Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

46 ratings
The Mech of Music - Big Band Video Guide
By JasonS
A guide with everything you need to know to get started with Big Band. Move properties, movement options, combos, and general advice.
Time Stamps
00:20 - Pros and Cons
00:55 - Movement Options
01:57 - Important Normals
04:20 - Special Moves
08:54 - Normal Throws
09:27 - Super Moves
12:07 - Assist Options
13:00 - Combos
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 21 Jan, 2020 @ 1:41pm 
"This game is too hard for killers, I'M A YELLOW RANK KILLER
it's too survivor sided, I'M A YELLOW RANK KILLER
The ruin nerf was unjustified, it makes things too hard, I'M A YELLOW RANK KILLER" - JasonS

...yeah, its obvious the problem is you.

Noone rated this review as helpful yet, i dont think anyone cares about your opinion. :) git gud at DbD
Kowa4ui_korm 30 Apr, 2014 @ 1:44pm 
Jeez! Nice guide :)