Rocket League

Rocket League

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Rocket league basics
By Eshay
If you have been playing rocket league for more than 10 min, this guide is not for you. But if you've played 9.99 min or less, this guide is for you.
Starting point
First, launch the game. second, go to settings, next go to camera. now there are several different amazing camera settings, but when your just starting out, just move the slider around without paying any attention and when your not happy, keep it.
when your done with that, go to controls. once again there are several amazing key bindings worth not mentioning. what i would suggest is click on the binding you wish to change and smash you keyboard or controller and repeat for everything else.
Playing the game
First go into ranked without warming up or getting used to your controls. When you're in the game, don't worry about the ball, just chase your teammates and bump them. that's how you win the game, whoever gets the most bumps wins.
-Epic games
Ranking up
You dont.
Stop playing
this step is really important. when you get bored of Rocket league, stop playing and never come back.
thanks for reading this guide. i hope it was informative and helpful to you new players, though why your on steam and not epic i don't get.

(note: this guide was clearly a joke and if you took it seriously, don't listen to me and have a great day, winning :) )
Dexter Morgan 29 Jan @ 4:36pm 
Dear Salt Monkey, I know this might sound odd but I’d love to push my luck, ever since the removal I’ve been trying to play this on steam but in order for that I need either a Family or sell my kidney for key, would you perhaps be down to make a family with me?

Kind regards,
Water White
Jordan 23 Sep, 2021 @ 7:08am 
so i do the jump and the boosty
Eshay  [author] 22 Sep, 2021 @ 7:58pm 
@Aaronn, first idk if the @ does anything. and second to answer your question (idk if u are just starting or are joking) joking: u dont serious: jump and boost:rloctane:
Eshay  [author] 22 Sep, 2021 @ 7:56pm 
@peanjut, i said it was a joke in the guide, but i know what u mean. i just thought it would be funny. :/
Jordan 21 Sep, 2021 @ 7:57pm 
so how do i do the flying thingy
Tegra 13 Sep, 2021 @ 4:01pm 
How to make basic a guide:

Step 1 don't
UWUUURRRGGHHH 12 Sep, 2021 @ 5:59am 
I know it's a joke but a lot of people are following this guide without even knowing it exist :/