

166 ratings
Foxhole Warden Kriegsman Primer
By DonkeyKongLegs and 2 collaborators
This guide explains some of the basics and more advanced forms of the game such as infantry, building, logistics as well as tanks and artillery.

And if you would like to serve the Emperor in one of his finest regiments along with other Kriegsmen you can do so here -

Short introduction

We will start off with the basics, crew and vehicle loadouts.

Generally speaking this is more or less it but I’ll go in a bit more detail to get the point across:

[sonii's tidbits]
hey im sonii, one of the officers in Tiger Baron's (the main writer of this) clan. i got perms to edit this, so ima put my own personal tactics and such at the end of a section under a bit called sonii's tidbits. said tidbits will mostly be how i generally use certain vics. feel free to read em or ignore em, you'll likely find your own way of using vics through experience playing. cya in the next tidbit lol
We will be going off of the assumption that you just bought the game and are completely new, however this is only a small starter section for the vehicle gameplay so just keep in mind it will not cover entirely everything in the game.

We will start with how to actually build a vehicle first.

To build a vehicle, press 1 to pull out your hammer and grab some basic materials (bmats) from the refinery or a spawn point such as a Town Hall, Safe House, Bunker Base, Outpost (FOB) and so forth.

This is for the light vehicles, heavier vehicles and armored such as well as tanks, will probably require refined materials (rmats) which will depend on the type, for example a jeep with an LMG will be 10 rmats, a tank will be around 160 and so on.

Then head on over to the Garage, if you don't know what that looks like just press M to open your map and look for a truck icon on there, just remember that if it's white it means it's not built yet.

When you get to the Garage you can press E to open up it's menu and it will present you with a table of available vehicles, the white ones means that you can build them, the greyed out ones means that they need to be researched at the Tech/Engineering Center by your faction still like in the picture below:

For starters I suggest you just build a simple truck which will be 100 bmats, meaning 100 hits with your hammer.

Besides the in-game resources each hammer hit can be considered as a timer as well, so in the truck's case it requires 100 seconds to build, meaning 1 minute and 40 seconds in total.

Hence why some vehicles will have a price of 2x200, meaning that each hammer hit is actually counted as one, as with the Battle Tank instead of requiring you to hit it 400 times, you only need to hit it 200, as in 200 seconds and thus it being 3 minutes and 20 seconds to build.

Moving on, we have getting into the vehicle.

You do this by pressing Q on your keyboard which is the default key, however you can rebind this in your options.

Make sure you're on the driver's position which is most likely the front left next to a door.

Remember that you cannot enter a vehicle if you're over encumbered, meaning that you have a red backpack at the top left of your screen and that's because your inventory is at or over 100%, however you can enter if you're at 99% like here where I'm at 96% so that means I can enter a vehicle

Then you will most likely want to lock your vehicle by pressing L so nobody else can get in or steal it because remember, this is a team game however you aren't entirely certain of what your teammates might be thinking.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't trust your team, just keep in mind that some people like to troll and grief others, like in minecraft, so the lock is there for that reason.

Driving is done in the same manner as walking, W is forward, A is left, D is right and S is back and space bar is the brake, shift is for the boost if your vehicle has such a function.

And if you're wondering, no there's no throttle (gear) system in place, even if it makes sense like in Hell Let Loose, Post Scriptum and Squad, for whatever reason.

The engine is also started automatically as well as the headlights when the driver is inside the vehicle, meaning that if you want to be sneaky that idea is not really gonna work here unfortunately.

You can also switch positions at any time by either pressing Z or control (ctrl) and 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 on your keyboard.

1 is always the driver position, 2 is the gunner or passenger position, 3 is the commander position on tanks or another passenger or gunner on some other vehicle, 4 was hull machine gunner for the Battle Tank and 5 was the engineer, again for the Battle Tank. In the case of trucks and other transport vehicles and so forth again 4 and 5 might be passenger or driver positions, it really depends on the vehicle itself.

Vehicles such as the APC at the back don't require you to "enter" it by pressing Q like normally.

Switching seats is also extremely useful in situations where you run into an ambush and say your vehicle gets disabled, but you can quickly switch to the back of a truck for example, press Q to exit and then run away to notify the rest of your team of a partisan blockade down the road and so on.

Also keep in mind driving on roads is faster than driving over muddy paths and so forth, especially for trucks which have poor off-road performance unless it's a specialized variant.

Some additional functions that certain vehicles may have -

Drivers in trucks and other transport vehicles such as LUV and motorbikes can enter structure inventories from inside and then press Shift and left mouse click to grab 3 items instead of the normal 1 when you're on foot.

They can also open Gates and draw bridges by pressing E as well, same with the inventories basically.

And lastly some vehicles have dual functions which can be activated by pressing F like for example to deploy the crane, again from the driver's seat.

Fueling is done in 2 ways, the first is the manual one which is already described in the Foxhole wiki -

  • Grab a canister of Diesel or Petrol, and make sure it has enough units left for what you need (x/100).
  • If the vehicle is currently using the other type of fuel, open the vehicle menu with E and click the Change Fuel button to siphon the tank and toggle the fuel type to the other kind. The siphoned fuel is automatically transformed into a can and placed inside your backpack.
  • Equip the fuel canister.
  • Select the canister by pressing your 3 key.
  • Hold down LMB (left mouse button) next to the vehicle that requires fuel. You will automatically stop the fueling process if either the vehicle is full or when your canister is used up completely.

The other method is through the fuel tanker and is described in the Vehicle and Tank mechanics section where you can also find more in-depth information about the Armor and sub-systems as well as tiers of vehicles and so on and so forth.

Finally I just want to discuss the Squad Lock system here for a bit because it might be a bit confusing.

First you need to be at least at the rank of Sergeant I believe to make a Squad in game. Then you need to have at least 2 other people in the same region as you and the vehicle you're trying to squad claim in order to actually do it.

And then when the above requirements are met, you will get the icon of 3 little people in white in the vehicle menu bar to activate it which means that everybody in your squad can now driver and access the inventory of the vehicle regardless if you've locked it or not.

Just keep in mind 3 things -

1. You can lock yourself out of a vehicle, if you've squad claimed a vehicle but somebody else locked it, which is a separate function, and you un-claim it the lock of the other person remains and cannot be wrenched for 15 minutes.

2. Squad Claims are gone after about 2 hours, meaning that you should always lock your vehicle with L and make sure to check the squad claim if it hasn't expired.

3. Even if you wrench the lock of a vehicle if it's squad claimed by a different squad you will not be able to access it's inventory even if you can drive it.
Mechanized and Armored Tactics
Generally this is more advanced stuff so you haven't went over the basics yet I suggest you do them first instead.

So, first off we'll start with the Mechanized tactics which heavily includes infantry as you might imagine as they are centered around early game armored combat vehicles transporting and supporting them.

Mechanized tactics aren't really a new concept for Foxhole, in fact the very first armored combat vehicle was the Halftrack back in the pre-alpha of the game, which ironically couldn't even transport other infantry besides the passenger next to the driver as you can see below:

It looked very similar to the German Sdkfz. 250 Halftrack and ultimately it's only now that our own halftracks can really act like it, carrying a variety of weaponry and 4 people at the back.

The concept was sort of reborn with the introduction of the APCs in the Early-Access release of Foxhole on Steam, which could actually carry people at the back unlike the then-halftracks.

The basic idea here is that the infantry uses the Halftrack or APC as both their transport/carrier and armored support, capable of quickly mounting or dismounting the vehicle with weapons at the ready at a moment's notice. It can also serve as a mobile triage center where people can go to get healed or revived by a medic as well.

Grenades, ammo, medical supplies and other, heavier weapons are just some of the few things that mechanized infantry can carry in their armored vehicle compared to their counterparts that are only on foot or truck transported.

The problem with all of this of course is pretty simple, getting people to actually listen, stay close to the vehicle and use it as support instead of just an accessory, is hard.

Meaning that infantry just jumping out guns blazing and getting themselves killed will most likely be the likely scenario in the cases that these mechanized tactics are used in the game, unfortunately.

If the above is followed the best case scenario is that at least most of the mechanized infantry stay alive for a longer time compared to their counterparts on foot.

They can use the vehicle as cover and to carry their supplies and heavier weapons as well as ammunition, bring wounded to the medic at the back in order to get revived and lastly just be more mobile. If the enemy comes packing serious heat you can just quickly hop back in and get out of dodge.

[sonii's tidbits]
welcome back to my rants tidbits. i shall assume that you're very very new, so here's a little advice. when you on the front, if some rando guys are askin for peeps to get in their HTs or APCs, go with em. you'll have a great time being essentially kidnapped XD
List of abbreviations and terms
As the title of this section suggests this is a somewhat short list of abbreviations used in this guide as well as maybe outside of it concerning mostly combat vehicles and other things that tankers will use and need to know about.

Starting from A to Z -

Armored Car
Artificial Intelligence
Anti-Tank Armored Car
Anti-Tank Halftrack
Anti-Tank Rifle
Anti-Tank Turret (Gun Turret)
Amphibious Light Utility Vehicle
Armored Personnel Carrier
basic materials
Bunker Base
Battle Tank
Construction Vehicle
Cement materials
Emplaced Anti-Tank
explosive material
Engineering Center
Emplaced Machine Gun
Estimated Time of Arrival
Endless Shore
Field Artillery
Field Anti-Tank
Field Machine Gun
Frontier Base
Farranac Coast
Field Operating Base
Foxhole Official Discord
Garrison House
heavy explosive material
High Explosive
Heavy Armored Car
Husk's Hollow
Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Tank Destroyer
High-Velocity Field Anti-Tank
Infantry Support Gun
Infantry Support Tank
Jade Cove
Landing Ship
Light Utility Vehicle
Light Tank
Light Tank Destroyer
Light Machine Gun
Machine Gun
Mortar Halftrack
Mortar Light Tank
Mass Production Factory
Mass Produced Tank
Quick Reaction Force
refined materials
Relic materials
Storm Cannon
Storage Depot
Scout Tank
Soldier Supplies
Town Hall
tech materials
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tech maid/Femboy
Vehicle Factory/Garage
Victory Point
World Conquest
⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣      Vehicle and Tank mechanics
Since the new Arms Race update hit, it introduced a couple of new tank mechanics to the game.

