taken out - which count to the quest.

Operation 1: Hydrate or Die-drate
Location: Bayan Water Towers
Goals: Defeat the Electric Boss Zombie at the Bayan Water Towers
Rewards: 250 KWD, 20 Reputation
Lock and load on ammo to defeat the boss zombie. Completion of this quest allows you access to more vendors.

Tip: You can use the design of the water towers to your advantage to try and kite out the boss.
Icarus: Military Quests 2

Military Quests 2
The difficulty of the quests increases.

Location: Kuwait City, Oasis Oil (unmarked)
Goals: Acquire 1 Gas Can, 1 Blowtorch, 1 Carjack, 1 Socketwrench, 1 Flashlight, and 1 Crowbar
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
Quite a tall order huh? You'll be able to find these items in the same places you find the items in Mechanic.

The Exercist
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire a Tracksuit Top and Tracksuit Bottom
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
A very specific quest from Phillip. The clothing store is the best way to go.

Handguns and Heavy Barrels
Location: Saqr Airbase, Sulaibiya, Jahra Industrial, Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 1 Suncrack, 1 full Military Magazine, 1 Catalyst, 1 full Catalyst Magazine
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
Military base and Police spawns. Watch out for some stronger zombies.

Location: Saqr Airbase, Kuwait City, Oasis Oil (unmarked)
Goals: Acquire 1 Blowtorch, 4 Wires, 4 Metal Sheets, 4 Metal Bars, and 1 GPS
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
Not as complex as the others.

Tip: If you're going for Handguns and Heavy Barrels, you'll need to go to a military location anyways, so you're bound to get a GPS. Just remember to grab another, as the GPS has quite some utility.

Snow's Quests
Snow's back, and this time with "new" quests.

Supply Grab
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 15 Metal, 15 Cloth, 3 Tape, 3 Glue, and 3 Chemicals
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
These supplies can be found just about anywhere, from fishing to baskets to even regular spawns.

Tip: Again, you're able to complete this quest without leaving the island at all.

Lunch Time
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 1 Orange Juice, 1 Fish Sandwich, and 1 Chocolate Milk
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
The less excited and more difficult version of Hasna's quest, though that quest isn't unlocked until after this one.

Tip: Orange juice needs to be found from either stores or vending machines, but the Fish Sandwich and Chocolate Milk can be cooked on the island.

Armory Restock
Location: Various Ranger Locations (Mutla Ridge, Airstrip, etc.), Hawally
Goals: Acquire 1 Snayperskya, 1 Full Snayperskya Magazine, 2 Scimitars, and 1 Full Ranger Ammunition Crate
Rewards: 50 KWD, 5 Reputation
There are various ranger locations scattered around the map. Hawally's got a bunch of scimitar spawns.

Operation 2: Desert Shield
Location: Salmiya
Goals: Defeat a Horde at Salmiya
Rewards: 500 KWD, 30 Reputation
You will need quite alot of ammo and preparation. Make sure to take out special zombies before they become too massed up to fight.

Icarus: Military Quests 3

Military Quests 3
The difficulty of the quests increases even more.

Defensive Measures
Location: Sulaibiya, Jahra Industrial, Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 1 Catalyst and 2 full Catalyst Magazines
Rewards: 100 EXP, 10 Reputation, 2 MREs, 1 Rangefinder
Nice easy quest for some useful stuff. Technically, this is a civilian quest so it's worth less in terms of progression.

Location: Saqr Airbase
Goals: Acquire 3 Raw Explosives, 1 Plastic Explosive, and 1 Detonator
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation
Maybe she's raiding a base?

Tip: Weapon crates and such are your best bet for rare items, so just go there.

Location: None
Goals: Acquire 1 Desert Falcon and 1 full Desert Falcon Magazine
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation
Chalk it up to luck for this one.

Tip: It does say that you can get it from airdrops, but technically weapon beacons can also drop them.

Custom Order
Location: Mutla Ridge, Saqr Airbase
Goals: Acquire 1 Ekho, 2 full Ekho Magazines, 1 8x Scope, and 1 Rangefinder
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation
Hopefully you didn't throw away that rangefinder from Defensive Measures.

Tip: Beacons are probably your best bet for this.

Location: Saqr Airbase, Burgan Oil Fields, Jahra Industrial, Oasis Oil (unmarked)
Goals: Acquire 1 Blowtorch, 20 Metal Scrap, 1 Rangefinder, 1 Portable Generator, and 1 Jerry Can
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation

Tip: Rangefinder is probably the limiting factor there, so make sure to be on the lookout for that.

Snow's Quests
Snow's back, and this time with more "new" quests.

Supply Dash
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 25 Metal, 25 Cloth, 5 Tape, 5 Glue, and 5 Chemicals
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation
These supplies can be found just about anywhere, from fishing to baskets to even regular spawns.

Tip: Once more, you're able to complete this quest without leaving the island at all.

Ration Runner
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 1 Shawarma, 1 Milk Date Cake, 1 Chocolate Milk, and 1 Cucumber Water
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation
Lots of cooking to do.

Tip: Kuwait City is a good place for most items (there's even a Shawarma cart that can have the supplies), and dates can be found in farms.

Armory Restock
Location: Saqr Airbase
Goals: Acquire 1 Monarchist, 1 Full Monarchist Magazine, 1 Chevron Scope, 1 Fragmentation Grenade, and 1 Full Military Ammunition Crate
Rewards: 100 KWD, 10 Reputation
Guns and ammo.

Tip: Cynthia has the chevron scope in stock, just that logistical issues make your work more difficult.

