Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to get a Mann Co Online Cap in 2022 *(Still works)
By (A.S.S) Agoura_Steve
I had wanted this hat for YEARS! I could never figure out how to get it because the Mann Co online Store always showed as "closed".
Today I learned how to get the Cap finally, and want to share the steps, so you can get one too!
How to do it

Step One:
First, to make this as easy as possible, you should load $5.00 into your Steam, or have enough money to buy a TF2 Mann Co Supply Crate Key. *($2.49 for me in USA).

Minimum required amount to get the Mann Co Online Cap is .99 cents (USD)
if you choose to buy something other than a Mann Co Supply Crate Key.


If a Mann Co Supply Crate Key is too expensive; there are other items for .99 cents that can be bought, giving you the same outcome of getting the Mann Co Online Cap instead of buying a Mann Co Supply Crate Key.
For the purposes of the guide, I am using the Mann Co Supply crate key as the primary example.

Some examples of other items you could buy through the TF2 wiki links to make this work are (These are links):

*backpack expander
*Tour of duty ticket
*Map Stamps - Map Stamps give you the World Traveler's hat with the Mann Co Online Cap only If you don't already have one).

Pro tip: You can only get the Mann Co Online Cap one time - This won't work if you already have received it before. Same with the World Traveler's hat if you choose to buy a "Map Stamp".

Pro Tip #2: Please read the entire guide first, as there are tips for alternative methods.


Step Two:
Then go to the Official Team Fortress 2 Wiki (NOT Wikipedia), and search for Mann Co Supply Crate Key page, or use this link:


Step Three:
On the right hand side of the page, you will see a photo of a key.
Just under the key there is a button that says "buy now"

***This will take you to the Normal Steam Community Market page to buy keys.
***What is critical here is that you use their Team Fortress 2 wiki link to get there!

Once you purchase the key, you will receive the key and the Orange and black cap.

You can also get the normal cap from buying any item in the "In-Game" Mann Co store that looks like this:

You can own both / have both. This will only work one time for each hat.

It's that easy!

Recap / Additional notes:
Any item in the TF2 wiki that has the "buy now" button could potentially work, but the Mann Co Supply Crate Key is inexpensive and tested 100% working. *(I also tested Backpack Expander for .99 cents, and the Tour of Duty (Mann up-Mann vs Machine) ticket). These do work. Tested by me.
Another interesting idea is to use the Map Stamp as your purchase item to get the World Traveler's hat with the cap (2 hats for .99 cents).

See below for an alternative method to actually do all of this in the game's internal web browser.

(Credit for suggestions):
- Paxxpatriot suggested buying a Mann co Tour of Duty ticket for Mann vs Machine, and that there is a buy now button on that as well. TY for the great suggestion!
- Offical Vince McMahon[HF] Also mentioned you can do this with a Backpack Expander.
- monsef987 suggested buying "Map Stamps" to get the World Travelers hat with the Mann Co Online Cap (2 hats).
Thanks for the suggestions guys!


Alternative method:

**I just did this / tested this on a second acct from inside Team Fortress 2 game running, using the internal web browser that you can access in Steam overlay in the game. I used the Google homepage, browsed to the Team Fortress 2 wiki, searched backpack expander, bought one and got the hat.
I just tested also on a MVM "Mann up" Tour of Duty ticket (on a 3rd acct.)
Worked fine. Got the hat. Confirmed. Any item with the buy now button will work using TF2 wiki "buy now" links.

Here is a Youtube video showing how to do it from within inside the game (The alternative method instead of using the normal web browser on your PC).

Micheal 18 Jan @ 7:01pm 
hell yea
󠀡󠀡 30 Oct, 2024 @ 6:58am 
didnt know this hat was even in the game
Evil santa claus 5 Sep, 2024 @ 10:09am 
chiikawa 9 May, 2024 @ 2:51pm 
wow didnt know this was a thing thanks
Chx 21 Mar, 2024 @ 12:37pm 
2024 still works :summerghost:
Rmisor 22 Feb, 2024 @ 5:23am 
Still works, thanks
Snaki812 30 Jul, 2023 @ 5:49pm 
† Forgiveness is Everything 17 Dec, 2021 @ 4:59pm 
Yes Agree complete and total Epic-sisity...:steamthis:
MustardOrphan 10 Nov, 2021 @ 6:52pm 
ok this is epic
Gerard Bernano 9 Nov, 2021 @ 7:55am 
Thank you very much for the hat!