Crysis 2 Maximum Edition

Crysis 2 Maximum Edition

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■ How to Configurate "Crysis 1 & 2 & 3" for the best gaming experience!
By ovd_masterkey
Configuration File for Crysis 2 and Crysis 3!

How to play Crysis 2 & 3 in 3D with Quest 3!

PC Specs (CPU, GPU, RAM, OS):
Operating System Name: Windows10 x64, Service pack 0, (Build 19042.928)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Processor Cores: 4
Processor Threads: 4
Physical Memory Total[GB]: 8
GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, driver 465.89
 If you put everything on ultra, then the game no longer runs smoothly, not even with new hardware, so you have to make a compromise and turn some things down without major graphical losses!!!

Everything explained below worked for me and no other things were required to get a good and smooth performance.
If it should be still bad, you can find the link to PCWiki below under Links, there all possible tweaks are recorded/listed!
Crysis 1
  • Use Commandline Parameter for crysis64.exe:
    adjust maxVram=Graphic Card Memory, I think the Game can not more than 2048 Ram!!
    -devmode -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4 -maxVRAM=4096 -maxMem=2048 -high
  • Make this Textfile "autoexec.cfg" and drop it in the Main Game Directory


;Game Settings

con_restricted = 0
r_displayinfo = 1

i_mouse_accel = 0
cl_crouchToggle = 1

r_Vsync = 0
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 0

sys_spec_Physics = 3
r_MotionBlur = 0


;r_FSAA = 4
r_FSAA = 0
r_UseEdgeAA = 0
r_sunshafts = 1
r_colorgrading = 1


e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 60
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 2


r_TexturesStreaming = 0
r_UsePom = 1
d3d9_TextureFilter = Trilinear
r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level = 16
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16
r_TexResolution = 0


q_Shader = 3
q_Renderer = 3
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_hdrlevel = 0.7
q_ShaderFX = 3
q_ShaderGeneral = 3
q_ShaderGlass = 3
q_ShaderHDR = 3
q_ShaderIce = 3
q_ShaderMetal = 3
q_ShaderPostProcess = 3
q_ShaderSky = 3
q_ShaderTerrain = 3
q_ShaderVegetation = 3
r_DetailNumLayers = 2


r_SSAO = 1
r_SSAO_Amount = 0.7
r_SSAO_quality = 2
r_SSAO_radius = 2
q_ShaderShadow = 0
e_shadows = 0
e_shadows_max_texture_size = 768
r_ShadowJittering = 2.5


q_ShaderWater = 2
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 4
r_WaterReflections = 1
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.1
e_water_ocean_fft = 1
e_water_tesselation_amount = 10
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterGodRays = 1
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 1


gpu_particle_physics = 1
e_hw_occlusion_culling_objects = 1
e_particles_thread = 1
e_cbuffer = 2
r_GeomInstancing = 1
es_ondemandphysics = 1
r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
e_vegetation_static_instancing = 0
e_recursion_occlusion_culling = 1
e_hw_occlusion_culling_water = 1
e_terrain_occlusion_culling = 1
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_version = 0
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist = 200

s_FormatType 5
s_MaxChannels 128
s_MusicSpeaker 7
g_useHitSoundFeedback 1

;Player Health/Energy/Suit

i_noweaponlimit = 1

g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 0.3
g_suitRecoilEnergyCost = 4
g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption = 50
g_suitSpeedMult = 1.85

g_suitArmorHealthValue = 150.0
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 4
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 8
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 4
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving = 8
g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 2.51

g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 5
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 5
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime = 5
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0.5

g_playerHealthValue = 250.0

;g_difficultyLevel = 3
v_driverControlledMountedGuns = 0

NVIDIA Control Panel Setup

  • This is for 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 with 60 Hz !!

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / Off
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Off
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Triple buffering / On
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra --------------------------------------->=AMD Radeon Anti-Lag
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Adaptive


Crysis 2
  • Use Commandline Parameter:
    adjust maxVram=Graphic Card Memory, the Rest is the max the Game can!!
    Test always first with this Values, if it run´s well you can test higher!!
    But I'm pretty sure that the Game can not more!!!
    -devmode -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4 -maxVRAM=4096 -maxMem=2048 -high
  • If You get Graphic errors/Problems (e.g. 24Hz Bug) push "2x Alt+Enter"
  • Make this Textfile and drop it in the Main Game Directory
  • This is for 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 with 60 Hz !!

g_skipIntro = 1

r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16

r_PostMSAA = 2
r_UseEdgeAA = 1
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 2

r_SSAO = 3
r_SSAOQuality = 4
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.55

r_ShadowJittering = 0
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 1024
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0.60

r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.01
e_WaterTesselationAmount = 30
e_WaterOceanFFT = 1

e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 0.63

; -- FOV: change xx for your desired FoV value Def:60
cl_fov = 80
r_drawnearfov = 75
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetfov = 80

i_mouse_smooth = 0
i_mouse_accel = 0
i_mouse_accel_max = 20

g_useHitSoundFeedback = 1

NVIDIA Control Panel Setup

  • This is for 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 with 60 Hz !!

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / Off
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Off
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Triple buffering / On
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra --------------------------------------->=AMD Radeon Anti-Lag
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Adaptive


Crysis 3
  • Make this Textfile and drop it in the Main Game Directory
  • This is for 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 with 60 Hz !!
    r_Width = 1920-------------->r_Width = 2560
    r_Height = 1080------------->r_Height = 1440

r_Width = 1920 and r_Height = 1080
con_restricted = 0
sys_maxfps = 61
r_DisplayInfo = 1
perfoverlay_drawfps = 1

r_AntialiasingMode = 2
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 16
sys_spec = 4
sys_spec_GameEffects = 4
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 4
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 3
sys_spec_Shading = 3
sys_spec_Shadows = 2
sys_spec_TextureResolution = 4
sys_spec_Water = 4
r_Width = 1920
r_Height = 1080
r_Fullscreen = 1
r_vSync = 1
r_Flares = 1


; Particle Collisions
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 2
; Tessellation
e_Tessellation = 1
; Particle Motion Blur
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 1
; Water Ocean Tessellation
r_WaterTessellationHW = 1
; Force Soft Particles
e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles = 1
; Screen-space Reflections
r_SSReflections = 3
; Texture Pool Size (MB)
r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = 512
; Shadow Pool Size
e_ShadowsPoolSize = 4096
; LOD distance ratio
e_LodRatio = 20.00
; View distance ratio (Vegetation)
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 100
; Shadow Timeslicing
e_GsmCache = 1
; View distance ratio (Detail)
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 100

NVIDIA Control Panel Setup

  • This is for 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 with 60 Hz !!

  • Ambient Occlusion / Off
  • Anisotropic filtering / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - FXAA / Off
  • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
  • Antialiasing - Setting / Off
  • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
  • Antialiasing - Transparency / Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Max Frame Rate / 65
  • Triple buffering / On
  • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
  • Sharpening / Off
  • Low Latency Mode / Ultra --------------------------------------->=AMD Radeon Anti-Lag
  • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Clamp
  • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
  • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
  • Threaded optimization / Auto
  • Vertical sync / Adaptive


How to play Crysis 2 & 3 in 3D with Quest 3
ovd_masterkey  [author] 13 Dec, 2021 @ 12:26pm 
Vielen Dank, freut mich! :cta_emo1:
dsnnie 13 Dec, 2021 @ 9:42am 
Vielen vielen vielen Dank für deinen Guide. Als AMD Nutzer hast du echt meinen Arsch gerettet, gerade bei dem Thema "Framerate Capping". Dankeeee!