Here we will be discussing them a bit more in depth than what was just originally put out on the surface but overall let’s just say that a lot of RNG is involved now.

Tank Uniform

Tank uniforms were added in update 46 and they allow Gas Mask Filters to stack up to 3, provide a -25% encumbrance for basic materials and has 5 inventory slots.

If those aren't available then you will want to get the Sapper one as it provides the same bonus for bmats but has one more inventory slot and doesn't allow for you to stack gas mask filters anymore sadly, as you can see here it stays at 115% encumbrance with my loadout of 100 bmats:

So in a few short words, whenever you're tanking, you'll always want to have one or the other.

And remember kids -

Tank Logistics

This will be a straight-forward section talking about the vehicle costs and their loadouts.

More often than not armored combat vehicle and tank logistics come down to opportunity costs.

Meaning that right from the Tech Center you have a choice, do you risk it all and try to get a prototype vehicle for a 50/50 chance at getting it or do you simply be a good boy and donate to the cause of your faction?

So it might look like a simple thing on the outside but in reality it's a choice between having your quick fun right now and contributing to the future of your faction in the war.

Next we come to the production of the actual vehicle if it's teched and again we come to the same thing, opportunity cost.

Most vehicles can be produced in bulk from the Mass Production Factory (MPF) which is cheaper in the longer run than making a singular vehicle.

However you need a large sum of resources initially to spend, somewhere in the thousands so for example if you want to make a crate of 3 Battle Tanks, it will cost you 600 refined materials (rmats) and take around 3 hours while making a singular Battle Tank at the Garage would be 2x200 rmats, meaning 400 rmats in total and the 2x200 means that each hammer hit you do on the blueprint of the vehicle counts as 2 rmats, so you will need 200 seconds to complete it instead of 400 seconds.

The other thing with making bigger orders of crates at the Mass Production Factory is that the more you order, the cheaper it will be as each crate is around 10%, up to a total of around a 50% discount.

So a full queue of crates of Battle Tanks is going to be a lot cheaper than just ordering a single crate of 3 Battle Tanks.

More detailed information can be found here:

Lastly we come to the actual supplying of said vehicle and again as you might have guessed it already, it comes down to opportunity cost once more.

Let's say you have a tank, any tank really, it doesn't matter.

And you have a bunch of your friends (if you have any), you got some resources to spend on shells, fuel and what not but they're limited and you want to have a little fun.

Maxing out the ammo count in your tank might seem like a good idea at first but consider the following - You die and the enemy now has your ammunition.

So remember that everything made and produced in Foxhole can be used against you as well, especially supplies such as bmats and ammo where tank shells become a premium in the late game because of the amount of tank spam pushing fronts and tank walls holding them back.

What I recommend is weighing the odds, if you don't feel confident that you won't die in the first 5 minutes of your tank being on the frontline consider only taking around 30 rounds with you, if you feel a bit more confident 50-60 might be better because you won't go back to resupply as often if you run out.

Now, if you truly feel over-confident and have an experienced and reliable crew with you, go for the max ammo but be aware that if you die with most of your shells and your team finds out you will get a lot of salty comments so just keep that in mind as well.

Finally I want to end the section by talking about the other 2 consumables and those are bmats for repairs and fuel for your gas hungry armor monsters.

What I usually do and recommend is filling up your personal inventory with bmats up until you hit the 99% encumbrance on your person, if you hit 100% exactly you won't be able to get in your vehicle anymore. Saves time and effort, not to mention most combat vehicles don't have more than 1 inventory slot so carrying extra bmats for repairs onboard is out the of question entirely.

Then we got fuel, the propellant for your vehicle. You have 2 options, Diesel which is the cheaper alternative and Petrol which is harder to come by but provides some more benefits like burning more slowly and giving you more torque/speed however is mostly used to power the resource mines.

One tip to conserve your tactical advantage and time, thus also resources, is to go during night times to resupply and repair at the Garage if your armor is damaged because time is money and the more you waste during the day time not pushing is the more time you are giving your enemy to prepare himself.

And as a great man once said -

Fuel system

So, to sum up this picture.

All vehicles can use both Diesel and Petrol, with Diesel being the more common fuel type while Petrol is more rarer.

Diesel is what is used for most vehicles as again, it's the more commonly found fuel type.

Petrol however gives you increased speed and more torque, so basically your vehicle will handle better with it. But because it's so rare it's mostly used for resource mines instead as it's more efficient for the war effort there.

You can also change between them at any given time using the little gas canister with the 2 arrows like on this picture -

This also siphons the current fuel in the vehicle, if there is any left that is.

Meaning that for example if you're in a tank and your fuel tank gets punctures and starts leaking, you can just quickly swap the fuel types in order to save the remaining fuel until you fix it.
Physics system

As you can see different vehicles are propelled in different ways, one example is that Jeeps and Motorcycles are 4x4 and 3 wheeled vehicles respectively, being directed by the front wheels turning. They can also drift out a lot easier so keep that in mind.

In respect the tanks and other tracked vehicles are being driven by their treads and thus are also used to turn them, meaning that you can “neutral” turn a tank now on the spot, something which was not previously possible.

Here’s also a video from ISawABear showing off some of these new physics and also explaining how to use them:

And also a video comparison of both old and new systems:

Armor System
To start, here’s a couple of gifs that I think somewhat put the point across for armor:

What you’re observing here is a non-penetrating hit or “bounce”, deflected shots make a "pssht" sound and produce sparks.

Meaning that the round did not go through the armor and thus did not do any damage. Just keep in mind however that rounds can now also ricochet off of armor if they did not penetrate and hit something else that’s near it like another tank or infantry.

This is a penetrating hit:

I know that it may be a bit hard to tell from the gifs how a penetrating and non-penetrating hit may look and sound like but I’m working with limited resources here and I hope that it just gets the point across for what you might be looking for.

You will know the distinction soon enough once you’re in armor combat.

Now you may be asking, how do you guarantee a more successful chance of penetration, or decrease it if you are on the receiving end of AT fire?

Well it’s simple, angle.

And by that I mean that the devs have somewhat implemented effective thickness of armor based on it’s shape, so if something is more sloped or rounded, trying to aim for it will obviously have a lower chance of penetration.

Aiming for more flat surfaces however will increase your penetration chance, hence why I mentioned the obvious flaw in the Colonial Battle Tank’s design earlier.

To put things even more into perspective here’s something taken directly from the dev stream:

As you can see this is coming straight from the horse’s mouth, nothing more to add here.

However something that’s not mentioned about Armor, besides the obvious RNG, is that it’s effectiveness decreases the more damage it takes. This is “hidden” and cannot be repaired with hammers or from the inside of the BT for example, you need to go to a Garage and use the “Full Repair” function there as shown in this picture:

Tests have shown that this ability “resets” the RNG effect of tank armor being able to be penetrated, meaning less chances of rounds penning it and more chances for rounds bouncing off and not doing any damage.

I am unsure if this works 100% of the time but of course there’s only one way to find out if it’s true or not and that’s through experience of tank combat of course.

This however does not mean that every time you get damaged by 5% you should go back to the Garage to reset the RNG of armor penetration, but if you were disabled at like 50% it might be worth a consideration.

Still if you’re in a Battle Tank or are far away it would mean a lot of fuel expenditure so that’s why I’m just noting it without putting much emphasis on it as something major but again, something as worth of note to keep in mind.

[sonii's tidbits]
Tiger did a mediocre way of explaining armor, dmg (damage), and pens (penetrations) here, so lemme provide a little more explanation. to do dmg on armored vic, you must pen the armor. armor decides the pen rate of a shell from any given angle, more armor you got the better. penning armor is easier from flanks/angles, so try to aim for the sides/backs of vics. dmg is decided from the angle and location of the penning shell, and varies greatly for everything. in Entrenched update, dev man added a visual way to see how much armor you have by showing rust on vics. more rust = less armor. if your vic is covered in rust, you have low armor and will take dmg most of the times you get shot. every time a shell pens, it takes away armor and health. health can be repaired by bmats, armor can only be repaired by going back to a garage and using 100 bmats. you can tell if your armor is taking damage and the rough amount of armor you have by the rustiness of your vic.
Most of dis is explained in the Armor Overhaul Section, but make sure to read that as well due to me not mentioning a lotta stuff here.
Tank sub-systems and modules
Now we come to the new point and that is sub-systems or “modules”, whichever you prefer to call them.

And here’s a picture taken from the dev stream detailing that as well.

As you can see the individual components can now be damaged as well, taking out the tracks means lower mobility, rupturing the fuel tank means losing fuel in a few seconds, damaging the turret means disabling the main gun from firing.

And here’s an example gif of a ruptured fuel tank:

In such a situation what you can do is, provided that you are also safe and able to, get out of the tank and switch the fuel type to "siphon" the remaining fuel and prevent it from leaking so once you fully repair the tank and thus also the fuel tank rupture you can put it back in and drive away.

This video also shows some of these sub-systems or modules being damaged in action:

Expanded Sub-systems:

So the devs decided to bless us with this additional picture further explaining the new sub-systems in more detail in their last dev stream.

Apparently there was some confusion going around about how exactly this new system worked and what it affected.

They also mentioned the inherent design differences which from what I can understand is that Warden tanks statistically wise are better, and not to mention more expensive, but they also have the inherent flaws of having their modules be more exposed as you can see from the pictures, like for example the tracks and engine, for some un-explainable reason, of course it probably being balance and not Colonial bias, most definitely.

Because you wouldn’t want to not keep things fair by coating your tanks in better armor while at the same time having their components be more exposed, certainly not.

Either way, as mentioned previously the systems are heavily RNG based and it will depend if luck is on your side or not. As our own combat experience showed during War 59 hitting the tracks was probably the most reliable choice and then “diving” for the kill. Turret shots were a 50/50 chance of penetrating and thus dealing damage and disabling it. For better or worse engine shots would only appear to be feasible for wide flanking moves of Light Tanks right now.

