81 ratings
Beginner's Tips (no spoilers)
By Hai Zhu Tzen
List of questionably useful advices for people unfamiliar with survival horror genre, or videogames in general.
Keep the Tips
  • Rebind the "Use" key.

    While default control scheme on mouse+keyboard (or, just keyboard in this case, since mouse isn't involved in any way) can seem a bit outlandish, it works pretty fine for the majority of the game. However, putting "use" key on CTRL is a crime against fingers. E or F, whichever you prefer, will work just fine, and won't inflict pain on your pinkie finger.

  • Back + double tap Run for a quick 180 degree turn

    If only this guide existed before i beat the game twice without knowing that.

  • Saber is the first thing you want to buy.

    This blade never dulls, it stunlocks a good chunk of basic enemies, and allows you to clear rooms of those enemies without wasting ammo. And while you can dispatch a lot of basic enemies with it, don't try to melee more serious foes. Doing a "reload" with saber will make Alise do a blocking animation, which can deflect certain attacks, and attacking right after the block will perform a swift counter-attack. Do note that not every attack can be blocked that way.

  • Not every enemy worth the effort.

    It pays off to clear a hallway you will walk through a lot, or kill everything on the way to a boss, but certain enemies, especially those located in isolated room you only gonna visit once could be safely left alone.Your main priority to kill is any enemy you can't get past without losing HP in the process, and your main priority to shoot is any enemy you can't safely melee.

  • Don't try to fisticuff the dolls.(old)

    Seriously, don't. Use the saber instead.
    ...There is a way however, to increase unarmed damage, but it requires you to be a very bad friend to a certain character.

  • The pistol is not without its use.

    While the damage may seems lacking, it has decent fire rate, and there is alot of ammo for it laying around. But most importantly, it has relatevely fast reload animation, so in a way its safer than other options.

  • The cogs dropped by enemies disappear if you exit the room.

    Just in case you were wondering. Consider that when evaluating whether you should run into another room from mosnters.

  • Enemies position also resets when you exit the room.

    This is what allows you to evade a lot of enemies. No matter if the monster was right behind you, entering another room will send them back to their into their place, and you won't get bitten immidiately upon re-entering that room.

  • Check everything. Twice.

    Every cupboard, cabinet, locker, etc. Sometimes Alise will make a remark that the contents could be useful, in which case you need to interact with it again to get a free medkit or toothwheels.

  • If you under half HP - always heal.(old)

    Medkits restore exactly 50% of your HP, so you will never waste a healing item if you below that.
    ...Unless you invest into a certain piece of clothing, then it might be worth to go back and do a bit of equip swap shenanigans. Also - while they do have lengthy healing animation, the game pauses when you do it, so don't be afraid to health in the middle of combat too!

    There is also other ways to heal without medkits. At least one of them is NG+ exclusive, and another one is very slow and inconvinient... but very relaxing ;)

  • Buying medkits is the safest investment.

    Your resources might be a bit tight before the first boss, but after that buying out medkits is never a bad idea. You WILL take damage, no matter how good you think you are.

  • Enemies also struggle with their movement.

    While tank controls can be very clunky, the game is balanced around them, meaning most enemies are not super-agile either. Simple backpedalling or sprinting away would be enough to avoid all attacks in the game, which makes sense, since its your only way of avoiding the damage. Sorry, no dodge-rolling in the manor!

  • Saving is not free, but its very cheap.

    So in case you encounter something like that may look like a boss arena, for example, don't be stingy to backtrack to saferoom, gear up, and save again.

  • Augments seem very tempting, but...

    Those were added with "Director's Cut" update, and some of them are very strong. And for a good reason - after all, everything has a price...

  • You can only get one item from every boss per NG cicle

    So choose wisely! Also, every boss item that is considered a "consumable" will not carry to further NG+ cicles, so no reason to hold on to them.

  • There are multiple "Face" doors!

    Worth saving before trying to open them, they all have very different rewards, and much like with the boss items, not all of them carry over.

  • In case you get stuck on the infamous "safe puzzle".

    Reload the save. Maybe a few times. Its known to be a bit buggy. Its also randomly generated, so don't try to skip any steps with it.
    Also, since this puzzle is a pet peeve of mine, here's the only hint for the puzzle in this whole guide, in case we got same brain model: the sheeps have NOTHING to do with the safe code

  • If you ever die because the game is glitched, or bugged, or your weapon suddenly stopped shooting...

    Shake your fist and scream "DAAAAAAMN YOU CASPER!!!!" as loud as you can. I find it very relaxing, personally. Then restart the whole game before loading back.

  • Thats all, folks!

    This thing was written way back on game's release, befor Mr. Croes put out a "Director's Cut" with all the missing content added back. No more wondering where the bloody rope or that hecking coin is!
Alatech 14 Aug, 2023 @ 4:55am 
Thank you for the help!
Fog of War 4 Dec, 2022 @ 1:51am 
thanks for the help:steamhappy:
ICountFrom0 5 Nov, 2022 @ 8:59pm 
The coin is now a "reward" you can buy at the start of NG+, as a drop from the final boss.
Hai Zhu Tzen  [author] 13 Jul, 2022 @ 2:37pm 
If i remember correctly what you are referring to, there is currently no way to open that door. Casper still working on expanding the game, so hopefully we'll see whats hidden there in next big update.
Samail 12 Jul, 2022 @ 5:47pm 
Where can I get a coin for the door?
Timmy_22222001 25 Apr, 2022 @ 6:49am 
I'd also like to bring up something I just found during my first playthrough of the game. I'm currently getting past the first area and the Key Ring is NOT working. I tried to re-load the save and its the same issue. What I found was, despite rebinding my Keyboard keys, the keyboard still oddly responds to the Up, Down, Left, Right keys. Thank everything I figured this out as being unable to utilize different keys in the game would spell out a GAME OVER unlike any other o_0
willyougowhereigo 14 Dec, 2021 @ 12:43pm 
update after reloading the game 3 times it finally worked!
willyougowhereigo 14 Dec, 2021 @ 12:36pm 
I literally cannot get the "safe" thing to open. This playthrough the numbers i got with the pulse meter were 5353 or 3535... that should be the only combinations... but nothing is working.
ItChY Tasty 12 Dec, 2021 @ 1:12pm 
CrooksNecklace 31 Oct, 2021 @ 7:24pm 
Awesome guide! Thank you so much for contributing with the community, very helpful