The Survivalists

The Survivalists

206 ratings
The Survivalist Ultimate Guide [EN]
By Phil and 1 collaborators
My friend and I struggled with 100% this game at some point. So we decided to make it easier for you with this guide!

Here you find:

All Npc Quests

How to finish the game

Legendary Weapons: How to get them

Rarest Achievements
Npcs, Quests and Quest rewards
- 5 Npcs exist
- They are marked on the map by symbols
- Only Mystery Stranger questline is nessecary to finish game
- The Beastmaster, The Gourmand, The Collector and The Salesman are optional
- Rewards are mostly unlockables for the Mystery Stranger Shop and the tokens to buy there
- Each final quest unlockes 2 legendary weapons and eggs to breed animals

Shop before doing the quests

Shop after doing the quests. (all unlocked and 29 tokens in total)

Below you find all the Npcs and their questlines.
Mysterious Stranger (Shopkeeper)

Quest 1

Quest 2
The Beastmaster

Quest 1


Quest 2

Quest 3


Quest 4


Quest 5


Quest 6


Quest 7


Quest 8


Quest 9


Quest 10


Quest 11


Quest 12


Quest 13


Quest 14


Quest 15


Quest 16


Quest 17


Quest 18


Quest 19


Quest 20


Quest 21
Survival Gourmand

Quest 1

Quest 2

Quest 3

Quest 4

Quest 5

Quest 6

Quest 7

Quest 8

Quest 9

Quest 10

Quest 11

Quest 12

Quest 13

Quest 14

Quest 15
The Collector

Quest 1

Quest 2

Quest 3

Quest 4

Quest 5

Quest 6

Quest 7

Quest 8

Quest 9

Quest 10

Quest 11

Quest 12

Quest 13

Quest 14

Quest 15
The Salesman

Quest 1

Quest 2

Quest 3

Quest 4

Quest 5

Quest 6

Quest 7

Quest 8

Quest 9

Quest 10

Quest 11

Quest 12

Quest 13

Quest 14

Quest 15
Tips for quests
The Beastmaster Quests

- Fish and rabbits kills are easy with bow and speer
- For the "animal boss" quests you need to buy the spawn item in the npc shop

- After killing the "animal boss" dont forget to collect the special drop of the boss for the quest

- Tamed animals for quest need to be put in the animal pen next to the npc

The Survival Gourmand Quests
- use the Food Processor to get faster the materials to cook
- try to get as early as possible cocoa pods to multiplie them with the orchard

The Collector Quests
- the corpses all around the world have most of the items randomly
- except the insects, everything else has random chances to drop, so search with patience

The Salesman Quests
- destroy mode give you all used material back from a builded furniture
- by repeating build and destroy you safe materials and time of farming
Achievement The Real Escapist

For the achievment The Real Escapist you need to finish the game. To finish the game you need to find a galleon and repaire it, so you can escape with it.

The galleon is randomly between all islands in the water to find.

To repair it you first need the key items.

The keys can be bought for around 24.000 gold coins in the Mystery Stranger Shop.
The galleon parts can be found in the 4 temples that you open with the keys.

You think maybe that was all, but the game will troll you hard by showing up more stuff you need to add first before you can add the key items to escape. Its annoying cause you have to look what you need and go back to your base and make it first then go back put it in and find out what next is needed. Luckily we are here and showing here next what is all needed so you can prepare everything in one go to skip the travelling.

Here all the extra material needed for repairing.

And here the fully repairing order from left to right.

Congrats you escaped and finished the game!
Achievement It's Elementary!

For the least unlocked achievement by people "It's Elementary!" you just need to collect all elementar legendary weapons. The easiest way is by just doing all the questlines of the npcs to unlock the weapons in the Mystery Stranger Shop and buy them all with the tokens you get also by the quests.


Laucia111 15 Jan @ 4:27am 
Thanks u so much!
Selmbeartar5 18 Oct, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
MadPhantom  [author] 28 Jun, 2024 @ 12:48am 
@Sour Apple you don´t need it to complete achievements, The dlc only contains cosmetic items for you 3 player hats and 6 Monkey hats.
SourApple 27 Jun, 2024 @ 7:44pm 
do you need the dlc to complete achievements?
Kiste 24 Jun, 2024 @ 7:55am 
Build a huge Farm and let three monkeys (plant, water, harvest) farm Wheat is an easy way to get piles of money early.
0WillB 10 May, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
this is going to take longer than i though lmao
Droider 14 Mar, 2024 @ 9:37am 
i ended my money problem with just one lil trick
i forgot which island it is but i set up mining monkeys in one of the islands where the caves have mostly red gems
red gems can be crafted into 3 gold (vice versa) and one gold and be crafted into 3 iron (vice versa)
i had 2 monkeys mining (it was a big cave) and 2 monkeys bringing the materials from the cave, to my base
i never had to worry about any ore ever again.
MadPhantom  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 6:04am 
@Yheor The Orclings will drop a few coins upon defeat, you can sell items from your inventory hot bar to the Mysterious Shop or As you explore, you will find treasure maps that lead to treasure boxes
Yheor 7 Mar, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
I have problem with the money, any advice on this?
MadPhantom  [author] 31 Jan, 2024 @ 7:09am 
@Baluba hello, The Elephant Bird is a hostile animal that spawns in the Volcano biome


The Volcanic biome is a hot biome with lava found on the 4-Star Danger Island and above. Damage will be taken if a Glass Bottle (Clean Water) is not consumed beforehand.