Call to Arms

Call to Arms

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■ How to Configurate "Call to Arms" for the best gaming experience!
By ovd_masterkey
Setup for smooth gaming and best gameplay with 60FPS and More (eg Mod´s)!

I tested all setup options from ultra to low, if I could not see a difference I take the smaller value!

PC Specs (CPU, GPU, RAM, OS):
Operating System Name: Windows10 x64, Service pack 0, (Build 19042.928)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Processor Cores: 4
Processor Threads: 4
Physical Memory Total[GB]: 8
GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, driver 465.89
  • I'm not a fan of just taking everything to ultra, even if it's still smooth.
    The ART of optimization is to find the best visual and playable setting in all "dimensions".
    I find that this Setup is nicer and more playable!
    I've tested all of the setup options from ultra to low. If I couldn't find a difference, I'll take the smaller value!
    On the one hand, some settings disturb and hinder the gameplay, and on the other you also have reserves when there are larger, more complex game scenes.

  • I only get it smooth with playing from my fast SSD!!

  • I use a 50" Plasma TV with Full HD (= 1920x1080 60Hz). With a 2560x1440 DSR, a classic Downsample for better AA from Nvidia, the menu becomes very small, so I prefer the normal Full HD Resolution.
    If you have a true 4K Monitor, then you will use 120-144 Hz, which means you need 120 to 144 +FPS and that is not tested, but may work either!

  • If it is not smooth, You may test smaller Resolution (3840-2560-1920) with 120 Hz.

  • You have to set the Frame Limit to 125 FPS in the Nvidia Setup!

  • I am not sure, whether the server clock rate can do 120 Hz, usually the tick rate is often 60 Hz !?
    If you will get network problems, you may play on 60FPS = 60 Hz, for testing!

  • The grass option is ambivalent, it looks much more realistic and visually more beautiful with grass. But it is quite annoying, when you play from first person, while the AI "ignores / can not see" the grass and you can see nothing else - Lol!

Call to Arms inGame Setting
  • Change the setup manually or go to:

Go to:
C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\My Games\call to arms\profiles
  • under profiles------> \Folder with Your Number\options.set

--> Copy & Paste my Values over:

{preset custom} {vertical_sync} {antialiasing "2x"} {fxaa} {detail detail_above_medium} {shadow none} {filtering anisotropic8x} {model_quality high} {fx_quality low} {bumpType none} {specular} {environment 0} {water_quality medium} {grass} {lens_effects_options none} {lens_refraction 0} {dof 0} {softIntersection 0} {_ssao low} {fake_translucency 0} {glow} {rim_light 0} {filmGrain 0} {alphaToCoverage 0} {clip_distance 0.625}

  • Change the setup manually InGame:

Niedrig = Low
Mittel = Middle
Hoch = High
Aus = Off
Ein = On

NVIDIA Setting for Call to Arms
  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / Off
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Triple buffering / On
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Application-controlled

Mod´s - must have....
1- Field of View EXTENDED (first person & third person)


Thank´s to - Sergeant Devi Jefferson:(, work´s great! I like this:
  • {"human_zoom0"
    {fov 70}
  • {"human_zoom1"
    {fov 80}

ovd_masterkey  [author] 6 Mar, 2021 @ 3:03pm 
Sure, that might not be a problem, but I'm not a fan of simply raising everything to ultra, even if it's still smooth.
The ART of Tweaking is to find the best visual and playable setting in all "Dimensons", here for example, I find my setting is nicer and more playable!
I tested all setup options from ultra to low, if I could not see a difference I take the smaller value!
On the one hand, some settings interfere and hinder the gameplay and you also have reserves if there are larger, more complex game scenes.
von Graf 6 Mar, 2021 @ 1:51pm 
It's an old game engine; pimped for x64 OS. See the 'Best Way' logo; it's the same as 'Soldiers', 'Faces of War' and the following titles. It runs on an mediocre AMD system on highest settings for me. No problems at all.