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Kenshi's story | Help for new players [Eng]
By Prompt0
My goal is to put together a guide where you can find everything you need in one place. Without bothering to search for pieces of information on different sites. Of course, it will not be easy and not as fast as we would like, but over time, the guide will collect all the information about the game. I hope for your understanding.

🔸 Everything is divided into sections, in which there may be subsections for easy viewing of information.
🔹 Over time, the guide will be updated ...
💎 With your support, together we can complete the guide and help new players in Kenshi.
❌ What is Kenshi?

  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Kenshi is a single player sandbox PC game set in a vast and atmospheric ‘Sword-Punk’ style open world. With a mix of RPG elements, squad-based control and city-building features, gameplay is completely free-roaming and open: enjoy the freedom and potential to do whatever you want.
    Set in an unrelenting world of bloodthirsty cannibals, starving bandits, brutal slavers and wild beasts, survival alone is a grueling struggle… You are not the chosen one. You’re not great and powerful. You don’t have more ‘hitpoints’ than everyone else. You are not the center of the universe, and you are not special. Unless you work for it.

    Kenshi is an indie PC game developed by Lo-Fi Games. Initially released for early access in 2013, Kenshi was fully released in December of 2018. On Steam, users can collect Steam Trading Cards and purchase the Kenshi Original Soundtrack.

  • About this game - Steam

    A free-roaming squad based RPG focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story. Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals.

    Research new equipment and craft new gear. Purchase and upgrade your own buildings to use as safe fortified havens when things go bad, or use them to start up a business. Aid or oppose the various factions in the world while striving for the strength and wealth necessary to simply survive in the harsh desert. Train your men up from puny victims to master warriors. Carry your wounded squad mates to safety and get them all home alive.
Gameplay | Features | Money
Kenshi - open-world computer role-playing game with elements of real-time strategies without a linear plot - you come up with your own plot, and you yourself create and develop your characters. At the beginning of the game, the character does not have any useful skills and must fight for survival from the first minutes of the game. Skills are pumped as the actions are performed, for example, the skill of theft is pumped when stealing items, the pumping of hacking is pumped when your character picks locks, the possession of weapons is pumped when your character attacks them - everything is quite simple and understandable.

  • In the game, in addition to people, there are several races that can pump some skills much faster than others, however, easily pumping some skills, others will be difficult for them.

    The player can hire other characters to expand the squad, and over time he can build his own settlement or city. There are quite a few characters in the game world itself, however, not everyone will want to go with you. Most of the characters will go with you only for "Cat's".
    Although Cats do exist as their item-form within containers or within the inventories of some enemies, when looted the Cats will automatically be added to the players total Cats and the item will be deleted.

  • Cats - The monetary unit used in Kenshi is known as Cats, short for Catun loans. The player can get them by selling equipment to merchants, looting enemies, or completing tasks for people. cats are used to buy items, armor, weapons, and recruit recruits or mercenaries. The number of cats with which the player starts the game depends on which start is chosen by the player (for example, a character with the "Wanderer" starting scenario starts the game with 1000 cats).

  • Recording forms
    When specifying prices and amounts, it is customary to use the following notation: first, a lowercase "C" is put, after it a period is immediately put and then, without a space, the sum is in numbers, and every three characters from the end are separated by a space. Examples:
    • c.100 (read: "one hundred cat")
    • c.16 800 (reads: "sixteen thousand eight hundred cat")
    • c.1,000,000 (read: "million cat")
❌ Races
These races can be selected during the start of the game. Some Game Starts have further restrictions on which races can be chosen, but many allow players to choose from all seven options on this list.
Ⅰ Human
“Nothing ever truly changes. Trends, cultures, languages, rulers... they come and go. But behaviour bred from greed and fear hold human evolution at a standstill. Any kind of progress made is usually destroyed... reset in one way or another. Like a wave, it evolves and it falls again...”
–Burn, about human evolution

According to theories that can be drawn from clues and text in the world of Kenshi, humanity dates much farther back than the modern age, being alive during a much more technologically advanced First Empire. Whether or not humanity predates skeletons is unclear, and this is only one of the mysteries that complicates the history between skeletons and humans. Humanity has been able to endure a number of natural disasters and conflicts that has plagued the world of Kenshi, but many of the humans you meet within Kenshi are apparently unfamiliar with their own history.
Humans are the most populous race in the world of Kenshi. Human is also a race category which includes Greenlanders and Scorchlanders.
Greenlander is a very common Race in Kenshi. It is a subrace of Human. Greenlanders can be found all across the game, but are most abundant in The Holy Nation.

Greenlanders have no experience rate penalties to any Statistics. This allows players to play characters of this race in any way they want.

Characters of this race have no special immunity to any types of Weather Effects. It is recommended that they wear weather protecting armour when entering Zones in which hazardous weather can occur.

Increased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.

→ Cooking
→ Farming
→ Science

All playable races have a distinct set of Statistics which they can gain experience at an increased or decreased rate. Players should pay attention to these experience multipliers and use them to their advantage.

"Scorchlanders tend to value personal freedoms above all else. They don't tend to get along well with rules, regulations and religions, and as a result have a reputation as social misfits and are often found in more adventurous professions. Despite this however, they are highly creative, making them natural-born traders and skilled weaponsmiths. Honest to a fault, laughing in the face of manners, moderation and anything sensible, they make loyal friends, passionate enemies, and are great fun to drink with."

Scorchlander is a common Race in Kenshi. It is a subrace of Human. Compared to a Greenlander, they have very dark skin and glowing eyes.

Due to their Crafting-related experience rate boosts, Scorchlanders make great crafters.

Scorchlanders can consume Raw Meat.

Characters of this race have no special immunity to any types of Weather Effects. It is recommended that they wear weather protecting armour when entering Zones in which hazardous weather can occur.

Increased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.
  • Armour Smith
  • Athletics
  • Dexterity (+10%)
  • Dodge
  • Stealth
  • Weapon Smith
Decreased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly slower rate than normal. This decreased rate is -20% unless otherwise noted.
  • Cooking
  • Farming
  • Labouring
  • Strength (-10%)
Ⅱ Skeletons
This article is about the character race. For the faction, see Skeletons.

"The Skeletons are a complete mystery, nobody knows where they came from, or how they were made, but they are suspected to be thousands of years old. Fully sentient, and capable of feeling sadness, anger, excitement, compassion, thrill and enjoyment, although they don't posses the ability to express anything visually. This, combined with their dry sense of humor, often confuses the other races, whom the Skeletons see as somewhat volatile and unpredictable. They have no prejudice or fear of death, and make for brutally effective warriors."
–In-Game Description

Skeleton is a Race in Kenshi. There are many subraces of Skeletons. Skeletons heal 2 to 3 times faster than Greenlander Human characters and bleed at a reduced rate compared to most organic races. They also don't experience hunger. They are immune to all Weather Effects and don't need to swim to pass through bodies of water or acid. Repairing Skeletons uses and levels the Robotics stat.

Skeletons do not need to eat, making these characters great for Outpost defense. Skeletons also do not need to use the Swimming statistic, meaning they can travel quickly through water.

The Holy Nation has a racial distrust for the Skeletons due to their religious beliefs and will attack Skeletons on sight!

Basic skeletons only possess double the base healing rate compared to the triple healing rate of all other skeleton sub-races. Additionally, they have a slightly lower chance of being hit in the Stomach relative to their other body parts.

Increased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal. This increased rate is +20% unless otherwise noted.

