Mighty No. 9

Mighty No. 9

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How to get the MegaXel Form and Golden Beck backer-exclusive DLCs
By Deep Weeb
Enhanced your game to be even more mighty! Enjoy these almost-lost pieces of content!
Download the files from here:
Unpack the files above and paste them on \Steam\steamapps\common\Mighty No. 9\DLC.

How to use
Golden Beck

To use the Golden Beck skin, go to "Game Options" on the "Others" tab the very last option "Beck Costume".

MegaXel Form

To use the MegaXel Form weapon, just open the weapon menu and will appear on the very top of the list (even if you haven't unlocked any other weapons yet).

Final words
I decided to share these because to this very day this content has been made exclusive to backers. For context, I didn't backed the game, I had to download a pirate version of the game to extract these (thanks for the lack of DRM!), and while Deep Silver has kept their promise of honouring backer's support it has become apparent than the approach of allowing this content to be available for everybody is much preferable.


So please, get into contact with Deep Silver [www.deepsilver.com] and demand them to make the backer DLC available (at least on Steam). Make our voices be heard.

Happy fifth anniversary, Mighty No. 9!(`_´)ゞ

Check this guide too for more lost media starring Beck!
DUO 18 Oct, 2022 @ 11:02pm 
Eh, I think it's pretty pointless to ask Deep Silver to do anything regarding this game anymore. The entire franchise has been left behind and forgotten at this point.
Still, nice to have these bonuses made available for everyone, even if unofficially.
Deep Weeb  [author] 19 Jul, 2021 @ 5:25pm 
@The Gunsmith Yes, decompress them and put the folders inside them in the "DLC" folder of the install directory
The Gunsmith 19 Jul, 2021 @ 5:23pm 
Are they supposed to be ".rar" files?
FullOfLife 21 Jun, 2021 @ 7:10pm 
There's also a costume select feature in EX Mode that'll allow you to pick Golden Beck there. :mno9electricitypower::mno9firepower::mno9icepower::mno9militarypower:
AmethystViper 21 Jun, 2021 @ 9:09am 
Thank you very much for this! :mno9icepower: