Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

453 ratings
Valentine Character Guide
By GG Player and 1 collaborators
Valentine is a very mobile character that specializes in putting your opponent in a vortex of mix ups and is known for being able to convert off a wide variety of situations all while having incredible air mobility. She is considered top tier and is a threat to be recognized when played well.

This guide is written with the assumption that you know how Skullgirls and in turn how fighting games work on a basic level. If you are completely new you may need to do a bit of research on terminology and fully understand the in-game tutorial to get the most out of this guide.

I will also be constantly updating this guide so check back every now and then for updates, I will keep a changelog.
Preface and changelog
Skullgirls was my first fighting game (I played a bit of SF4 prior but I had no idea what I was doing) and during the Steam release of Skullgirls the Skullheart forums was down for an extended period of time so it was very hard to access Skullgirls resources. I wanted to write this guide up so newer players wouldn't have to figure everything out again by themselves and also because there is a general lack of non combo resources for Skullgirls in general.

The reason why I wanted to write this guide with people that already know how to play FGs in mind is because I wanted to get right into Valentine specific information rather than teaching people about things that are already in the in-game tutorial. That doesn't mean I intentionally made this guide hard to read for complete beginners, if you read up a bit on terminology then you can still understand what this guide is about, I tried to get straight to the point as much as I could when I wrote this up.

I will be constantly updating this guide as I learn new things, Skullgirls is still a young game and there are still many things to learn about it.

I will probably update this guide every few weeks and include a changelog detailing any additions.

Shout outs and thanks to ClarenceMage, Tomo and Smokey for their advice and contributions to this guide and also the Skullgirls Oceanic steam group which can be found here. Also shout outs to ravioli.

Changelog (D/M/Y):
24/6/14 - Guide released!
25/6/14 - Added move notation for the burst baits and clarified reset section.
3/7/14 - Added more information about Valentine's Counter super.
4/7/14 - Revised some descriptions for some normal moves.
20/7/14 - Added double snap section.
2/9/14 - Revised normal/super moves sections with some more information and better wording. Also added more match up notes and clarified some resets.
3/9/14 - Added another burst bait combo.
7/10/14 - Added a Synergies section to the Match ups section and also added another Double match up note.
17/10/14 - Added a link to the Valentine hitbox thread on Skullheart in the Other Resources section. Also added Ground/Air throw in the Normal and Special Moves section.
23/10/14 - Added more information on j.HK.
26/11/14 - Added more information on c.LK in both the Normals and Resets section. Also added a section on Endless Beta changes for Valentine.
29/1/15 - Added some combo notes to Vial Hazard and Dead Cross in the normal moves section.
18/4/15 - Changed the guide to reflect the Valentine changes in the Beowulf patch[].
15/6/15 - Updated combos to ones that take advantage of the new Savage Bypass changes.

Note: ADF = Airdash Forward, ADC = Airdash Cancel (Same thing, means cancelling a move by performing an air dash)
Gameplay Objectives
Valentine's goal, like everyone else, is to get a hit, convert it into a combo and reset the opponent until they die. What makes Valentine unique, is that she can achieve this safer than anyone in the game, and convert off of assists meterlessly in more situations than anyone in the game and play outside of the effective ranges of everyone in the game while doing so. To put it simply, with the right team composition and the right assists, Valentine does not have to play by anyone's rules if she doesn't want to.

Valentine can be played as offensively or defensively as you want, but her movement is more suited towards defensive play. However, without proper assist usage, defensive play can quickly turn into just backing yourself into the corner. Offensive play with Valentine is effective without assists, but greatly bolstered with assists since she can position herself around assists better than anyone else in the game.

Valentine also has a suite of fantastic normals for controlling air space. Her ground normals aren't as fantastic for space control, but are good for pressure, some anti-air use and other situational uses.

  • Can convert into combos from a large variety of situations
  • Best air mobility in the game
  • Can travel higher than anyone in the game
  • Suite of high-priority air normals
  • One of the best throws in the game
  • Best assist user in the game
  • Has a counter super that comes out in 1 frame
  • Very strong capacity for resets
  • No known bad matchups yet

  • No great assists
  • Practical air throw confirms cost meter, meterless air throw confirms require character-specific proper spacing from the ground
  • Situational level 2/5 supers
  • Below average combo damage
  • No invincible reversal without spending meter
  • Cannot attack out of air backdash
  • No air attack that causes red knockdown, so some limited capacity to convert from high air hits
  • Has a more difficult time than most surviving without assists
Team Composition and Assists
Valentine pretty much has to play on point as she has no real safe DHCs and her assists are lacking. Most of the time you will want to pair her up with a DP or lockdown assist although depending on the match up you may need to play around a bit. There's not too many Valentine specific differences between each move in each type of assist so I won't be going into them as they're not Valentine specific.

Valentine Assists:

- Throw -
Valentine's throw will give you an easy combo as it crumples the enemy, allowing you to set up your combo starter. You may want to switch sides and start from a heavy move for more damage as the scaling will be very harsh from get-go.

- c.MK -
Has a decent range and can be used to hit people low while you're in the air or whenever they're not expecting you to do a low. It can be a very sneaky move sometimes, especially when they're on the offense and you get a hit in between the gaps of their attacks.

- qcf HK (H Savage Bypass) -
Pseudo lockdown assist which can force the enemy to block. Due to it's low profile hitbox it will only really hit people on the ground. Outside of general assist usage, it also has specific uses such as making Big Band's Brass Knuckles safe (By using Brass Knuckles and then using Savage Bypass to make them block longer) or allowing you to combo off of Cerebella's Titan Knuckle.
Normal and Special moves
You can view frame data and htiboxes in training mode.

Ground Throw
Causes a crumple state on the enemy. Gives you a easy combo if it connects. Throws scale combos very hard in Skullgirls so it is advised to start with c.HP and launch them right away to save on scaling. Standard throw range.

Air Throw
Unless done really close to the ground or in the corner, you need to do air dash into Scalpels in order to get a combo off of Valentine's air throw. Because it costs meter to follow off of, it's not that great of an air throw compared to others.


+7 on block. Very good for tick throw mix ups, it's also has a very short start up.

Basic low short that is used to start combos and low/throw mix ups. -4 on first hit, 0 on second. Some other characters ones are actually plus on block so Valentine's one is actually somewhat shoddy in the context of frame data. It also has a 9 frame start up. The second hit can restand opponents on OTG.

Not used very often, it also won't catch people trying to IAD over you very well. It can break armor sometimes due to it having a lot of hits in a short duration but it's use for that is situational.

Can be used as an assist and for longer distance confirms.

Valentine's launcher with a generous htibox in front of her. Note that it may whiff on opponents if you try to use it to confirm really long distance c.LK/MK hits. VERY UNSAFE on block (-19) however you can cancel into qcf LK (L Savage Bypass) to make it -4. Cancelling it into Dead Cross makes it -9.

Sweep with a long horizontal hitbox, it can also be used in some OTG combos. Punishable on block.


Used for catching opponents as they're landing in combos, this jab is also pretty fast and is plus on block so you can also tick throw with this or go for a mix up.

Can be used for resets as it's +5 on block. Otherwise there's not that much to talk about with this move.

I like this move for mid combo resets by either doing a low and intentionally dropping the combo or going for a throw after the move. Due to it's vertical hitbox it can be used as an anti air or IAD catcher in certain situations. It's also good for catching opponents caught in assists such as Cerecopter.

Not much use in this move. Can be used for very odd confirms and in combos but not much to say otherwise.

Not that much use outside of combos.

Combo ender that puts the opponent in a hard knockdown state if OTG has not been used up.


Fast air normal with a disjointed hitbox. It can be used to stuff people below you from attempting to do things

Mainly used for cross under resets. You can also use to move to drop down on your opponent from directly above. If it hits you can get a combo off with s.LP or you can also just do a low/throw mix up if you can get away with it. It's a bit inconsistent with the combo conversion if you just do s.LP.

A move that is good for arcing over assists/projectiles and can be combo'd off of on hit. At neutral you can also use it to bring the enemy to the ground with you and perform a mix up although it won't work if they pushblock the last hit. This move is really good for covering horizontal ground and getting in, however keep in mind it will lose to big normals like Parasoul's j.HP. If you're afraid of stuff like that then you can do j.HK to catch it and then air dash cancel into j.MP. If you get an air throw + Scalpels, you can air dash cancel into this and then into s.LP on landing for a combo.

When used with forward momentum it can allow Valentine to travel further, combined with different jumps and air dash, you can travel long distances easily. It can also be used for cross under resets which become even more deadly if you make yourself fast fall by chaining into j.HP.