→ Heavy Weapons
→ Robotics
→ Turrets

Decreased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly slower rate than normal. This decreased rate is -20% unless otherwise noted.

→ Dodge
→ Stealth
→ Thievery

Initially, skeletons are a difficult choice because of how expensive Skeleton Repair Kits are and how much harder it is to find Skeleton Repair Beds than regular beds. When repairing a Skeleton, all Cutting Damage is healed directly back to normal rather than being bandaged and slowly regenerating. Skeleton characters experience Wear and Tear damage after being hurt, meaning that their total health is lowered for the affected body part, and it will not fully heal. Wear and Tear damage is fixed only through Skeleton Repair Beds, which can be expensive to rent and require much research to construct.

Skeletons can make good Martial Artists because their fists aren't damaged when they hit an opponent at early levels and have increased cutting damage when fighting with their fists, unlike the other races. Players need to take more care when selecting Equipment for their Skeleton characters to ensure they have adequate armour protection because they are only able to wear armour in the "ARMOR" and "LEGS" slots.

Skeletons can survive in any Zone because they are unaffected by weather and don't need to eat, thus eliminating the need for an Environment that can support Farming. Players often set their skeleton characters to work on Turrets due to these same reasons.

Due to religious reasons, The Holy Nation hates all Skeletons. They will attack any skeleton characters on sight. This makes travelling in Holy Nation territory (located in the central Northwest region of the map) slightly riskier for Skeleton characters than characters of other races, who can pass through their territory without much hassle as long as they have a Greenlander man by their side.

Players interested in allying with the minor Southeast Faction Skin Bandits should have a Skeleton Player Character when speaking to Savant.

🔶Interesting Facts
● The Holy Nation considers skeletons to be machines of the Devil.
● In the lore, skeletons can be "enthralled" through a process that involves removing their heads. This appears to turn them into a mechanical "zombie" of sorts, as Thralls are essentially slaves with no individuality. (skeletons cannot be enthralled by the player)
Although extremely long-lived, they have limited memory, which is the reason they usually reset themselves every few centuries. Skeletons that don't do this are at a constant risk of losing their sanity. However, It is hinted by Iyo that they remember the past and the Extinction perfectly, but act as a whole to prevent knowledge of their involvement from being discovered.
● It appears that every Skeleton asides from thralls have the ability to drink Grog, given the abundance of Grog in several Skeleton-dominant areas.
Ⅲ Hive
The Hive, also known as Hivers, are a Race of stick-like humanoids who are meant to collaborate under a collective mind, ruled by a Hive Queen and her princes. Hive characters are separated into many subspecies with their own unique appearance. The majority of the Hivers care for little else other than the Hive's happiness and survival and are willing to give their lives for the Hive as a whole.

The longer a Hiver is separated from their Hive, the more their bond with it will weaken, giving way to an increased sense of will and a lack of purpose, although some of them will instead die. Once the bond breaks completely, Hiver characters cannot return and are considered "Hiveless" or "Lost Ones", as they are no longer connected to their Queen's pheromones. The Hiveless have complete free will and individuality, although they will feel purposeless and depressed, now that they have independence. Princes that are still connected to their Hive will become distressed at the presence of a Hiveless in their vicinity, and if possible, alert any nearby Hive Drone if the Lost One refuses to leave.

There are two hive minds: Western Hive and Southern Hive. Both of these hives are led by a Hive Queen.

Play Style
Hivers are healed through the Field Medic stat with First Aid Kits like Humans are. This healing can be sped up through the use of Beds and Camp Beds as well as powered Skeleton Repair Beds. Hivers typically have lower limb health than characters of other races, meaning that loss of limbs is highly likely. Lost limbs will need to be replaced with Robot Limbs, which are healed with Skeleton Repair Kits like Skeleton characters.

All Hive characters gain experience at a higher rate for Toughness. The subraces have experience multipliers for other stats as well, meaning that some combat styles will train faster than others.

Players should ensure their Hiver characters have adequate armour protection, primarily because of their low health bars compared to other races. Soldier Drones cannot wear any equipment in the "HEAD" slot, and the other subraces have specific limitations on that slot as well. All Hive subraces are restricted regarding the "SHIRT" slot since they are unable to wear regular shirts. Hive characters are also unable to wear equipment in the "BOOTS" slot since they have no feet; this has resulted in Hive Prisoner Shackles existing to be equipped in the "ARMOR" slot.

Most Hivers are capable of consuming Raw Meat and Foul Raw Meat, Hive Princes being the exception as they cannot eat the Foul Raw Meat. This means that they can easily find food as long as there is fauna nearby. Hivers are immune to Acid, meaning they do not need to worry about Acid Ground, acidic bodies of water, and Acid Rain. They are still harmed or hindered by other Weather Effects, and players should be aware that there is no way to protect Soldier Drones from Gas.

Hive merchants in Hive Villages dislike Hiveless characters and will refuse to sell them goods. Players should use a character of another race to trade with these merchants. This does not apply for Hive Caravans, which wander many regions, as they might even follow and harass Hiver player characters in order to trade.

Due to religious reasons, The Holy Nation views Hivers as an impure race. Holy Nation military will harass and attack hivers that approach their cities alone. Any captured hivers will be sent to Holy Mines or the infamous Rebirth until their death.

Princes gain experience at a higher rate for Lockpicking, Stealth, and Thievery. This fact likely contributed to the racist attitudes which characters from the United Cities have towards hivers, evidenced by the United Weekly Series.

The sixth volume in The Guiding Light Series refers to Hivers. This book shows how hivers are viewed by Okranites, who refer to them as "insect fiends."

The first and fifth volume in United Weekly Series refers to Hivers. The first one is an empire perspective on an increase of Hiver citizens in the United Cities. The fifth volume is a story of empire traders visiting Hive Villages.

● Hivers are born from the Queen's dispenser unit.
● Hivers can eat Human Teeth, along with any kind of raw meat.
● Hivers apparently love fish. Deadcat fish sellers will especially try to get the attention of Hivers.
● Normally, hivers do not have a concept of individual names, but the Hiveless do, and usually give themselves a name, like Beep and Eyegore.
● Hivers have no anatomical sex and in character creation have their gender setting locked to " - ", but are generally referred to as male by members of other races. This has no mechanical effect in practice, as the only faction that behaves differently based on characters' gender is also automatically hostile to Hivers. Beep has dialogue suggesting that he at least does not consider himself female, but also that he has minimal understanding of what "female" is.
● Dialogue in game suggests that the huts in the hive villages are at least partially made of Hiver vomit.
● Dialogue from Hivers of Western Hive when being healed implicate that when a Hiver is missing a limb or severely injured the community will just dispose of the Hiver into the crematory.
● Hivers seem to enjoy acid rain
● Hivers screams seem to almost always include "G", such as "GAHH!".
● Southern Hive characters are not properly implemented for play and are frequently treated as being human.
● Hivers in general, though especially the Worker Drones, act exceptionally childish compared to other races.
Ⅳ Shek
"A warrior society that values strength and hardiness above more intellectual pursuits. They are sometimes a little humourless and have a reputation as dumb brutes, but this is not always the case. Their external skeletal plates provide a natural armour but hinders more dexterous pursuits like sneaking around."
–Game Description

Shek are a Race of bony, horned humanoids. It is the only race which does not have a related subrace.