[sonii's titbids]
from my experience, always aim for the turret/track when facing enemies head on. if you "track" and enemy, they move much much slower than normal and are easier prey to pick on. you can tell a vic is "tracked" by the tracks shaking violently combined with enemy vic being super slow. disabling turrets (not to be confused with disabling, which is when a vic took too much damage and can no longer move at all) is when enemy vics can no longer fire their main gun at you. KEEP IN MIND THAT TURRET DISABLING DOES NOT APPLY TO SECONDARY TURRETS! you can tell that a turret is disabled when it has massive plumes of black smoke coming out of it. engine disabling is when you disable the engine, meaning that fuel starts leaking fast. you can tell this is happening by the big ass puddles of oil coming out of the engine.
Tiers of vehicles
The Arms Race update also added in a new tech system, described by this picture:

Before this the tech was much more linear and not player driven unlike now, this has both pros and cons but for the sake of not drawing this guide out even more I’ll try to keep it more simple.

When you go and scrap now you have a chance to drop either iron or aluminium.

Iron is used to research and make prototypes of vehicles while aluminium is used to tech weapons.

Generally the lower in the tech tree that a vehicle is the lower amount of Iron it costs to tech and make prototypes of.

However again as a note here, the higher end on the tech tree the vehicle is on, the higher chance of it failing if you try to prototype it, however even if it fails some of that is not completely wasted so it’s added to the overall tech.

It’s still a pretty large gamble if you ask me which is more often than not not really worth it as you will understand a bit below where I talk a bit more about it.

So directly just submitting tech to the vehicle in order to unlock it’s standard variant and wait would probably be a better idea. Also keep in mind that you can “skip” some vehicles at the current tier you’re researching in order to get their more powerful Advanced version a bit later.

Basically vehicles are 3 Tiers now, Prototype, Standard and Advanced as shown here:

As you can see, prototypes are grey-ish and have no texture, standard have either the Green or Blue colors for each respective faction and the Advanced Tier has camouflage.

But that’s where the visual distinctions end and the “non-physical” ones begin to appear.

Prototypes as described in the first picture can be researched earlier but at the cost of failure, have less health and speed and also cannot be repaired by standard means, only in the new Garage with the aforementioned “Full Repair” ability.

Standard vehicles have their normal health and speed.

Advanced vehicles have more speed and more health, with again their most distinguishing characteristic being their camouflage.

Just as a note however not all vehicles can reach the Advanced Tier, and since they will continue to add new vehicles in the coming couple of months a list detailing them here will be created in the near future hopefully.

Update 47 changes:

Picture speaks for itself, Prototypes are not cheaper and can be repaired so in short, infinitely more useful than before and more viable in the early game.
Snow Storms and their effects on vehicles
The Winter Army update introduced "winter" regions and snow storm which affect the environment and of course, vehicles, including armored such.

Anything found outside of garages, stored depots or freighters will be frozen and will not be able to move.

Frozen vehicles will look like in this picture, all covered in snow:

In order to un-freeze a vehicle you will need to build a fire next to it so make sure to always bring extra bmats with you, as for the fuel you can siphon it from your vehicle and use it to light the fire but spare just enough so you can get out of there after it's un-frozen.

However the winter effects as it's stated in the below trailer for the update also provide some tactical advantages such as vehicles being able to cross frozen bodies of water such as rivers, something which wasn't possible before so winter assaults might be worth it if executed correctly:

Winter Army update Armor overhaul
Update 45, the last phase of Winter Army has made some interesting changes to the armor systems which we will discuss here now.

This is the first part of it:

As you can see and as it says, the closer you are and the more direct shot you have to a component or flat armor plate the bigger penetration chance it will have, especially on the flanks and rear.

Obviously still going for a track or turret, alternatively a fuel tank shot if possible is preferable in order to cripple the enemy instead of trying to break the armor directly which is very RNG dependent.

The next few pictures are self-explanatory so I'll just leave them to do the talking -

Special attention should be paid to the last 2 picture, one which is a visual example of how the reworked armor system works while the other is a quick recap of everything here sort of.
Tank Armor Visual Indication
What is says on the tin basically -

After update 45, vehicles that have armor now also have different damaged states.

So the more damaged the armor is, the less shiny your tank will look like so it might be a good idea to pull back during the night time to get some repairs and refurbish the armor at the garage.
Tank Hulldown (Experimental)
As the title of this section suggests, this is a very early in-development and experimental tactic which can be very situational at times but I decided it could sometimes help you out enough when on the defensive to be worth a mention here.

The idea is that you dig the octagon trench emplacement and then drive your tank into it, however keep in mind that only the smaller ones like the Light Tanks and Outlaw can go in them -

Credits go to ISawABear for both the above picture and the below video showcasing the tactic as well:

A little bit of history for those interested, the hull down concept is nothing new and has been around since WW2's advancement in armored vehicle warfare compared to WW1's more static and trench based such.

However sometimes you would be on side that was being assaulted and thus needed to take up a defensive posture, for infantry this would mean digging in with foxholes, trenches and so on, for tanks it would mean going in a hull down position, either behind a ridge or something or digging into the ground which would in turn protect the hull while only leaving the turret with the main gun being exposed which would result in a smaller area where the enemy can hit you.

In Foxhole this is in theory the same thing, however due to the top down nature of the game and not to mention limited combat ranges (40 meters being the norm here of course) as I mentioned at the start this is highly situational and you will need to weigh the odds if it will be useful or not in your present circumstances.

[sonii's tidbits]
if you think you get stuck by doing this, try driving at an angle on one of the sides to get a track on top. from here drive forwards and wiggle your way out. if that doesnt work have one of your crew mates crouch/crawl under the tank while you drive out.
Field Bridges

These came in update 47 and are entirely new additions to the game, enabling infantry and certain vehicles to cross bodies of water and other passes previously not possible. This of course also means less bridge stalemates for hours if not days on end.

Coming back to the certain vehicles thing that I mentioned:

This means that tanks will still need the normal bridges found in the world.

Which is where Armored Cars come into play:

This gives them some new purpose and utility, however don't expect these things to win you the war. At most they will provide support to the infantry in the establishment of a bridgehead in order for the actual bridges to be built up.

Still, they won't be so obsolete as before once tanks are teched, just keep in mind that as you might notice in the picture the bridge can still give under their weight after a while since it "takes damage" by each and every vehicle that crosses it.
Modular Tripod Mount for Halftracks

Once again, what it sys on the tin basically.

As also mentioned in their own dedicated vehicle sections, this means that the normal halftracks now come out without an actual weapon from the Garage but can mount any tripod weapon and also carry 4 more people at the back behind the gunner as it shows on the picture.

This is how you mount a weapon:

This is how you dismount it:

And then here's how each faction specific base variant modular halftrack looks like -


don't mind the train tracks


I couldn't get a picture of the modular Hoplite halftrack but just imagine a beefier version of the above vehicle.
Datamined statistics
Below you will find datamined statistics from the game's files mostly if not entirely from reddit, and before you jump into any conclusions yes, the Colonial vehicles do seem a bit better than the Warden ones stat wise on paper as it's also mentioned in Hatchet section.

However few wars have been decided because of that alone so crew skill and experience amongst other things such as effective communication and coordination is also vital to winning tank battles, not just pure stats.

[sonii's tidbid]
as you can see here and as Tiger mentioned, collie vics seem better than warden vics. how can wardens do anything? the main difference in the tanks is the armor stats, and if you look at them you'll see that ward tanks have better armor. if you read the 2 armor sections above, you'd know that armor bounces shells and keeps your tank health safe (until shells pen). use this fact to your advantage, especially if you use a SVH or HTD (both of which will be explained in more depth later)
⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣          Crew Positions
In this section we will be covering some more advanced information that is coming from experience and also some tips and tricks for newer crewmen. It will probably be updated as time goes on with new info.

The above is my standard crewman/commander loadout, I bring as many gas mask filters and bmats with me as I can as well as a wrench because you never know when you might need it.
A pistol or revolver is also something optional but it also means less of either of the above.

Not pictured is the 3 bandages that I also carry as a tank commander.

First we will start with the Driver. He is arguably the most important role in the vehicle, regardless of the type of actual vehicle. He is controlling where the vehicle is going and thus it depends on him if it lives or dies. Stay too long on the front and take too much damage and you will get disabled and thus you’re already with one foot in the grave and later completely in.

Do not be ashamed or afraid to pull back earlier and often, it’s better to live and not destroy an enemy vehicle than to trade. Surviving is an achievement and victory in itself because you never know if you risk it and get disabled if the enemy will also be destroyed.

Also this might be obvious but in combat you may be focused on other things so just make sure to keep an eye on the top left since that’s where the fuel indicator is because you don’t want to be left stranded somewhere. If so however stay in your vehicle and do not let them have it.

As the Gunner you will mostly be acting as the “commander” on most lighter armored vehicles and will have to guide the Driver on where to go as you’re manning the gun, however ultimate responsibility lies on him as to keep the vehicle safe and so if he thinks something is too dangerous he reserves the right to question said directions.

The same thing applies in real life with medics and doctors reserving the right to overrule officers in militaries when it comes down to medical questions.

Overall you should focus on the combat and try to hit enemy weak points but also keep an eye around the vehicle as well in the offtime when you’re reloading and so forth to watch out for flanking threats and so on.

The Commander is present on more “heavier” vehicles such as Halftracks, Gunboats and of course, tanks. You have access to only your secondary slot, meaning you can pull out either your binoculars or pistol/revolver and that’s about it, no Brad Pitt pulling out an StG out of nowhere here. Just a note, it’s also not a good idea to fight at night due to limited view range.

In general your job is to use your binoculars to scout around and coordinate the crew as well as keep them updated, everybody else in the vehicle has a viewing range limit of what they can see in their circle of vision, you have a viewing range of around 120 meters with the binoculars.

As in real life you should stay ever vigilant so keep looking around and maintain a 360 degree viewing radius, at all times. Even if you are staying in friendly lines, keep looking.
You never know if some bastards with stickies or an PRG jeep might just sneak up on you.

[sonii's itbid]
radios and the M key are your best friend. when calling out enemy vics, make sure you specify where they are, the type (collie vics will be explained more later), and how many. your callouts can make/break an entire front, try your best to not ♥♥♥♥ em up. if possible, FLANK AND SPANK! watching flanks is also incredibly important, if you dont see those 3 collies with ignis running up behind you, consider yourself dead. also, ALWAYS talk with the rando infantry around. you help infantry and infantry helps you. there are many many many things about tank commanding that take lots of experience and skill to do, and sadly i cant list them all or i'd double the size of this bible XD. all i can really say is that if you wanna try tank commanding, use LTs. LTs are the easiest to handle, and are the most balanced tanks available. they also some of the cheaper tanks, so even if you die a bunch it wont be a huge loss.
Machine Gunner
As for the Machine Gunner which is a BT and Outlaw exclusive role you just simply right click to aim and press left click to fire the gun, that’s about it.

