Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

160 ratings
Halo Infinite - Complete Achievement guide (100%) Including Co-op
By ThePugHybrid and 1 collaborators

A complete achievement guide with detailed explanations for 100% of the Halo Infinite achievements.

Will be updated with each content update to maintain the most useful information and add achievements as they release.
Hello Spartans!
This guide covers all Halo Infinite achievements.
More achievements will be released as content updates arrive so I will keep this guide up to date!

If you are looking for a specific achievement you can search the guide using
'Ctrl + F'

Guide Structure (No. of achieves):
  • Story (17)
  • Difficulty Achievements (6)
  • Collectables (18)
  • Spartan Equipment (10)
  • Outpost & Target Achievements (4)
  • Valor & UNSC Forces Achievements (5)
  • Miscellaneous Achievements (9)
  • Coop Campaign Achievements (13)
  • Level Specific Achievements (11)

  • Matchmade (Gametype Specific) Achievements (9)
  • Matchmade (Miscellaneous) Achievements (17)
  • Tutorial/Academy/Training Mode Multiplayer Achievements (11)
  • Ranked Achievements (2)
  • Battle Pass & Challenge Achievements (5)
  • Customisation Achievements (6)
Please leave feedback and useful information below and help find any errors! Huge thank you to Halo Completionist for permission to share his videos in this guide. Go follow him on YouTube and Twitch for some legendary content.

Happy hunting Spartans!
Below are the Campaign achievements for Halo Infinite.
~Difficulty Achievements

-Set a Fire in Your Heart:
"Complete the main campaign."

Unlocked for finishing the main campaign on any difficulty.

-Bare Your Fangs:
"Complete the main campaign on Normal difficulty."

Beat the main campaign on Normal difficulty. Stacks with higher difficulties.

-Fight Hard, Die Well:
"Complete all main campaign missions on Heroic difficulty."

Beat the main campaign on Heroic difficulty. Stacks with higher difficulties.

-A True Test of Legends:
"Complete all main campaign missions on Legendary difficulty."

Beat the main campaign on Legendary difficulty (the hardest default difficulty setting).

"Complete all main missions on Legendary with all Skulls active."

LASO/Mythic (Legendary All Skulls On) is back! Well kind of. This is much easier than traditional LASO because you can use Bandana skull! This difficulty is a fan favourite and is not for the faint of heart. The Skull collectables need to be collected beforehand on a different playthrough(s).

Skulls are in-game difficulty modifiers that effect gameplay and enemy AI to make the game more challenging. The skull effects can be seen below.

It is also recommended to use the Tank Gun 'Easter Egg' to make this easier. If you are unaware of this please see Halo Completionists video guides below.

Skull Modifiers:
  • Boom Skull - Doubles Explosion Radius.
  • Cowbell Skull - Increases launch power of melee attacks and explosions.
  • Catch Skull - Enemies throw and drop more grenades.
  • Fog Skull - Disables Motion Tracker.
  • Blind Skull - Weapons, HUD and reticle do not appear on screen.
  • Thunderstorm Skull - Upgrades ranks of most enemies.
  • Black Eye Skull - Shields only recharge when you melee an enemy.
  • Famine Skull - Weapons dropped by enemies have half the ammo. (Negated by Bandana Skull).
  • Mythic Skull - Enemies have increased health.
  • Bandana Skull - Infinite ammo, infinite grenades and no equipment cooldown.
  • Grunt Birthday Party Skull - Grunts explode into confetti when headshot. (No adverse gameplay affects).
  • IWHBYD Skull - Rare combat dialogue is more common. (No adverse gameplay affects).
Tips and tricks can be found below. Sadly some skips have been patched but these guides still show how to complete the first couple of missions easily and how the tank gun works.

Warship Gbraakon:
Outpost Tremonious:

-Forza Veloce:
"Complete all 14 main missions in under eight hours."

This achievement can be done on Easy difficulty. I recommend playing the game at least once before and then just rush through the main missions on Easy and don't do any open world or collectable hunting on this playthrough. It is recommended to get your Grappleshot to 40% quicker cooldown.
Once you know your way through the campaign you can easily just blast this achievement out in less than 4 hours with fairly little effort. I would create a new save file for this achievement.

If you use a Grapple from a sprint and immediately slide after landing you can launch your self quite far. Good for making progress across large open areas.
~Collectable Achievements
NOTE: Collectables can be obtained using mission replay from the Tac-Map.

Further note: Some collectables are carried across save files as long as they are not overwritten. These are any Audio Logs (UNSC, Banished & Spartan) and Skulls. Armor lockers, Spartan Cores, Forerunner Artifacts and Propaganda Towers must be collected on a single save for the achievements.

A collection of collectable video guides can be found at the bottom of this section, courtesy of Halo Completionist.

Mjolnir Armor Lockers:

-Money in the Bank:
"Access your first Mjolnir Armor Locker."
-Armory Amore:
"Access all 34 Mjolnir Armor Lockers."

These collectables unlock cosmetic items for the Multiplayer component of the game! Capturing FOB's will show these on the map.


"Discover your first hidden Skull."
"Discover all hidden Skulls."

