190 ratings
Mordhau Skaven Guide
By Cody714 and 1 collaborators
The definitive guide to the Skaven, allowing the vermintide to come to Mordhau.
This guide is a rundown of loadouts and the gameplay style of being a Skaven in Mordhau, and a simple explanation of the lore behind different aspects of the builds. Most information is being pulled from Total War: Warhammer 2, Vermintide, and the Warhammer Wiki. []
The Mindset
Skaven are selfish and violent. Honor and respect are not a concept that the Skaven familiarize themselves with. They will cooperate only in the presence of a common enemy, or if they are in the same clan. All of these aspects of the Skaven are to be reflected in-game. No tactic is too scummy to pull off, as your own survival is all that matters. If the enemy is too strong to beat, you will simply find others to ally yourself with, and overwhelm your foe. This will likely end with you being despised by all but other Skaven, but in the end what does that truly matter?

Show respect only to your Clan.

Remember that no skill should be left unused in war.

Provide to your enemy no chance to claim victory.
The perks that you use as a Skaven should be dependent on your build. Perks such as Brawler, Rat (of course) and Dodge are useful, but your choice is up to you. They should fit the build that you have decided to use, and it is best to pick what best suits your play style.

No perks are mandatory unless stated in the description of the loadout you're using.
Loadouts - Basic
There are a few essentials that are common among all loadouts listed here. A very important aspect of this is the Hounskull Helmet, using Metal Tint #5, and having the Metal Roughness slider to the max.

The majority of the Skaven population, Skavenslaves are weak, with stunted growth and weak weapons, if given weapons at all. They are portrayed by this guide as a weak support class.

This is the only build in the guide that is designed to be next to useless. This build requires the use of the Dwarf and Tank perk. Support items such as Medic Bags, Smoke Bombs and Fire Bombs are to be carried. If desired, a weapon such as a Dagger, Cleaver, or other small, fittingly weak weapons may be used. Remaining points can be used for additional perks, although there is really no way to make this build effective. Consider direct combat a last resort when using this.

Skavenslave Slinger
An alternate form of the Skavenslave with more of a purpose, Skavenslave Slingers are ranged units used for supporting other Skaven.

Being a Skavenslave, this build uses the Dwarf and Tank perk, as well as a Recurve Bow. A weapon like a Dagger or Cleaver may be used as a last resort in close combat.

The most basic form of Skaven warrior to be described in this guide is the lowly Clanrat. In most situations, it would be rare to see a singular Clanrat on the battlefield, as their less than adequate weapons and armor make them inefficient as individuals. Even when fighting in groups, they usually have little use more than cannon-fodder to overwhelm the enemy with.

This build is much more effective when attacking as a group than in a duel. Weapons that fit this build well are the Falchion (Reverse blade, if possible,) the Billhook, and the Battle Axe. Any points that are left over after picking a weapon may be spent on other perks, and if given the chance, throwable items such as Rocks, Smoke Bombs, or Throwing Knives. If using a one-handed weapon, a Heater Shield (Footman's Shield skin, if possible,) could be added instead of throwables.

Armored Clanrat
Clanrats that survive longer than others may eventually find themselves with higher quality equipment. Unlike their less fortunate counterparts, Armored Clanrats are much more capable both in groups, and as individual combatants. The additional equipment will, in most cases, allow a Skaven to adopt a much more aggressive fighting style when it becomes easier to shrug off attacks.

The Armored Clanrat Build is to be considered the upper class of the Skaven, and is now likely much more useful in duel scenarios. The most accurate weapon combination would be the Messer (Sharkfin Blade, if possible,) and the Heater Shield (Footman's Shield skin, if possible.) For the sake of variety, the same weapons as the unarmored Clanrat may be used.

The Stormvermin are the heavily armored Skaven warriors that aren't to be spoken lightly of. Heavily armored and well-armed, the Stormvermin are to be called upon when subtlety is no longer needed, and a powerful solution is necessary. Tough armor and heavy weapons are the main selling points of this loadout.

