PowerSlave (DOS Classic Edition)

PowerSlave (DOS Classic Edition)

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So here I'm going to put together a list of I guess secrets and easter eggs found throughout the game. There are no secret counters in the game or level stats at the end of the level, so it makes it a bit trickier to know what you're missing. I'm going to update this thing one level at a time, and build it from there on. Enjoy!

Also if you found something I missed, PLEASE feel free to let me know somehow and I will add it here and give you credit.
Also also, this is on THIS DOS version specifically and *not* the console versions. Might make one when Nightdive puts the remaster out.
Non-Level Secrets
If you type "Kimberly" you'll get a message saying "Hi sweetie, I love you".

Pressing (left alt + c) at the same time will pull you into a third person perspective.

Pressing (left alt + v) brings up the build date of the game.
Level 0 - Training
After falling down in the hole, blowing the barrel up and going to the room with the 2 Anubis zombies, you'll see 4 portraits on the walls.

In here, the one portrait that's cracked reveals some M-13 ammo and blood cups.
Level 1 - Abu Simbel
First level doesn't really have any secrets, but it's worth mentioning that the mummy staff is basically this game's BFG. When mummies throw red skulls at you, you turn into one of them without actually taking any damage. You can't jump, but you can slam the staff down to kill most enemies in front of you, and let out an evil laugh while you do.
Level 2 - Dendur
This level has some neat secrets. The first, while I think kind of obvious I feel could count as a secret. Early in the map you'll push a block to get into an area, and this block needs to be used to get over a small area. However, before you push it there, you can use it to get to the left and right areas for some goodies.

Push it to the left to get a one up floating yoga dude.

And the right to get blood cups.

After getting in the the main temple, there's a right and left path you can go to. The left is the first area you'd need to go to, so you can get a key so let's go there. In the room with the two anubis zombies, you can see a portrait with cracks again.

Just like the last one we saw in the training level, this is a hidden secret that holds 2 grenades.

Continue this area and do what you gotta go. Raidin tombs n stuff. Then you'll come across what was the right area of the temple entrance. If you came that way this is what it'd look like.

In the very back, there's a little piece in the wall, shown here.

This opens to reveal some M-13 ammo.

And the last secret I found in this level, is the area with the water.

Once you get here, continue down the stream.

It will automatically push you in a certain direction so you have to be careful. Once you get here at the circle, DO NOT LET IT PUSH YOU LEFT.

Hop and push yourself to the right, and you'll reach this room with a sobek mask that you can use to breath underwater for longer periods of time.

Beyond here, you can actually go in the wall to reveal another secret. A secret within a secret!

There's a fork in the road, the right leads to nothing but the left rewards you pretty well, boasting a one up, a torch, and some mana.
nbisbo 18 Aug, 2024 @ 12:23am 
3rd person mode is in the manual
Muckelchen 11 Jun, 2023 @ 6:38am 
Thanks for the guide, even though there are secrets in all/almost every level. Would be great if you could complete the guide.
⛧RETRODEATH ⛧  [author] 28 Dec, 2022 @ 3:40pm 
Thank you! And I apologize, it's been quite a while. I definitely want to pick back up on this when I can.
picaccino 28 Dec, 2022 @ 3:34am 
Hi, this guide is really exciting. Any progress update?
⛧RETRODEATH ⛧  [author] 1 May, 2022 @ 9:29pm 
Thank you! Though I haven't even come close to finishing this one, I completely forgot about it lol. Definitely going to come back to it. And also PS Exhumed is practically an entirely different game so it wouldn't make much sense putting it in there. Though I probably could do something similar for that version of the game.
Noxbi 🌈 1 May, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
@Eisen "new one" is essentially a different game.
Eisen 10 Feb, 2022 @ 9:53am 
GREAT guide. Port it to the new one, so you can get all the awards and recognition you deserve.