There are 12 skulls to collect and they look like the Oddball skull in Multiplayer. These unlock gameplay modifiers. A list of what the skulls effects are can be found under the 'Headmaster' achievement.

Audio Logs:

-Dispatches From the Front:
"Access your first UNSC Audio Log."
-Canon Collector:
"Unlock all UNSC Audio Logs."

UNSC Audio Logs look like smart-tablets with a green light:

They make a distinctive beep when nearby. There are Recovered files (4), The Prisoner (7), Outpost Intel (14) and Infinity's Approach (12). Please refer to video guides at the bottom of this section.

-Two Sides to Every Story:
"Access your first Banished Audio Log."
-Know Your Enemy:
"Unlock all Banished Audio Logs."

Banished Audio logs look like red glowing tablets as seen below:

They make a distinctive beep when nearby. There are Archaeological Findings (4), Escharum's Testimony (9) and Outpost Intel (15). Please refer to video guides at the bottom of this section.

-Infinity Down:
"Access your first Spartan Audio Log."
-Rubicon Protocol:
"Unlock all Spartan Audio Logs."

Spartan Logs look identical to UNSC logs and are even called UNSC logs before interaction. There are Evacuation (7), Ringfall (8), Reverie (6), Retaliation (8) and Scattered (10). Please refer to video guides at the bottom of this section.

Spartan Cores & Mjolnir Upgrades:

-Hidden Experience:
"Locate and secure a Spartan Core."
-Mjolnir Master:
"Acquire all Spartan Cores."

Spartan Cores come from UNSC crates with a holographic green UNSC logo above them. These can be used to upgrade your Mjolnir Armor/Equipment. There are 45 to collect. Capturing FOB's will show these on the map.

-Getting Defensive:
"Fully upgrade your Energy Shields."

Use Spartan Cores to upgrade Energy Shields/Shield Core to the max. There are 5 upgrades, first is unlocked initially. The costs are 1, 2, 3 and 3 (9 total) armor cores.

-Reaching Out:
"Fully upgrade the Grappleshot."

Use Spartan Cores to upgrade your Grappleshot to the max. There are 5 upgrades, first is unlocked initially. The costs are 1, 2, 3 and 3 (9 total) armor cores.

Artifact Scans:

-Eld Aficionado:
"Scan a Forerunner Artifact."
"Scan all seven Forerunner Artifacts."

Banished Propaganda Towers:

-Please Shut Up:
"Take out a Banished Propaganda Tower."
-Off the Air:
"Destroy 40 Banished Propaganda Towers."

These are orange and metal pylon towers that you need to destroy.

Halo Completionist's Collectable Video Guides:
Thanks to Silver, aka Halo Completionist, for giving me permission to share your videos in my guide!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
~Spartan Equipment Achievements

-Evasive Maneuvers:
"Unlock the Thruster ability."

The third equipment piece you unlock. Story related and unmissable.

-Thrusters On Full:
"Fully upgrade the Thruster ability."

You will need 9 armor cores to fully upgrade the Thruster. The upgrades cost 1, 2, 3 and 3 respectively.

-Run Rabbit, Run:
"Use the Thruster 50 times."

Use the Thruster ability 50 times in the campaign (multiplayer does not count). This might naturally come in your playthrough(s) depending on how much you use the Thruster ability. If not you could opt to grind this one out.

Threat Sensor:

"Unlock the Threat Sensor ability."

First ability to be unlocked. Story related and unmissable.

-Big Brother:
"Fully upgrade the Threat Sensor ability."

You will need 9 armor cores to fully upgrade the Threat Sensor. The upgrades cost 1, 2, 3 and 3 respectively.

-All-Seeing I:
"Use the Threat Sensor 50 times."

Use the Threat Sensor 50 times in the campaign (multiplayer does not count). This might naturally come in your playthrough(s) depending on how much you use the Threat Sensor. If not you could opt to grind this one out.

Drop Wall:

-Grab Some Cover:
"Unlock the Drop Wall ability."

The second equipment you unlock in the main story. Story related and unmissable.

"Fully upgrade the Drop Wall ability."

You will need 9 armor cores to fully upgrade the Drop Wall. The upgrades cost 1, 2, 3 and 3 respectively.

-Aegis Fate:
"Deploy the Drop Wall 50 times."

Use the Drop Wall 50 times in the campaign (multiplayer does not count). This might naturally come in your playthrough(s) depending on how much you use Drop Walls. If not you could opt to grind this one out.


-Those Wonderful Toys:
"Successfully use the Grappleshot 50 times."

A successful use of the Grappleshot means it has to connect to a surface or item and go into a cool down period. If it misses it will not count towards this achievement. Use the Grappleshot 50 times. This will likely naturally come in your playthrough(s) but if not you could opt to grind this one out.
~Outpost & Target Achievements

"Eliminate a Banished High-Value Target."
-Bloodstars' Bane:
"Eliminate all 15 Banished High-Value Targets."

Targets eliminated in the main story do not count, only side ones. Capturing FOB's will display the targets on the map as red squares. Just go there and eliminate them. These can be done on any difficulty and are all accessible after the campaigns main story.

Here is a list of the targets:
  • Okro 'vagaduun
  • BipBap
  • Briglard
  • Barroth
  • Balkarus
  • Ik'novus the Devourer
  • Zeretus
  • Arthoc
  • Writh Kul
  • Myriad
  • Skimmer Alpha
  • Inka 'saham
  • Ordo 'mal
  • En 'geddon
  • Thav 'sebarim

-Outpost Discovery:
"Complete a Banished outpost."
-Bunker Buster:
"Complete all seven Banished outposts."

Completing FOB's will mark Outposts on the map as pink diamonds. The outposts will have multi-stage objectives and also a few waves of enemies. These can be done on any difficulty and are all accessible after the campaigns main story.
  • Ransom Keep
  • Forge of Teash
  • Redoubt of Sundering
  • Horn of Abolition
  • Annex Ridge
  • Riven Gate
  • Armory of Reckoning
~Valor & UNSC Forces Achieves

"Capture your first Forward Operating Base."
"Capture all available Forward Operating Bases."

For the achievement 'Reclaimer' you need to capture one FOB that isn't Outpost Tremonious.
Capture the rest of the FOB's for 'Resurgency'. There are 12 in total.

FOB's act as fast travel points and places to restock weapons and ammo so you may want to get these if you want to explore.

-We're On Our Way:
"Answer a UNSC distress call."
-No One Left Behind:
"Answer all UNSC distress calls."

Completing FOB's will put Distress Calls on the map. Clear the enemies at these locations and free the marines. There are about 18 of these activities.

-Who is Max Valor?:
"Complete all Valor-awarding activities."

Complete all FOB's, Outposts, Propaganda Tower collectables, Distress Calls and any main objectives that give Valor.
~Miscellaneous Achievements

-Bring Shiela Home Safely:
"Get the Scorpion all the way to the "House" without it blowing up."

During the mission 'The Road' you must take the scorpion tank from the start into the House of Reckoning. You can use other vehicles to clear enemies and drive the tank through after. You must take the tank across the extended bridge. Can be done on any difficulty.

Note: This achievement has issues unlocking in co-op.

-Wars with Friends:
"Bring some rescued UNSC Marines along for the ride into a main mission."

At FOB's you can have marines if you have enough Valor. Summon a vehicle, have them get in and then drive it to a main campaign objective. The achievement will then pop when nearby. It can be unlocked with a single marine.

Note: This achievement has issues unlocking in co-op.

-Gun Runner:
"Take down all three Banished AA guns."

After destroying your first AA gun, you will have 20 minutes to destroy the other two AA guns if you want this achievement. Doable on Heroic or higher but you may want to do it on a lower difficulty if you have any trouble.

"Check out the best possible view."

Unlocked for reaching the highest point in the open world. This is available after completing the mission 'The Tower'. The location is a mountain on the East part of the ring that has Outpost Tremonious to the North.

-Whip-Riding the Ghost:
"Use the Grappleshot to board an enemy Ghost."

The Grappleshot is unlocked from the start of the campaign. Use it on an enemy occupied ghost and you will hijack it unlocking the achievement.

-Takes One to Make One:
"Splatter an enemy with a Ghost."

While driving a ghost ram it into an enemy and have it kill them. I actually got this for hitting some Zeta Halo Wildlife!

-Passing the Gas:
"Kill a Grunt that's been thrown by a Brute."

Brutes will rarely throw a suicide grunt at the player. You have to shoot this grunt before it explodes. To try and bait a brute into throwing a grunt by continually avoiding their attacks and keep some distance. More information about good locations coming soon. Recommended to do on Easy difficulty.

There is a location that you can use to continuously respawn two grunts and two brutes side by side. It is near a propaganda tower to the North-West of the Forge of Teash Outpost and it has Lancer Squad to the North and Titan Squad to the South. See screenshot for location (green arrow).

-Wait, I Can Throw Those?:
"Throw 50 fusion coils."

Any of the coils in the campaign will count for this achievement. I.e. Blast, Fusion, Plasma coils etc. They don't need to make contact either. Just throw 50 of any type.

-Wanna Have a Catch?:
"Stick 50 enemies with grenades."

Use the Plasma and Spike grenades on enemies and have it stick to them. Do this 50 times. Using Bandana Skull will give the player infinite grenades of all types.
~Co-op Campaign Achievements
NOTE: These can all be earned on Easy difficulty and with Bandana Skull if beneficial.

-Air Raid:
"In co-op, kill 100 enemies while all players are riding air vehicles."

Get at least one other player and both fly around in either Wasps or a Banshee and kill any enemies you come across until the achievement unlocks. Completing enemy outposts using these vehicles is an efficient way to do this.
You can summon Wasps at FOB's once you have met the valor requirement.
All players must be in a flying vehicle for this achievement to progress.

-Cow Catcher:
"In co-op, splatter 50 enemies while riding in a vehicle with another player."

Drive around in a vehicle with at least one other player riding in it and run over enemies. The driver will be the player gaining achievement progress. Enemies can be found throughout the open world or during replaying outposts or other objectives.
I recommend using a Mongoose because it means the player on the back can start progressing the "Gruesome Twosome" achievement, seen below.