Operation 3: All Necessary Means
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Defeat 3 Horde Beacons at Kuwait City
Rewards: 1000 KWD, 50 Reputation
You will need alot of ammo and preparation. Make sure to take out special zombies before they become too massed up to fight.

Tip: You'll need to go to the deadzone for the beacons anyways - would be smart to utilize the electric fences.
Preface 2: Militia Safezone

A GPS reveals the exact location, a cave inside a mountain in the southwest.
Mainland: Militia Quests 1

Indigo Cloud
Location: None
Goals: Acquire 5 Indigo Berries
Rewards: 300 Experience
Kyle on Icarus sells them at night.

Tip: Just buy one and farm the rest.

All In All
Location: Jahra Industrial
Goals: Acquire 3 Bags'O'Bricks
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Construction sites are a good way to go.

Tip: The ocean has bricks too, which you can make into bags.

Synthesize Another Strain
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 1 Vaccine
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
The pharmacy is a good place for the vaccine.

Tip: Baskets work too.

Synthesize Another Strain
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 1 Wetsuit Top, 1 Wetsuit Bottom
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Oceanics store in Kuwait is the go to.

Once In A Lifetime
Location: Burgan Oil Fields
Goals: Acquire 3 Plastic Flasks
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
3 flasks only needs 6 plastic and 3 scrap, just crafting II.

Burning Down The House
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Defeat 15 Burner Zombies.
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Keep your distance, or use firefighter clothes.

Tip: Spread the fire, as zombies that have been spread to count.

Better Run Away
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Defeat 30 Sprinter Zombies.
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Avoid getting hit.

Tip: Sulaibiya also works.

Tunnel Time 1
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 4 Rope, 10 Palm Fiber, and 10 Metal Scrap
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Easy supplies to get.

Tunnel Time 2
Location: Jahra Industrial
Goals: Acquire 1 Pickaxe, 1 Bucket, and 1 Bag'O'Bricks
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Specific supplies to get. Industrial places are a go to.

Tunnel Time 3
Location: Saqr Airbase
Goals: Acquire 5 Raw Explosives.
Rewards: 50 Experience, 5 Reputation
Much more valuable.

Mainland: Militia Quests 2

Dead Or Alive?
Location: Sulabiya
Goals: Defeat 30 Crawler Zombies.
Rewards: 75 Experience, 7 Reputation
Sulabiya has got quite a bit, but this quest can be done anywhere.

Omelette Rice
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 4 Wheat, 4 Tomatoes, and 2 Eggs
Rewards: 75 Experience, 7 Reputation
Food time! Farming is the way to go for the wheat and tomatoes.

Fun fact, originally there was rice on the map - though, that was 3 years ago.
Funner(?) fact, give the kid next to her a puzzle trophy.

Healing Container
Location: Kuwait City
Goals: Acquire 1 Medkit
Rewards: 75 Experience, 7 Reputation

Tip: You can craft the medkit with a bandage, splint, and antibiotics.

Fresh Salads
Location: Al-Abdally
Goals: Acquire 3 Garden Salads
Rewards: 75 Experience, 7 Reputation

Tip: Farm!

Breaking the Bank
Location: Hawally
Goals: Break open the vault in Hawally.
Rewards: 100 Experience, 10 Reputation
The vault is particularly resistant, you will need high-caliber weapons or explosives for this. But it's quite a bit of cash!

Fun fact, in the trailer a charge had to be planted behind the vault, as it wouldn't explode with one charge.
Mainland: Militia Quests 3

Call To Arms
Location: Al-Abdally, Al Wafra, Mutla Ridge
Goals: Acquire 2 Colonizers, 2 Full Colonizer Clips, 1 Al-Musaytir, and 1 Full Militia Magazine
Rewards: 100 Experience, 10 Reputation
Can't arm the Hejaz without guns.

Location: Anywhere
Goals: Acquire 1 Square Palm Table, 2 Palm Chairs, and 1 White Pillow.
Rewards: 100 Experience, 10 Reputation
Decor is always nice.

Getting Wood
Location: Anywhere
Goals: Chop 25 Live Palm Trees.
Rewards: 100 Experience, 10 Reputation
Well, you need to for the decor anyways. Why not make a base while you're at it?

Location: Anywhere
Goals: Defeat 200 zombies.
Rewards: 100 Experience, 10 Reputation
If you've gotten this far, this should come easy.

I Can't Explain
Location: Mutla Ridge, Jahra Industrial
Goals: Acquire 1 Al-Musaytir, 1 Full Militia Magazine
Rewards: 150 Experience, 10 Reputation
Candle feeds the flame.

Can't Go For That
Location: Saqr Airbase
Goals: Acquire 1 Suncrack, 1 Full Military Magazine
Rewards: 150 Experience, 10 Reputation
No can do.

MGE DAVE 9 Feb @ 2:46am 
where i can get big pillow ? :griefer:
vpilot 26 Mar, 2024 @ 7:08am 
how to get galvanizer
Dragon_1 17 Mar, 2024 @ 12:04pm 
Outdated, please update
Hase 15 Feb, 2024 @ 4:22am 
theres no coalitation quest guide here
Banh Xeo 28 Jul, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
Some of these quest are outdated
BMO 22 May, 2023 @ 2:55am 
man these quests are so boring
Mr.2434nn 18 Feb, 2023 @ 11:43am 
i completed the getting wood quest
btu apparently the defender quest requires about 15 brick boulders and i dont know where they are
Mr.2434nn 18 Feb, 2023 @ 7:41am 
the getting wood quest is stuck at 24 live palm trees, it requires 25
REDBLUpootisMANN 9 Nov, 2022 @ 10:44pm 
Nvm im blind
REDBLUpootisMANN 9 Nov, 2022 @ 10:43pm 
The gps does not show where the milita safezone is.