The Shek have a culture that values pride, honor, and physical strength—so much so that many would prefer to die in a hopeless battle than continue living as a disgraced survivor. The Shek are known for their steadfast stoicism and considerable absence of humor when compared to the more jovial races, such as Humans. However, they are much more enthusiastical when it comes to battling matters or surviving bleak situations.

Shek's bodies are covered from head to toe in bony plates which serve as an excellent natural armor. The Shek are also remarkable for their long bony protrusion/horns, which are a source of pride for many Shek. They are renown for their exceptional strength and incredible toughness. The Shek legend, Kral, is a testament to the immense toughness of the Shek—or is at least indicative of how much the Shek value toughness, strength, and courage.

Shek are significantly larger than most other races, and thus require more food than any other race to survive. It is important to consider this before recruiting a Shek.

Health Statistics
● Max Speed: 25 mph
● Min Speed: 16 mph
● Hunger Rate: 1.25
● Vision Range: 1
● Combat move speed multi: 1

Weather Immunity
Characters of this race have no special immunity to any types of Weather Effects. It is recommended that they wear weather protecting armour when entering Zones in which hazardous weather can occur.

Increased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly faster rate than normal.

→ Attack (+20%)
→ Strength (+10%)
→ Toughness (+20%)

Decreased Rate
Characters of this race gain experience in these Statistics at a slightly slower rate than normal.

→ Athletics (-20%)
→ Dexterity (-20%)
→ Dodge (-20%)
→ Farming (-20%)
→ Labouring (-20%)
→ Robotics (-20%)
→ Science (-20%)
→ Stealth (-20%)
→ Thievery (-20%)

● The Holy Nation has a racial distrust for the Shek due to their religious beliefs and will attack Sheks that are approaching their cities without a human posing as "their master". They may also attack and "punish" sheks if getting too close to their patrolling squads outside of cities.
● They Swim 50% slower when compared to humans at the same swimming level.
● Their heal rate is 0.8, however due to the fact that all of their natural body parts have 125 HP, 0.8 x 1.25 = 1 which makes them heal the same amount of HP in a given time when compared to a Greenlander.
● When Sheks are enslaved, unlike humans (i.e Greenlanders and Scorchlanders) where they will have their hair shaved off, Sheks will have their horns cut off which results into a stubby horn look.
Female Sheks breast cloths appear to be darker compared to that of Humans.
❌ Mods for Kenshi
Kenshi is amazing, it gives the player a large open world and the ability to do whatever he wants. Players can roam the wasteland, discovering many locations and factions; build your empire by acquiring companions; or with a group of thugs to loot and loot the villagers, however, why don't we double the fun?
🔶 Boost optimization
Reduced Weather Effects - A good mod that removes 50% of the visual effects of storms, rain, thereby increasing our FPS.

Compressed Textures Project - Compresses the quality of many textures in the game.

Particles and foliage fix (performance and FPS boost) - Reduces the quality of visual
effects of weather conditions (Reduces "Spam" effects).

Removed Weather Effects - Removes all weather effects.

Less Foliage - A great mod that can add FPS to us. The modification removes many items from the map (Stones, trees, sticks, bushes, etc.) and moves the rest to other places.

Fewer Rocks - Reduces the population of stones in nature. Removes 0.50% of the world's stones.

Snowii's FPS Booster & Removed Weather Effects - A real man, he removed everything, left nothing. Removes all weather effects, even effects during animation of running, walking, mining, etc.

Reduce stones and some other foliage -Removes many items from the map (stones, trees, bushes, grass, sticks, etc.), and also replaces the rest. The modification will add FPS to you.

NPC Town +Corpse Furnace - Adds cremators to cities to destroy corpses. The city security will sooner or later pick up the corpses and destroy them, which contributes to the purity of the location and the stability of the FPS.

Clean and Speed - Increases FPS by removing location items (Trees, stones, bushes, etc.).
📕 Complete the world | update
Cannibals Expanded - We replenish and recycle cannibals. Now they have become much more dangerous due to new weapons, from which you can find new armor and weapons.

Shrieking Bandits Expanded - Updating the Shrieking Bandits. Adds them new weapons and armor, as well as new representatives in their ranks - squad leaders who are stronger than ordinary privates. They all have unique armor and weapons that you can find with different grades of quality and even extremely rare top tier weapons!

Hives Expanded - A great mod that overhauls Roy's representatives. Suitable for all representatives from South to North. Mod adds a lot of weapons, armor for all hives. The fogs have become more dangerous and with them the southern hive does not lag behind, while the western and northern ones have their own atmosphere.

More Recruits - More recruits can now be found in the city.

More Plastic Surgeons - Now there are many more plastic surgeons in the world, they are now appearing in the Holy Nation. As the author says, surgeons will appear in every city and track station, with no chance of not appearing.

General Balance Fixes - Recycling the world.
◽ You can always get raw meat from the fallen bodies of all predators.
◽ Beds allow you to heal wounds 25% faster (mechanized 35%).
◽ Animation for dodging attacks is accelerated by 40%.
◽ Leaders of squadrons of hostile gangs and their individual members can now have a bounty on their heads.
◽ Merchant Guild Caravans now always carry cash to purchase goods.
◽ In rare cases, trade caravans can now have various treasure maps and blueprints for sale.
◽ Trade caravans now have additional goods for sale: Leather.
◽ Traders and innkeepers now correctly respawn after 5+ days if they are missing or killed.

General Modifications - A modification with a bunch of other modifications, perfect for passing in hardcore - after all, in the world, in addition to all things, new enemies are added.

shops have more items + - Easy to understand mod. Just an increase in the merchant's assortment, however, the other side is not very pleasant, breaking the balance. Due to such a significant increase in things from merchants, you can also steal them. Theft has always been an amazing thing here and with this mod you can be a tycoon in no time.

Let's Talk - A simple mod that I liked. He repeats conversations between the group about certain events: For example, you entered some territory and your character commented on it. This adds some liveliness to your game. I find it cool that the characters communicate on the journey and they can forget that they said it before and just repeat it.

New Weapons Dissemination Mod - A huge pack with a bunch of weapon modifications. There are a lot of weapons with which you can go through the game.

OMO'S ARMOUR for the World - My all-time favorite lore preservation mod. Adds new armor to the kenshi world as well as backpacks.

Attack Slots - Great mod to rework kenshi battles. Now you and your company can attack one of four, or five of you, however, the enemy can do the same.

🔶 Character Editor Supplement
Mediocre Faces - Adds some quality faces for the characters.

Mediocre Hairstyles - version 2 - Adds tons of cool hairstyles for both female and male characters.

Breadnought's Facepaints - Face painting for combat.

More Idle Animation - More poses for characters.

Mediocre Warpaint - Terrifying faces for people.

Better_Eyes_for_Greenlander_Female - Added 10 eye variations for women.

Faces Plus -Final State- - Build for the editor, which adds many faces for all races, and there is also a change in eye color and something similar to face painting.

Vice's Hair Pack - Hairstyles for people | For men and women.

Male Sims Hair - Men's hairstyles.
📫 Kenshi Map

🍀 Map legend
🔯 Pink - Cannibals
🌟 Bright Yellow - Desert Bandits
🌼 Pale Yellow - Holy Nation
🍑 Orange - Shek Kingdom
🌑 Gray - Stone Rats
💙 Dark Blue - Merchants Guild
🌏 Light blue - United Cities
🔧 Equipment
"Please forgive me, good sir! ... um.. and your armour looks so gorgeous on you.”
–removed dialogue with Traders Guild gate captain

In Kenshi, you will come across many different items by either looting or buying from traders. Items serve many purposes in Kenshi, and drastically affect the play-style you choose. They can range from simply being trade goods bought and sold for profit, to Weapons, Armour and Clothing.