-Gruesome Twosome:
"In co-op, kill 50 enemies while riding a Mongoose with another player."

The person on the back of the Mongoose will gain progress for this achievement by shooting enemies. I recommend using Bandana Skull so you can have infinite ammo with a high damage weapon. A Mongoose can be summoned at any FOB.

-Keep It Steady:
"Kill 5 enemies with a Sniper Rifle from a vehicle. All players aboard vehicle share progress."

Simply use a sniper rifle to kill 5 enemies while riding a coop players vehicle. Or vice versa. You all share the achievement progress. Can be combined with the above achievement on a Mongoose.

-Rolling Thunder:
"Kill 5 enemies with a Gravity Hammer from a vehicle. All players aboard vehicle share progress."

Same as above achievement but with a Gravity Hammer instead.

"In co-op, kill a Hunter and its bond brother within three seconds of each other."

One of the easier Hunter pairs can be found before the level "Spire" or during the level "Nexus". You and your coop partner(s) must kill them within 3 seconds of each other.
Easy way to do this is to use rocket launchers with Bandana skull for infinite ammo. You can also use an upgraded threat sensor to see enemy health bars.

-You, Me, Same Page:
"In co-op, destroy all cooling towers at the Dig Site within 60 seconds of each other."

During the mission "Excavation Site" you will need to destroy a set of objectives (they are revealed by interacting with two levers on either side of the structure).
Clear as many enemies as possible from the area and then both in-sync activate the levers to open the cooling towers and then quickly destroy a group of them each. There is 4 sets of 2, 2 sets on each side.
With different players prioritising each one doing this in a minute is easy enough especially using the grappling hook to get around. Here is what they look like:

-Controlled Demolition:
"In co-op, destroy four Fuel Silos within five seconds at either Ransom Keep or the Forge of Teash."

In a coop session destroy the four silos within 5 seconds at either of the two Outposts mentioned. You can use rocket launchers with Bandana Skull to make it easier and clear as many enemies as needed before tackling the fuel silos.
Activate the four levers to raise the silos before attacking them to make this easier. You can also replay these outposts with mission replay from the TacMap.

-Wolves at the Doors:
"In co-op, lower all three gates within 15 seconds of each other at Riven Gate."


Open World Coop Completion achievements:

  • -What's Rightfully Ours:
    • "In co-op, capture all Forward Operating Bases on any difficulty."

  • -Wardens of Zeta:
    • "In co-op, complete all seven Banished outposts on any difficulty."

  • -First Responders:
    • "In co-op, answer all UNSC distress calls on any difficulty."

  • -Hunting Party:
    • "In co-op, eliminate all Banished High-Value Targets on any difficulty."

Simply complete the stated events in a coop party on any difficulty and the achievements will unlock.
~Level Specific Achievements
NOTE: These can all be earned on Easy difficulty and with Bandana Skull if beneficial.

-Mix Things Up:
"Get at least one kill with every available weapon and grenade on the Banished ship."

During the first mission ("Warship Gbraakon") aboard the enemy warship, you must use every weapon and grenade type available to kill an enemy. A list is available here:
    Starting weapons:
  • Assault Rifle - Starting weapon.
  • Sidekick - Starting weapon.

    Found weapons:
  • Battle Rifle - In the opening docking bay inside a crate that is moved by a active crane.
  • Bulldog - In the opening docking bay on the right hand side. One can also be found later in the level in a corridor.
  • Mangler - On many weapon racks and used by Brutes.
  • Plasma Pistol - Dropped by many Grunts and on weapon racks.
  • Needler - On many weapon racks.
  • Pulse Carbine - Found lying around during the level and also dropped by some Brutes.
  • Plasma Cannon - Found in one of the corridors during progression.
  • Ravager - Dropped by the Brute Captain in the main control room or on a weapon rack in the same room.
  • Hydra - Found during the escape sequence behind some boxes after crossing the falling boxes.

  • Frag Grenades - Found after the first elevator.
  • Plasma Grenades - Found on weapon racks and dropped by some enemies.
  • Spike Grenades - Found on weapon racks and dropped by some enemies.

-Stick Around:
"Defeat Tremonius with the Skewer."

Tremonius is the first boss fight in the game at the end of the mission "Foundation". Defeat him with the Skewer. I recommend using Bandana Skull to get infinite ammo. There is a Skewer Brute before the gravity elevator to the boss fight room.

-Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly:
"Destroy both Phantoms before they leave Outpost Tremonius"

Outpost Tremonius is the third mission of the same name. Destroy the Phantoms (enemy drop ships) before they leave the area. If you are fast you can grab the Tank gun Easter Egg to destroy them or alternatively load in to the mission via mission replay after getting a rocket launcher from a FOB and use Bandana Skull for infinite ammo. The first phantom spawns immediately and the second one arrives later when approaching the platform.

-Out with a Bang:
"Kill the Tower commander with a Plasma grenade."

Kill the boss Chak Lok in the mission "Recovery" with a plasma grenade. You can use Bandana Skull to get infinite plasma grenades. He is at the end of the Tower section.

-Workplace Safety Violation:
"Kill an enemy with the Banished mining laser."

Load up the mission Excavation Site and try and bait one of the enraged Brutes into the beam by standing in the corner near the beam. Alternatively you can try the Easter egg below but this doesn't work as well with mission replay.
After destroying the mining laser in the mission "Excavation Site", you can activate two buttons on the roof of the building on both sides of the laser. Enemies will spawn and the laser will fire and kill them.
You have to do this during the mission, after killing Bassus and before entering the Conservatory mission. Coming back later means the buttons will not spawn.

-Conservation of Momentum:
"Complete the Conservatory in less than 15 minutes."

Similar to the par time achievements of old, just beat the level, "Conservatory", within the 15 minute mark. No timer is available, just be quick. Mission can be replayed if needed.
A run through with Bandana Skull only using the Arcane Sentinel Beam clocked me in just over 9 minutes, no fancy skips performed.

-It Really Does Beat Everything:
"Eliminate all enemies at the South Beacon with a Scorpion Tank."

During the mission "The Sequence" you must defeat all the enemies on and around the southern Beacon objective with a Scorpion tank. This is the spire near FOB Kilo, see image. You can spawn a Scorpion at a near by FOB Kilo and drive it over if you have the Valor requirement.
There is also a scorpion near FOB Kilo in the woods. The pocket tank gun also works for this achievement.
"Tank beats ghost! Tank beats hunter! Tank beats everything!"

-Vintage Fisticuffs:
"In the Nexus, kill the Hunter pair with melee final blows."

During the mission "Nexus" you will encounter a couple of Hunter Bond brothers. You must defeat both of them with melee being the final hit. If you have the threat sensor upgrade that lets you see health bars this will be greatly beneficial.
If you mess up, try and die quickly to revert checkpoint or restart the level if needed.
A bladed weapon such as a mangler, ravager, skewer or shock rifle will do extra melee damage.
I believe Energy Sword and Gravity Hammers count as Power weapon kills so will NOT count.

-Spire Stalker:
"Kill 40 enemies with the Stalker Rifle at the Command Spire."

During the mission "The Command Spire" kill 40 enemies with the Stalker. I highly recommend using Bandana Skull to get unlimited ammo for this achievement as it will make things very easy.
The only way you can earn a Stalker to collect at a FOB is by defeating the target 'Barroth' in the open world. There are some Stalkers throughout the level but using Bandana Skull is the recommended way.

-Turnabout is Fair Play:
"Kill one Chieftain and use his turret to kill another in the Repository."

In the the mission "Repository" there are Brute Chieftains (large Brutes with shield and carrying scrap cannons or plasma turrets). Kill one of the Brute Chieftains and take the Scrap Cannon or Turret and kill the other Brute Chieftain with that weapon for the achievement. Has to be done during this mission.

-More Than He Bargained For:
"Defeat War Chief Escharum without ever fully losing your shields."

In the mission "House of Reckoning", kill the final boss of the level, Escharum, without him ever fully draining your shields. I recommend playing on Easy difficulty and bringing good high damage weapons (even the Tank Gun if needed) and using Bandana Skull for infinite grenades and ammo.
Using the tank gun & Cowbell Skull means you can kill him in a single shot making this achievement trivial.

"Breach the Auditorium in under three minutes."

Play the mission "The Silent Auditorium" and complete the first combat encounter in under three minutes and enter the first door. I recommend using Bandana Skull on Easy difficulty and bringing some good weapons from a FOB to make this super easy.
~Story Achievements
These are achievement tied to the games narrative and unmissable.

-First Contact:
"Lost, and found."

Complete the first mission.

-Together. Again?:
"Explore the underbelly of Zeta Halo and retrieve a weapon to turn the tide of this conflict."

Awarded part way through the second level.

"Defeat the Banished warlord Tremonius."

After the first boss fight.

"Fight your way through Outpost Tremonius and step out onto the surface of Zeta Halo."

Awarded for stepping foot onto Zeta Halo.

"Follow the UNSC signal to a Banished stronghold called the Tower. Find the source. Get out alive."

Complete the mission 'The Tower'.

"Shut down the Banished mining laser and gain access to the Conservatory."

Awarded for shutting down the mining laser in the main story.

-Hunter. Killer.:
"Defeat the Hunter pair stationed at the base of the Spire."

Before starting the Spire there is a hunter pair that must be killed to progress.

-Pelican Down:
"Shut down the first Spire and stop Zeta's Reformation before it's too late."

Awarded after the long cutscene leading to the AA guns.

-One Down…:
"Destroy a Banished anti-aircraft gun."

Awarded for destroying one of the three AA guns. There is also an achievement for destroying all three guns but you must do them within 20 minutes of your first.

-Brothers Grim:
"Take down the Spartan Killers Hyperius and Tovarus."

Awarded at the end of the Pelican Down quest.

-Light the Way:
"Reach the Beacons, assemble the Sequence, and gain access to the Command Spire."

Awarded for doing the fourth beacon in the main story.

-What Will It Take?:
"Enter the Nexus and learn the secrets of the Spires. Trust is a fragile thing, isn't it?"

Awarded after the quest Nexus.

-Hear These Words!:
"Infiltrate the Command Spire and put an end to the Reformation."

Awarded during the quest the Command Spire.