Of course you should keep the enemy suppressed in your arc of fire and check bushes or anywhere else the enemy can hide to ambush your tank.

And a nice little tactic I use is that I fire a few rounds and then pause to make them think that I’m reloading so they come out and charge us, then I shoot them. It’s a nice little thing I’ve picked up from machine gunning in general.

A radio is again also something optional that you could take with you if you would like to reenact the role of a Panzer radio operator.

[sonii's tibids]
i've personally found that the moar people with radios, the better. everyone in a tank should have a radio so more people can check map if needed.
The Engineer as previously mentioned in the BT section is a unique role to the Battle Tank and that’s why he is getting a special mention here.

You are responsible for loading the rounds into the main gun of the tank, without you the gun cannot be reloaded. You also used to be able to switch variants of shells as there were AP, or Armor Piercing, HE, as in High Explosive and Shrapnel rounds by pressing “F” but the devs decided to remove them for now until they figure out on how to balance them, or at least that’s the official explanation for it.

You can also repair the tank from the inside by pressing E but I believe you need to tap it so you can’t just hold it down. But in order to do that you need to have bmats in your inventory.

That’s why the Engineer mostly only keeps a Gas Mask and Gas Mask Filters on him along with however many bmats that he can carry since you don’t need a hammer in order to repair from the inside. A radio is also optional as some people like to act as additional eyes on the map to be kept up to date but you should not forget you’re one of the most important roles in the tank.

And because you can do all of this knowing when to do it is extremely important. The most important job is reloading the gun by pressing R, then it’s repairing. Remember that the enemy can out-damage your repair rate so firing back to destroy them is vital.

⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣      Warden vehicles

This section will serve to individually introduce the new Warden Armored vehicles added to the update as the older ones are a bit more straightforward and are shared between both factions.

Dunne Leatherback, Armored Truck

Cost in bmats
1+5 passengers
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 30 minutes


A bit of an oddball and unique vehicle, this armored truck gets disabled under 65% health instead of the more common 80% of most other trucks so it will take a few more shots to disable you than normal.

Recommended usage:

The additional armor comes at the cost of slower acceleration however so if you do find yourself in a tight spot gun it and do not stop for anything in the world, just as you would in any other truck and pray to Callahan that they don't have something bigger than a rifle or SMG to hit you with.

Note: Even thought it is an "armored" truck technically it does not use the armor system of tanks.
Drummond, LUV

Cost in rmats
1+1 passanger
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


The Light Utility Vehicle (LUV) or Jeep as it's also known is a light car capable of transporting a driver and a passenger pretty cheaply and economically while maintaining a high speed even off-road.

Recommended tactics:

Excellent for partisan operations or smaller logistical tasks where you need something smaller and faster than a truck, especially if you plan on avoiding the roads due to enemy partisans.

Drummond Loscann, amphibious LUV

Cost in rmats
Passenger secondary weapons
1+3 passanger
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


A variant of the normal LUV, this thing is extremely good for partisan, nuke and other behind the line operations.

However keep in mind that it's best used for crossing small bodies of water such as ponds and lakes, maybe rivers and not oceans because the further you sit in the water the more fuel you consume and not to mention you're also slow when not on land.

Recommended usage:

As mentioned above, bob's your uncle when it comes to going behind the enemy lines through water with this thing so use it wisely.

A tip from experience is that since it's open topped 3 partisans with captured pitch guns is pretty good for drive-by tactics like some Chicago gangsters from the 20s.

Drummond Spitfire, LMG Jeep

Cost in rmats
7.92mm LMG
Around your display size
2+1 passanger
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


The first vehicle we will be talking about will be the Spitfire or as I affectionately call it, the “Warthog” because it really reminds me of the vehicle from Halo.

Fast vehicle with good capabilities both on and off-road. It’s armed with an LMG and thus you will also hear people simply refer to it as the LMG LUV/jeep. It has 3 inventory slots and can carry 3 people.

Recommended tactics:

I put around 15 or so clips of 7.92mm LMG ammo in it and 2 stacks of x100 bmats each for repairs and also carry an extra canister of fuel on me.

It’s mostly meant for QRF (Quick Reactionary Force) OPs as well as just patrolling the backlines
and if you feel cheeky enough armored pushes as well as partisan operations behind enemy lines.

[sonii's sbidit]
objectively best vic in the game lmfao. when using this, be aware that you can get shot out and that the LMG on it is either the best or worst gun in the game depending on how it's feeling that day. great for 15 rmats and having fun meme ops, is good at providing anti-infantry cover for tanks if there are no HTs or ACs. think of the spitfire as a midget HT with no armor, cause that's what it is.
O'Brien, Armored Car

Cost in rmats
7.92mm Dual LMG
Around your display size
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


A light armored car armed with a dual 7.92mm LMG that has a 30 round clip and a pretty fast fire rate.

Recommended tactics:

It's advised to fire in short bursts as to conserve your precious ammunition which you will otherwise quickly waste because of your fast rate and find yourself reloading in an enemy infantry assault that will try to take you out with stickies, HE and other hand-held AT weaponry.

Probably best used to patrol and escort friendly convoys as armored support.

O'Brien Highlander, Tracked Armored Car

Cost in rmats
7.92mm Dual LMG
Around your display size
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


The next vehicle will be the Tracked Armored Car or TAC as many people know it.

Armed with twin Stormrifles it has a fast firing rate, 30 rounds in the clip and accepts 7.92mm ammo, same as the LMG LUV.

It has better offroad performance than the regular Armored Car since it’s tracked and has lower overall top speed but apart from that it’s the same old paper armored vehicle that should be used sparingly in armored assaults. It also has 2 crew spots and 3 inventory slots so the same thing as the LMG LUV applies here as well.

Recommended tactics:

Good in early game when there’s not a lot of AT, later could be used more for support and anti-partisan operations.

O'Brien Gravekeeper, AT Armored Car

Cost in rmats
35 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


Also known as the "Bonewagon".

A Spigot AT Armored Car, I'm not sure how it would be able to be reloaded in real life from the inside but whatever I guess.

Anyway, don't expect much from this thing besides it's a Bonesaw carrying AC so just treat is as a more mobile version of the tripod mounted AT weapon.


Added in update 47 meaning it's pretty new and not much is known due to the lack of experience, just keep your distance and have in mind that there's some travel time from when you fire until the projectile hits whatever you're aiming at. But at least you can fire over low walls and so forth so that's at least a plus over other types of AT weapons.

O'Brien Freeman, Heavy Armored Car

Cost in rmats
40mm cannon
35 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


The bigger brother of the TAC is the HAC.

The Heavy Armored Car (HAC) is armed with a 40mm cannon and a bit more armor but it's very slow and less agile than most other vehicles.

At 60 rmats to build in the Garage, a crew of 2 without the option for the gunner to pop out and have a look around with his binoculars and 35 meters of range as well as around 10 minutes of fuel time this vehicle is very cumbersome and hard to use so it's not really recommended for newer people.

Recommended tactics:

Standard tactics include driving backwards which exposes your rear armor to gain a bigger range advantage and being able to also quickly drive forward to get out of a situation which otherwise your extremely slow reverse speed would negate.

It's also advised to go in packs of at least 2 or 3 to cooperate and help each other out as you will need it more than with other vehicles and just keep in mind going up slopes is not such a great idea with this vehicle as it has very little torque to spare.

Mulloy, Landing APC

Cost in rmats
Passanger weapons
1+7 passangers
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) capable of transporting 7 passangers and a driver over vast bodies of water.

Has no weapons of it's own so it entirely relies on the infantry in the hold for it's offensive and defensive capabilities, just keep in mind you won't be able to shoot anything bigger than a rifle from the back.

Recommended tactics:

Since it has 6 inventory slots and can carry around a squad's worth of people over oceans, rivers and so forth it's ideal for partisan or naval operations.

Be it arming everybody in the hold with HE grenades and finding unsuspecting enemy ships to sink or supporting a nuke operation, the APC is probably your best choice as it has some sentiment of armor albeit it's a bit slow on land.

Mulloy Flying Squid, Smoke launcher APC

Cost in rmats
25 probably
Smoke Launchers
1+7 Passangers probably
Inventory Slots
6 probably
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


A variant of the Warden Landing APC, not much is known of this vehicle besides that it's icon and in-game description were found in the files stating the following -

"The Flying Squid is an LPC fitted with short-range smoke shells designed to smoke screen a potential landing zone."

So it most likely it just going to be an upgraded APC fearing smoke launchers that will launch smoke grenades to provide cover for the disembarking infantry.

Recommended tactics:

None until it's officially added to the game but expect it to be something entirely similar to the already present APC, just with a bit more floss and knowing past records of vehicles found in the files it will most likely get added to the game some day in the future.
Niska, Modular Halftrack

Cost in rmats
Whatever you mount on it
Depends on the weapon
2+5 passengers
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


It has a crew of 2 plus 5 passangers, one next to the driver and 4 behind the gunner.

As the description states you can mount any tripod mountable weapon that you want on it, be it an HMG, Bonesaw, captured weapons such as the ISG, TATR and so forth.

Depending on the weapon, situation and your crew's skills and experience you will need to approach each engagement individually, meaning that if for example you have an HMG mounted for fighting infantry and you meet a vehicle it might be a good idea to bail out of there, both to life and fight another day and to mount a different weapon in order to combat the new threat, there's bound to be tripod mounted weapons laying around somewhere around your spawn points so I suggest looking there.

Previously the Halftrack was a very specialized gun carrier vehicle, but in update 47 it has received some much needed love:

As it says on the tin you can transport 4 other people at the back now for some mechanized action while also being able to carry a variety of different weapons as mentioned previously, something not really possible before which makes this vehicle infinitely more useful now.

Recommended usage:

A good vehicle off-road, it's turning rate takes a bit of getting used to and you should take care as to not get flanked by enemy infantry because of the exposed gunner and passangers at the back so try to stick to friendlies as much as possible.