Equipment is a set of items equipped to your character. It includes Armour, Clothing, Weapons, Backpacks, and Lanterns.

The effect equipment has on Combat, Athletics and Stealth is determined by which class of Armour it is, or how large and bulky a Backpack is.

Armour is a selection of equipment worn on various parts of the body to mitigate damage. It can be worn on five different parts of the body. Armour can be made by the player through the skill Armour Smith, purchased from Traders, or looted from characters. All types of armour are efficiently stored in Armour Storage.

Armour is clothing which provides armour protection in battle. Heavier armour provides more protection, however it also detracts from other Statistics, such as run speed and stealth. Armour can be purchased from stores, stolen, or found in ancient locations such as Lost Armouries and Ancient Labs. After some researching, armour can be created at a Leather Armour Crafting Bench, Chain Armour Crafting Bench, or Heavy Armour Smithy. The quality of Homemade armour is exclusively dependent on the character's Armour Smith level.

Clothing is any equipment which can be equipped in an armour slot but gives no defensive bonus and does not fall into the Light, Medium, or Heavy armour class. Many serve no purpose beyond decreasing your "looks like a slave" rating when escaping Slavery. Clothing tends to be found as starting gear on new recruits. Some clothing may provide bonuses to Athletics, Combat Speed, Stealth. or Martial Arts.

While clothing items give no stats bonus depending on their quality, the player-crafted high quality items are still identifiable by a slight change in the worded description. Such items are described as "high quality armour", followed by a generic description that cites the creator's name. Only the smiths that are able to regularly craft "Specialist" level gear make clothing with this special description.

Clothing, items which are primarily made of cloth, provide almost no armour protection. However, they can be helpful for protection from Weather Effects. Some clothing items may boost a character's Martial Arts stat or provide protection for their fists. After researching the technology, clothing can be created with the Clothing Bench.

Weapons are the most essential item for your character to have equipped. Every weapon class also has a skill which is only leveled up while fighting with that class of weapon. When characters are engaged in fights without a weapon, they must rely on their Martial Arts and Toughness to stay alive.

Combat is a primary part of Kenshi, and all combat except for martial arts is done with weapons. Weapons are items that are split into multiple categories, each dealing different types and amounts of damage. Armour is designed to reduce damage, and can be bypassed by using certain weapons. Weapons can be looted, purchased from a Weapons Trader, or crafted by the player.

Weapons can be found on almost all NPCs (non-player characters), excluding enslaved characters and the Anti Slavers. Weapons can be found in some ruins (EX: Shek Ruins) and Lost Armouries. Weapons can be sold to any shop (Stealth may be necessary for stolen items), not just a store which sells weapons.

Weapons and their blueprints can be purchased from Weapons Shops. After researching the technology, weapons can be created at a Weapon Smithing Bench. The quality of Homemade weapons is determined by the grades researched and the Weapon Smith level of the character creating them.

Characters in Kenshi have two weapon slots; Weapon I (primary slot) and Weapon II (secondary slot). All weapons can be equipped in the primary slot, however weapons may only be equipped in the secondary slot if they posses an Inventory Height of 1 and an Inventory Width of 7 or less. Characters will typically use what is equipped in Weapon I over Weapon II unless penalties are applied, such as the left arm being unusable or using certain weapons indoors. If the right arm is unusable, the character will not use equipped weapons. Multiple weapons may be equipped within Weapon I, but the character will only use one weapon at a time in combat.

Melee Weapons
These are weapons which make use and train a character's Melee Attack and Melee Defense stats, as well as the specific melee weapon skill associated with the weapon type.

Miscellaneous Equipment
Backpacks can be equipped by characters and livestock. Some backpacks allow for items to be stacked while inside them, noticeably increasing the amount of items which one character can hold. Most backpacks severely damage a player's Stealth stat, except for Thieves Backpacks.

Backpacks are carrying equipment worn on the back. When equipped, it gives the unit extra space, and depending on the bag, the ability to stack Trade Goods that normally would not stack, but at the cost of combat stats.

Backpacks are obtained differently depending on their category. Normal Backpacks are widely for sale in Travel and Repairs Shops. Thieves Backpacks are sometimes found at normal Travel Shops but are also sold by Shinobi Traders. Animal Backpacks are sold by Travel Shops, Farm Shops and some independent animal traders. The bigger Traders Backpacks and Shopkeepers Backpacks are not for sale and can only be obtained by robbing a shopkeeper.

Lanterns can be equipped in the Belt slot, helping players see in the dark. Vendors claim that they are necessary when entering the Fog Islands.

Lanterns can be bought in various shops, most commonly in the Western Hive territory. Lanterns serve as a light source when it's dark and are equipped on the Belt slot.
Occasionally, while passing a Hive merchant they will chase after you and pressure you into purchasing a lantern. Merchants will highly recommend that you buy a lantern before entering the Fog Islands.

Lanterns are very useful in crafting or labouring for removing the penalties associated with lack of light during the night.
👔 Body Armour
Body Armour includes any piece of equipment of any armour class that is meant to cover the torso in the chest armour slot.

Characters of all humanoid races can equip body armour in the ARMOR slot.

For damage and resistance calculations, see Damage and Resistances.

The following values assume [Standard] quality.

No Armour Coverage
These armors provide no protection. Gis provide 2 Martial Arts bonus while Ninja Gis provide 1.10x Stealth bonus. Hive Prisoner Shackles are shackles meant for Hives, Skeletons, or characters without both legs, as the normal shackles cannot be equippped on them.

These armours offer very little protection. They are commonly found being worn by citizens, slaves, or bandits. Monk Robes and Dyed Robes, however, can also be found on Holy Nation priests and United Cities nobles respectively.

Light Armour
These armours offer a small amount of protection but make up for it by weighing little and having a number of bonuses to stats. They are commonly found being worn by adventurers, bandits, drifters, ninjas, and swampers.

Medium Armour
These armours have decent protection but have small penalties to some skills, although some may still provide bonuses. They are commonly worn by adventurers, guards, mercenaries, and richer bandits.

Heavy Armour
These armours provide the most protection, although they severely hamper some stats. Commonly worn by heavy guards, elite soldiers and elite bandits.
🍪 Food
"You need to eat to survive. Your character simply needs food in his inventory in order to stay fed. Food in a backpack will be shared among the squad members."

Food consists of all the items in Kenshi which fill your hunger bar. A character's hunger bar is filled by 1 for every nutrition charge used. They automatically consume some food when their hunger gets below 250, unless the only types of food they have are edible ingredients. In that case, they will not eat it until they get below 200.

Characters can eat any food in their own or their squad member's inventories, including that in their backpack. After eating, the hunger bar slowly fills up over time. Characters of different Races have different rates at which their hunger drains, which is also dependent on any action that a character is doing, i.e., it will drain more slowly if a character is idle and faster if a character is working.

It is worth noting that no food items are subject to spoilage in Kenshi.

All edible food items that are not also ingredients, displayed with their nutrition value. Items marked by an asterisk (*) can be made by the player.