Using heavy Head and Torso armor, this is a slow, but much more forgiving build. Weapons that fit well are the Bardiche (Brute skin, if possible,) the Polehammer and the Halberd. Although this build leaves little points to spare, they may be spent on additional perks.
Loadouts - Clan Eshin
Clan Eshin is known well for being made up of assassins, contract killers and mercenaries. Defined by a greater skill in martial arts and stealth, this clan can be generally titled as the "Ninja" class of the Skaven, although clearly with less honor, ethics, and morals.

Night Runner
Night Runners sit at the bottom of Clan Eshin's hierarchy, and despite being equipped mostly the same as a Clanrat, are trained in the fundamentals of stealth, familiarized with abusing their agility, and are generally seen as at least slightly more valuable and less expendable than a Clanrat.

Similar to a Clanrat, this loadout provides little armor. The Dodge perk is highly recommended. Weapons such as the Cleaver, Falchion (Reverse Blade, if possible,) and Throwing Knives will fit the goal of this build well. Smoke Bombs may be used to aid in hit-and-run style attacks.

Gutter Runner
Night Runners who survive long enough and prove their worth will eventually rise through Clan Eshin's hierarchy to become Gutter Runners. More skilled, with better training and more experience under their belt, Gutter Runners will in most cases prove to be a threat both alone, and in a group.

As a direct upgrade from the Night Runner, the Gutter Runner is given light padded armor that will allow a slight increase to the survivability of the loadout without compromising agility too much. The Dodge perk is still recommended, as with all Eshin loadouts. Similar weapons to the Night Runner may be used, with the addition of the Messer (Sharkfin Blade, if possible.)

Eshin Assassin
Being one of the highest roles within Clan Eshin's hierarchy that can be achieved by normal means, Eshin Assassins are truly a force to be reckoned with. Known to hide in the shadows and strike at just the right moment, it's generally assumed that those targeted by these skilled warriors are being watched, even when they believe it'd be impossible for that to be the case.

Gameplay-wise, the Assassin loadout is much more of a cosmetic upgrade than a functional one, carrying most of the same stats and weapon suggestions from the Gutter Runner. It is recommended that this loadout is reserved for fittingly skilled players, lest it lose it's significance.
Loadouts - Clan Moulder
Clan Moulder is a clan known for the many genetic abominations and war-beasts that they and other Skaven Clans can be seen utilizing in battle.

Rat Ogre
The absolute pinnacle of Clan Moulder's ingenuity, Rat Ogres are large, mutated beings that are known for using raw force and speed to destroy their opponents. Although it proved difficult to portray this absolute beast in Mordhau, the following is what I feel is the best I could do.

The Rat Ogre as a loadout is a full armor, Tank perk, Maul build. Unlike most other loadouts in the guide, this specific loadout uses the #12 Metal Tint. Having a maul allows this build to be extremely effective, especially if you are fighting alongside a few allies.

Packmasters are the trainers and handlers of Clan Moulder's creations. They show an ability to control the war-beasts and other creatures like no other. This loadout is also, rather difficult to recreate in Mordhau, but I have, similarly to the Rat Ogre, tried my best.

The Packmaster's main goal is to work alongside Rat Ogres, but the loadout has a few other purposes as well. Weapons that would fit this loadout well include the Partisan (Flaming Fork blade, if possible,) the Cleaver (Hunter's Cleaver skin,) the Bear Trap, and possibly the Quarterstaff. The loadout tends to work well when cooperating with others, as the Partisan gives a decent range while also providing a ranged attack if absolutely necessary. Bear Traps can also allow this build to collect some rather easy kills.
Loadouts - Clan Pestilens
Clan Pestilens is a contender for one of the most feared Skaven clans, as they specialize in creating and utilizing horrible diseases and plagues. Although the greatest of their properties cannot be truly represented in Mordhau, they show an opportunity to have an extra small set of unique builds.

