Rocket League

Rocket League

94 ratings
How to piss people off / Be a toxic POS
Do you hate free to plays? Do you hate anyone who legitimately scores on you? Bad teammates? Do you no longer enjoy this game? Me too. Here's some tips to piss people off and be a professional toxic little piece of ♥♥♥♥.
Method 1
This is among one of the most simple and well known yet most effective methods. This will piss the person off almost 100% of the time. It's called the "What a save!" Many people already know of this method so if you do, feel free to skip to the next one. For those of you who don't, what a save is a quickchat to use when you / a teammate scores on them. What a save is used to compliment a save that was never saved. LOL. Next time you score, try what a saving them. You will be able to spam what a save 3 times before your chat gets disabled for 3 seconds. If a goal has been scored, a man is not only right to what a save, he is obligated to do so.

Pro Tip: If you wait 1 second in between your what a saves, youll be able to keep a steady stream of them without any chat cooldowns
Method 2
This second method is called the "Nice Shot!" method. This Method is among the most effective methods because everyone is aware once they've whiffed / missed. Here, you can use 2 different quickchats: "Nice Shot!" and "Nice One!". The goal is to use one of these quickchats when someone has either whiffed or missed an open goal. I have found Nice Shot! to be more effective when people miss open goals and "Nice One!" when people whiff / flip in the entirely opposite direction of the ball.

Pro Tip: If you are short on quickchat slots, you can use "Nice One" for both of these situations. Unfortunately you cannot use "Nice Shot" for both.
Method 3
Method 3 is called the "Great Pass!" method. This method should be pretty self explanatory if you've read the previous methods. This method requires the quickchat: "Great Pass" and is to be used upon a player passing the ball to an opponent who scores. When your opponent passes you the ball (whether it be accidental or ballchasing) and you score a goal off of the pass, make sure SPAM that "Great Pass!" quickchat. This is a fantastic method because it makes the opponent aware that you are aware that he accidentally passed the ball to you and is applicable to multiple different situation with different quickchats.

Pro Tip: This method also works for the quickchats: Nice Shot, Great Clear, and Nice Block in their respective situations.
Method 4
This method is called "replay skip" and requires a goal to have been scored. Once a goal has been scored and the goal replay is going, you will see names (including yours) at the bottom right of your screen. These names are there to indicate which players have NOT chosen to skip the replay. Do NOT skip the replay. Doing this forces the other players in the game to watch the replay. Although this method is not very effective in the lower ranks, it pisses people up in the higher ranks. Do not dish what you cannot take. If you get pissy when people don't skip, do NOT use this method.

Pro Tip: If you score a long goal (sniper) where the ball rolls a significant distance before actually getting scored, Don't hit it in and just let it roll in. This pisses off your opponent even more!
Method 5
This method is called "BUMPING!" This is my favorite method just because of how simple it is and the sheer speed at which it works. Literally just bump into your opponent / teammate as much as possible. While demoing them often makes them angrier, it is easier to screw up. Demoing requires a player to be traveling at supersonic speed, a bump does not.

Pro Tip: If a player tries to avoid your demo by double jumping, simply power flip into them.

Another Pro Tip: Use the demos to your advantage! Try to score on them after they're demo'ed awaiting respawn. This will definitely piss them off !!
Method 6
Do you hate your teammates with a passion? Do you hate yourself? If so, you're in luck with method 6! This method is called "Own Goaling" or "Throwing" I use this method when a teammate has done something so stupid and utterly incompetent, that you no longer feel the need to win the current game. Simply score a goal on your own teams goal, sit back, watch your teammates throw a fit. In my time using this method, I have found the most common response to be Wow! Wow! Wow! in the quick chat. Not sure why people reference the abbreviation for Blizzard's master-piece MMORPG, World of Warcraft, after being scored on..... But hey, whatever pisses them off right?

Pro Tip: If you can carry out the own goals long enough, Sometimes your teammates will abandon the match leaving them with a temporary match making ban / cooldown, and you, with one less idiot on your team ;)
Method 7
While this method is one of the hardest, it is also one of the most satisfying. Also, method 7 ONLY works if the other player(s) is on the same platform as you (pc) This is called the "Verbal Harassment" Method. In this method, your objective is to piss off the opponent off enough to say something bannable in the chat. I am not entirely sure of all of the bannable words and phrases, but have found the words "♥♥♥", "♥♥♥♥ your mom", "suck your dad", "♥♥♥", and any form of racial / gender derogative slurs and words to be the most effective upon getting people banned. Immediately after they use these words, you need to report them for verbal harassment which can be done by pressing Pause > Report a Player > and choosing the option. With the new update, sometimes you need to do it after a match. If all goes well, you should see a message reading "Do to reports from you and your peers, action has been taken against a player who has violated rocket leagues Code of Conduct. Thank you." upon logging in.

Pro Tip: No matter how much your teammate has pissed you off, Refrain from using these words / any other swear words. This will ensure you do not also get banned if reported.
Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. Hopefully these tips will help players bring out their inner toxicity. Although this list is far from complete and there are many many variations to these methods, hopefully this will provide the basis to you guys developing your very own effective methods. And remember, The "goal" is not to have fun, It's to ensure that the other person doesn't.
Vurow 13 Oct, 2021 @ 2:55pm 
Linkz 7 Oct, 2021 @ 5:35am 
DSL-Vertriebler 11 Sep, 2021 @ 2:02pm 
Great Guide. A side effect of this guide: Lower unemployment rates
RustyNail 11 Sep, 2021 @ 7:18am 
is this guide for noggers? aka non-great-gamers
xue hua piao piao 7 Sep, 2021 @ 8:20pm 
You put a lot of effort on this shitty joke
yeah cheers champ 7 Sep, 2021 @ 8:05am 
thanks maan
SmoothMarx 6 Sep, 2021 @ 8:00am 
This tutorial should be called "How Everyone Plays Rocket League When They're Tilted"
Masstender 5 Sep, 2021 @ 10:11pm 
I get chat banned weekly. Check my OF for details on how to become infamous in RL. :wololo:
ttv_beefyonyt 5 Sep, 2021 @ 4:08pm 
thats cracked
⎠⎝Zushikatetomoto⎠⎝ UFO 5 Sep, 2021 @ 6:38am 
Waste of steam space and time so useless. Be nice and have fun.