-Together. Again.:
"A friend is in danger and time is running out. It's time to face your past and save your future."

Awarded after accessing finishing the Command Spire.

"Storm the House of Reckoning."

Awarded during the quest The Road.

"At the end he was just a soldier. Hoping he'd done the right thing."

Awarded after the Escharum boss fight.

-Too Many Goodbyes:
"Defeat the Harbinger. Confront the truth."

Unlocked for finishing the campaign, after the final cutscene.
Below are the Multiplayer and Academy achievements for Halo Infinite.
~Matchmade Gametype Achieves
These achievements can only be acquired in specific gametypes in matchmade multiplayer.

-A Fellow of Infinite Jest:
"Kill three enemies with the ball in a matchmade Oddball game."

Play Oddball games and while you are holding the ball make 3 melee kills in a match. The ball does not kill in one punch unless they are not at full health. Two punches will kill a healthy player. Not as bad as it sounds, just focus on obtaining the ball and possibly have some teammates help defend you and weaken enemies.

-Natural Formation Location Sensation:
"Gain access to a loot cave in a matchmade game."

During a match of Big Team Battle, use your personal AI to hack into the 'loot caves'.

On the map Fragmentation there are two loot caves found in the centre of the map but on either side of the canyon. It is a Forerunner door in the wall with a terminal alongside. They have about a minute cool down after use.

After the door opens you will gain the achievement.

-Zone Ranger:
"Secure 5 zones in a matchmade Strongholds game."

This achievement description is kind of confusing. To secure a zone you must remove the enemy teams progression within one of your controlled zones (undo their capture progress). You will get some points and "Zone Secured" on screen. Do this 5 times in one game.

-Multi-class Racer:
"Drive 4 unique vehicles in a matchmade game."

This has to be done in one game and requires the use of 4 different vehicles. Vehicles include: Mongoose, Warthog, Banshee, Ghost, Chopper, Scorpion, Razorback, Wasp, Shade Turret etc. I recommend doing this in a Big Team Battle gamemode. The Gungoose counts as a Mongoose. Also possible in some Fiesta maps etc.

-Running Laps:
"Capture the flag twice in a matchmade Capture the Flag game."

Capture 2 flags in a single CTF game. Shouldn't be too hard if you focus on pushing for the enemies flag and have a decent team. Can be earned in Big Team Battle CTF or 4v4 CTF.

-Control Freak:
"Assist in capturing all zones that lead to a score in a matchmade Total Control game."

Obtained in the gamemode Total Control in Big Team Battle. You must help capture all three objectives (A, B, C) to score one of the three points needed to win. It is unclear how long you must spend capturing an objective to help assist, but it should come with time.

-One Shot, Top Mid:
"Mark an enemy located at "Top Mid" in a matchmade game."

'Top Mid' is a callout location on the multiplayer map 'Aquarius' and 'Behemoth'. You must ping someone using the mark feature as they are standing on the upper-central platform of either map. Use the control settings page to find what button to use/reassign it. Can only be obtained in 4v4.

"Revive 3 allies in an Attrition/Elimination round in a matchmade or custom game."

During Season 2 of Halo Infinite you can earn this achievement in custom games. I recommend grabbing a friend to do this with. Revive them 3 times in one round. Enabling bots could also help.

You can earn this achievement by playing an Attrition/Elimination match and revive 3 players within a single round.

-Straight to the Bank:
"Deposit 5 Power Seeds in a matchmade Stockpile game."

Note 10/08/2023: Achievement can now be obtained in Custom games despite the description.

Stockpile is a game mode in Big Team Battle where you must collect 'Power Seeds' (carried like fusion coils) and score put them into your base. Your team needs to capture 15 in total for a win (5 per point). Deposit 5 of these in one game for the achievement.
~Matchmade Misc. Achieves
All achievements in this section have to be earned in a matchmade multiplayer game. Custom games will not work.

-Peak Performance:
"Earn 2,000 score in a matchmade game."

Just do okay in a multiplayer game and you will easily earn 2,000 points.

"Kill an enemy with melee using a bladed weapon in a matchmade game."

Earn a melee kill with the Skewer, Ravager, Mangler or the Shock Rifle in a matchmade multiplayer game. Energy sword does not work for this achievement, the bladed Brute weapons is what the achievement is referring to.

-Sick Burn:
"Kill an enemy with the Ravager's charged shot in a matchmade game."

While using the Ravager you can hold the fire mode to fully charge the shot. This shot leaves a damaging area of effect on the floor, but this AOE does not count for the achievement. For the achievement, kill an enemy with the impact of fully charged shot. They must be weak beforehand.

"Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Skewer in a matchmade game."

Get a Skewer in a matchmade game and hope you can score a kill on an enemy vehicle with it. Big Team Battle may be easiest for this as it has lots of vehicles and weapon spawns or Fiesta with the map Behemoth or Launch Site.

-Back to the Chopper:
"Earn "Splatter" with a Brute Chopper in a matchmade game."

While driving a Brute Chopper, run over and kill an enemy to earn a Splatter medal. Hardest part is finding a Chopper; keep an eye on the Pelican bringing in vehicles in BTB or get lucky in Fiesta on Behemoth or Launch Site.