Nutrition (Nu)
Buy value (c)
Sell value (c)
Weight (kg)
Buy value per Nutrition (c/Nu)
Sell value per Nutrition (c/Nu)
Nutrition per Size
Edible by
Ancient Nutri-Rations
Ration Pack
Cooked Vegetables
Rice Bowl
Dried Fish
Dried Meat
Grand Fish
Foul Raw Meat
Animals, Hivers
💊 Medical Items
Medical Items are items which can be used to heal characters. Medical Items are entirely separate from the trade good Medical Supplies, which has no functional use. First Aid Kits and Splint Kits can be used on all non-skeleton races. Healing with bandages and splints is slow, and it is recommended that characters rest in a Bed or a Camp Bed if they are heavily injured.

Characters which are Skeletons or have robot limbs will need Skeleton Repair Kits to heal their robotic body parts. Skeletons and robot limbs regenerate to a slightly lower health after each time they are damaged, but this wear and tear can be repaired with a Skeleton Repair Bed. If characters are non-skeleton with robot limbs, their non-robotic body parts will be repaired at a high rate while sleeping on a Repair Bed as well.

First Aid Kits
First aid kits are used to heal any organic parts of the body. First Aid Kits currently come in three sizes, and while the basic kit needs only fabric to make the more advanced kits require hemp as well:

Kit Type
AVG Price
Grid Size

Splint Kits
Splint Kits are used to temporarily give HP to significantly damaged organic limbs. If a limb falls below 50 health, a Splint Kit can be used to fix it. Splinting is done automatically after healing if the medic has a kit.

The splint kit currently comes in two different sizes.

Kit Type
AVG Price
Grid Size
Splint kit
Advanced Splint kit

Skeleton Repair Kits are used to repair damage done to Robotic parts.

Kit Type
AVG Price
Grid Size
Authentic Skeleton Repair Kit
Skeleton Repair Kit

Robot Limbs
Robot Limbs are a necessity in a world where everything either wants to kill you or eat you up. Kenshi is a dangerous world and losing a limb or two is a big possibility. Luckily scavenged parts from a forgotten era can easily be a replacement for a lost limb.

After a character of any race has a limb drop to -100% of the limb's total possible health, they lose that limb. There are settings in the Options Menu which can increase or decrease the likelihood of loss of limbs. If they are healed before they die of bloodloss, this limb can be replaced with a Robot Limb. Skeletons are not exempt from losing limbs in this way.

All First Aid Kits and Splints can be purchased from relevant Traders or produced at a Medical Bench.

Robotic Repair Kits can be created at a Robotics Bench.

Factoring Skill
First Aid, Splint and Skeleton Repair Kits possess a quality modifier, which must be met by your Field Medic or Robotics skills to be effectively used. Having a higher skill also reduces the speed in which the Kit will be used up.

⚡ Technology
"A bigger, better research desk would allow us to research bigger, better things.”
–Tech Level Description

Tech defines the level of development (the highest level of research bench you can build). New levels allow the player to build new structures and research further. Characters with higher science skill will research new tech faster. Technology falls into 8 different categories, with 6 different levels, the higher level permits more advanced technology in their respective category. Some tech can only be learned from blueprints. For a complete overview and a technology tree go here. For a category page of everything relating to technology go here.

Technology Branches
  • Core Tech
  • Crafting Tech
  • Defense Tech
  • Electrics Tech
  • Farming Tech
  • Industry Tech
  • Smithing Tech
  • Training Tech
Research Bench

A Research Bench is a work station where a science oriented party member can study new technologies. At each increase in Tech Level players gain access to a new level of research bench capable of researching higher technologies.

Any bench starting at level 2 and above can be upgraded to the next level by clicking and hitting upgrade button. There is no need to remove the old bench and build from scratch. Researching from multiple benches is possible and gives diminishing returns on the speed of research with every new bench used in the process.


❌ Research Artifacts
"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone."

Research Artifacts are items in Kenshi which are required to research Technology on a Research Bench.

Book artifacts are common and can easily be found in Mechanical Shops and other similar shops. The other artifact types can also be found in shops such as Scraphouse and Travel and Repairs Shops. Although, these items are primarily found in Ancient Locations.
Book is an item and the most common of the Research Artifacts in Kenshi. It is used at a Research Bench for researching various Technologies.

Books can be purchased at Adventure Traders, Construction Traders, Hive Traders, Trade Goods Traders in nearly all settlements, as well as from Wandering Caravans.

They can be looted frequently from Ancient Labs, Ancient Tech Lab, Burn's Tower, Dust King Tower, Lost Libraries, Post-Ancient Workshop, Spider Nests, and World's End, and infrequently from Dust Bandit Camps, Holy Mine Ruin, Suspicious Lab, Tiny Settlement. They can also often be found and stolen from inside houses throughout various towns. You need a total of 306 books to research everything.
Ancient Science Book
Ancient Science Books are needed for researching various Technologies. They are a fairly common item spawned using the Artifacts system.

This item is illegal in The Holy Nation faction, and thus caution is advised before entering their towns with one.

The technologies written about in these books are the base which formed the foundation of the Second Empire, a flourishing empire of archaeology and science dedicated to unearthing the remnants of the First Empire. Now, many centuries after their fall, the Machinists study these books and the remnants of both empires.

Where to obtain
Ancient Science Books are spread out over the world. Several shops in the world do sell them, but very few. Shops that have a chance of selling them are Scraphouse and Travel and Repairs Shop.

As the name tells you, they are ancient and the few books that are available to buy has probably been found by some brave adventurer. To find a larger quantity, you yourself have to go out and seek them out.

Locations they can be found:

→ Ancient Labs
→ Lost Libraries
→ Lost Town
→ Ancient Tech Labs

And several other locations. Problem is that these locations are often heavily guarded by hostile enemies.

You need a total of 154 Ancient Science Book to research everything.

There are a few ruins which don't have any strong hostile enemies as guards and can provide new players or weaker group some books early in the game:
  • Workshop Complex in The Grid is unguarded by any hostiles, but due to close proximity to The Crater, small stray bands of Beak Things (2-3) can be found patrolling the complex sometimes. Does require a skilled lockpicker or a few set of tools.
  • Leaning Tower in the Floodlands is unguarded, but does only have a few books.
Engineering Research
Engineering Research is a Research Artifact needed for researching various Technologies.
It is near guaranteed to spawn at Post-Ancient Workshop, Workshop Complex, and Deadland Workshop. It can also be found in various locations using the Artifacts System such as Ancient Labs.

Shops that have a chance of selling them are Travel and Repairs Shop and Scraphouse.

You need a total of 19 Engineering Research to research everything.
Blueprints are used to unlock various technologies as opposed to learning them at a Research Bench. Many technologies, specifically different types of weapons and armour, cannot be researched normally and need to be learned through blueprints. The trade-off to the new system is that while research times for these technologies are instantaneous the blueprints need to be hunted down, as they are spread out across the world among the various factions.

Weapon Blueprints
Weapon blueprints can be found at Weapon Traders and will vary depending on what faction trader you are buying from. Once used the blueprint will unlock the ability to craft that type of weapon at whatever quality of weapon manufacturers you have already researched.

Furniture Blueprints
Basic Furniture blueprints can be bought from both Mechanical shops and Tools shops. Random Furniture blueprints can be found at both Travel and Adventure shops.

Advanced Outpost Blueprints
Can be bought from both Mechanical shops and Tools shops. This research is needed to unlock researching Outpost Type III (and Outpost Type IV later in the tech tree).

Construction Blueprints
Construction blueprints can be bought from the Construction Trader or the Travel Trader.

