Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon (2003)

Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon (2003)

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Gamepad Triggers to Buttons guide
By Lars
I own Arrogant Bastard gamepad. So i wanted to have "Sneak" to Left Trigger and "Run" to Right Trigger. This sadly didnt work. Most likely because this is a game from 2003 where Analog trigger buttons wasnt that common. But thankfully steam has made this kind of easy to fix.
Source for where i originally found this out from

But as a whole. I think its better to not use this guide and just stick to gamepad settings normally, since the "Triggers" in the Steam tweaks dont do much unless they are pressed way down. So for purists who dont like games not designed for this. I just recommend using "L3 and R3 thumbsticks buttons" its equally good. But if you want to try the Steam tweaks, then you are more than welcome to test it out!

To make this easy, follow the tutorial i made below!
Guide for gamepad triggers to buttons in Broken Sword 3
1: Click "big picture mode" next to user avatar on right upper corner of Steam

2: Click the settings icon close to the shutdown icon

3: Click "Controller Settings"

4: My controller is registered Xbox 360 controller so i picked that one. If you wanna find out which one your controller is registered as. Search or go to "Control Panel" in windows startmeny" then click "Hardware and sound" and then click "devices and printers" and your controller should be showing up there if plugged in. Right click on that and click "game control settings" (the avatar on top with gamepad) And it should show this

Now that you know that. Go back and pick Xbox controller or whatever controller settings that your gamepad is compatible with

5: Then exit Big picture mode" once that is done

6: Right click your game. In this case "Broken sword 3" in steam library, select "Manage" and then "Controller Configuration"

7: Now to map the left and right triggers. Lets start with the left trigger

8: Click this

9: And here is where the magic happens. You basically pick a keyboard button that is mapped to the game. So in context to broken sword 3, what is normally mapped to "Crawl" or "Run" is Left shift and left control. So... what i want is to have Left trigger "Crawl" and Right trigger to "Run".
So since i am customizing left trigger, i am gonna map it to left control button

10: Now i am customizing right trigger, but this time i am mapping it to left shift for the "Run" button

11: Now to exit the settings

12: Now to test this out. Start "Broken Sword 3"

13: Go to "Options Menu"

14: Controls Menu

15: Click "Set Movement Controls"

16: Go to the right til you see the gamepad controller that you want to use in this game
Pick it by pressing "Enter"
Now we are all set, and we can configure button settings

17: So now i am gonna jump to the buttons i want to configure with the left and right triggers
So i am gonna pick "Creep" (Crouching in the game)

So i want this to be left trigger

And it should be good!

18: Same thing with "Run" which i want to be right trigger

The rest you can map without a problem. This is a guide to fix problems with games, mostly old games that dont use analog buttons like Z axis buttons to map it. So manually mapping them to keyboard buttons, that you can use for a function in a game works well this way. I hope this wasnt too complicated, and i hope it helps!