42 ratings
Ultimate Guide - Empire
By MinMaxRex
Tips & Tricks for the The Empire faction
Imperial Authority & Prestige

I'm putting this section at the top because Imperial Authority and Prestige are one of the most important resources to manage post "The Empire Undivided Update" which came alongside "The Hunter & The Beast DLC".

There are 11 other Elector Count factions at the start of your campaign (there are 12 Elector Count offices total as you are an Elector Count yourself). IMPORTANT NOTE! - Marienburg provides an Elector Count Office but unlike the other Elector Counts you can declare war on them without penalty.

At the top of your screen is a bar, and to the right of "Predicted Income", there is a skull icon and to the right of that is a bar-within-a-bar that goes from Green on the left to Red on the right.

Hover your mouse of the Skull Icon. It shows you the Imperial Authority you have gained and lost and the reason for the gain or loss. Here is a list of what it shows:


Empire Settlements Returned (Important Note! - this is achieved from a dilemma ("Demands Region" I think) where one elector conquers a settlement belonging to another and the original owner demands it back, if you give it back you get +1 Imperial Authority and +1 Fealty with the original elector, but -1 Fealty with the conqueror. Note that this event gave me the most Imperial Authority so far as of Turn 77 in my campaign, you would be wise to use it to gain Imperial Authority)

Political Events (random dilemmas that typically cost 1000 prestige to get +1 authority)

Missions (apparently I've only had one of these as of Turn 77 in my campaign so far)

Prevented Civil War (gained from choosing "Prevent Civil War" in the "Electors Go to War" dilemma, costs 1000 Prestige and grants +1 Imperial Authority)

Elector Counts Reinstated (revive a dead Elector Count faction, achieved by conquering an Empire settlement that belonged to a dead Elector Count and choosing "Return to Elector", and it gives +1 Imperial Authority)

IMPORTANT NOTE - Reviving a dead Elector Count gives 1 Imperial Authority, while returning a settlement to an already alive Elector Count gives +1 Fealty with that Elector.


Declared War on Elector Counts (causes -4 Imperial Authority but simple to avoid, do not ever declare war on an elector count. IMPORTANT NOTE! - the "Electors Go to War" dilemma allows you to NOT INCUR that loss of authority while being able to go to war with one or the other of the two electors presented in the dilemma.)

Political Events

Empire Province Capitals Razed

Elector Counts Destroyed (causes -2 Imperial Authority and happens whenever you or the AI destroys an Elector Count faction. And note that it will not register on the turn you destroy the Elector Count, it will register the next turn, so you think you are good killing off an Elector Count for no penalty but then bam -2 IA on the next turn, sneaky)

Confederation (causes -3 Imperial Authority)

Attacked Recently-Returned Regions (see the Outdated Cheese section for what this is)


IMPORTANT NOTE - I confirmed in my campaign that even if another faction controls Empire territory, if you are Military Allies with that faction, then once you have confederated all Elector Counts and have checked off the other objectives for victory, you will win. Kislev controlled a number of settlements in Empire land, but I made them Military Allies so when I confederated my last Elector Count Hochland, I won.

However, I did not see a "Summon the Elector Counts" button once I won, and I believe that is because Kislev controls Hergig the capital of Hochland, so I cannot assign a Lord to be Elector Count of Hochland.

Apparently the "Summon the Elector Counts" button refreshes your state troops pool.


IMPORTANT NOTE - Don't worry too much about trespassing on Elector Count land. They cannot declare war on you unless you allow them to, and their opinion of you will probably drop anyway until you get the "Emissary to the Prince of Altdorf" tech and go to war again the Vampire Counts. I was not able to get treaties with the Elector Counts until after Turn 50 I think, and by that point the Vampire Counts had wiped out at least 3 Elector Counts. Therefore do not let a lack of Military Access stop you from rushing to defend Elector Count settlements and destroying the Vampire Counts.


On the "Elector Counts" screen, there are 12 Elector Count offices, which includes Reikland, Sylvania, and Marienburg. If you hover over the "Faction Fealty" icon for Marienburg and Sylvania, the text will say "This faction does not show Fealty to the Empire". This is your hint that you cannot confederate these factions and if you go to war with them, you will NOT lose any Imperial Authority.

That leaves 9 Elector Counts that "Show Fealty". Wissenland starts at 2 Fealty and is therefore easy to get them to drop down low enough that they declare war on you. After completing my campaign, here is the strategy for gaining Imperial Authority I would recommend:

Letting Wissenland rebel is the recommended strategy I've seen because capturing Nuln allows you take make one of your lords its Elector Count which gives you access to The Emperor's Wrath steam tank, and Nuln's special building allows you to recruit Hellstorm Rocket Batteries at Tier 3 instead of Tier 4. Also by making Wissenland your recruitment province, that frees up Reikland to be a money province. On the flipside, you could make Reikland your sole recruitment province and build Wissenland's Fealty up to eventually confederate.

If you conquer Wissenland that leaves 8 Elector Counts, if you let them live that is 9. I recommend keeping at least 8 Elector counts alive to farm Imperial Authority. If you could get all 8's Fealty to 10 quickly, and decline confederation for all of them, that is +8 Imperial Authority every 20 turns, on top of whatever random events give you more Imperial Authority. Assuming you conquered Wissenland and suffered -2 Imperial Authority when they were destroyed, you want 27 Imperial Authority to be able to confederate the remaining 8 Elector Counts leaving 1 Imperial Authority remaining.

And by the way, done right, you may end up confederating 8 Elector Counts back to back, because if you declined confederation once an Elector Count hits 10 Fealty, then every 20 or 21 turns they will offer it again.

This strategy also means that by the time you choose to confederate the Elector Counts, all their Capitals could be Tier 5. Noice.


You want to rush to kill the Vampire Counts and Von Carsteins before they destroy the eastern Elector Counts. At the same time you want to keep an eye on the borders of Empire territory, be watching to see if any Elector Counts lose ground. Is Nordland in danger from Norsa? Is Ostland or Ostermark being conquered by Kislev? Did Greenskins capture Grenzstadt or Fort Soll putting Averheim or Balthazar Gelt's Pfeildorf in danger? Make sure that none of those 8 Elector Counts get destroyed, and make sure no Empire Capital City gets razed.

In my campaign Kislev went to war with Hochland and I got lucky that they did not destroy Hochland because Hochland was left with just The Brass Keep. So you may have to go to war with Kislev at some point, which sucks if you choose to play with the Chaos Invasion on because Kislev would be an excellent buffer.

Since you won't have much Empire land to give you money while farming authority, where should you expand? Castle Drakenhof has a Gold Mine, as does Mount Gunbad to the east of Drakenhof, as does Red Eye Mountain to the northeast of Drakenhof. Karak Norn, Karak Hirn, Zhufbar, all good targets. Taking over Bretonnia and Estalia and Tilea might be good ideas but only if the Dark Elves didn't roflstomp the High Elves and aren't sending waves of armies at Bretonnia, otherwise you want them as a buffer.

Imperial Authority Farming Guide
+3 Fealty Tip
Getting an Elector Count faction to +150 diplomatic relations with you will reward you with 3 Fealty with that faction.

A now a reminder that you can spend Prestige using the Elector Machinations mechanic in order to boost your relations with an Elector Count faction (always save 1000 Prestige in case a +1 Imperial Authority in exchange for -1000 Prestige Event occurs).

Therefore, at the start of your campaign you should look at the map of the Elector Counts and decide who you want to spend Prestige on to gain +3 Fealty with first.

Talabecland would be a logical first choice since they start at 7 Fealty and at 10 they will offer confederation; whether you want to confederate them immediately to expand your empire and perhaps set up a Military Recruitment province in a central location so that Reikland can be a Money Province; or whether you want to start farming Imperial Authority by declining their offer of confederation and doing so every turn until you have plenty of Imperial Authority.

You could also boost Wissenland from 2 Fealty to 5 so they do not try to go to war with you and then try to confederate them ASAP or slowly build their Fealty for Authority farming.


^ The Definitive Source for Legendary Lord's Quests [requirements]

Extremely useful to know each step in the quest chain so you can prepare to complete it as fast as possible so you can get the items. For example, Karl's Ghal Maraz and Volkmar's Staff of Command each give +3 Public Order (PO) factionwide, so getting both items gives +6 PO everywhere, which could be a lifesaver.


^ Screenshot of "A Gilded Opportunity" dilemma which pops once you get over 13000 Prestige I think.


LIst of Empire Dilemmas:

Normal Battle Difficulty!
Since only the campaign difficulty impacts achievements, I highly recommend playing on Normal Battle Difficulty.

One of the things that makes playing The Empire faction fun is playing straightforward medieval/"pike & shot era" humans facing off against a fantastic world that wants to kill you. And part of that fun is playing with hammer & anvil tactics of a solid infantry line supported by ranged units with cavalry to flank.

Very Hard Battle difficulty just wrecks the effectiveness of your infantry and cavalry due to the buffs the AI gets. Not only will the AI get a large boost to their leadership and melee combat prowess making them almost unbreakable wrecking balls against your troops, but the AI gets an experience bonus so that their troops will reach Rank 9 quickly, resulting in an additional +9 or so Melee Attack & Defence. With this, seriously, Skavenslaves taking on Greatswords and winning is a real possibility. It isn't fun to see Reiksguard and Demigryph Knights performing abominably against Tier 0 Trash...

If you play on Very Hard Battle difficulty, you will be incentivized to build an entirely ranged army that uses Heroes to hold up and blob the enemy while your ranged units annihilate from afar. This requires you to strategize around recruiting lots of heroes and the right composition, not to mention constantly choosing your hero skills every turn, which can get really old really fast.

Normal difficulty battles allows you the possibility of creating an army of just Demigryph Knights, and it is a pleasure to watch an army of Demigryph Knights smashing the enemy to smithereens.

If you insist on playing on Very Hard Battle Difficulty, I recommend watching LegendofTotalWar on Youtube and many of his Empire playthroughs to see how he deals with Very Hard Battle Difficulty as Empire.

I recommend building a first tier tavern to get Gotrek & Felix ASAP, which is a good idea even if you only get them for the 30 turns you are supposed to have them for, but there is a way to get them permanently!

At the top of your screen there is a bar and on the right it displays campaign-impacting events. Keep an eye on the counter for Gotrek & Felix as it ticks down from 30 to 1.

On Turn 0 of Gotrek & Felix's stay, a cutscene will play and they will depart your faction, and it will be many many turns before you can re-recruit them. But if you reload a save at the start of that turn before the cutscene procs, the game will forget to proc that cutscene and without that cutscene they do not depart your faction, so you now get to keep them permanently!

On Legendary this is easy, Legendary saves your game at the start of the turn before any events pop, so just reload the save and mission accomplished.

On lower campaign difficulties, as soon as the AI finishes its turns, you need to spam Control + S to create an autosave. This becomes easy if hopefully a notification pops up immediately at the start of this turn, do not click it to acknowledge it yet, hit Control + S and you will create the autosave, then click to acknowledge the alert and then the cutscene should proc, and then just hit Control + L to reload your autosave, and check and see if Gotrek & Felix are still with you.

Important Note - If Gotrek gets wounded, I found that I could not re-recruit him normally once he became available again because he is not a normal lord type. But I found a work around:

You recruit a lord, then use "Replace Lord" to have Gotrek replace that lord. Boom you got him back.

Also note that this appears to not work in reverse, I had sent Gotrek across the world to discover the High Elves but then I was unable to use Replace Lord on Gotrek to replace him with a regular lord in order to disband that lord so that I could re-recruit Gotrek back home, I had to get Gotrek killed in order to accomplish this. So heads up.

ESSENTIAL - 100% Success Heroes
So it has been a long, long time since I've played the Empire, and since then, boy oh boy did the Arch Lector lord get a huge buff.

This guide section was just going to be about having "100% success chance" heroes, but the Arch Lector lord skill that enables this also gives other delicious benefits that are strategy-impacting. Here is the juicy reasoning:

"Blessed Holy War" is the Arch Lector skill in question. Karl Franz gives +2 to Lord recruit rank, so if you play Karl Franz you can select it immediately upon recruiting an Arch Lector. It provides:

+10% Hero action success chance for Warrior Priests and Witch Hunters (ALL characters)
Hero Capacity +1 for Warrior Priests
Hero Capacity +1 for Witch Hunters
Untainted +2 (ALL characters)

And per the Redditor whose comment prompted me to look into this, "Blessed Holy War" still works even if you disband the Arch Lector, which makes sense because the same is true for Tomb Kings and their "Canopic Jar Hoarder" skill, which is how you farm Canopic Jars as Tomb Kings (see my Tomb Kings guide).

So from the start of your campaign, you can recruit a Level 3 Arch Lector, give him "Blessed Holy War" and Route Marcher, RENAME him "Blessed", and then disband him. Also, you can do that but before you disband him, you can go into "Character Details" at the bottom left, and then at the bottom right is the "Replace Lord" button, and you can use that to replace the lord you just got and skilled with another Arch Lector that you can skill. So you can recruit an Arch Lector with a crappy trait, rename him "Blessed", then Replace him with another Arch Lector with a good trait, who you can keep active to fight and level up.


Once you have 10 of these "Blessed" Arch Lectors disbanded to your Lord Pool or being actively used in your campaign, and once you build a "Shrine of Sigmar" and a "Tavern", you will have 10+ Warrior Priests and 10+ Witch Hunters at your disposal (and of course more if you keep recruiting and skilling more "Blessed" Arch Lectors).

Let me explain how game changing this is.

Normally, you need a Shrine of Sigmar and a Coaching Inn for each +1 to Warrior Priest and +1 Witch Hunter respectively. The Coaching Inn is Tier 4 which means you have to waste a slot in a Major Settlement to build that. And getting the Shrine of Sigmar to Cathedral of Sigmar is still only +1 to your Warrior Priest capacity, NOT +2 or +3. You would literally have to control 10 provinces and spend 57000+ gold to get 10 of each of these heroes normally.


WARRIOR PRIEST (Growth Generator then Army Buffer)

I think Warrior Priests give +10 Growth base, and then each point in "Stimulate Growth" gives +10, for a max of +40 Growth per Warrior Priest. Get 10 of them with max "Stimulate Growth" and that is 500 growth per turn. The Empire is surrounded by enemies so you need your settlement to reach their max tier and build walls ASAP, and Warrior Priests are your cheat code to accomplish that. And once you no longer need them to focus on growth, you can embed them in armies to provide Replenishment and act as powerful fighters and troop buffers once leveled.


WITCH HUNTER (Scout, Siege Enabler, Assassin, Army Blocker, )

The Witch Hunter has "Damage Walls", "Assassinate", and "Block Army". And with 100% Success Chance, ooh baby are these guys gonna be phenomenal.

1) You send them ahead of your armies to scout. With 10+ of these guys early on, they should already be wherever your armies even think about moving to. Send 1 to Ulthuan ASAP to get trade going with the High Elves.

2) You have them Damage Walls on any settlement with walls. And you should have your Witch Hunters do this a few times even before your armies arrive, because, once they have successfully damaged walls a few times, they will get a trait that causes an additional 2 wall breaches I think. They cause 1 breach normally, 4 with max "Damage Walls" skill, and with the trait that is 6 breaches. "Damage Walls" enables your armies that do not have "Siege Attacker" units in them to attack immediately, but you should have your Witch Hunters do this even for your armies that do have Siege Attackers, because 6 breaches makes attacking a walled settlement like robbing a cradle. The defenders probably won't be on the walls so the towers probably won't be firing, you won't have to wait while your artillery takes out towers or makes breaches, the settlement will be ready for your army to roll in and steamroll the defenders. This strategy also makes a Cavalry army viable, because they can just charge in through the 6 breaches and actually charge around the streets instead of being bottlenecked at the gate. And remember, 100% Success Chance, so no having to worry about a failure delaying your army.

3) 100% Success Assassin. Have your Witch Hunter(s) kill the enemy lord and/or heroes in an enemy army before your army attacks. If facing Grimgor or Malekith or Tyrion or Kroq-Gar on the battlefield makes you tinkle your panties, then just assassinate them and steamroll their army into dust.

4) Block Army. Chaos Invasion incoming and you aren't ready? Block their armies so they can barely crawl forward on the campaign map until you can bring an overwhelming force to crush them. Is the enemy army trying to play keep away, constantly moving just out of range of your army trying to end them? Block Army and they will be sitting ducks for you to gleefully annihilate. And remember, 100% success chance baby.



You should only need 10 "Blessed" Arch Lectors to achieve 100% WP & WH agent action success chance, but OF COURSE, if you keep getting more, then you can get even more Warrior Priests and Witch Hunters. Enough that maybe they go straight into your armies, or even build armies entirely of heroes.

AND, there is a further benefit to having 20, or 30, or 40 Arch Lectors.

Remember that final benefit of "Blessed Holy War", "Untainted +2 (ALL characters)"?

+2 Untainted x 10 = 20 Untainted
+2 Untainted x 20 = 40 Untainted
+2 Untainted x 30 = you should get the picture by now

Enough of these "Blessed Arch Lectors" and you don't have to waste any points on "+Untainted" skills on any of your lords or heroes.

And with 20 "Blessed" Arch Lectors, that means an army with 1 Lord and just 2 Heroes = 120 Untainted.

Corruption should never be an issue for you now.

You can park 1 or 2 heroes in the Black Pyramid of Nagash and completely negate the corruption that is always present there.


Campaign Walkthrough
Look at the Permanent Gotrek section, having a lord that doesn't increase upkeep is lifesaving.

Skullsmashers start heading toward Helmgart by Turn 7 if you captured Helmgart then Eilhart, so move Karl back toward Helmgart and put Karl Franz in ambush stance so they keep coming toward Helmgart.

Cancel your Non-Aggression Pact with Vampire Counts on Turn 11 (to avoid damage to your reliability), and declare war on them on Turn 21.

You want a Taven in Altdorf so that you can get Witch Hunters ASAP. Send a Witch Hunter west to discover the Bretonnians and the High Elves so you can get trade going ASAP (you could then send this WH to go discover Markus and Teclis if you want). Also sending another one south to discover Estalia, Tilea, maybe Border Princes, and then south to discover the Bretonnians in the Southlands. Disband those 2 Witch Hunters once they've accomplished their mission, takes too long for them to journey back.

You need to decide early on whether Reikland will be a Military or Money province, and whether you will want to heavily use Reiksguard or not. If you are going to let Wissenland rebel, you can make Reikland a Money province. However, there is a benefit to making Reikland a military province. If you commit to Reikland being Military, then you can conceivably do all recruiting in Reikland (or via Global Recruitment when necessary) and so all you have to do in every other province you capture is build money buildings and walls to defend, makes things real simple.

You also need to decide whether to capture Marienburg or not.

Option 1) if you do not capture Marienburg, you can take out Skarsnik, possibly Karak Norn and the Skaven to their south securing a second province (if you do this do it fast), and then beeline to take out Von Carstein and Mannfred. You can potentially trade with Marienburg and get money that way, and Marienburg will hopefully act as a nice buffer against Norsca and Rakarth. Be aware though that Couronne may go to war with Marienburg and if Louen captures it, you will have to ask yourself if you really want to go to war with Bretonnia to get it later.

Option 2) Capturing Marienburg will give a great boost to income due to its port, the item "Key to the Stadsraad" which you should put on a Hero with the "Noble" trait and put that hero next to Marienburg because it will boost the income there significantly, and it provide you access to "The Bordermen - Outriders with Grenade Launchers" which are awesome units especially against Vampire Counts. The problems with this are, if you attack it early on it will only be Tier 3, and so once captured (Do NOT sack it!) it will be Tier 2, which means you only have 1 building slot, and you'll want to build the growth building to get it to Tier 3. At Tier 3, you want to build Walls and the 2nd level Port (which is expensive).

Since Nordland and/or Middenland are probably going to take Gorssel and Aarnau, it is going to take a long time for Marienburg to get to Tier 5, unless you do the Arch Lector "Blessed Holy War" trick to have access to lots of Warrior Priests and put them all in Marienburg to stimulate growth. Since I did not capture Gorssel or Aarnau I never had problems with Norsca or Rakarth, but I may have just been lucky and taking Marienburg in a different campaign may bring Norscan hell down upon you.

Option 3) Beeline for the Vampire Counts, let Marienburg build up, then take it once it reaches at least Tier 4 and they have built the Tier 3 Port, or even Tier 5 so when you take it at Tier 4 you can build Walls and both Money buildings.


You can choose to take out Karak Ziflin, Heinrich Kemmler, and the Skullsmashers if you want, or you can let them hassle each other and the Bretonnians.

Mod Warning
The "One Button Respec" mod is awesome because you will be getting a lot of confederated lords that the AI skilled terribly.

However, be wary with the "Confederate Defeated Lords" mod. If playing as a TWW2 faction (Elves, Lizardmen, Skaven) then it will probably be great for you, but playing as the Empire where you can get Volkmar and Gelt easily (and I could have confederated Wulfhart easily as well) anyway, it could make your campaign much more difficult. Why?

Because the AI gets the defeated Legendary Lords as well. So you could end up facing the Greenskins with all 5 Legendary Lords owning everything to the south and knocking at your southeast door, and even if you beat all 5 they will return 5 turns later and come back at you again. Which is funny because it would be very true to the lore, but it be a huge ramp up in difficulty and probably result in less diversity of factions because everyone else will get steamrolled once the Greenskins have 30+ settlements. Same with the Dark Elves, Malekith curbstomped the High Elves and took all of Ulthuan, then starting sending waves of armies at Bretonnia.

You've been warned.

Fealty Cheese - Outdated
Original Credit to Reddit user AscarelX for discovering this:

To see the cheese in action watch LegendofTotalWar's video above. You don't want to declare war on an Elector Count because of the loss of Imperial Authority, but if they go to war with you anyway, you can use the above strategy to level up a lord while increasing the Elector Count's fealty such that they will be willing to confederate with you.


CA must have killed this cheese in a patch I missed, because "Attacked Recently-Returned Regions" is listed as something that will cause a loss of Imperial Authority. And I went back to an old save and tested it out, and yes, razing a settlement, then returning it to its Elector, then attacking it again, WILL result in a loss of -1 Imperial Authority. Which in exchange for +1 Fealty with an Elector Count you are already at war with, is a terrible trade.

My Outdated Thoughts from mid-campaign
NOTE - I won my campaign on Turn 129. From Turn 77 to 129 I still only had Middenland, Nordland and Hochland. By declining to confederate each of them once or twice and getting lucky with a couple of events that gave +1 authority, I was able to end the campaign with exactly 0 Imperial Authority. I had 8 Imperial Authority before confederating Middenland and Nordland, and then got a lucky even that gave me 1 more, and shortly after Hochland offered to confederate, and when I accepted, I won the campaign.

At Turn 77 of my campaign, only 3 Elector Counts remain: Middenland, Nordland, and Hochland.

And I've noticed that the dilemmas have slowed down considerably.

A Redditor once wrote a short guide in a comment for how to play Empire, and his recommendation was to take out the Vampire Counts before they snowballed out of control killing Electors, and keep the Electors alive until you amass something like 20 Imperial Authority, and then confederate from there.

I think this is great advice, you want to stop the Vampire Counts from destroying any of the Elector Counts, and then play them all against each other while farming Imperial Authority until you have enough that you can just confederate all of them. Or use the "Electors Go to War" dilemma to go to war with one of them and take them out, but remember, confederating them means you don't have to reduce their settlement levels by 1 from conquering them, instead you get their settlements as is. At Turn 77, Middenheim is Tier 5, I would love to get it at Tier 5 instead of having to conquer it and reducing it to Tier 4.

Now, confederating 1 or 2 factions early on may be a good idea especially if it enables to you attack the Vampire Counts. I had the opportunity to confederate Talabecland that I passed on for the +1 Imperial Authority, and then they got destroyed by Von Carstein, when if I had confederated them I would have had more money and a route to march into VC lands.

Confederating The Golden Order is a great idea to get Balthazar Gelt, especially if you don't have the mod which gives you dead Legendary Lords.

And Wissenland is easy to cause them to rebel so you can conquer them, which I'd recommend.


Reviving a dead Elector Count is probably a bad idea. If they die, that is -2 Imperial Authority. If you revive them, that is +1 Imperial Authority, so you still have -1 Imperial Authority. And if you revive them and they get killed again, that is another -2 Imperial Authority.

On the other hand, if you revive them and can keep them alive, they may be able to help you farm Imperial Authority. Particularly since if they reach 10 Fealty and ask to confederate, you can delay confederation for +1 Imperial Authority, so if you have 10 Elector Counts at 10 Fealty and you delay their confederations for 20 turns twice, that is 20 Imperial Authority right there (10 x 2 delays), on top of whatever you are getting from other dilemmas.

And a great way to get Fealty is if the AI conquers an Elector Count's minor settlement. Conquer the settlement and then give it back to the Elector Count for +1 Fealty. If you can find a minor settlement that you can put your army in Ambush Stance by and that the AI keeps conquering, you could farm Fealty for that Elector Count this way.

MinMaxRex  [author] 19 Sep, 2021 @ 7:32pm 
@Malevo - understood. I say abuse it until they fix it if your goal is to beat the campaign rather than make it as hard as possible.
Malevo 19 Sep, 2021 @ 4:52am 
community bug fix removes volkmars new skills from the arch lectors, it's apparently an oversight that they have them
MinMaxRex  [author] 18 Sep, 2021 @ 11:27pm 
@Lampros - someone in the forum section said that it may be a bug? But I just tested, with Karl Franz's +2 Lord rank on recruitment, you can get an Arch Lector with "Blessed Holy War" on the first turn.

Unless it was a mod I installed but none of the ones I installed were supposed to impact skill and such.
Lampros 14 Sep, 2021 @ 7:56pm 
Only Volkmar can get the Blessed Holy War skill - not any Arch Lector.