Advanced Harpoonery
This blueprint does not need to be bought since it can be researched. It can be bought at both Mechanical shops and Tools shops. This research is needed to unlock researching Double-Barrel Harpoon Turret, Revolving-Barrel Harpoon Turret.

Armour and Clothing
Armour and Clothing blueprints can be bought from Armour, Clothing and Hat Traders with each faction having certain blueprints. Like the other blueprints, once used, you'll be able to craft armor of varying quality, depending on your smith's armor smith skill.
AI Core
AI Cores are needed for researching various Technologies, including Hydroponics and Tech Level 6. You need a total of 32 cores to research everything.

The following research requires AI Cores:

→ Automated Hybrid Mine (2 Cores)
→ Automated Mining Tech (1 Core)
→ Double-Barrel Harpoon Turret (1 Core)
→ Durable Arms (2 Cores)
→ Edgewalkers (4 Cores)
→ Extra Durable Legs (2 Cores)
→ Extra Strong Arms (2 Cores)
→ Fully Automatic Ore Drill (2 Cores)
→ High-Speed Legs (2 Cores)
→ Hybrid Stone Mine (1 Core)
→ Hydroponics (1 Core)
→ Revolving-Barrel Harpoon Turret (4 Cores)
→ Skeleton Arms (2 Cores)
→ Skeleton Legs (2 Cores)
→ Stealth Legs (2 Cores)
→ Tech Level 6 (2 Cores)

This item is illegal in The Holy Nation, and thus caution is advised before entering their towns with one.

AI Cores can be found through the Artifacts System or spawn in as "special items" for some residents. The system will allow AI Cores to spawn in ancient buildings such as Ancient Tech Labs, Island Lab, Narko's Trap, factories and the Ashland Domes.

Fixed locations where AI Cores can be found and their amounts are...
  • Scraphouse - 3 AI Cores.
  • Ashland Dome I - 3 AI Cores.
  • Ashland Dome III - 5 AI Cores.
  • Ashland Dome IV - 7 AI Cores.
  • Catlon's Exile - 5 AI Cores.
  • Island Lab - 3 AI Cores.
  • Southern Hive - 1 AI Core.
  • Tower of Abuse - 3 AI Cores.
  • Narko's Trap - 3 AI Cores.
  • Ancient Tech Lab in The Iron Trail - 4 AI Cores.
  • Ancient Tech Lab in Shun - 4 AI Cores.
  • Spider Factory - 3 AI Cores.

Additionally, some notable Skeletons and robotic animals will drop AI Core upon death. These are:
  • Cleanser Units (rarely in Ashlands, they respawn)
  • Elder (Iron HQ)
  • General Hat-12 (Ashland Dome IV)
  • General Jang (Ashland Dome III)
  • Head of Agriculture (Ashland Dome I)
  • King (Southern Hive Throne, the AI Core may not spawn due to his limited inventory)
  • Mad Cat-Lon (Cat-Lon's Exile)
  • Rhinobot (Ashland Dome II)
❌ History of Kenshi
The great mystery of Kenshi is figuring out what happened on the moon of Kenshi. Kenshi is a tidal-locked moon with a history spanning several thousand years. Much of it is shrouded in mystery, with legends, lies, and myths mixed in with the historical records. This is a timeline of events we know to have happened, sorted as close to chronological order as possible with our limited knowledge.

SPOILER ALERT!!! (obviously)
The Ancients (Many Thousands of Years Ago):
The First Empire. A powerful and technologically advanced civilization, possessing automated factories, satellites, genetic engineering, giant robots, and space elevators. Unknown how long they existed, what came before them, how far their reach extended, or if they were even from Kenshi's world or not; regardless, they were advanced to the point of godlike levels compared to the modern times. Possible rusted remains of spacecraft can be found around the continent.

The War of Behemoths. At some point, a war broke out between the First Empire and an unknown enemy. The war was very destructive and used weapons so powerful that their owners began to fear the consequences of using them, such as the Behemoths, giant Skeletons that tower over the normal races.

Obedience. Due to their fear of the Behemoths, the Ancients decided to dispose of them. Taking advantage of their unquestioning loyalty, the Ancients ordered the Behemoths down into a massive pit and then betrayed their servants by encasing the pit in solid metal. (Possibly included the ordering of suicide among normal skeletons, as there are apparently many cases of skeleton bodies found with suicide as the cause of death. Unconfirmed if related.)

The Chaos Age. A time of many calamities, from dangerous celestial activity, to natural disasters, to plagues, to a skeleton rebellion (possibly in vengeance for Obedience). It's unclear exactly what happened, but it brought the great empire of the Ancients to its knees, and humanity to the brink of extinction. According to ancient legends, the calamities were stopped by a being named Chitrin, though the validity of these legends is impossible to say.
Second Empire (1000+ Years Ago)
The Second Empire is Founded. Many hundreds or thousands of years after the Chaos Age, to redeem themselves in the eyes of humanity for their actions of the past (though the humans had long since forgotten), Cat-Lon and his Skeleton followers founded an empire. They attempted to rebuild civilization and study the remains of the Ancient Empire.

The Northwesterners Turn to Cannibalism. At some point, and for reasons unknown, the humans in the northwest developed a taste for human flesh. Cat-Lon's empire spent a fair amount of resources combating them, including the formation of a militant group known as the Hydraulic Knights. These knights would combat the external enemies of the empire, such as pirates and cannibals. The cannibal tribes have legends that speak of a skeleton warrior they know as "The Inedible One." It is highly likely that this warrior was a member of the Hydraulic Knights, possibly their leader General Jang.

The Empire starts to Crumble. While initially founded with good intentions, to keep the peace, the empire became more and more dictatorial. Child prisons, crackdowns on piracy and religious cults, and the killing of many of their own innocent citizens in the process much-inflamed tensions amongst the populace. When a great famine hit, the empire neared its breaking point.

The Founding of the Holy Nation. While details from this time are sparse (and rarely trustworthy), legends say it was around this time that a great leader of humanity stepped forward and gathered his followers in rebellion. Legends call him the Phoenix, champion of the god Okran and possessor of the everlasting Holy Flame. He liberated the imprisoned humans, and eventually went on to found one of the oldest living civilizations to this day, The Holy Nation.

The Fall of the Second Empire. It is unclear what actually caused the fall of the empire. The most reliable evidence would suggest betrayals from the inside, possibly combined with the rebellion of the Okranites. But the empire collapsed. Their leaders retreated into the dangerous Ashlands, where they reside to this day. The rest of the empire fell into ruins, though some settlements like the Black Desert City survived, and many likely became the towns the United Cities reside into this day.
Intermediate Period (100-1000 Years Ago)
Appearance of the Hivers. Though it is unclear when or how the Hivers appeared, it is evident they were not around much, if at all, at the time of Cat-Lon's empire. At least not in a form recognizable as a Hiver. Whether they mutated from humans or came from a land across the seas, they appeared and have been a resident of our lands ever since.

Appearance of the Modern Shek. While it is likely the Shek existed during Cat-Lon's empire, and possibly even back to the days of Ancients, they did not have the appearance they currently sport. Their previous appearance was much more similar to a standard human, as they lacked the horns they are known for, and were known as Enforcers. It is unknown what role they played in the empires of old, though given the name it is possible they were a soldier caste, dedicated to fighting their master's enemies. This could explain the Okranite belief of them being "Servants of Darkness" if they fought on opposite sides during the human rebellion against the Second Empire... The truth, however, has been lost to time.