Plague Monk
Plague Monks are the zealous frontline infantry of Clan Pestilens, and dedicate themselves to spreading plague and disease. In combat, these warriors are horrifyingly effective due to their near immunity to pain, and their willingness to fight with an unmatched ferocity even when mere moments from death.

Weapons that fit the Plague Monk loadout well include the Cleaver (Hunter's Cleaver skin, if possible,) Falchion, Fire Bomb, and Throwing Knives. The main purpose of this loadout is to use fast attacks, with a secondary role of using fire bombs to destroy enemy structures and deny access to choke points.

Plague Censer-Bearer
Plague Censer-Bearers are suicidal fanatics pulled from the ranks of Plague Monks for their unquestioning devotion to their faith and cause, and wield a unique weapon known as a Plague Censer, a warpstone infused flail which sadly cannot be perfectly recreated in Mordhau.

The Censer-Bearer is likely a more competent loadout for duels, as it's main weapon is an Eveningstar (Spiked Ball Head, #24 secondary color if possible,) although other weapons that can be used are similar to the ordinary Plague Monk, such as Fire Bombs and a Cleaver as a back-up weapon. This loadout is much more adapted to a direct approach to combat, and it would be smart to use it in that way.
Bonus Loadouts
Now, of course, some non-skaven loadouts will naturally be desired, as well as some unique builds that might not fit into any of the other clan categories. They will be placed here.

Markus Kruber
A former Ostland Sergeant, with a background in the Grunburg Local Militia, Markus Kruber served as a Swordsman and Regimental Champion within the Empire's State Troops, is one of the five survivors of the Skaven assault on the Imperial town of Ubersreik.

Although with many loadouts designed after the Ubersreik Five, it is difficult if not impossible to create a faithful recreation, I personally like the way this one turned out. I personally use #3 Metal Tint, but if you are not a high enough level to use that, you may alter the colors to match a lighter one. Weapons that fit this loadout include the Longsword, Executioner's Sword, Zweihander, Halberd, Mace, and Bastard Sword. The Heater Shield or Kite Shield may be used alongside one of the one-handed weapon choices.
Steam Group / Discord
Although it is entirely optional, those who wish to show true loyalty to the Skaven will join our Steam Group. If you wish to contribute, do not delay.
End Note
If you've read through the entire guide to get to this point, thank you.

Understand that this guide is a work in progress, and will likely be edited and added on to for a good while, as more ideas are suggested and thought of.

Please feel free to suggest an edit or addition to the guide in the comments. I am not an expert on Warhammer lore, and I am sure someone who is will be happy to correct something.

This guide will be completely remade when Triternion redoes the menus for making loadouts, which has been shown in their discord to be coming in the next patch.
Stormvermin 26 Jul, 2024 @ 10:28pm 
wormyjb 13 May, 2022 @ 6:12pm 
Yeah! I will finnaly have a use for my Kruber loadouts once more!
Skuttle_Bucket 13 May, 2022 @ 4:20am 
i mean i'd be racist towards aliens, if they didn't smoke the cush
Skuttle_Bucket 13 May, 2022 @ 4:20am 
lol kekekekkekek, finally
Maddogty1 8 May, 2022 @ 6:22pm 
sulfuricmage 6 May, 2022 @ 3:13pm 
A hoy, skaven make good fodder. But no one bests the vampire coast!
Cody714  [author] 6 May, 2022 @ 10:47am 
I can't wait to have to completely recreate this guide when the devs drop their entirely new equipment menu.
CZ-Kick 6 May, 2022 @ 10:42am 
my buddy loves the skaven in the warhammer games, so i may be able to convince him to buy mordhau with these loadouts. thank you
Funny man 21 Apr, 2022 @ 4:16pm 
This is my favourite guide on steam, thank you Cody714
Bangimantas Žudys 22 Sep, 2021 @ 10:02am 
Oh, GREAT, now they're HERE too! GODS, I can't reload my musket fast enough!