Burger Shop 2

Burger Shop 2

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Cooking Burger Shop 2 food in real life (WIP)
By يقضم اصابعك
A comprehensive list of preparing and cooking and eating the foodstuffs present in Burger Shop 2 as made by someone who has very little cooking experience.

UPDATE: I work at McDonalds now so I am qualified to write this.
UPDATE: I lost my job at McDonalds (RIP Nov 2021 - Apr 2024). I don't really want to talk about it beyond that, so I'm now an ex-employee sharing the most of my secrets of food preparation.
The preparation
Before cooking, you must be able to use the utensils and machines that are used in preparation. These include:
-A spatula
-A grill
-An oven
-A stove
-A metal tray
-An oven mitten
-Any dish capable of holding foodstuffs in it
-Someone who is going to eat what you make (You count)
-Whole bunch of other things that I have yet to include on this list
There are many other things that I have not included, if you find you need these unlisted utensils please go ahead and use them (Although I don't quite know how a baster will help you with making a hamburger).
The Sanitation
Before continuing with the preparation and consumption of edible comestibles the author of this guide has provided the professional rules of the kitchen.

Food preparation is no joke, you can seriously harm or cause fatality in failing to follow these rules and can face legal ramification or imprisonment for lack of professionalism

  • 1. Wash your hands when inside and entering the kitchen area. Apply soap for 20 seconds and wash with water.
  • 2. Keep foodstuffs within appropriate storage to avoid spoilage, mold, contamination by fecal matter, rottenness and so forth.
  • 3. Do not store food within the danger zone, the zone wherein bacteria can thrive over prolonged exposure to relative room temperature. Below is the listing of the danger zone as listed in various scales:
  • 41 - 135 °F
  • 5 - 57.2 °C
  • 278.15 - 330.37 °K
  • 500.67 - 594.67 °Ra
  • 142.5 - 64.166667 °De
  • 1.65 - 18.883333 °N
  • 4. Wash hands after any and all contact with inappropriate surfaces, be it the floor, a used trashbag, tables that need to be cleaned or even the hands of non-food preparation individuals from outside the kitchen.

Understand these and you will be more qualified to cook anything more so than the vast 99 percent of fast food workers.

*Reminder from the author that the Fahrenheit-Celsius division is child's play and real chefs use Rankine, Delisle, Leiden, Réaumur, Rømer and Wedgwood, Kelvin and Newton as these are the temperature gauges of men. Gas mark also exists but that is for gas ovens and not food storage.
1: The hamburger
An iconic German dish that you can find anywhere. Why not make some of your own?

You'll need:
-Bread buns (Any two parts of bread will do but buns are preferred)
-Cattle meat (Most meats can work but only if they can be in a patty shape)
-A stove
-A pan or any heat able surface
*-Fixins (E.g. Cheese, lettuce, etc)
*The last one is optional

Now that you have all that (I hope you do anyways) it is time to cook:
Step 1.
Turn on your stove, ideally to a mid to high level of heat.
Step 2.
Place your pan. Some people don't have to do this but just in case you forget to place your pan do it next.
Step 3.
Place the meat on the pan and let it cook. There are certain levels of how much you've cooked the meat ranging from just thawed to a hockey puck, the ideal is between these two extremes.
Step 4.
Take your now cooked meat and place it on the bread.
Step 5.
Place the other slice on the meat and any possible fixins you might want.
Step 6.
Eat it or have someone eat it then you've finished what you made.

You can also make the bread into toast by placing it on the pan with the meat. Below is an image of the steps (Mind its quality, I'll get around to making real pics of the actual process but for now enjoy it in all its MSPaint glory).

Fun facts:
A hamburger is 2/3rds bread.
They originate from (Or have been claimed to be from) Hamburg, Germany but are more associated with the image of the United States of America. That being said it would work in terms of culture as the original colonists were English, which is Germanic in its roots.
2: The fries
Perhaps a more simple dish to make though it requires special tools.