The Rise and Fall of Kral. For as long as anyone can remember, the Shek were simple tribes living in the wilderness, divided and warring regularly. At one point, a great Shek warrior named Kral unified the tribes into a powerful kingdom, taught his followers a code of honor and strength, and led them into a march of conquest. Eventually, however, he was slain in battle against an enemy force that legends say outnumbered him a hundredfold. After his death, he attained near godlike levels of worship from his followers, who want nothing more than to die in a great battle like him. As such, they have continued their raiding and warlike ways with their neighbours ever since.

The Birth of the United Cities and the Traders Guild. It is implied that the United Cities and Traders Guild were formed in ashes of a former empire. Whether this was the Second Empire itself or another one is unknown, but the United Cities and the Traders Guild seized power and began to institute new laws regarding slavery. Where people would be free of the tyranny of the former empire, and only the criminals would be relegated forcefully to the mines and farms. But much like the Second Empire in the past, the term of 'criminal' was found to be more and more loosely applied.
Recent History (0-100 Years Ago)
As is Holy Nation tradition, the 62nd Phoenix was taken from his birth parents shortly after his birth and raised in isolation by the High Priest. There he was indoctrinated into the Okranite religion and taught all the skills he needed in order to rule the empire. The 62nd Phoenix is said to be one of the most hegemonistic Phoenixes in the Holy Nation's history, having judged his own family at the age of 16, sentencing them to be purged in Holy Fire. Ever since, Holy Lord Phoenix has casted the unrelenting will of Okran.

The Red Rebellion and the rise of the tyrannical Emperor Tengu. A few decades ago, the southern plains suffered a significant drought, which in turn caused a severe famine that nearly brought the United Cities to its collective knees. Due to the famine, the southern cities were forced to rely on the Trader's Guild to bring them the supplies they needed to survive. Unfortunately, bandits and Shek raiders blockaded the routes and took these supplies for themselves. What little did get through was instantly set upon by the nobles in a bidding war, and the lower classes were driven to starvation and rebellion. The resultant fighting claimed many lives, including many nobles and even Emperor Anzai himself, but the rebels were eventually put down and survivors enslaved.
This marked the selection of a new Emperor from the Noble's Circle, Emperor Tengu, a cruel and impulsive man known for his lack of common sense. As a result, the poor and downtrodden are now even more heavily oppressed, even being arrested and sold into slavery for merely being poor as they are seen as a threat to the stability of the empire itself.

The Holy Nation's war on the United Cities and the destruction of Bast. Bast was once a prosperous and fertile area, filled with many farmlands and towns for trading. However, everything changed when the Holy Nation attacked, who proceeded to burn towns and farms to the ground and haul the children off to Rebirth. It is unclear what exactly compelled this radical change that shattered the long peace, but it is likely that more or less it has to do with the tyranny of Tengu and/or paranoia of UC elites having wild ambition to take over the grass lands and enslave the civilians. Either way, the land has been a warzone where both the Holy Nation and United cities vie endlessly in a stalemate, trampling underfoot any life that may have once thrived here.

Revenge of Luquin. Luquin and his family were sold into slavery at a young age, where they were subjected to beatings, starvation, and exhaustion from working in the mines. Eventually, his father would succumb to the horrid conditions, devastating both Luquin and his mother, who, with nothing left to lose, devised an escape plan to save her son. She succeeded in freeing him, but at the cost of her own life. Starving and alone in the desert at the age of 14, he was found and taken in by a clan of ninjas who trained him in the arts of stealth and assassination. Seven years later, he returned to his hometown for blood, using his skills to stalk and assassinate noble after noble. Eventually, Luquin was arrested and paraded through the streets as a criminal before being sent off to Tengu's Vault, where he was subjected to many tortures, including being forced to write a book in tribute to Emperor Tengu.

Overthrow of King Shager. Shager was the latest in the line of Kings from the Shek Kingdom. Like most Shek, he saw battle as a point of honor, with death in battle being the highest of honors. Under his rule, the Shek Kingdom was crumbling under the loss of life sustained in their wars with the Holy nation and the United Cities. King Shager proposed a desperate, suicidal last stand with whatever weakened warriors were left. To this, the warrior Bayan spoke up, protesting against throwing away their lives needlessly. Shager was furious, but one of the Invincible Five, Esata the Stone Golem, stepped between the two and shouted, "the man speaks the truth. You want Bayan silenced; you'll have to cut me down first". Their swords crossed, and that day marked the beginning of the Stone Golem's rule, with Bayan at her side. She pulled her warriors off the front lines, made peace with the United Cities, and opened her borders to trade from the other races. Despite protests from some of her warriors, she is determined to ensure her people survive into the future, even if it means tearing down some of their long-held ideals and traditions.
❌ Factions
There are several different factions you can join and fight against in the game. Some factions will be hostile to any person they see, such as the Cannibals, Berserkers and Swamp Ninjas.

The different factions can wage war against one another, so be careful with who you choose to side.

By attacking a faction, you may become an enemy of that faction for some time. Some factions have methods to repair relations, but most do not. So pick your battles wisely

The main factions of the world, they usually have several cities and outposts around the world and are likely to be the main factions that you will interact with during the game..
United Cities
The United Cities (A.K.A. "The Empire") is an expansive, feudalistic slaver society that controls large portions of land across the continent. Ruled by Emperor Tengu, they are a highly corrupt empire and monetary worth is the prime measure of a person in their culture. So much so, that being poor and hungry is a crime that can get you arrested. The drug Hashish is highly illegal, and the samurai guards are obsessed with purging it from their streets.

Slavery and serfdom are important pillars of their empire, providing food and material. Anti-slavery ideologies are considered extremist perspectives and treated as a form of terrorism. Another pillar is the Traders Guild. The guild brings their cities great wealth and prosperity. They have advanced technologies, higher quality equipment, and valuable luxuries imported from distant lands.

Though the United Cities is quite diverse, there is also a great deal of racial stratification. The nobility is mostly comprised of Humans (especially Scorchlanders) and Sheks, while Hivers are disproportionately more likely to be peasants. Nonhumans in general are derided in UC newspapers, and are at risk from being attacked by roaming vigilante mobs known as City Heroes.

The Empire is ruled by the Noble Circle, a cabal of extremely narcissistic, cruel, and entitled lords and ladies. They are known for hunting peasants for sport, making outlandish requests to their guards (such as ordering them to train a pet Leviathan), and generally lacking concern for the lives of anyone beneath them.

Samurai are the leading military and police force of the United Cities.

  • If you start as the Son of a Captain character, your father was a former soldier in their army. This makes them very favorable to you.
  • Turning in Bounties will give a slight increase in relations.
  • Common Bounties on Outlaw Farmers, Sand ninja's
The Holy Nation
"The Holy Nation, one of the oldest civilisations still in existence...
In the beginning, they kept to themselves. The first of the Phoenixes intentions were noble..."
–Skeleton Player Characters

The Holy Nation is a theocratic human state that controls a notable portion of the northwest lands of Kenshi. They are ruled by a "Phoenix" whom they believe to be a reincarnation of their first ruler. Their religion encompasses all aspects of their life and is based around the dualism of the holy creator Okran, and the demoness of darkness, Narko. Holy Nation citizens are often referred to as Okranites.

They are xenophobic and zealous people who are oppressive towards nonhuman races, women, and anyone who does not agree with their religious beliefs. They are significantly opposed to technology and science and are very hostile towards skeletons. However, they can be friendly and helpful to male Humans, often giving food or medical supplies to those in need.