Again, try to pick your fights depending on your situation and armament you're carrying, back away from targets that you cannot do anything to, which also includes shooting AT weaponry at infantry since they nerfed the explosive damage they do to the meatbags now.

On the left of the picture is the Warden Halftrack in the game mounted with an MG.

Niska Blinder, Anti-Tank Halftrack

Cost in rmats
68mm AT gun
45 meters
3+1 passenger
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


We come to the Anti-Tank Halftrack or AT HT as you will most often hear it.

A sort of versatile vehicle that’s good on both road and off-road situations, armed with a hard hitting 68mm AT gun mounted on the top there with a gun shield.

Note: It's cannon has gained 5 more meters of range in one of the past few updates, meaning that it has 45 meters of range in total.

It has only 1 inventory slot meant for the ammunition which as you might have guessed it is 68mm AT rounds. 4 seats, Driver, Passenger or Co-Driver, Gunner and Spotter at the back.

It has somewhat paper thin armor like the APC but it is a bit better and may even bounce off a few shots from AT weaponry but don’t rely on it too much. The gunner and spotter are extremely vulnerable because the gunshield and back armor does not provide a lot of protection for them so just keep that in mind when entering combat, flanking infantry, grenades and explosives like mortars can easily render you ineffective.

Recommended usage:

Probably best used in Hit and Run tactics against structures and vehicles where you shoot and scoot back because it also has a sort of slow-ish reload at 6 seconds, plenty of time for the enemy to react. If fighting vehicles remember to try and get a flanking shot and especially try to aim for their components like tracks, turret and fuel tank.

Ronan, Gunboat

Cost in rmats
120mm howitzer and dual 12.7 HMG
50-100 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 30 minutes


This is the standard variant of the gunboat fitted with a 120mm howitzer at the back and a dual 12.7 HMG turret at the front meant for engaging soft targets.

Recommended usage:

As this is the main combat vessel in terms of the naval game use it to patrol the water ways for enemy activity and to protect your own logistical lines as well as support any naval invasions and landings.

Do note however that unless something has changed recently APCs are faster than in you in water so watch out for those bastards full of HE naders because your HMG is of questionable effectiveness up close.

Ronan Meteora, Double Cannon Gunboat

Cost in rmats
120mm howitzers
50-100 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 30 minutes


Double Cannon Gunboat, not really “Armor” but still, a new toy worth the mention regardless.

As the name suggests, it’s armed with dual 120mm howitzers on both the front and back of it while the normal Gunboat has a Field Machine Gun (FMG) on one side of it, but since it wasn’t really useful I believe this thing is superior, especially for cases such as shore bombardment where this thing excels at.

Like mentioned previously, it’s not very armored or tanky in terms of health so you will need to be vigilant and get the hell out of there if you see an enemy APC or barge as they will probably be carrying sticky totting infantry which will take your out in short order once they’re close.

Nothing much else to add here besides some stats, those being - acceptable speed over water (obviously), good range at 100 meters, good damage, especially when both of the guns are focus firing but keep in mind that there is scatter so don’t expect pinpoint accuracy like with the FA.

Recommended usage:

I would say that it’s best used for hit and run tactics, taking out strategic positions such as bridges, FOBs, Bunker bases, Town Halls and so forth, or supporting a naval landing.

King Spire, Scout Tank

Cost in rmats
12.7mm HMG
Around your display size
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 20 minutes


The Scout Tank or King Spire as it's also known is a very light but also very fast and maneuverable 2 man tank armed with a 12.7mm Heavy MG in a fully rotating 1 man turret and a built in radio.

As it's name and features imply it's not meant to storm towns but rather fend off infantry, go on patrols and scouting missions using it's radio ability to transmit information around it when stationary and at the most lead assaults on unsuspecting enemy infantry that do not really posses the AT means to fight back because even 1 or 2 stickies will disable you if you try to be too cheeky.

Recommended usage:

At 80 rmats (refined materials), having 2 inventory slots and a 250L fuel tank that's going to last you for around 20 minutes worth of driving around you're somewhat a very mobile and flexible force to be reckoned with if used properly and in time before there is significant AT on the field.

King Gallant, 30mm Scout Tank

Cost in rmats
30mm Infantry Support Gun
35 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


Then we have the King Gallant, or as I refer to it the 30 mil tank.

This Lighter Light tank is equipped with a little bit heavier armor than it's predecessor and armed with a 30mm infantry support gun, however it lacks the radio now and 2 stickies will still disable you nonetheless so you're no battle tank by any means.

At 90 rmats and again, 2 crewmen as well as other stats featured from the King Spire like fuel tank capacity the only other difference is that your fuel will last around 15 minutes now and you will be a bit slower.

Do note that the Commander also acts as a gunner, by pressing E and turning out of the hatch you let go of the gunner controls and assume the commander control where you can use your binoculars and so forth.

Recommended usage:

Usage should be somewhat the same as the Spire but more combat focused as you have some real punch now. Recommended tactics are having at least 3 to go in a small pack in order to be more effective and at the price of less than 300 rmats and 6 people this is very competitive compared to a lot of other combat vehicles in the same tech range.

Here is a short video also showcasing taking down a Gun Turret in such a composition:

Devitt, Light Tank

Cost in rmats
40mm cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


Workhorse of the Warden Armored Corps.

Standard Warden Light Tank, is a somewhat affordable combat vehicle meant as a balance between all factors, firepower, mobility, armor and price point.

A step above the Scout Tank, it might be a better idea to try this vehicle out first if you're just starting to learn how to become a tanker in this game as it's a bit more survivable.

Recommended tactics:

Nothing much more to add here except that it should be used sparingly on the frontline as it's Colonial counterpart is better in almost every single way stat wise so flanking and rolling in packs with other tanks is highly advised.

One distinct advantage that it has however in it's forward turret design, unlike the Colonial Hatchet Light Tank, it does not need to expose half of it's body to fire around a corner so take it as you will.

Devitt Ironhide, up-armored Light Tank

Cost in rmats
40mm cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


As you can see this tank has additional armor plating welded to it as well as better tracks meaning it could go a bit faster off-road than regular tanks. Of course this also means it’s overall a bit slower and costlier in terms of fuel to keep going.

Accepts 40mm rounds for the main gun, has a crew of 3 with a Driver, Gunner and Commander. Very fuel efficient, has only 1 inventory slot for the ammo unless this has been changed last minute. Normally it’s a good idea to bring around 30 rounds with you if you’re just beginning.

Recommended usage:

Mostly meant to be spammed and used in packs, it’s superior speed compared to more heavier tanks should be used for flank attacks.

Devitt-Caine, Mortar Light Tank

Cost in rmats
45-80 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


Then we have the Mortar Tank which is another variant of the Light Tank.

The Devitt-Caine MK-IV MMR or the MLT for short is armed with an 80 meter mortar instead of it's usual 40mm cannon armament and it can also carry 14 mortar shells of various types including normal, shrapnel and flares.

Serving in a similar function to the Colonial Mortar Halftrack it's a 3 man open topped gun carrier basically with a little bit more armor but also a bigger price at 150 rmats and a fuel tank that can last you for around 10 minutes or maybe a bit more.

Recommended usage:

It's meant for mobile fire support, similar to how any self-propelled artillery piece would be used, but not as a tank in direct combat not just because of the gun but also because it's not as well armored as a regular light tank even.

So as always recommended tactics are to go in a pack of maybe 2 or 3 vehicles to maximize damage output, scoot in, get the coordinates for the gunner, fire and get out before the enemy can fight back because they will come back to you with stickies and other nasties if you are not careful, especially at night time even if you have support in front or near you.

Also maybe carry a mixed bag of ammunition with you like most standard rounds but a couple of flares if you're fighting at night time and a few shrapnel shells in case you come up on infantry clusters which is usual on choke points.

Silverhand, Assault Tank

Cost in rmats
68mm AT gun and 40mm cannon
35 and 40 meters respectively
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


The Silverhand or most commonly referred to as the SH.

It resembles a French Char B1 and thus has 2 cannons, a hull mounted 68mm AT gun and a 40mm gun mounted in the turret at the top.

Has a crew of 4, Driver, Hull or Main Gunner, Turret Gunner and Commander with 3 inventory slots.

My personal problem with it is pretty much summed up in this meme-like comic:

It’s statistics are in between those of the Light Tank and Battle Tank in terms of speed and armor but it arguably has more firepower than even the hard punching 75mm gun of the BT due to having 2 cannons instead of just 1.

And here are also it’s crew positions:

It should generally be regarded as a medium tank due to it’s statistics, good mobility, somewhat reliable armor and probably the best firepower of all other tanks currently in the game.

Recommended usage:

Taking all of this into consideration it will probably be the mainstay of the Warden Tank Corps in the later game due to it’s simple availability in terms of ammunition supply, accepting both 40mm and 68mm rounds which will both probably be found in spades later in the war and economical crew layout as well as fuel consumption compared to the Battle Tank.

As such it would still be a good idea to use in packs as much as possible to form an armored spearhead which focuses on overwhelming firepower to break the enemy’s lines of resistance, the same tactics used by the actual Panzer Divisions during World War 2 to great effect.

Silverhand Chieftain, Siege Tank

Cost in rmats
250mm Siege Cannon and dual 12.7 HMG
25 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


The Chieftain, or the Warden Siege Tank as it's known is a variant of the Silverhand, it's got a 250mm mortar with a 25 meter range in the hull and a dual 12.7mm machine gun turret at the top instead of the usual 40mm gun found there.

Nothing much to say here really, it features the same mobility and bad turning rate of the normal Silverhand coupled of a hard hitting anti-structure cannon and a very good, actually extremely good anti-infantry weapon.

The double MG turret acts as a 20mm meatgrinder that absolutely shreds infantry in the open and sometimes even behind cover.

Recommended usage:

Again it's advised to have a more experienced crew and especially commander to guide the vehicle in and hit enemy structures as the 25 meter range on the 250mm hull mounted mortar means you will need to get pretty close and especially in the range of the automated AT Gun Turrets.

Try to have a straight forward shot to whatever building you want to take down, dive in, take a shot and then reverse quickly out of danger before the enemy AT gun retaliate against you but keep an eye on the flanks and especially AT infantry trying to rush your tracks with stickies and other weapons as that will cripple your mobility and you will be a sitting duck ripe for the plucking.