-Party Bus:
"Earn "Mount Up" in a Razorback in a matchmade game."

A 'Mount Up' medal is earned by first honking the horn (until the seat pop up appears) and then having players fill your passenger slots by entering your vehicle. For the Razorback you will need three people after a horn honk to enter. You may need people to get in fairly soon after honking so I would recommend finding some people to do it with.

-They See Me Rollin':
"Spectate an ally that is driving a Warthog or Razorback in a matchmade game."

When you die in a multiplayer game (on a map and mode that has vehicles) cycle through your team mates spectator cameras and hopefully find someone in a Warthog or Razorback. You need to spectate them for at least a full second.

-Peeker's Disadvantage:
""Back Smack" an enemy who is zoomed in with a scoped weapon in a matchmade game."

Melee an enemy from behind ('Back Smack') who is zoomed with a scoped weapon. Scoped weapons include: Sniper Rifle, Skewer, Battle Rifle, Stalker Rifle, Shock Rifle and more. Fairly easy in Ranked as it has BR starts.

-Working Remote:
"Pick up a weapon using the Grappleshot in a matchmade game."

A fairly simple achievement. Find a Grappleshot on an equipment spawn pad and then use it on any weapon to grab it by holding the pick up button. (Must be a weapon not already equipped).

-Bomb Returned:
"Repel an enemy grenade with the Repulsor in a matchmade game."

Can be obtained with little effort by obtaining a Repulsor, a fairly common piece of equipment, and then using it on an enemy grenade. You do not need to obtain a kill with the grenade, just effect it with the Repulsor.

-Do You Even Gift?:
"Drop a Power Weapon for an ally in a matchmade game."

For this you must first bind the control for dropping your current weapon in the controls menu as I believe it is not bound by default. Then when holding a power weapon (i.e. Sniper Rifle, Skewer, Rocket Launcher etc.) drop it and have a teammate pick this weapon up.

Note: Potentially bugged in a beneficial way. You can drop the weapon then pick it up yourself for the achievement.

-Secret Stash:
"Place an item in the Razorback's storage in a matchmade game."

The back of the Razorback can be used to store power weapons and even fusion coils and objective items like the flag in CTF. Put one of these items into the back storage for the achievement.

-New Kid on the Block:
"Earn "Perfect" with a VK78 Commando in a matchmade game."

The description for a 'Perfect' medal is "Kill an enemy with a precision weapon with peak efficiency." Use the Commando in multiplayer to obtain a "Perfect" medal by killing an enemy without missing a single shot from full health. Must finish the target off from full health with the minimum number of shots to kill so it must end in a head shot. The Commando takes 9 bullets to earn a Perfect as of 7th March 2023.

-Skyhook Shot:
""Grapplejack" an enemy flying vehicle in a matchmade game."

Using the Grappling Hook (found at equipment spawns) to grapple onto an enemy flying vehicle (Wasp only) and then hijack their vehicle for the medal 'Grapplejack'. A Banshee will not work and will give a Skyjack instead.

-Watt Say You?:
"Earn "Chain Reaction" with a Shock Rifle in a matchmade game."

To earn a "Chain Reaction" medal you must kill an enemy via a shock chain. When using the Shock Rifle it will chain damage onto nearby enemy players and you must gain a kill from this chain reaction.

-Enemies Everywhere!:
"Mark 3+ enemies at once in a matchmade game."

Find three enemies close together and use the new mark feature to ping them. You must have three enemies marked simultaneously. Their marks will expire over time or when they die. Use the control settings page to find what button to use/reassign it.

-Slaying with Style:
"Earn a Mythic Medal in a matchmade game."

Mythic Medals are Red/Gold and include medals such as: Overkill (4+ rapid kills or higher), Running Riot (15 kill streak or higher), Perfection (in Slayer 15+ kills and zero deaths), or a plethora of random medals like Ninja for 'Kill an enemy by leaping over them and hitting them from behind with melee'.
~Academy Multiplayer Achieves
All these achievements can be earned in Training Mode, Tutorial, Custom Games and Academy by yourself.

"Play a custom game."

Simply load into a custom game from the main menu and then 'End Game'. The achievement will unlock after this.

-Getting Strong Now:
"Launch into Training Mode for the first time."

Enter a Training Mode match from the main menu (under Academy).

-Sparring Partners:
"Change any training mode option."

Pause the game in Training Mode and change any option.

"Complete a Weapon Drill."

Complete any Weapon Drill. Under Academy on the main menu.

"Earn 3 stars in a Weapon Drill."

Earn 3 stars on any of the Weapon Drills.

"Earn 3 stars in 5 Tier 3 Weapon Drills."

Every Weapon Drill has difficulty tiers. Complete 5 weapon drills at the Tier 3 level with a 3 star rating. I found the easiest drills to be: M41 SPNKR (Rocket Launcher), Cindershot, Needler, Sentinel Beam and the Bulldog. Most shouldn't prove too much of a challenge.

Note: This might be bugged in a beneficial way as of 15/11/2021. It unlocked after 4 3-star tier 3 drills for me (with 1 3-star Tier 1).

