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Mentor's Route Guide
Door oofda00
A small guide for Mentor's route
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This is a small guide on Mentor's Route. There be spoilers ahead!

The goal of this guide is to help you with maximizing Mentor's Stats and getting as many of the cards as you can.

I apologize in advance if this is a bit rough; it's one of my first guides made on steam. Please let me know if I missed anything, or if there's anyway to improve the guide!
Bits of advice
Here are some bits of advice when going through Mentor's Route.

  • Don't be afraid to click around and observe! As with many point-and-click adventures, it's typically beneficial to get all the details in the scene. In fact, it may help you with a stat point or two...
  • Your choices matter! They have consequences, specifically with how far you can get in the ending.
  • Don't stress yourself out! It's best to enjoy the route one time at your own pace, without worrying about any long-term consequences. And if you're worried about min-maxing, from what I can gather you don't need a "perfect" run. Believe it or not, at the end of my best run I had 4 control pips remaining.
  • Remember your shortcuts for actions! "A" = show interactive objects as yellow dots, "S" = axis vision/connecting to things, "D" = get hints.
Walkthrough Breakdown
Alright, here comes a rough walkthrough.

At the end of this walkthrough, you should have maxed out all stats except for strength (which is 3/4), and fully revealed the map.

Because of how non-linear Mentor's Route is, I'm going to describe it based on the location, followed by what I can tell is the optimal choice, along with its effect.

I'll also break it down into 6 major sections:
  1. Pre-map with our friendly bot Remont
  2. Map Part 1: To Nova DC!
  3. The Bar
  4. The Train
  5. Map Part 2: To the Northern Lab
  6. The Ending
Walkthrough Part 1: Pre-Map with our friendly bot Remont
Learn some lore from Remont, but doesn't affect stat blocks from what I can gather.

Easy to Miss:
  • After clicking on the left window, you can wait for a train and click on it to get some additional lore.
  • Press the "Hint" button (the one used to call Ollie, by default it's the "d" key) for some banter with Remont.

  • Mentor's designation is Mentor 1579-9
  • "Aya to Mentor", similar to "Earth to Mentor", implies Aya = name of the world
  • Mentor was assembled by the company TFX, located in Mira DC
  • Jacob Mira attempted to fight TFX, lost and presumably died (he's currently "under the watchful eyes of Tautos")

Walkthrough Part 2: Map Part 1: To Nova DC!
Mira DC
Best choice: Servers: +1 Tech Point

Best choice: From what I can tell (no I haven't done all 24 combinations), there is no way to get a stat point from this. As hinted by selecting the "+" for your class, Remont seems to want to show you that none of the civilian classes help.

Esper Grove
Best choice: Don't look, then don't look again for +1 Loyalty. If you choose to look the 2nd time you get -1 Loyalty for a net +0.
Notable Lore: Espers have blue sigils after summoning their demon.
Lore: Arthur got Thea's amulet from the Esper Grove.

Tali DC
Hint: Someone in this picture has something unique about them
Hint 2: Esper Grove may have some relevant lore...
Hint 3: Espers have blue sigils after summoning their demon... If someone was an esper in Tali DC, that would be quite suspicious...
Best choice: Suspicious Pair (The two women on the left side of the screen, next to the cat). +1 Focus


Syan Water Station
Best Choice: Literally just return out of it quickly for +1 Focus.

Best Choice: Choice 2 for +1 Strength. The other choices will give you +0.

Nova DC
Time to learn what Mentor would do if Thea was harmed!

Walkthrough Part 3: The Bar
  1. Go to the left screen, and pick up the cup
  2. Give cup to the bartender
  3. Go to the bar window
  4. Landmark Puzzle Solution (from left to right): Stargazer, Pion DC, The Old Metropolis, Heaven's Fall
  5. Talk to the bartender, get +1 to all stats for getting it right first try.
  6. EASILY MISS-ABLE: Card: Talk to the bartender multiple times until he says "Fun Fact! You should move on!"
  7. EASILY MISS-ABLE: Click on red crown, then go to the left screen to talk to Arthur. Afterwards: Click on the window behind Arthur, then talk about all 3 inter-active objects to unlock a part of the map, which will get you a +1 tech skill later. There's also a smaller interactive object in the top right to view the dome
  8. Click on the map to progress

Landmark Puzzle Hints
Hint 1: Taking a look at your map might help
Hint 2: You're currently looking out from Nova DC, so it might help to orient yourself with that.
Hint 3 (left building): Sometimes, the names of things are straight-forward, especially the leftmost building
Hint 4 (left building): The building on the left seems to be an observatory, looking out towards the night sky...
Hint 5: If you have one building identified, you can try to find the other 3 landmarks on the map nearby

Walkthrough Part 4: The Train
  1. Go to the left window, observe all 3 objects, taking care to observe the two buildings on the side twice
  2. EASILY MISS-ABLE After looking out the window at the landmarks, click on the brochure on the right, then click on the fact that Banshees don't target children. Effect: This will effectively give you a +1 strength in the strength check of the ending.
Walkthrough Part 5: Map Part 2: To the Northern Research Laboratory
DCF (Bottom left of the map)
If you don't have this unlocked:
Hint: It's possible there were more landmarks you didn't see in the Bar after solving the landmark puzzle once.
Hint 2: Maybe behind Arthur there were some landmarks.
Answer: After solving the landmark puzzle, look behind Arthur and click on all the interactable landmarks to unlock this section of the map
Best choice: Simply listen to Thea to get +1 Tech Skill

Artas Estate
Best Choice: Save Thea for +1 Loyalty. Yeah, do the no-brainer option, go figure.

Miasma/Gambler's Fallacy
Best Choice (yes it does matter which you click on): Miasma for +1 Tech Skill


Soma DC

The Arc
Lore! for +1 Strength

Inner Lab

Mover of Planets / Galvina
Hint: Maybe a fun fact could help?
Hint 2: A certain bartender is a fan of giving fun facts...
Hint 3: Speak to the bartender multiple times after solving the landmark puzzle
Best Choice: Talian Priestesses for +1 Focus

Republic of Artas
However, if you delve deeper You learn about Terminus, an android haven. And get -4 Loyalty!
Walkthrough Part 6: The Ending
  1. First scene: Irene on the floor (Loyalty Test): Use the shard
  2. Second scene: Banshee fight (Strength Test): Click on them to beat them. Notable semi-secret: If you read the pamphlet in the train car with Thea, then you will get effectively +1 strength.
  3. Third scene: Hallway with elevator & kitchen EASILY MISS-ABLE Card: Enter the kitchen (double click it for -1 control) to get a card of a banshee, and learn some lore. To proceed: Click on the TV, cost -1 control to stop your body and investigate.
  4. Fourth scene: Ladder & Wire (Focus Test) Click to reboot
  5. Fifth scene: The Flight Terminal (Tech Skills Test) -1 control initially to gain manual control. Then press "S" to hook in automatically for -4 control.
4 opmerkingen
Screaming Lemmings 26 sep 2021 om 2:06 
Thanks for the Guide! It helped me on my second run! I missed the brochure bit~ The difference in dialog was 'DAMMM~'
The Universe Of Seven  [ontwikkelaar] 24 jul 2021 om 20:21 
Oh! Don't worry about it - some dialogue changes slightly, but it's mostly for min/max stat runs achievements later! And I'm glad that you had fun playing Minotaur xD
oofda00  [auteur] 22 jul 2021 om 15:20 
Hi @The Universe of Seven, thanks for the response!

I imagine I'm probably missing a few things (specifically I'm curious about what will happen if you try going with a minimal stat point run ). I guess I'll do another run to find out!

Thank you so much for making such a fantastically detailed game!
The Universe Of Seven  [ontwikkelaar] 21 jul 2021 om 17:48 
Hi @oofda00, thank you for taking the time to write this great walkthrough xD If you need any details (for this or future routes), feel free to hit me up!