Air normal that can cross up very easily. Besides resets there's many set ups or situations where you can easily go for a cross up at neutral such as making them block your lockdown assist and then jumping over them and doing j.HP. Aside from that the hitbox is pretty good for neutral in general.

Big disjointed hitbox with a long active time. It will win a lot of air to air trades however if you use it aimlessly you can be hit out of the air due to its long active time. It's long start up time also means it will lose to fast normals with moderate to big hitboxes like Filia's j.HP if not used properly. Because of this you have to keep in mind that this is a spacing tool, don't spam it.

There are a few ways to combo off of j.HK on hit during an air to air. It can be air dash cancelled into j.MP -> s.LP for a combo on hit. However at higher heights it may not be able to combo, for the maximum chance that it will, let j.MP play out completely and then do s.LP. You can also use j.MK and Hornet Bomber to convert. After the j.HK, air dash cancel into j.MK and as soon as you press j.MK, call Hornet Bomber. Then as they've being carried by it, run up and do c.MK c.HP. You may need to wait a tiny amount of time before you run as you may cross yourself up and get Valentine's back dash instead of run.


qcb P (Vial Hazard)
Loads a vial up to lvl3. Purple Vial can be used to increase damage in combos but the rest aren't used much. You can swap vial types and it will keep the poison level. For example, loading up the poisons in the order of: purple -> yellow -> green will result in a lvl3 green poison. You can also do certain strings to load a poison in a combo such as c.HP - > Call Updo -> Vial Hazard and then catch them with s.LP. If you get hit while the opponent is under the effect of the purple or green poison, the effect will go away. The yellow one can only be removed before it's duration if Valentine is hit with a Snap Back or Super.

qcf P (Dead Cross/Flew Shot)
Not a standard fireball move however it can keep your opponent at bay very well, even at long distances due to the Beowulf patch buffs. The LP version is thrown at a very shallow angle and can hit people trying to do things under you. It is also very good for tagging the opponent's assists so they can't be called in for longer. You can also use Dead Cross for double jump links in combos.

qcf K (Savage Bypass)
Can be used to cover distance in the air, not much use for the ground version outside of combos so use it sparingly. L version is -4 but the rest are punishable. Do NOT use this as your only way of getting in. It is not invincible in any shape or form. If you hit an opponent with the air version of Savage Bypass, you can perform other actions before landing, allowing you to combo off of hits (By either doing something such as air dash j.MP or by simply waiting for them to fall and using your OTG with s.LK or c.LK). The only limit is that if you want to do another Savage Bypass before landing, you can only do one more and it has to be a different strength.

qcfb LP/LK (Mortuary Drop)
Command throw with a long start up, this move is almost useless so maybe use it once in a blue moon for a gimmicky reset. It can only be followed up in the corner with Scalpels -> air dash j.MP.
RDP* = Reverse DP

LVL1 qcf PP (Checkmate Incision aka Scalpels)
Will do variable damage depending on how many scalpels hit however usually it shouldn't be used for damage. It will do very little damage a point blank, ramping up to 2.5-3k at mid screen. It can be used to punish moves at long distances such as Peacock's specials.

Another note with the damage, if they have a taller hurtbox, more Scalpels will hit so at point blank, Parasoul, Double and Big Band will take more damage than most smaller hitbox characters.

The air version does not have a long recovery time like the grounded version and usually you will be safe. Another thing worth noting is that the ground version has invincibility on start up while the air one doesn't.

Since it's multi hit, it will break through armor and it also does a decent amount of chip damage so if you want a chip kill you can keep throwing them out. Keep in mind she has almost no recovery time on them when thrown from the air so you can bait people into doing a move after the first scalpels and then hit them again. If you do Scalpels from the ground close to and facing the corner you can use your OTG to start a combo from s.LK or c.LK.

LVL 1 qcf KK (EKG Flatliner aka Flatliner)
Valentine's combo ender super. First few frames are invincible so it can go through some things at close range (ROUGHLY 1-2 character widths) but it is usually used to get a kill after a combo or DHC. It puts the enemy at full screen usually so it is advised not to use it unless you are sure you can kill with it. Even if they get put into the corner they can ground tech and you will only be at a +1 frame advantage.

LVL 2 RDP* KK (Acquisitive Prescription/Countervenom aka Counter)
For a short time Valentine will counter (and take no damage) from any non projectile. If you have a vial loaded it will use that vial in the super and deal a massive amount of damage. You can also counter the opponent's burst however your damage will be scaled down to 50% right away. A very risky move to use as it costs 2 meters and does not have a long active time. If it connects the enemy will be frozen in place, if you have a vial loaded it will launch them high up in the air. It's a costly reversal so use it wisely. Despite the vial version launching them into the air, you actually have enough time to do a move before they get launched so quickly do c.HP and get the most damage you can out of it.

The move doesn't put the enemy in a neutral state, they will freeze in the last move they were doing so you will still go into pre-block. It may seem obvious but they will also have any special properties they had during the move. For example if you use the counter on Big Band's qcf PP Super that has armor (Super-Sonic Jazz) then Big Band will still have armor and the moment you attack him he will exit the freeze state so you will get hit if you try to use a normal on him. In this situation you'll need to use a throw to set up a combo. Keep this in mind if you're going to get a combo off of the Counter. Parasoul's Napalm tears will also not disappear.

LVL 3 qcb PP (Dead on Arrival)
Valentine's hit grab lvl3 super. One of the weaker lvl3s in the game as it gets scaled very hard and puts the opponent at full screen. If you hold down a punch button during the end of the animation, you will load up a level of poison corresponding to the held down button. If you don't hold down a button it will give you another level of whatever poison you already have loaded and it will give you a lvl1 purple poison if you have nothing loaded. You probably want to DHC into another character if you want to kill the opponent with supers, however it's the only Super with a cinematic so if you want to win with style then this is the move to use.

LVL 5 qcb MP/MK or HP/HK (Forbidden Procedure: Rebirth Ex Machina)
When used above a teammate's corpse, it will revive them with some health. It has a 12 frame start up so it can be used in combos and does decent damage. Can be used in absolute dire comeback situations but it begs the question if it's worth using all your meter or not.
Keep in mind that combos can be adjusted or deviated depending on the situation. If you can kill the opponent then end with a Super. Otherwise either end the combo with s.HK(3) for a hard knockdown or do resets.

These combos may be a bit hard for a new player, if so please refer to the beginner combo in the "Old Combos" section of this guide.


c.LK, c.MK(1), c.HP,
j.HP xx H Air Savage Bypass,
M Air Savage Bypass,
air dash, j.MP(2), j.HK,
rejump, j.LP, j.MP(3 hits), j.HK, adc, j.MK, j.HK*,
dash, s.LPx3, s.MPx2, c.MK, s.HK(3) xx OTG H Savage Bypass xx EKG Flatliner.

*Flew Shot instead of j.HK if you have a vial loaded


c.LK, c.MK(1), c.HP,
j.HP xx H Air Savage Bypass,
air dash, j.HP xx M Air Savage Bypass,
otg c.MK, c.HP,
j.LK(1), j.MP, j.HK xx H Savage Bypass*,
s.LP(3), c.LK(2), s.MP(2), c.MK, s.HP xx H Savage Bypass xx EKG Flatliner.

*Flew Shot instead of H Savage Bypass if you have a vial loaded

** "Change s.HP xx H Savage Bypass xx EKG Flatliner" at the end to s.HK(3) for a hardknockdown.

Note that these aren't my combos so I can't guarantee difficulty or how well they work. They are taken from here []
Old Combos
Old combos for reference. They still work however they are not as good anymore due to new combo paths that have been made possible with the new Bypass changes. They're also still not bad if you're lazy and/or just picked up the game and want an easy combo to perform that has good reset points.

Keep in mind that combos can be adjusted or deviated depending on the situation. If you can kill the opponent then end with a Super (Toss a purple vial before the Super for more damage if you have one loaded) then change s.HK(3) to s.HK(2). s.HK(3) gives you oki however you can just reset them to death if you wish.

Core combo

c.LK c.MK c.HP
j.HP j.HK ADF j.MP j.HK
j.LP j.MP j.HK ADF j.LK j.MP
s.LP(3) s.MP s.MK s.HK(3)

This works on anyone, anywhere on the screen. It's easier to do on heavier characters and you might have a bit of trouble doing it on Squigly due to her hurtbox.

The purpose of this combo isn't for pure damage, it has multiple reset points and can end in a hard knockdown at the end if needed.

Beginner Combo

c.LK, c.MK, c.HP
j.HP, ADF, j.MP (3), j.HK
j.LP, j.MP(2), j.HK ADF j.LK j.MP
s.LP s.MP s.MK s.HK(3)

Slightly worse than the Core combo, does less damage and has less reset points but it's easier. The structure is similar to the core combo so once you get the hang of it you can transition over.
Not all resets are listed here but the more common ones will be talked about.

j.LK cross under --
Use j.LK in an air combo to swap sides and land slightly before your opponent.

j.MK cross under --
Works like the j.LK reset. Except you can chain it into j.HP for a fast fall. It also doesn't always cross under on heavier characters.

j.LP ( delay and hold forward) j.HP cross up --
If done correctly your opponent will land and you will cross them up. Do this reset right after you launch them.

j.HP ADF j.HP double overhead --
During a corner reset, jump and do a j.HP, if they block it then air dash, wait a bit and do it again.

ADF j.HP --
This can be harder to do on certain characters so make sure to practice it. On top of low/throw being the basic reset option for resets where both players land on the ground, you can also jump, ADF j.HP and cross them up. Then use s.LP to combo off of it. Some common reversals like Peacock's M Bang (the knife gun) will whiff if you do this. Keep in mind you may whiff or land too far to follow up on hit so practice doing the reset.

Grounded resets --
Although most of Valentine's resets are done in the air, you can do some set ups on the ground that will beat most non invincible moves if they mash anything. (Such as throw mashers)
They mostly involve doing moves that are heavily plus on block and then intentionally doing a move afterwards that doesn't combo or doing a throw. s.MP on hit into c.LK if done properly will beat out non invincible moves as the fastest normal in Skullgirls starts up in 5f.

c.LK Restand --
After an OTG, you can do c.LK(2) and it will restand the opponent. Easiest way to see this for yourself is to do c.HP j.HP xx H Bypass -> c.LK(2) OTG on landing
Burst baits
Mid screen:
Only works on Eliza, Double, Parasoul (Need to do it before she hits the ground) and Big Band.
Same notation as the core combo, it also works with the beginner one. The only difference you need to make is instead of the ground string at the end, jump back and do j.LP. Works in the corner too.

Corner burst baits:

On Lights:
c.LK c.MK c.HP j.HP ADF j.MP j.HP j.LP j.MP j.HP j.MK j.HP j.LK j.MP j.HP (jump back) j.LP

Heavies and Super Heavies:
c.LK c.MK c.HP j.HP ADF j.MP j.HP j.LP j.MP j.HP s.MK c.HP j.LK j.MP j.HP (jump back) j.LP
Note: you may need to adjust the timing of the last j.LP depending on the character. You can delay the j.LP a bit for Cerebella but you'll need to figure out the timing, super jumping the j.LP works too I thnk.

Bonus Big Band specific:
c.LK c.MK c.HP j.HP ADF j.MP j.HP j.LP j.MP j.HP j.LK j.MP j.HP (jump back) j.LP
The second one in the video is the same as the video for Heavies.

The second one works on Big Band, it's just the 3rd one also works on Big Band so it may be worth learning to mix things up. You may of noticed that these are actually MDE combos but shortened and made into burst baits.
Double snaps
A Double snap is when you catch both the point and assist character in your combo, snap out the point character with an Outtake and then do an infinite combo on the assist to kill it (Assists are not affected by IPS or Undizzy)

These only work in the corner, it's ideal to snap out the point character by cancelling s.MP to make sure you've caught both characters but it's not mandatory.

c.LK c.MK c.HP (Or anything that launches them into the air)
j.HP ADF j.MP(1) j.HP s.LP s.MP(1) c.HP j.HP ADF j.MP(1) j.HP... etc etc

You can also just do j.HP ADF j.HP c.HP j.HP ADF j.HP but it may be a bit harder, they're both doable so it's up to you whichever you pick.

Keep in mind Parasoul/Cerebella/Double/Big Band/Eliza fall faster so adjust your timing accordingly.
Match ups & Synergies
Match ups

IOH = Instant Overhead

It's difficult to give absolute match up advice in a team game like Skullgirls since team effectiveness can completely change depending on the team set up however this section will go over some specific points that Valentine has with other characters that are worth noting. The points listed are things you should look out for in the match up, if a match up has more disadvantages than advantages listed that doesn't mean I think it's a bad match up.

+ = Valentine advantage
- = Valentine disadvantage

+ She has a tall hitbox so combos are easier on her
- If you're trying to hit Parasoul with Scalpels while she is using Napalm Shot to zone you out, watch out for Egret Dive as it will absorb Scalpels entirely.
- Her j.HP has a large disjointed hitbox and if you're not careful she will swat you out of the air.

+ Double jumps, air dashes, forward momentum and j.MK can be used to easily get over Peacock's wall of projectiles. Valentine can get over Peacock's plane too.
+ You can punish Peacock for spamming mindlessly with Scalpels. If you anticipate she is going to call a plane or use her gun, use Scalpels.
+ To avoid getting hit by MP Bang (The knife reversal) during your pressure strings or resets, do cross ups on her with j.HP. If she does it then you will be completely safe.

- Be careful when contesting Filia's j.HP with Valentine's j.HK. Her j.HP's start up is a lot quicker than Valentine's j.HK start up. If you wish to beat her out with j.HK you will need some breathing space so you can catch her with it.

Big Band
(aka ビッグマッシュ)
+ j.LP Burst baits work very consistently on Big Band
+ You can do a j.LP ADF j.MP IOH Big Band, which is good for mix ups. This only works on Big Band due to his crouching hitbox being very large.
- A lot of cross under resets don't work on Big Band due to his size and weight

+ Valentine can run under Double's horizontal Luger shot
+ If Double does a reversal Car and you're in the middle of a move or something (Such as mid screen in the air) you can cancel your move into EKG Flatliner to avoid the Car if done properly. At worst you get hit by it once however you should still recover in time in order to punish Double.

- Watch out for how ♥♥♥♥♥ calls her shadows. She can easily punish you for whiffing air normals if you do them at the wrong time

+ If you space j.HK properly and anticipate Eliza will use one of her long reaching normals (j.HK and j.MK) then you can catch Eliza as she has hurtboxes overlapping with her hitboxes.
+ Don't let Eliza bully you with her servant calls, if she does it then try throwing Scalpels or hitting her if it's safe.


- Besides Valentine being great at picking up after Updo, you can also DHC into Gregor and a combo after a successful punish with Scalpels if you're fishing for whiffed moves. Keep in mind you can only DHC at ranges slightly under full screen and closer as Super Flash doesn't last long enough in order to confirm the hit into DHC.

- Valentine has a lot of synergy with Double. Hornet Bomber allows Valentine to set up cross ups and do all sorts of pressure strings. There also exist Hornet Bomber combos however one good use of Hornet Bomber is converting off of Air throw + Scalpels. You can do air dash j.MK call Hornet Bomber and then pick them up. Another thing you can do is set up a cross up in the corner. Just before they tag in, call Hornet Bomber AND do LK Savage Bypass. You can easily cross people up this way. It also works with other assists however it's arguably the easiest to do with Hornet Bomber but you can test alternatives in training mode.
Other resources
You mainly want to check the Valentine section[] on Skullheart for most Valentine related resources and discussion. Although you can check all the hitboxes in-game, here[] is a link to a Skullheart thread that has them all listed anyway.

The Valentine page[] on the Shoryuken wiki is also good however it may be outdated so take any numbers with a grain of salt, when in doubt check the frame data in-game.

For high level Valentine play you can look up the player "Duckator". A good starting point would be the Kumite he participated in somewhat recently.
Afterword, Feedback and Discussion
I hope after reading this guide I've taught you a thing or two about Valentine. If you have any comments about this guide then of course leave one below however if it's something that requires a more proper/longer discussion or answer then I'd prefer it if you posted it in the Skullheart thread for this guide which can be found here[]

Thanks for reading!
HomuraUkemi 25 Jan, 2024 @ 2:56pm 
Ascended 8 Nov, 2020 @ 11:48am 
my main <3
Panache 19 May, 2020 @ 12:33pm 
So hype to get back into this game and learn her.
Pol 19 Nov, 2019 @ 2:53pm 
Best Girl.
GG Player  [author] 31 Jul, 2018 @ 1:02am 
c = crouch
j = jump

c.LK = crouching light kick etc
Han 31 Jul, 2018 @ 12:20am 
what does the c and j before these mean? - c.LK, c.MK, c.HP
I.N.S.A.N.E 13 Jun, 2018 @ 11:22am 
GG Player  [author] 23 Dec, 2017 @ 4:37pm 
Thanks, it's a bit old now but it's still alright. It's just that it may not document some newer things.
bfowler093 23 Dec, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
Great guide man, just got this game and I love Valentine.
76561198266411705 31 Mar, 2017 @ 3:34pm 
Valentine is for edgy weeaboos

says no one ever