Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

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Investigation Mission: Something Wicked
By like a dream...
A complete guide for the investigation mission. Includes the clues given and the deductions that lead to the resolution of the mission.
Tier 1
Murder, crows, fun.

We need to find information. Norma mentioned something about it being in the newspapers, and kind of a famous case and all that. So, where can we find information about a famous murder case? First thing that comes into mind if the Sheriff. However, there's only a suspect database, and we don't have a name.

So, where else can there be archives of something that happened years ago... In the newspapers...? The only building that sounds like could hold those is the city hall. Let's check there.

Sure enough, there's a huge archive in here. Now, what should we check? Norma talked about Summer 2002, so let's check the one corresponding to that. That would be Q3 2002.
Tier 2
Well, now we have a name. So next step would be to the sheriff's office! And as soon as we step in, the Sheriff greets us, tells us about the case, and invites us to check the computer.

Suspect database, Check the newspaper... Checkon, Larry... There, easy as that.
Tier 3
What's next? Check the cell. Seems easy enough. But it's closed. And there's nothing special in there...

Let's check the clues.

The suspect killed himself while in custody. His last words were that the truth would be told by his ghost.

So, how to talk with a ghost... This one is pretty much the hardest part to figure out. But it's pretty simple really. Only ghosts can talk with ghosts. And the only way for you to become a ghost is dying.

So either go get yourself killed, or type '/reset', and instead of resurrecting at the anima well get back to the cell.

And now the door is open and there's a guy there looking at the wall! Let's look closer at what he's looking... *clicky*

Tier 4
Don't go resurrect just yet! Get out of the building. See that police car? That bird wasn't there before, was it? See how it flies away when you approach? Maybe you should follow it.

If you did follow it (and if you didn't, do) you'll end up finding a semicircle of birds. They say stuff when you approach them.

Remember the clue?

The white ravens whisper golden girls sorrowful secrets are never told.

Cryptic. But listen to the birds and it will all soon make sense.

Some talk about gold, secrets, sorrow... Others about silver, boys and joy. So, interact with the ones in the order they appear in the clue:

  • Gold
  • Girls
  • Sorrow
  • A secret never to be told
Tier 5
And you're done. Go find old Jack, let him threaten you with dancing, and you're done... For now.
Pink Rabbit 17 Dec, 2020 @ 12:06pm 
Thanks! You're the BEST!
iSugerRush 18 Aug, 2017 @ 8:05am 
If anyone is trying to do this quest with another person it will bug the ravens.
If this happens just leave party and try again :)