Gallagher Outlaw, Cruiser tank

165 rmats
40mm long barrel cannon and 7.92mm LMG
45 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


A yet to be tested "flanker" tank armed with a long barrel 40mm gun best probably utilized against structures rather than enemy tanks due to the low penetration value, also comes with a forward mounted LMG in the hull.

Recommended usage:

Hit em hard and hit em fast like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ steel ghost.

Gallagher Highwayman, dual AT rifle cruiser tank

170 rmats
Dual 20mm AT rifles and 12,7mm independent turret MG
30 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


Yet another tank variant, this time around it's a pure flanking vehicle.

The 30 meter range doesn't give you much options, charging in frontally means certain death so you're no use in a tank line.

The "independent" MG on top of the turret which the commander controls while he's inside by pressing E isn't much to write home about either because of it's slow turning speed.

Just keep in mind the tank's strengths and weaknesses and you should be fine.

Recommended usage:

Using some sort of distraction and flanking from either the side or rear and hitting the tracks or engine in order to cripple the enemy vehicle seems like the only good thing this tank is adept at, especially against heavier foes like the Bard.

Noble Widow, Heavy Tank Destroyer

Cost in rmats
68mm High-Velocity AT gun
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around a bit more than 5 minutes


The Noble Widow or as we like to call it, the Hetzer because of it's familiarity to the WW2 German tank destroyer in how it looks and functions is a Heavy vehicle which is represented in almost all aspects of it.

It's armed with a high-velocity 68mm AT gun which deals 75% more damage than the normal cannon, thicc sloped armor and slow mobility. And when I say slow I actually mean that this thing is very slow and guzzles fuel like it's nothing, pretty much like a Battle Tank which can be a direct comparison to it basically and it couldn't even go up slopes in reverse before, hence this meme of it as well:

Besides the memes and mobility it's still a force to be reckoned with after the fix to it's inability to climb hills in reverse and the armor rework, more of which we will discuss a bit later, meaning it bounces a lot more than before for it's low amount of health points compared to other vehicles in the same sort of class isn't such an issue anymore since the armor is worth a damn now.

Video showcasing the tank flat out refusing to climb in reverse:

Recommended usage:

Standard tank destroyer tactics are advised, since you have no turret you will need to rely more on your surroundings, meaning "friends" and natural terrain as cover to prevent the enemy from easily flanking you and hitting you where you can hit back, as in everywhere that's not the front basically.

And a video showcasing said tactics in action:

"Tank walls" are the unusual role which this vehicle fills in tight choke points as this meme suggest:

And that's about it really, it's also recommended that crews be a little bit more experienced as the commander will need to keep vigilant as well as a better idea on his surroundings to better prepare for an engagement, otherwise again if the terrain is not suitable or you have no side protection you will be easily flanked and dealt with by the enemy because of your fixed gun and slow mobility.

Flood, Juggernaut and Ascension Battle Tanks
Next we come to the cream of the crop, the Battle Tanks -

From right to left, the standard BT, then we come up to the Juggernaut or Fatboy as I like to call it, FB for short, and last but not least the Ascension or as I affectionately call it the “Tiger”.

This is of course my own personal name I’ve given it because of it’s uncanny resemblance to the German Heavy Tank but if you prefer to call it the Long Barreled BT it’s up to you.

BTs are the de-facto Heavy Tanks of the Armored Corps. They bring the heaviest armor and armament of all current tanks with very high armor and health, as well as a hard hitting 75mm gun.

It has a crew of 5, Driver, Machine Gunner, Main Gunner, Engineer and Commander. The Engineer is unique to this type of tank and so the role will be expanded a bit more later in the crewman roles section.

This tank is best to be used around a lot of infantry on roads spearheading the push as their huge size, low mobility and fuel guzzling does not allow them to move around on their own a lot.

Due to that they’re also ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for infantry to follow around.

And here are the crew positions for BTs:

These are all standard and are shared between all BTs, doesn’t matter their variant or faction affiliation. Loadout can consist of around 50 rounds, more if you feel cheeky and 100 MG boxes.

Speaking of variants, I’ll go through them real quick -

Cost in rmats
75mm cannon and 12.7 HMG
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes

The standard BT is of course the most balanced of the 3 in terms of heavy armor, 75mm gun, machine gun at the front left, speed and fuel guzzling.

Cost in rmats
75mm cannon and 12.7 HMG
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes

The Juggernaut or Fatboy as I call it again, is an up-armored variant with better “weathered” tracks which means it’s a bit better off-road in terms of it’s mobility but pays with additional fuel guzzling and less overall top speed.

Cost in rmats
75mm cannon and 12.7 HMG
45 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes

The Ascension or “Tiger” as I affectionately call it has a longer barreled gun which you can see from the model and it has 5 meters of more range, so 45 in total. It’s description states that it’s designed for longer ranged combat but apart from that I haven’t noticed any other difference between it and the regular battle tank.

The large loss of these big and heavy Warden tanks during War 59 due to the influx of new players not knowing what to do with them, hence this guide, also spawned this meme:

All of these tanks you can also see in extensive action during that same war in our adventures here -
ANVIL, Linebreaker tank

Not much is known about this vehicle except that it was made by a secret group of engineers commissioned by the Warden High Command in order to break the stalemate of the Great War.

Scourge Hunter, Mech

Cost in rmats
Quad RPG and Quad 12.7mm HMG
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes


Mech, heavily armed and armored vehicle introduced in the Dead Harvest seasonal event that used to be held on Halloween.

Recommended usage:

It's basically a frankenstein of a Relic Stormtank and well I don't know, maybe the defensive structures.

Not as good as the Collie Centurion but it's what we got.

Relic vehicles
There are currently 4 types of Relic vehicles in the game.

Armoured Fighting Tractor

Cost in Relic materials
Dual 7.92mm LMGs
Around your computer screen size
Inventory Slots
Full fuel tank time
Around 15 minutes


The Armoured Fighting Tractor (AFT) is an Armored Car on steroids due to it being roughly the same size if not even smaller, while having better mobility off-road and a bigger clip size at 100 rounds of 7.92mm LMG ammo.

Recommended usage:

Since it has tank armor and is overall just better than the standard Armored Car you can feel free to use it more aggressively and offensively in trying to push the enemy and help out your side.

Be weary tho because again even with the armor you will still die to sticky bombs and mines rather quickly with 1 or 2 hits.

You can see how it looks like in the game here, right in the middle between the ACs -

Storm Tank

Cost in Relic materials
40mm cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Full fuel tank time
Around 10 minutes


The Storm Tank, also sometimes abbreviated to "ST" in Relic wars, is a Light Tank on steroids,

Recommended usage:

Using your superior frontal armor, faster firing rate and faster reverse speed as well as 4 inventory slots, it's great for flanking maneuvers as you can bring more fuel and bmats with you for repairs on longer routes, taking more ammo is not really recommended as again you might die early and donate to the enemy's cause instead.

Heavy Infantry Carrier

Cost in refined materials
Two 12.7mm HMGs
Around your computer screen size
3+5 passangers
Inventory Slots
Full fuel tank time
Around 15 minutes


This Mark IX landship looking heavily armored transport vehicle is even bigger than a Battle Tank both in terms of length and width so crossing bodies of water through bridges and barges is entirely out of the question meaning that it's stuck wherever it's found on land.

Recommended usage:

Initially it was thought to be used as a good transport vehicle to breach through enemy defenses and unload a squad of friendly infantry to try and clear out the line but it's limited capacity to carry people and slow speed made it clear that it won't really cut it.

In the few Relic wars that it was available it was basically used as more of a giant meatshield meme with a couple of HMGs stuck on top and that's about it, not much more is known about it.

Relic Assault Tank

Cost in Relic materials
Two 40mm cannons
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Full fuel tank time
Around 15 minutes


This A7V looking brick is clad in heavy armor and equipped with two 40mm cannons, one on each side of the vehicle in side sponsons akin to WW1 British tanks.

Recommended usage:

A bit of a note, it actually has light armor and a lot of healthpoints meaning that you're pretty much the perfect meatshield to be used as a spearhead for assaults and take shots for other tanks, then pull back and repair, rinse and repeat.

Keep in mind you're the size of a barn and pretty much have the same speed as well however. Also you have a deadzone to your front and back because of the limited traverse of your guns.

⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣          Enemy Threats
As a special showcase I will also be listing our biggest threats as tank crews.


100 bmats
On contact


They are cheap means specifically designed to track your tank and leave you a sitting duck ripe for ambush by enemy infantry.

A few things to remember here is to try to stick to roads as much as possible as all mines that are set up on them are visible to everybody, including crewmembers inside vehicles.

Enemy mines that are set up off-road are invisible for crewmembers inside vehicles, even to the commander in an open hatch.

If you plan on going off-road it's highly advised to keep an infantry minesweeper in front of you to spot for mines.

However friendly mines, even if set up offroad, are also visible to you even if you are inside a vehicle, as it's shown in this picture example:

Also called pancakes on the ground -

HE Grenade

100 bmats and 10 emats
13 meters


This Soviet looking grenade has High-Explosive propellant in it capable of harming the softer skinned vehicles.

Not much of a threat against heavier vehicles individually but can cause some serious damage when in numbers.

As with the stickies, keep an eye out on any quick running empty handed individuals coming your way because they might just pull one or several out of their pants with ill intent.

Sticky grenade

50 bmats and 50 emats
1-6 meters


Also just known as stickies.

The lightest and most mass produceable form of Infantry AT weapons.

It's safe to say that you if see enemy infantry running at your tank or vehicle with empty hands expect them to have a few of these in their inventory ready to pull them out and track you in a moment's notice.

Green Ash, Gas grenade

150 bmats
22 meters


Besides all of the inappropriate jokes and memes these can seriously hamper your combat and lively capabilities unless you have a gas mask on and several gas mask filters to spare, hence why I recommend you take as many with you as practically possible.