You'll need:
-One or more potatoes
-A sharp cutting utensil such as a knife or a french fry cutter
-A deep fryer (And oil)
-A retaining object to hold the fries

Now onto the cooking:
Step 1:
Cut your potatoes into fry shapes using the mentioned utensils.
Step 2:
Turn on your deep fryer. While doing this remember not to feel guilty over cutting potatoes, potato murder is something done with potatoes not to potatoes.
Step 3:
Place the potato slices into the deep fryer and let them sit for a moment.
Step 4:
Take out the fries and put them into the retaining object.
Step 5:
Eat them or have someone eat them.

In the game, there are regular fries, curly fries, and onion rings (Are they fries?). The ladder two would require their own sections.

Fry facts:
-Fries are tasty, no contest.
-When you go somewhere that serves fries you can ask them not to put salt on them, granted fries are still unhealthy even in their unsalted state.
-While they are generally known as "French fries" the exact origin is unknown but contested to be between either Belgium or France (Though I think it would be a great tie-breaker if they just so happened to be Dutch).
3: The soda
It's pretty uncommon for anyone to make their own soda but you can make your own.

You'll need:
-Water (Preferably clean and pure)
-Various chemical compounds (Carbon dioxide)
-Something to mix the above mentioned

Step 1:
Place your water in the mixing area. You can put the other ingredients in but in this guide, I'll be dissolving it into the water first.

Step 2:
Place your chemical compounds in, make sure they are the correct ones or you might end up with meth or something else that'll explode.

Step 3:
Place this under pressure to dissolute the chemicals into the water.

Step 4:
Place your sugar into the carbonated water, ideally by a flavored syrup.

Step 5:
Let it sit for a moment.

Step 6:
Drink the soda or have someone drink it for you.

For certain sodas you'll need certain chemicals, make sure you have the correct ones. Though this will prove quite expensive for small operations such as what this guide is about. Or you can just buy your own.
4: The soup
Where it originated only God knows, still a good soup is delicious as He intended!

You'll need:
-A pot.
-Some kind of liquid.
-Something that sits inside the liquid.
-A *utensil for eating
*Spoons ideal and preferred, use forks at risk.

Step 1:
Pour your liquid into the pot.

Step 2:
Add non-liquid foodstuffs into the liquid that is inside the pot.

Step 3:
Let it boil until there are a fair amount of bubbles.

Step 4:
Pour the now pipping hot liquid into a bowl and eat or serve.

Keep in mind anything you leave in the liquid will begin to get soggy so eat it quickly. Also if you intend to use a fork you can always drink the liquid out of the bowl when you are done. If so you may suffer some burns to your tongue.

As for cold soups they are usually made to eat on the spot but the process of creation only uses steps 1 & 2 though you may boil it and let it cool if you feel it ideal to keep for later.

Soup facts:
-There are many differences between soup and beverages:
1. Beverages are made to only be liquid while soup has something inside it most of the time.
2. Most beverages aren't made to be drunk by using a spoon, they are almost universally made to be within a container and then imbibed into the mouth by pouring or by straw.
3. Soup is made to be eaten whereas beverages are drunk (See point above).
-Cereal meets all qualifications to be soup though given it is a more unique taste compared to other soups (I.E. Tomato soup, vegetable soup, whatever else Chef Boyardee makes besides ravioli).
-Beer used to be more akin to a soup than a beverage due to overall thickness and higher grain counts.
5: The meat
In particular I'm talking about steak and *salmon.

You'll need:
-Something to have fire in or at least a heating element
-A pan
-A poking thing like a spatula or a big fork
-Droopy stuff called "Sauce"
As one of if not the oldest recipe known to mankind, cooking meat is easy. As content is easy to make, however context isn't something everyone can grasp.

Step 1:
Activate the heating element, either by starting a fire or turning a knob.

