Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

248 ratings
What all attachments do!
By Syrdni
Have you ever wondered what an attachment does? Here is the anwser!

Replaces your iron sight with a Reflex/Red dot sight

Replaces your iron sight with an Eotech sight,
Also gives you +1% accuracy

Replaces your iron sight with the Targetfinder
Enemy players without coldblooded will be marked

Replaces your iron sight with a MMS
Reveals enemies behind cover
Visual recoil is higher than normal

Replaces your iron sight with an Acog sight
Also gives +2% accuracy

Hybrid sight
Replaces your iron sight with a Hybrid sight
(Acog and Reflex)

Variable Zoom
Replaces your iron sight with a Variable zoom scope
Have two zoom levels
- 10% accuracy (Only LMG:s)

Dual Band
Replaces your iron sight with the Dual Band scope
Enemy players without coldblooded will glow yellow
-10% accuracy (LMG:s only)
All the other attachments
Long Barrael
+15% range

Rapid Fire
+ 25-35% rpm
- 50-80% Range
- Accuracy

+ Wall penetration
+ Damage vs scorestreaks

- Range:
AR, LMG & SMG = -30%
Shotgun = -10%
Pistols = -10%
Snipers = Reduces 1 hit kill areas
You dont show up on the radar when you are fireing

Select Fire
Full Auto -> Burst Fire
Burst Fire -> Full Auto
Semi Auto -> Full Auto

Accuracy and RPM changes is diffrent for each gun

Fore Grip
+2% Accuracy to most guns, scar and type 25 gets a bigger accuracy boost 5-15%

Laser sight
SMG - 44% Tighter spread
AR - 58% Tighter spread
Sniper, Pistols,Shotgun - 61% Tighter spread
LMG - 70% Tighter spread

+ Ads move speed
AR = 88% (normal 40%)
LMG = 72% (normal 32%)
Shotgun = 88% (normal 80%)
SMG = 102% Normal (80%)

Ballistics CPU
Reduces Sway when ADS with sniper

Extended Clip
+33% mag size
+33% Total ammo
-10% Reload time (10% slower reload time)

Fast Mag
25-30% faster reloads (Shotguns that uses shells reloads twice as fast!)

Quick Draw
Quick Draw decreases ADS time with:
AR -40%
SMG -50%
LMG -25%

Dual Wield
+Another Pistol
-Cant ADS
Changes damage, range and hip fire spread

Tactical Knife
Faster recovery time
Faster lunging

You can shoot noobtubes, they deal less damage then a normal grenade

Your crossbow shoots 3 bolts instead of one
Thanks for reading my guide. If i missed anything, please leave a comment below and I'll fix it as fast as i can!
Skavenger 27 Feb @ 7:00pm 
wow that was nice
Miles Hess 2 Jan @ 2:43am 
Actually nice guide, thank you
V O N V O N 21 Nov, 2024 @ 8:12pm 
W guide
Kris 18 Jun, 2024 @ 1:42pm 
Yep, Steam guides be like that unfortunately, but at least there's people who actually put effort and research into it. Like the author of this one
Anthonyisme123 9 Apr, 2024 @ 2:16pm 
The fact that theres guides where it says "W to walk" and stuff that get like 35 awards, and this gets so little is ridiculous
balchikovp 4 Nov, 2023 @ 6:32am 
balchikovp 4 Nov, 2023 @ 6:32am 
SEAN! 26 Jul, 2023 @ 5:24pm 
grip doesnt do anything so its not a good combo lol
zaidan.kurnia2007 15 Jun, 2023 @ 5:09pm 
grip + fast mags on the 25 is a godly combo
Zion William's Son 26 Dec, 2022 @ 8:46pm 
foregrip is basically useless just use any other attachment and you'll do better