So remember, if it wasn't already clear here enough, make sure you have a gas mask and at least 3 filters with you at all times when in a vehicle and death before dismount, if you're disabled and have no other option make them waste as much gas on you as possible.
20mm Tripod Anti-Tank Rifle, TATR

150 bmats
Armor Piercing
41 meters


A new Colonial only AT weapon, expect it to be the regular ATR but on steroids because of the tripod. This also of course means less mobility as well, so keep that in mind while driving in urban/ambush areas.
The Ignifist 30, Single-shot RPG

60 bmats, 60 emats
Armor Piercing
17 meters


This Panzerfaust looking AT charge is a single shot weapon capable of inflicting around 400 points of damage upon a successful penetration of your armor.

It uses no ammo and is pretty cheap to produce so watch out for enemy infantry running towards you as they might suddenly stop and take this out to hit your tracks or rear and try to disable you.

Venom c.II 35, medium range RPG

100 bmats, 25 rmats
Armor Piercing
28 meters


This Marvel anti-hero sounding bazooka looking AT weapon accepts the RPG shell as it's ammunition to fire it at medium distances with around 550 points of damage upon a successful penetration.

It's obviously heavier and more expensive to produce than the Ignifist but you should be more careful with it due to it's increased range and damage as well.

Bane 45, long-range RPG

150 bmats, 45 rmats
Armor Piercing
37 meters


This Panzershreck looking and Batman sounding villain is a force to be reckoned with as it's range is around 40 meters, meaning almost the same as a combat vehicle, with the same damage as the Venom at 550 points of damage per pen.

Nothing really much to add here, as always keep an eye out for infantry AT hiding in bushes, buildings, ruins, structures, trenches and so on and so forth, and as always dudes running at you with empty hands only to pull out a big ass AT weapon out of their pants when they're in range.

The 4 types of arty in order of damage that they can do to your tank -

120-68 "Koronides" Field Gun

Cost in rmats
120mm howitzer
75-250 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


This Light field howitzer is a 2 man operated piece that has a range of 75-250 meters and it fires 120mm shells, a step above mortars it most likely won't do much to your armor unless you sustained barrage being fired by a whole battery of these things.

Howitzer Garrison Bunker

40 concrete materials
120mm howitzer
0-300 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


This is an upgrade for the concrete bunkers which has 300 meters of effective range and probably around the same damage as the field gun, however it will only fire upon you if you shoot the bunker that it's connected to so try to get right next to if you can which I believe is to be their blind spot.

50-500 “Thunderbolt” Cannon

195 refined materials
150mm howitzer
200-350 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


This thing packs a bigger punch than the previous 2 so obviously you should be more careful with it.

It also has a 200-350 meter range and fires 150mm howitzer rounds.

A battery of around 3 of these can take down a tier 3 Outpost (also known as an FOB or Forward Operating Base) in quick succession provided that the rounds land on target so beware of that if you come under fire with your vehicle by these.

Storm Cannon

400 concrete materials
300mm howitzer
400-1000 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


Lastly we come to the biggest and baddest artillery of the bunch.

It has a 400-1000 meter range and tremendous amounts of damage so your best option here is to just run and avoid the target area as your speed will probably be the best weapon rather than try to stay and endure the damage.

Gun Turret

100 basic materials
AT gun
22-45 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


This thing has a range of 22 meters and double that, so 45 meters, if engaged.

Meaning that if you come too close to it it will fire, but if you stay away and don’t fire on it, it will leave you alone. But if you do fire on it, it will fire back because you will probably need to get in 40 meters of it in order to do so, so again, in it’s effective engagement range.

This is called “aggro” which means that it’s easy to take these out as long as you don’t fire on it individually, but if you focus fire on it with say 2 BTs at the same time, you will take it out.

Alternatively of course there’s other means such as infantry just shooting it or, indirect fire/artillery such as Mortars, FAs, Gunboats and so forth.

Be careful when entering towns or bases because these things could hide behind an obstacle like a wall and you won’t see it when you drive around or that obstacle gets destroyed.

They do about 10% damage to BTs frontally and have a fast firing rate so stay too long and you will get disabled and thus, die very easily.

They are not to be trifled with so keep your eyes out and your wits about you.
But at least they can’t move, for now.

AT Gun Bunker Garrison
There are currently 2 types of this bunker AT garrison, they start being available as bunker upgrades at T2 and continue on to be in a concrete form at tier 3.

AT Gun Garrison (Tier 2)

150 bmats
Armor Piercing
25 meters, 50 if triggered

AT Gun Garrison (Tier 3)

40 cmats
Armor Piercing
25 meters, 50 if triggered


The more beefier version of the Gun Turret, as you can see it has a Tier 2 version on the left of the picture and a T3 concrete version on the right, meaning more healthpoints and armor so harder to take down.

Same thing as Gun Turrets apply, stay away from it and engage with multiple tanks if possible to take it out in several volleys.

If possible flank it from a blind spot where it can shoot you through other bunker sections and try to kill the entire bunker system instead of just going directly at it instead.

Anti-Tank Pillbox

85 basic materials
20mm AT rifle
45 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


The replacement of the AT gun turret, this fortification is instead armed with a 20mm AT rifle capable of rapidly firing in all directions in a 45 meter range around it.

Treat it similarly to any other AT structure, either try to have some sort of shot blocker like a wall, building, ruin or something similar between you so you don't get shot or focus fire it with several other tanks in one or more volleys to quickly eliminate the threat.

Tier 3 Garrison House

150 bmats
Armor Piercing
25 meters


Tier 3 Garrison Houses usually have steel plates on the windows and will fire AT rifle rounds at you so you will most likely instantly know what you're dealing with.

If you're in a light vehicle, run.

If you're in a big and scary tank weigh your options because the longer you stay in it's line of fire the more it will chip away your armor, the alternative is staying there and wasting time as well as rounds trying to destroy it however that might mean the enemy reinforcements getting there in time to stop you because the garrison's ammunition will never run out and Tier 3s usually have a lot of health so firing 68mm rounds at it will take a long time.

Emplaced Anti-Tank, "EAT"

150 basic materials
68mm AT gun
35 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


The Flak 88 looking static version of the 68mm field AT gun, it basically features the same stats in terms of range and damage, just more protection because of the bigger gun shield and the ability to be put in the gun emplacement trenches, not to mention it can swivel around 360 degrees fairly quickly but probably not as quick as your tank turret.

Field Anti-Tank, "FAT"

Cost in rmats
68mm AT gun
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


Mobile 68mm AT gun, capable of punching through most armor like a hot knife through butter.

They originally had low hp and 35 meters of range but that was changed and they were given 230% more health as well as a range of 40 meters, making them semi-decently more powerful now.

However they’re still slow, hence the nickname, have a low traverse radius, meaning that the “driver” needs to constantly turn in order for the gunner to be able to effective hit his target and said turning is not the fastest, plus obviously the crew being very exposed from the sides and back.

So it obviously needs to be well supported by infantry in order to be effective but rushing it head on is a risk which might be worth it depending on the situation rather than waiting for the infantry or a lucky grenade taking out the crew.

Again however as with the Gun Turret, do not underestimate it. With a good crew in a good position it can do a lot of damage as the 68mm is currently the most dangerous round type in the game against armor.

Avoid if possible, rush and flank if needed but stay cautious, they might try and bait you to go for it while some bastards with RPGs and stickies are waiting around the corner just for such an occasion. Not to mention that this would be perfect for a choke point in conjunction with mines and tank traps.

68-45 “Smelter” Heavy AT Gun

Cost in rmats
68mm High-velocity AT gun
45 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time


The Bigger brother of the FAT, this thing really lives up to it's name of smelting tanks.

Featuring a high-velocity 68mm gun it does 75% more damage than the normal AT cannon meaning that if you see it and it's not looking at you you might want to take the opportunity to take it out as soon as possible if you can and it's not being heavily guarded.

Speaking of which, it also features heavier protection because of it's bigger gunshield and more HP so it's going to take more shots than a few grenades and shrapnel shells to take out.

Icarus, RPG Jeep

Cost in rmats
Around your display screen size
2+1 passenger
Inventory Slots
8 for RPGs only
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


A very fast and mobile little vehicle that can pack a punch.

It's also extremely cheap and will most likely be used to hit you on the flanks or rear.

So keep it in mind and the fact that it also only carries 8 RPG rounds as well as having almost no protection means that hit-and-run tactics will be the name of the game here, they won't stick around for long so if you got a shot, take it before it escapes and tries to hit you when you're not looking.

Small packs of these as as well as diversions are to be expected in order to exploit their strengths by the enemy.

Percutio, AT rifle Armored Car

Cost in rmats
20mm AT rifle
41 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


This little, somewhat cute, looking vehicle carries a 20mm AT rifle on board is not really a joke if it can get on your rear.

Mostly an early-game threat, it's relatively cheap and fast and also offers great off-road capability besides it's excellent on-road mobility.

It's open-topped however and has ♥♥♥♥ for armor so hit it hard enough with your own AT weaponry and it will go down, provided you can hit it in the first place that is.

Otherwise shrapnel from a grenade or shooting at it from a higher vantage point might take out the gunner and leave it blind but then the driver will most likely panic and try to retreat, which could lead to an excellent ambush in order to either destroy or capture it.

Gemini, RPG Armored Car

Cost in rmats
Double RPGs
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


If you've ever seen the tulip rockets mounted on some British vehicles, famously on the Sherman they also put em on stuff like the Staghound armored car. So basically that's what this thing is, except the Staghound retained it's main gun while this thing lost it somewhere in the hospital.

Point is, double RPGs, and even a single RPG hurts armor so keep your distance, especially on the flanks and rear this thing can be deadly even if it's lacking in the pp department.

Ixion, 30mm Tankette

Cost in rmats
30mm Infantry Support Gun
35 meters
Inventory Slots
1 (30mm only)
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes


This lightly armed and armored tankette features a 30mm Infantry Support Gun, the same found on the King Gallant, but in a fixed gun mounting with excellent frontal protection.

No turret means it has limited gun traverse, somewhere around 90 degrees to the front and it's somewhat slow mobility compared to other light vehicles also means it's in a lot of trouble if flanked.

Mines are a one shot for this thing as well as a few stickies and HE grenades as well.

Not much else to say here besides that it's somewhat the direct counterpart to the 30mm Scout Tank which it could probably take on pretty well from the front so using your speed and turret to take it out from another side is, as always, the preferable alternative.

Javelin and Hoplite, Modular Halftracks

Cost in rmats
Whatever you mount on it
Depends on the weapon
2+5 passengers
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


The basic modular Halftrack variant of the Colonials, similar to it's Warden counterpart capable of mounting any tripod weapon.

Watch out for AT weapons on these things such as the new Colonial 20mm ATR.

The Javelin can be seen on the right of this picture:

Cost in rmats
Whatever you mount on it
Depends on the weapon
2+5 passengers
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


The up-armored version of the Colonial Halftrack. Obviously this thing is scary because of it's armor when armed with AT weapons so watch out for them even more than the regular HT.

Below is a picture of what they actually look like in the game so you can distinguish them with their bigger front part:

Mortar Halftrack, with AP shells

Cost in rmats
45-80 meters
Inventory Slots
20 (mortar shells only)
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


As the name suggests, it’s unlocked at Tier 4, as in very early in the Tech tree, however it’s AP shells are not unlocked until later when, uncoincidentally, we get tanks.

Thus it turns this mobile indirect fire platform that’s pretty fast both off and on road containing 20 rounds into a 65 meter AT gun effectively which can only be fought… by pretty much only other indirect fire because the longest range for a weapon on a tank is the Tiger’s long barreled gun which has 45 meters of range.

So as before, keep moving, albeit this time around even more because it’s possible to assemble about 5-10 MTHTs with AP shells and just 1 shot an up-armored BT I’m guessing as the damage for the AP shells still hasn’t been noted down but taking into account that the top armor is probably weaker (and flat) compared to other parts and yeah…

Again, stay vigilant and keep moving. Do not stop if not needed and tell your driver to keep a good eye on the fuel because you’ll be a sitting duck prime for picking by this thing if you run out in the middle of a battle.

Hatchet, Light Tank

Cost in rmats
40mm cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


Standard Colonial Light Tank.

As mentioned in the Devitt section it's superior in almost every aspect.

It's 5 rmats cheaper, which obviously isn't much.

However there are certain stat differences that you can view here:

That's pretty much it, oh yeah and it also has a faster turret traverse so keep that in mind as well.

It's not as dangerous as some of it's bigger brethren but it should be dealt with as soon as possible before it becomes a problem because of it's cheap price and mobility so watch out for flanking as always.

Kranesca, up-armored Light Tank

Cost in rmats
40mm cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


It has more armor but on top of that also more speed because of it’s over charged engine or something like that which the description states.

Expect these things to be fast. Hunting in packs and going for flank attacks whenever possible.

So watch your flanks and backs for these and if you see even a single one expect there to be more, because there always will probably be more, believe me.

Pelekys, Light Tank Destroyer

Cost in rmats
68mm AT gun
45 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 15 minutes


The LTD, short for Light Tank Destroyer, is a "sniper" tank with a hard punching 68mm AT gun mounted backwards that has 45 meters of range.

Note that I say the gun is mounted backwards which is true, if you notice it's using the Hatchet chassis meaning that the engine is at the front of it so you will have a better shot at the fuel tank then.

Another thing to note about it is that it's open-topped so a commander is less required as the gunner also has increased visual range, at the expense of being extremely vulnerable to infantry, especially with grenades.

Tank crews are advised to take good care when confronting this vehicle as those 5 meters can make the difference in combat sometimes and diving in to close the gap might just be the bait that they've set up for you to take in order to kill you.

Falchion, Spammable Assault Tank

Cost in rmats
40mm cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


This T34 in disguise is a well-rounded tank with a 40mm gun, good armor and great mobility so it's an opponent to watch out for.

What's special however about this tank is not it's stats but it's production bonus, specifically that of costing around 69 rmats for 1 in a full crate of them over at the Mass Production Factory (MPF), hence why it also sometimes might be called the MFT, or mass-produced tank.

Take extreme caution when engaging this vehicle as it's pretty flexible and fast, meaning it can perform main tank line duties as well as flanking maneuvers if given the opportunity.

And remember, where there's one of these bastards, there's probably more because of their relative cheapness when mass produced.

Spatha, Mini-BT Assault Tank

Cost in rmats
40mm High-velocity cannon
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


This KV1-Frankenstein of a lookalike combination of many real world tanks features a high-velocity 40mm gun in a better armored body but at an increased price and a bit reduced mobility.

I'm calling it a Mini-BT here because it basically is almost stat wise exactly that being a superior Falchion with few drawbacks.

A true frontline tank you will often see it in tank walls or roaming about as a leader of a Falchion pack so again where you see one of these tanks there's bound to be more so watch out and make sure you try and negate their advantages.

Meaning covering flanking routes and preferably only showing them the front of a Noble Widow's gun barrel and other heavy AT weaponry to deal with them, ambushing in towns and roads on unsuspecting individual tanks might also prove effective in capturing them if executed properly.

Bardiche, Heavy Line Tank

Cost in rmats
68mm short barrel cannon and a co-axial 12.7 HMG
35 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


Perhaps the true "mini-BT", this thing has a co-axial HMG manned by the commander when he's inside the turret rather than on top in the "turned out" position.

The short barrel 68mm AT cannon, even with a 35 meter range, is still something to watch out for, especially on this heavy brick on tracks which can take a lot of punishment with it's good armor and a lot of health points, making it a perfect meatshield.

Ranseur, "Quadiche" quad-RPG tank

Cost in rmats
Quad RPGs and turret 12.7 HMG
As far as you can see on your display
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 10 minutes


More of an anti-structure tank rather than anything else really, it still packs a punch so watch out for those turret rockets.

But besides the star wars references this is an actually useful tank and capable foe that you should definite watch out for.

Lance, Battle Tank

Cost in rmats
75mm cannon and 12.7 HMG
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes


A bit cheaper and faster, less fuel consuming Battle Tank than the Warden one it still nonetheless posses significant armor and firepower so thread lightly when engaging, especially if you don't have a BT of your own.

Recommended tactics:

As always flanking is your best bet against heavier and bigger foes, as BTs are slow it's easier to do than otherwise and a disabled track might mean death if it's quickly followed up by an attack from the rear for example.

Hallberd, up-armored Battle Tank

Cost in rmats
75mm cannon and 12.7 HMG
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes


This oversized Cromwell with sandbags and spare track links serving as additional armor is again much like our BT, slower and guzzling more fuel but also much better protected.

However one thing that the Colonial engineers (or devs) hadn’t accounted for was it’s flat armor and the fact that sandbags can’t really stop tank rounds that well.

Regardless, treat it as one of the biggest threats that the enemy can throw at us due to it’s protection and the fact that it can take a lot of damage.

Centurion, Mech

Cost in rmats
75mm cannon and dual 12.7 HMGs
40 meters
Inventory Slots
Fuel time
Around 5 minutes


Mech, heavily armed and armored vehicle introduced in the Dead Harvest seasonal event that used to happen on Halloween.

Recommended usage:

Treat it as a bi-pedal Battle Tank as it features similar weaponry and crew loadout but instead of an engineer you get a second machine gunner.

The walking animation is buggy sometimes however and it might get stuck so keep that in mind.

Additional information
Official health point spreadsheet with damage amount from various sources -

My older and largely outdated tank guide focused mostly around light tanks and overall tactics:

“Crane hopping” - Before this update armored vehicles only worked on Petrol which is still a very scarce resource. This helped us preserve it. It’s mostly outdated again as well but it could serve to guide you out of a tricky situation with a stuck vehicle or something:

A video not related to Foxhole showcases some US Army platoon tank tactics that could be of some use:

A visual guide on splash damage because that’s also a thing in this game and as far as I believe it’s not affected by the new Armor system but I am not entirely sure:

Link for a spreadsheet on the new armor system:
Closing words
What you see here is a compilation of information from many different sources, some official from the devs, some community and some mine, compiled over the course of a couple of days.

And of course credits for the icons, some information as well as pictures go to the official Foxhole wikia.

Nothing here as you see it is final or set in stone, information will be updated as fresh such and experience comes in as well as be rearranged and so forth. Plus I would also really appreciate any feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions on how to improve it and myself.

I have tried my darndest to include as many pictures and as much humor as possible in order to make this interesting and entertaining to read instead of it being just basically tons and tons of walls of text like a Powerpoint Presentation but sadly it wasn’t possible to do everywhere.

I would also like to thank all people for their resources which were included here and also the readers for taking the time to go through all 25 pages of it.

This is it for now, the guide will be continually updated in the coming days with more sections and info.

And if you would like to join a tank dedicated community that also plays other games here is an invite to our discord server where we also post memes, talk about history as well Anime and much more -

Gnomad 13 Feb, 2023 @ 7:13pm 
this guide convinced me wardens are into warhammer
sonii-chan 17 May, 2022 @ 2:40pm 
also please do be aware that if you are looking at this on a web browser, quite the few of the images/gifs don't appear for some reason
sonii-chan 17 May, 2022 @ 2:38pm 
pog now i got editing perms
i'll be trying to update this and add my own personal spot at each category called "sonii's tidbits" for tactics i use with certain stuffs.
if i forget to update this for whatever reason, come spam ping me at the discord provided in the closing words XD
micro 3 Feb, 2022 @ 4:50am 
@londiniumTea agree to disagree, it really depends on terrain, some region you can do that effectively but arguable tank lines battle still a meta in most of the map
The Earl Grey 2 Feb, 2022 @ 8:41pm 
Well, as an individual with experience on tank warfare.. I must say, lining up mobile armoured units, in a musket like fashion, is possibly the worst strategy.. Not only do they consistently kill their own guys going backwards all the time, they never seize the advantage of momentum. I have seen many a succesful blitzkrieg halted by cowardice. Love this information though! Earned yourself a award :)
micro 6 Dec, 2021 @ 5:38am 
can't be more brain-dead than collies who rush 10 tanks into a defenses KEKW
sonii-chan 7 Nov, 2021 @ 10:29am 
i guess making a guide to help new tankers is tryhard LARPing now lmfao
StierlitZ 7 Nov, 2021 @ 5:42am 
And people wonder why colonials call wardens tryhard LARPers
Crayola Criminal 30 Sep, 2021 @ 9:02pm 
Mmm how devious I, a Colonial, am for reading this even know it says Warden!

For real though, FANTASTIC work, it was a great read!
Waltray 4 Sep, 2021 @ 2:50am 
Really cool work. Hm, maybe i create something like this for colonial side