Step 2:
Place pan over heat (You can do this prior or the element may be built into a device for heating food).

Step 3:
Place meat on the pan on the heating element once it is hot enough. You can usually tell by the heat in the air, seeing the pan be red hot or placing your hand on the pan are not recommended.

Step 4:
Once the meat is cooked for the amount of time you choose take it off and take it off the pan (Make sure to turn off your heating element if you are using it instead of a fire).

Step 5 (Optional):
place a variety of sauce and or spices of your choosing.

Step 6:
Eat your meat or serve it to someone else (Make sure to give them a knife to cut it up, otherwise they may choke and you'll be responsible for not keeping safety first)

Meat facts:
-All living creatures are made of meat, that said not everything inside is meat or safe for eating. Some creatures even have poison inside that can harm or kill you so don't eat everything you see just because it is made of meat.
-Things made of meat are known as animals and they make a food chain: Plants are not animals and thus aren't meat and are the lowest rank. Animals that eat plants are known as Herbivores or even Omnivores and are the second lowest (That said if they are starved they may eat each other so make sure that doesn't happen). The animals that eat the Herbivores and Omnivores are known as Carnivores and Omnivores and they usually rank third and once they die they are eaten and their material is used to make new Plants.
-*While fish are considered their own food group they are essentially creatures and thus are categorized as "Fish meat". You can find them in your grocery stores in fish like shapes or as fish shaped mush.
6: The potato
The potato is a starch (Or 'amylum') that has become a staple food. Of course anyone with a potato should be able to (And want to) cook their potato posse. There are two ways of cooking them in game, baking and boiling. There are more ways to cook potatoes though I'll keep it to these two.

You'll need for baking:
  • A member of the Solanum tuberosum species
  • Kitchen utensils (Any will work but ideally a fork or knife)
  • (Optional) Sauce like gravy, butter or dipping sauce* (*If you plan to cut up your potato)
  • An oven
  • (Optional) A timer

Step 1:
Place the potato in your oven and set it to some temperature. Set to low for a light bake and high for a more thorough bake. For higher levels make sure to have the oven on prior to baking.

Step 2:
Using the timer set an amount for how long you plan to bake your potato.
-1 minute if you have no idea how to cook and think it is really funny to eat under cooked food (Don't do that by the way).
-5 minutes if you have a better understanding this is also not quite a good time either unless you have it over an open flame.
-20-25 minutes for the ideal amount of time a potato should be familiar with an oven.
Anything longer than this and your potato will become a rotund hockey puck.

Step 3:
Take out the potato and cut it open, a fork or knife will work just fine. Otherwise your potato will explode and thus you will have to start over again for a proper bake (Unless you like eating potato bits.).

Step 4:
Add the sauce of your choice, oil or butter can be placed via letting it bake into the potato or by brushing it on the potato.

Step 5:
Repeat step 2 and have the potato return to the oven for a second bake.

Step 6:
Take out the potato when it is considered done and eat!

For a more through guide on baking potatoes read this article:

For boiling potatoes you will need:
  • A mashing device (Mortar and pestle not recommended)
  • Another member of the Solanum tuberosum species
  • A pot
  • A stove

Step 1:
Mash the potato, make sure to use sanitary, kitchen safe wares. Using the same hammer you used with nails and other such things may not produce the best results.

Step 2:
Place the potato in the pot with water (Water first.).

Step 3:
Boil the water over the stove. Have the temperature at mid or high.

Step 4:
Turn off the stove after some time, such as 5 or 10 minutes has passed and then pour out the water while leaving the potato inside.

