Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

72 ratings
Tips for playing against nurse
By Misanu
As a nurse main I figured I'd share some tips on how to stop people like me from getting 4ks

Thanks for awards! x
Basic tips
1) Base movement speed on nurse (96.25 % | 3.85 m/s) is slower than survivors, so a nurse must blink in most situations to hit you. You can use this to your advantage.

2) Nurse can't see anything other than the floor whilst recovering from a blink (indicated by nurse looking at the ground with a loud "sigh" sound) but she can still hear you. You can use this small window of time to slip out of sight, but be weary of how much noise you make.

3) Prioritize loops and buildings where line of sight is limited - very difficult to land good blinks as nurse when you cant see the target properly.

4) Dont drop pallets or vault windows in a chase unless they're recovering from a blink - you're giving them a free hit.

5) Stealth is probably a stronger counter against nurse than any other killer in the game since her movement speed is so slow, which means she'll spend more time looking for you. Use Iron Will if you find yourself hiding from the killer often.
Advanced tips
1) Be unpredictable in your movement. Most of the time, nurse is going to blink where she thinks you're going instead of where you currently are. Pretend you're about to vault a window, and then don't. Turn a corner and then go back around the same corner. Focus on doing the opposite of what the killer thinks you're going to do.

2) This one was submitted by a comment - don't heal yourself (or somebody else) close to a nurse. She is very likely to be running Nurse's calling, a perk that allows her to see your aura if you're healing nearby. This gets me far too many free downs as nurse.

3) Almost all nurses in high ranks run BBQ and Chilli which allows them to see your aura for 4 seconds after hooking a survivor if you're far away. You can counter this by jumping in a locker before they get hooked as this will hide your aura. If you don't, assume the nurse is heading your way especially if you're working on a generator or wounded.

4) Perks like Spine Chill and Kindred are great perks against nurse. Since Nurse must always look in the direction she is blinking, you always know for sure if she is aiming at you. This can give you an early warning especially if the nurse is running perks that reduce her terror radius like Monitor and Abuse.

5) In a desperate situation, if you see the nurse charging a blink and are right out in the open, change direction and run directly at them. Nurse can't "uncharge" her blinks so she might end up blinking too far and giving you distance. Dont rely on this against high-rank nurses, they'll usually be prepared for it.
Map-specific tips
Blinking upwards to a floor above is inconsistent so if you get the opportunity, run up some stairs.

For example, The MacMillan Estate has a huge building in the centre with stairs that (from personal experience) are extremely difficult to navigate as nurse. There's been way too many times where I blink directly upwards and it does nothing, giving survivors a huge amount of free distance. In the aforementioned building, if a survivor runs up the stairs I usually just leave them alone since these stairs don't lead to any generators and I will probably end up wasting time.

On Coldwind Farm, hide in the corn if she's close! Even if Nurse knows you're nearby, she will not have the time to search the entire area to find you, especially with her slow movement speed. As mentioned earlier, Iron Will is very helpful for hiding whilst injured, since you make no sound whatsoever.

Most Indoor maps like Treatment Theatre suck for nurse, so you can get a bit more aggressive with unhooks etc on these maps. A notable exception imo would be Gideon Meat Plant as being able to move very quickly between the upper and lower floor is super useful. For Meat Plant in particular, if you're working on a generator and hear the Terror Radius, hide. Nurse is probably right above/below you and will blink directly onto the generator if she hears it being worked on.
The #1 counter against nurse...
Dead Hard.

Dead Hard is the best perk in the game against Nurse. Since Nurse is punished harder than any other killer for missing a swing (since she always has to recover afterwards if she blinked) Dead Hard can buy you so much more time in a chase.

Note that Dead Hard is one of the more server reliant perks, so if the server decides to screw you over and Dead Hard doesn't work, be sure to message Mathieu Cote and he'll tell you to "go play Civilisation or something".

Good luck!

Ghostly 2 May, 2021 @ 3:50pm 
I'd assume quick and quiet could be useful against her if you are intending to lose line of sight from her! Would that be valid or nah? legion plays way different to nurse so i have no clue.
ScandicWolf 24 Apr, 2021 @ 4:30am 
+Rep, good tips!
-Rep Gay 23 Apr, 2021 @ 10:42am 
besides the fact that "nurse's calling" is actually "a nurse's calling" i aint got any complaints, well done and thanks for the info
Greencoffee73 22 Apr, 2021 @ 3:27am 
Damms 22 Apr, 2021 @ 12:40am 
nice one dude
lainnislame 21 Apr, 2021 @ 12:50pm 
wonderful guide. a good nurse is the hardest thing to play against in this game, and learning how to make her job as hard as possible is something everyone should try to learn.

also ily nurse mains <3 my favorite killer in the game
Sina🍸 21 Apr, 2021 @ 10:12am 
Nobody<3Hotfoxolate 20 Apr, 2021 @ 6:21pm 
finally its not just dc XD
Sanguine 20 Apr, 2021 @ 12:35am 
As a Nurse main just thought I'd add, while breaking Line of sight its often that nurse will blink to where the "predictable" survivor would go. AKA the optimum route. If you can avoid chosing the optimum route without outright backtracking this is always good to do against a nurse since you are faster than her. Hard to think of any prime examples off the top of my head.
Axellent 19 Apr, 2021 @ 3:45pm 
this is kinda unnecessary since 99.99% of people don't have brains so the chances that you go against a good nurse is a lot lower than going against something like spirit. :winter2019saddog: