Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

Not enough ratings
2,000,000 Points (And More!)
By Ninefoldrin
If you're like me, you've tried many guides for completing that last point quest and wound up with a nice big 1x1 for integer overflow. This guide will take 3 minutes or less with no mods required.
Step 1
Go to the empty pool with the two trampolines as the Angel Goat. It's best to start a custom game as Angel Goat. If you have devil goat or the jetpack, restart with just the Angel Goat.

Step 2
Bounce three times on the trampoline. Try to aim yourself to land somewhere in the lower end of the pool after the third bounce. If you don't, that's fine. It'll just take a few extra attempts before you get the points.

Step 3
Hold the 'R' key to activate Angel Goat's slow fall and simultaneously press the 'A' or 'D' key so that you are now spinning. Hold this until you land.

Step 4
Step 5

You might get well over the point amount, or you might fall a little under. If you land too soon, just hop back on and you'll have your last quest completed in no time.

If you happen to hit something else while you land, you might get a multiplier, but multipliers aren't at all required.
Final Notes
The problem I was having with other guides is that they suggested things like jumping off of the crane, or using the fan room, both of which tend to make it easy to get integer overflow which gives you a nice big "1x1" for all of your effort. Too many spins or flips will cause that, so just do something that limits how many times you spin or flip. Spinning is the easiest and the only thing necessary, so don't even worry about the flipping.

Over 500 million after a few minutes of trampolines.

(This guide is effective as of 5/25/2014. Future changes may negate this guide's effectiveness.)
Harrickot 2 Apr, 2018 @ 12:23am 
It work ! Thanks ! :)