The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

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Sepith farm at prologue
By Vesrand
Quite similar guide to sepith farm as already existing one here. Just want to tell you another way to use these little shining poms.
Sepith farm at prologue
I just started the game and still at prologue. But I found an interesting way to farm sepith at the very beginning of the game that as it seems havn't been mentoined anywhere (at least I didn't found). This method is quite similar to the one mentoined in another guide here but this time you don't need to kill shining poms. And you can do it at the very beginning of the game.

Shining poms at prologue spawns to the west from the starting city Rolent (one location before bridge).
All you need is AOE attack to hit all poms (I just use aerial from green quartz that is given by quest and bought another one in shop).

Now just go west, find poms (they are not 100% spawned so if there are none ot them are present just reenter the location), make an preemtive attack and hope for "sepith up" buff. If there is no spith buff run and engage again untill you'll be lucky. Obviously you'll need this buff to be on your character when "aerial" (or another AOE spell) lands. That means usually fight must start with this buff on an enemy initially.

After that poms will most likely escape and you'll get 66 of every sepith.

nastyneil77 26 Jun, 2022 @ 2:54am 
Impede 2 alone does NOT give the AOE spell, to get the AOE spell you need to equip both Impede 2 and another wind quartz so that you have at least 4 wind (impede 2 gives 3) on the same character.
Judgmental 11 May, 2022 @ 12:44am 
i dont get an aoe from the impede 2 given
Matcha 17 Apr, 2022 @ 12:13am 
Just for someone who might read this:

You get Impede 2 from a side-quest called "Orbment Replacement" and that'll give you Aerial. You can't just get it from Impede 1 and Evade 1 that you buy at the start of the game.