

31 ratings
Kuwait: The Game Plan
By Animatic and 1 collaborators
Need some help with the basic essentials of surviving in the desert? This guide's got your back!

This is a fairly short guide with quick suggestions if you're having a tough time playing Kuwait.

Welcome to Kuwait, survivor!

Are you ready to survive by the skin of your teeth? Or maybe you want to excel slightly? Daring, aren't we!

A preface before we get into the three main blueprints laid beyond us...

Take these as tips, and not as how you should play. Everyone has their own style and this guide isn't meant to infringe on that. Do what you want, I'm not your father.

So, starting off simple:

That's right! Zombies are much more a threat than in whatever green grassed, cloudy, temperate, and frankly disgusting locations you may of been in before...As for the cats, well- see for yourself.

A good tip is to use stealth to your advantage, even just at the beginning.

Game Plan: Part #2

Moving on to... loot!

You may notice little straw baskets or vases strewn about civilian locations, cities, etc. Interact with them for free stuff!

These can often be a lifesaver.

Game Plan: Part #3

After surviving for a good amount of time, you may have gotten your grubby little hands on some experience and money! These two resources can be used to trade with NPCs.

The hidden safezone on the mainland deals with experience, whereas Icarus deals with real bills.

Get out there and start a monopoly, young Duneman Disciple and or prince! (They grow up so fast...)
Game Plan: Part #4

"I can't find a gasmask because my luck is horrible!"

Sound familiar? This is the same sentence uttered by many a survivor in the stone ages. But fear not, desert dweller! This land has all the oil you need to craft your own gasmask! Infact... it's the only way to get one! We've been robbed!*

You're going to need to harvest oil from spilled blue oil barrels using an 'Oil Bucket'- which is crafted with 6 metal scrap.

With that, you must cook the oil into plastic using a fire of some sorts- and then you can use said plastic to create whatever your little heart desires.

From gasmasks, to other useful equipment, to even some cute decor for your base.

And with that, the guide ends. While I may not of provided much, what was written is of the utmost importance!

This has been the Kuwait Game Plan; use it wisely survivor!

- The Divine Duneman

Catterson 29 Jul, 2023 @ 7:46am 
fuck, this makes sense, an oil empire has no fucking plastic cups or anything, had to go to the source.
thanks for the info
tankcaptain 14 Jun, 2021 @ 5:01pm 
thank you!
Animatic  [author] 14 Jun, 2021 @ 2:54pm 
You get plastic by destroying the spilled blue oil barrels by using a Bucket- which is crafted using metal :)
tankcaptain 14 Jun, 2021 @ 1:43pm 
How do get plastic? Im at burgan oil fields but I cant find any plastic? what am I missing?
Imp 5 Jun, 2021 @ 11:11am 
Do you get a Recipe after doing the talon quest?
Animatic  [author] 22 May, 2021 @ 7:28am 
You can craft a canteen/flask out of plastic to get water from trucks or pumps. As for bottled air- it's literally air you get after drinking anything.
sk8champ0 21 May, 2021 @ 11:59pm 
What can i do for water? I see things that can refill water but into where? These air bottles are a disappointment.
Lambda 20 May, 2021 @ 3:07am 
What loot can you find in seaweed forests?
Sinnroy 17 May, 2021 @ 10:39am 
what's this about the divine duneman?
NeedsMoreMedics 15 May, 2021 @ 11:22pm 
remember, you cannot craft campfires, but you can craft bonfires with the palm fibers, it needs 8 instead of the usual 5