413 ratings
Devastator Build Solo Gold all 15's
By Zanarkand
HI everyone i noticed people commenting that Devastator is weak, i'm here to show you it's an absolute monster .
Here are the skills you will be using to SMASH!!
How it works

Gravity Leap:

The way this build works in terms of DMG is applying the despair debuff via gravity leap. When paired with an extra charge from the double jump mod you can stack the debuff for 3x DMG.

Earthquake :

Next is applying our bleed for 50% increased DMG from our set bonus gained from the Seismic Commander's set bonus. Which can be further increased from other bleed mods like the tier 2 mod 15% increased DMG and tier 3 mod 25% increased DMG to bleeding targets Be sure to spam this a lot ;)

Golem :

Our final DMG amp for this combination is our Golem ability giving us 45% increased AP via our skill tree.

Roaring Umbra :

Our main weapon that will be used to blind fire into mobs at close range to proc the Kinetic Stomp mod , combined with all the DMG amps this mod can do absurd DMG. Kinetic Stomp can hit from 1 mil to 4 mil in an AOE around you depending on buffs to you and debuffs to enemies.

The fortress mod will also be increasing your current Armor and Resistance by 5%, stacking up to 3 times from firing your weapon. At maximum stacks, the buff is doubled and additionally grants 30% damage increase for 10 seconds.

The cooldown between stacks is 0.2 seconds. So fire away :)


Don't forget to melee! it's an extremely powerful ability that scales with AP and benefits from all your AMPS!! It's a small AOE and applies bleed . It is extremely good at finishing off enemies and nuking down elites with your combo. ( Over 1 mil hits )

Other Weapons/Side arms :

Aim to get Status Power and Skill leech,it doesn't matter to much but if you run out of ammo the game will auto swap to your next weapon, this is so you won't lose the extra bleed DMG and leech to sustain you while you go hunt for some ammo :)

Below is the gear i'm currently using with mods attached.

How to survive

The only thing you need to focus on to survive is keeping your bleeds up, the healing alone from the bleeds will keep you alive through anything this game has to throw at you . In saying that though dodging two Queens getting ready to power attack you at the same time would be smart ;)

Also note that every enemy near you is buffing you giving you 7% increased armor per enemy :).

Paired with 2x Gravity leap you can get out of any trouble that comes your way. You also have Golem as your backup.

ps. If you see any sort of hard cc coming your way make sure to have your bleeds out!
Skill Tree
Here is the current skill tree i'm using.

My Gold 15 Summary Solo
I've attached my summary to show the power of this build.

I believe i could get even faster gold timers if i planned my route more effectively but you're just here for golds and loot right ;)

Note Eye of the storm is not possible to ever solo gold due to how the fight plays out. I did manage to get silver solo though :).

What would you change?

I'm always trying new things and theory crafting the best possible combination for this build. I recently tested the strength of melee and it's shaved a few minutes off timers.

You can also change what type of DMG proc weapon you want. It's personal preference. Just make sure you have Fortress mod attached :)

Why do you have 4/3 of the Seismic Commander's set?

I opted to keep the extra seismic gear to allow me to have every single mod i want for this build. Running epic boots would of given me 14k more AP but in doing that you would've ended up with a sub optimal mod

Why do other classes progress faster?

Devastators are very gear/mod reliant. You will need to farm out the correct gear ( AP/CDR/SP ) in order to progress. This build is extremely rewarding once things start coming together. Remember you can upgrade blues! Good luck :)

Why do you have the Brawl mod?

In outriders your melee ability scales with your Anomaly Power it is extremely useful for finishing off waves of enemies and nuking elites when paired with our DMG amps (1 mil hits ). This mod boosts it's DMG by another 100% combined with our passive skill tree bonus which doubles it's DMG.

Beware CD does increase if used repeatably.
This build will allow you to do anything in this game. I'm yet to see any class even come close to the DMG and Survivability of this build .

Thank you for all the support in creating this guide. I want to say a big thanks to the helpful people in the comments section answering questions and providing helpful information to the community.

I've had an absolute blast with this build clearing everything the game has to offer and i hope you do to :).

New Horizon Update
New update just released called "New Horizon" .

I've reworded and changed some things.

Fortress was reworked from ( 43% damage increase depending on your total Armor) to (Shots increase your current Armor and Resistance by 5%, stacking up to 3 times. At maximum stacks, the buff is doubled and additionally grants 30% damage increase for 10 seconds)

Also many of our weapon choices were buffed to proc more Kinetic damage.

Moaning Winds has had its damage increased by 60% (From base 120 to 191)
Concentration Blast has had its explosion damage increased by 27% (From base 35 to 48.3)
Concentration Blast has had its max targets reduced to 4 (Previously: 6)
Ultimate Bone Shrapnel has had its damage increased by 14% (From base 63 to 71.82)
Bombs Ahead has had its damage increased by 14% (From base 62 to 71)
Legendary Minefield has had its damage increased by 11% (From base 20 to 22.3)
Kinetic Stomp has had its damage increased by 34% (From base 72 to 96.48)
Weakness Trap has had its damage increased by 237% (From base 18 to 60.6)
Sandstorm has had its damage increased by 42% (From base 7.2 to 10.25)
Wrath of Moloch has had its damage increased by 37% (From base 50 to 68.5)
Scrap Grenade has had its damage increased by 17% (From base 70 to 81.8)
Deadly Disturbance has had its damage increased by 27% (From base 69 to 87.3)
Ravenous Locust has had its damage increased by 50% (base DOT tick, per second, 4 to 6.66)
Ravenous Locust has had its duration reduced by 4 seconds, down to 6 seconds (Previously 10 seconds)

Overall this is a buff to the devastator with the added Armor and Resistances which double for a whopping 30% increased Armor and Resistances while having the additional 30% DMG increase for 10 seconds at max stacks.

So we've traded in 13% DMG from the old fort for 30% Armor and Resistances but that 13% is more than made up by the flat DMG increase on all the weapon mode buffs.

More tanky and even more SMASH now. Enjoy the game and don't forget to help out fellow Devastator's in the comments!

Cataphract_OS GR 18 Jun, 2024 @ 6:48am 
Good work man.
tacticalbravo6 14 Jan, 2024 @ 6:18pm 
pyro dps better dev still trash
Daren 21 Sep, 2023 @ 9:16am 
Any up to date guide I can follow or is this still viable?
WTF-Madafaka 25 Jan, 2023 @ 11:29pm 
This obviously needs redeveloping as for currents mods etc are out of date.
Cz 19 Jun, 2022 @ 4:36pm 
dev has never been weak lmao
Papazhoom 14 Jun, 2022 @ 8:31am 
were 22 Apr, 2022 @ 5:18am 
I like to replace main weapon from time to time. One of my favorite variations is one shot rifle with Grand Opening mod - because it's one shot you get Grand Opening bonus to every shot and it's quite a punch :)
Btw. I am surprised that in this build is not mentioning swapping to emptied second weapon equipped with Moaning winds (and the second mot triggered by reload, can't remeber the name now). Even if MW does not have separate cooldowns now, so it works only with one weapon, it is still a free massive AoE dmg every 8s (if I remember the cooldown time correctly)
BONK SCOUT!AFK 4 Mar, 2022 @ 7:52pm 
great, so only 1 fkin build is viable, nah, i want my pre-nerf middle tree build back.
hamsterextruder2000 9 Feb, 2022 @ 8:15pm 
Devastater has literally been one of the strongest classes since game came out. I run the seismic with quad earthspike, earthquake, and monolith spreading bleed and easily solo 15 in everything and have since game released.
Storm 13 Jan, 2022 @ 2:55am 
Am i missing something? im using this exakt build.
My melee dosent cause any bleed dmg.
and the meele is more like 300-450 k dmg..
im not getting the nubers that this guide says.