Step 5:
Eat your potato or have someone eat it. You can add gravy or other such things atop your potato.
To produce frozen dairy products you'll need:

-Milk or cream, usually from domestic cattle or even goats (Though I've never heard of goat ice cream)
-A stirring station
-Any container for consumption of food products, ideally a bowl, a cone or cup and a spoon
-Fixens (sprinkles, fudge or other syrup type dressing or other sweet tasting foodstuffs like oreos or M&M's)

Step 1: Obtain the better milk

Milk (AKA tasty mucus or 'The white oil' or the other reason we keep cattle around) is made by all mammals. It is intended to be drank by the youths so they can have strong bones. Over time milk of other species could be drank by humans which is where we are today. But regular milk won't do because it has been homogenized (The fat has been reduced.).

For ice cream we need cream (It's in the name after all), which is just milk but better (If you don't believe me then try some half and half or even just straight up heavy cream.). As a private person who may or may not have cattle that can produce enough cream this may be challenging as the process of making cream can be one that is long and hardy but certainly life changing.

Fortunately for us living in the 21st century obtaining cream has never been easier, any store or supermarket sells the appropriate ingredients for the making of ice cream by non-corporate entities (That's you and me.). Be wary of prices as most personal sales of cream can cost a pretty penny if you want quality ice cream.

Step 2: stirring the cream

Of course you can't just place your cream in the fridge or freezer and expect it to be a soft but whole unit. You may end up with what is effectively a frozen block of cream which while icy is not the intended result. For this you will need an enclosure big enough for your cream to be stored in and stirred often for long duration.

After long enough you can draw out the amount you desire and leave room for seconds. make sure the room in which is resides is cold enough, remember if your food is between 32 and 115 degrees it can grow bacteria which can harm you.

Once you have done this you can use any container to hold your ice cream, bowls and cones are ideal but plates and do just as well (If you're cheap.).
8: The PIZZA
It is scientifically proven that all mankind loves pizza. Especially Italians, considering I am part Italian myself I can attest to this on behalf of the entire nation and people of Italians.

You will need:
-Tomato sauce (Other sauces can do but we don't do that here)
-Shredded cheese
-*Toppings including meat or veggie
*You don't need toppings to have a pizza, just a particular kind like a pepperoni for instance requiring pepperoni
-A board
-An oven

Step 1:
Make your dough flat as can be. You can do this by a number of ways but the best is to lift it in the air and press your hand down on it then slamming it down onto the board you have (I've never made a pizza before so roll with it.).

Step 2:
Add the tomato sauce and cheese and whatever toppings you want to add to it are. I'd recommend adding cheese on top of the toppings after doing the first round of adding to keep them on your pizza.

Step 3:
Throw the pizza in an oven and after the appropriate amount of time for them to be cooked goes take the pizza out and let it cool down.

Step 4:
Eat the pizza. If you did everything right you will have a nice cheesy pizza, oh and the toppings too but considering the cheese to topping ratio don't consider this anything more than just tasty cheese and tomato on top of bread.
9: The pancake
The cornerstone of Dutch cuisine and breakfasts around the world.

You'll need:
  • Batter (Fluffy flour mixed with various liquids ranging from water to milk and eggs)
  • Butter or other oily substance
  • Syrup
  • A pan

Step 1: Mixing your batter
Get all the ingredients besides the butter or oil into one big batter and mix it until satisfaction.

Step 2: Pouring your batter
After melting the butter or oil onto your pan pour as much as you desire of your batter. For bigger pancakes pour more, for smaller pour less.

Step 3: Cooking
Let the batter be cooked until it becomes firm enough (Ideally this means no sticky batter or powdery bits.). Flip over and repeat.

Step 4: Serving
Take your pancake(s) out and pour syrup on them then eat.

Now you know how to make pancakes!
breddie 21 Jun @ 7:10am 
The obscure fandom of Burger Shop franchise couldn't get any more schizo
Cadence 16 May @ 4:17am 
sorry about your job at mcdonalds o7
tug 12 Apr, 2023 @ 3:27am 
holy shit azumanga daioh
>ewie< 2 Jul, 2022 @ 12:20am 
i think the better way to make soda is to use sparkling water