WRC 10 FIA World Rally Championship

WRC 10 FIA World Rally Championship

35 ratings
WRC 10 Best Visuals At Minimum FPS Cost
By Snake
WRC 10 is not the best-optimized game in the world. This guide is the bottom line I reached after about 2 hours of testing which settings eat how much FPS and how much lowering them makes the game look worse. The goal was to make the game look as close to max settings as possible while regaining as much FPS as possible by lowering settings before they start making the image ugly.

All testing was done on my old RX 570 4gb, but those settings allow me to play with nearly-perfect visuals at 55-60 fps under 99% of weather conditions.

Display settings
Some NVidia users report better performance with DX11, for me on an AMD gpu there is no measurable difference.

Nobody really knows how physics sync works or if it works at all. I didn't measure any performance loss with it on 'high'.

Set as follows.

Graphics settings
Biggest FPS hits are Shadows and Texture filtering. The image quality loss from lowering Texture filtering to Medium is next to zero, and you gain around 7-8 FPS compared to V.High.

Shadows down to Medium is more visible but not much at speed as you drive.

All settings chosen to keep the image as close to Very High as possible, but dropping any settings that you struggle to notice on side-by-side screenshots.

Post process settings
Reflections can and will eat FPS, but the difference going down from High to Medium is very noticeably uglier, so I kept it at High. Difference to medium is about 1-3 fps, depending on how wet the road surface is.

SSAO going below High makes scenery, grass, trees and bushes look very washed out and discolored due to the lack of shading. High vs Very High is not noticeable and gives you a 1-2 fps gain.

Anti-aliasing will depend on your preference. Some people can't stand TAA, I can't stand how jaggy things are with just FXAA. Adding TAA to the mix drops about 1-2 fps.

Ferdanator 20 Jan, 2024 @ 3:01pm 
Thanks for you testing! I'm going to make some changes! :steamhappy:
JeBro [PC BROKE] 15 Jun, 2022 @ 6:00pm 
Thank you kind citizen, i wish many respek on you
Snake  [author] 28 Mar, 2022 @ 6:22am 
The thing is, you can't get 60 even if you lower settings, if you're not at recommended settings. And recommended settings are RIDICULOUS, given how the game looks.
Spheredala! 28 Mar, 2022 @ 6:09am 
oNlY gEtTiNg 102 aT 1440 shut tf up.. over 60 is good already
Tokenlivesmatter 2 Feb, 2022 @ 6:34pm 
It's a shitty unoptimized engine. I'm running a 5600x and a rx 6800 xt and only getting 102 fps at 1440,
m1Z3LL 23 Jan, 2022 @ 7:41pm 
i have error connecting to wrc servers can't get the daily's or weeklys or online play not sure where to put support ticket in at 2 other PvP games playing fine
Vantskruv 6 Nov, 2021 @ 12:46am 
@Walter Westinghouse
If if you set the game to Fullscreen, without borderless, you are able to set resolution and refresh-rate.
Snake  [author] 26 Oct, 2021 @ 11:28pm 
Well, it's a crappy unoptimized engine is what's going on :D
postjm 26 Oct, 2021 @ 1:26pm 
What's going on in their engine that anisotropic filtering, which has been hardware accelerated for 20 years, is an expensive option?

Most games it makes no difference in performance at all. Unless there are actually multiple settings connected to this?
Walter Westinghouse 16 Sep, 2021 @ 6:15pm 
I don't get why they took away the ability to change the reso and refresh rate. I wish they weren't even displayed if they cannot be changed to match our individual display settings. Anyway, thank you for the time you put in researching this and for sharing your findings.