-Doing Your Part:
"Complete the Tutorial."
-Just the Two of Us:
"Access your Personal AI."

Complete the Tutorial on the main menu under Academy. Doing so will also earn the achievement "Just the Two of Us" near the start.

-Greased Lightning:
"Completed the Movement Yard in under 25 seconds."

This is done in the tutorial after obtaining your AI. First run through the course like usual punching the dummies. Then before progressing further, jump back onto the bridge from the movement exercise and then jump the back wall by the tower.

Reset the tutorial with the AI pedestal next to the door in the interior and a timer will start. Progress through the exercise in 25 seconds for the achievement.
There is a skip you need to do by jumping the boxes immediately in front of you after exiting the underground tunnel and jumping the corner of the wall.

-Make a Little More Noise:
"Grab a power weapon from the Tutorial armory."

In the Armory, pick up the Assault Rifle and finish the shooting range part, with it and the grenades, through the door. Then go back into the Armory and the other weapons will be accessible. Pick up a Sniper Rifle from a crate.

-Get the Popcorn:
"View a clip in theater."

On the Main Menu, go to Community -> Theater -> My Match History -> Pick a match -> Profit.
~Ranked Multiplayer Achievements

-You're Up, Rook':
"Play a Ranked Match."

Finish a ranked multiplayer match.

-All About the Grind:
"Finished Ranked Placement Matches."

This achievement is earned for completing 10 ranked matches in order to attain your Competitive Skill Rank.
This achievement is earned for completing 5 ranked matches in order to attain your Competitive Skill Rank. Changed on March 7th 2023 with the launch of Season 3.
~Battle Pass & Challenge Achieves

-Clocking In:
"Complete a Daily Challenge."

Simply complete a Daily Challenge. This will unlock after your first multiplayer match.

-We Have a Job For You:
"Complete a Weekly Challenge."

Complete one of the Weekly challenges. Not much of a challenge. Often for playing a certain playlist or getting a certain amount of score or kills with a specific weapon in a match.

-Humble Beginnings:
"Complete one level in a Battle Pass."

Complete 1 level of a Battle Pass by completing challenges. You will need 1000 XP for a level.

-Battle Tested:
"Complete a Battle Pass."

Complete your first Battle Pass by completing challenges. The main Battle Passes will never expire so you will never lose progression. You need 100 levels of a standard Battle Pass at 1000 XP per level. Therefore, 100,000 XP!

The time-limited event battle passes (e.g. Fracture events and seasonal time-limited events) do NOT count for this achievement.

-Limited Addition:
"Complete a Limited Time Challenge."

The challenge unlocked after completing all Weekly challenges in a week will count for this achievement.

The time-limited Fractures Battle Pass Challenges also count!
~Customisation Achievements
These are all quite self-explanatory. A little information will be added for each achievement.

-Passion for Fashion:
"Wear a new armor customization item."

Can be unlocked by changing your Spartan's colour, for example.

-I'm Ready, How 'Bout You?:
"Change your Spartan's look in the Customize menu."

Earned for changing your Spartan Appearance. I.e. Body type or limb type.

-"Need a Weapon?":
"Try out a new weapon customization item."

Unlocked by changing one of your weapon skins in the Weapons Bench.

-Reporting for Duty:
"Change your Spartan Tag."

Change any part of your Spartan Tag.

-Which One of Us is the Machine?:
"Get and equip a new AI."

Just equip a new AI avatar.

-That Thing on the Left is the Brake:
Test drive a new vehicle customization.

Equip a new vehicle customisation option.
KeNoBi 10 Mar @ 1:18pm 
Guys, hello everyone! If anyone can help with achievements related to the corporate game, that is, those that need to be obtained in the DLC, please add me, we will help each other, there are only 13 achievements left, and these are just them, and I will get platinum)
Kure 'Tesum 26 Oct, 2023 @ 4:18am 
Well last night, i finally got the Control Freak Achievement along with the Watt Say You Achievement. They're both a pain to get and i have yet to play Coop for the Coop Achievements
ThePugHybrid  [author] 25 Oct, 2023 @ 11:47pm 
I wish all multiplayer achievements would be available in custom games!
Kure 'Tesum 25 Oct, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
Since Medic! is unlockable in Custom Games, can't 343 just make Control Freak unlockable in Custom Games too?
ThePugHybrid  [author] 13 Sep, 2023 @ 5:10am 
Good news! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully it's a permanent change.
PertKhan 12 Sep, 2023 @ 7:56pm 
I can confirm the multiplayer achievement "MEDIC!" is still unlockable in Custom Games even after Season 2.
Surobyk 16 Nov, 2022 @ 12:36am 
I´m going to test it. Will report the results
ThePugHybrid  [author] 15 Nov, 2022 @ 1:41pm 
A True Test of Legends should be fine because you can track each missions completion difficulty from the Tac-Map. Speedrun you would need to do a thresh playthrough as well as its a timed achievement for the entire campaign, not just missions.
Surobyk 15 Nov, 2022 @ 11:39am 
what about just -A True Test of Legends- and/or speedrun?
ThePugHybrid  [author] 15 Nov, 2022 @ 8:59am 
Not sure but I would be cautious and do a full playthrough.