It is speculated that the Holy Nation originated from the Second Empire, forming as a cult under the watchful eye of their overlord. Eventually, the Second Empire cracked down on the cult, but instead of quashing it, they only gave the survivors more reason to hate them. Likely, the cult emigrated north to a more hospitable land, creating the foundations of the Holy Nation, and fueling their hatred of skeletons.

Due to the conflicts of their past, and their beliefs that Narko uses technology and science to tempt people to her ways, the Holy Nation maintains strict bans on almost all technology and research materials, while Skeletons and those with Robot Limbs are killed on sight. Research Books written by the Machinists University are generally allowed within Holy lands, though are in strict control by the government.

The rising tensions between Holy Nation and United Cities broke out into open conflicts in recent decades. Without warning, Holy Nation forces invaded the lands of Bast, burning the nobility alive, and sending the surviving citizens to Rebirth. Now the land is a war-zone raging between the two giants, crippling the United Cities economy after the loss of this major agricultural and economic center.

The Holy Nation tends to offer its citizens the best and the worst in terms of living conditions. As long as the citizens keep in line, do their job, upholding laws and complying to religion and so forth, life can be fairly pleasant and productive. But for those who are not cut out for this strict, disciplined regime life quickly becomes intolerable. They lose their respect, honor, status and near everything, the options left to them are either to be exiled to the outlands or starve to death in the Holy lands. Although not as xenophobic towards humans as towards non-humans, the Holy Nation are very protective of their way of life and tolerate only those foreigners that comply and stick to the rules.

In spite of living in high population concentrations, the society remains relatively calm and content; as Okranites have been carefully indoctrinated to be loyal, obedient and ascetic, they lack the drive to seek change -- especially technological advancement or violent changes. Necessity for survival will naturally force them to adapt new technology and mobilize military, but their preference is to farm, multiply, and spread their religion in hopes of covering the world with the bask of Okran's light.

The military of the Holy Nation is referred to as the Holy Army. Paladins are perhaps its most recognizable force, though they are often supported by lower-ranking troops like Holy Sentinels, Holy Servants, and Holy Chosen. High Paladins and Inquisitors serve as the leadership caste, with the latter also functioning as elite religious police.

Although the guards and soldiers of the Holy Nation are almost exclusively male Greenlanders, female humans can still be found serving as Caravan Guards, as well as Slavers at the Holy Mines.

If the player sets up an outpost in the Holy Nation territory, a squad consisting of High Paladins and Holy Servants will visit the player every week to pray together.

The Holy Lord Phoenix, guarded by his High Paladins.
  • Holy Nation guards usually don't attack your Hive and Shek characters as long as they are closely accompanied by a human character, as the guards will assume that they are their servants. However, they will attack Skeletons on sight no matter what. They will also attack people that wear replacement limbs, as they are mechanical and resemble Skeleton limbs.
  • Keeping a copy of "The Holy Flame" (their sacred bible) can allow humans to pacify Holy Nation patrols, during interrogation.
  • If you are allied with the Holy Nation, you will be allowed to wear their Faction Uniform without repercussions. Holy Nation patrols may also offer first aid to your wounded characters. Skeletons and Robotic-limbed players can also have access to Holy lands without being attacked, non-humans no longer require a human escort to travel into the city.
  • Following their low-tech philosophy, Holy Nation towns will only have ceiling lamps and torch posts as light fixtures, buildings interiors have no carpets, and training dummies and mounted crossbows that spawn are replaced by MkI versions. However, Wells can sometimes spawn as the level 3 automated version and materials that require ancient-tech to be fabricated (such as Steel Bars) can be found in their towns.
  • Despite being hostile to Skeleton and Hiver races, The Holy Nation isn't diplomatically hostile to Western Hive and Skeletons factions.
  • HN is the only major faction that doesn't have any Shinobi Towers in their towns, but will still have Thief Fence patrons in Bars.
  • Although not oppressive towards Scorchlanders, almost all citizens within HN are exclusively Greenlanders.
Shek Kingdom
"A story of bravery and grit. The ruins are mere war scars. With the Stone Golem as our leader, the Shek Kingdom will rise as the most powerful nation once again and we'll retake our fallen cities. The fat Empire gluttons, the Okranite dogs, we'll crush them all and take the lands, mark my words..."
–Shek Barman Admag

Home to the Shek, the Shek Kingdom is a faction headed by Esata the "Stone Golem". They follow the teachings and lifestyle of Kral, a legendary Shek warrior who consolidated the Shek tribes into a centralized nation hundreds of years ago. Shek society is divided into two castes, warriors and servants, the latter of whom are often defeated or cowardly warriors whom fill the niche of skilled/menial work.

The Shek believe that dying in battle is the most honourable way to die, and by living the way of the warrior they can pass on to the afterlife known as Gateway, a spiritual kingdom where all the great heroes reside. This makes for strong and fearless warriors, but lowers their population growth. In fact, this somewhat suicidal mindset has been steadily dwindling their population, a cause which Esata has been trying to reverse with help of her aide, Bayan.

Mighty Shek warriors form the Hundred Guardians and are given battle names to support their honour. While the strongest are given a place in the The Five Invincibles. They can currently be found inside the Faction HQ building of Admag.

Several rogue Shek factions oppose the kingdom, such as the Band of Bones, Kral's Chosen, and the Berserkers.

Their kingdom is in ruins after a long war with The Holy Nation. Their former king Shager wanted to risk another battle but Esata fought him and won the throne. This is detailed in King Shager's Reign and Shager's Overthrow.
  • If you bring the Bugmaster or the Holy Lord Phoenix to Esata, you will be able to form an alliance.
  • If you harm Esata or Seto, you will seriously damage your relations with the Shek Kingdom.
Collete 3 Oct, 2022 @ 7:57pm 
Very well compiled!
Jakethesnake12124 1 Aug, 2022 @ 10:28pm 
Spider Foreman has an AI core I believe
totolot9 19 Jul, 2022 @ 4:38am 
Great guide, i got this game few months back played it a little but gave up. Now came back and i actually want to learn the game.
nichts 29 Apr, 2022 @ 3:18pm 
haha dude if my thievery is at 40-50, my characters already max stealthed and stuff and has taken most of the worlds goods
Prompt0  [author] 11 Apr, 2022 @ 10:50pm 
Sorry for the English, I don't know it very well. :Batcat:
Prompt0  [author] 11 Apr, 2022 @ 10:47pm 
I recently learned an interesting thing.
You take a character trained in theft, you need to have a 100% chance of theft, it's probably somewhere between 40-50 levels. You will need 2 characters - 1 will steal, the second will carry it, and now you just need to go to the containers and open with the help of the character who carries the thief, then you need to switch to the thief character and just steal, no need to worry about the alarm, our character is lying on his shoulder, he will not be detected. So you can just run around and steal little things, of course, all the most valuable things are locked up, but at least you can steal a little to somehow live :sorryForWhat:
Fox 11 Apr, 2022 @ 3:52pm 
Prompt0  [author] 17 Jan, 2022 @ 10:17pm 
Maybe, I can make a guide that will contain all sorts of secrets, but I'm so lazy :imSorry:
kwegar 17 Jan, 2022 @ 3:25pm 
Very helpful info, great job!
Vec0 13 Jan, 2022 @ 3:26am 
great guide, very useful especialy for the Hiostory part witch i always tend to forget :steamthumbsup: