The Riftbreaker

The Riftbreaker

The Riftbreaker - Top Tips For New Players - Tutorial
chugs 18 Jun, 2024 @ 12:28am 
some other tips

1. Drone Mines

Try to research as soon as possible drone mines. Your carbonium and iron (pretty much any mine) mines will eventually (really quickly actually) run out of resources to mine.

Otherwise you'll be constantly jumping around moving around the phyiscal mining facilities to overlap the resource squares. If you have drone mines they'll automatically mine all the resources in the area they cover. Plus they'll mine everything and anything meaning you won'thave to waste resources with different mines (not to mention wasting time researching the different mine types). Also

2. gas and water

brown Mud filter by water filtration = water (use this to grow stuff and then use harvester drones to harvest)

green swampy stuff filtered by the gas filteration = Natural Gas (probably LNG). Use this on Gas power plants