Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

66 hodnocení
MvM Credit(s) "Unusual" Places: Two Cities
Vytvořil: Basil
This guide is more aimed at beginners who don't know the maps too well but I feel like some of it can also be interesting for more advanced players.

I'll be showing you some "unusual" places where credits can land.

You know those moments, right? Some credits are missing, so you run around the whole map, asking yourself:
"Am I... actually dumb?"

The answer is no, 2$ probably just landed on some place no one would look at, resulting in a loss of credits and therefore making your team absolutely hate you forever, I'll try to help you so that doesn't happen.
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In General
This section isn't tied to any operation or map, credit(s) can get stuck on different objects on a map, for this example I'll be using the teleporter:

If you see this happening, congrats, this is literally the worst case scenario since you CANNOT collect anything if the teleporter is on it:

If you're the Engineer, move your teleporter and collect it for the scout.

If you're not the Engineer, nicely ask the Engineer if they could move their teleporter for a few seconds for you to collect it.

Luckily this doesn't happen too often, since the Engineer has to put the teleporter on top of the credits, make sure you place your teleporter on a free space as an Engineer.
Just like almost every other mvm map, credits can land near/inside the spawn area of the robots, but sadly Mannhattan is the worst offender of this:
Credits from the bots killed on the top area have a chance of falling down on the bot spawn at the bottom area, most of the time you can still reach and get it with your magnet ability that Scout has but if anyone is going to notice that 2$ chilling down there while you're busy at the top area? I wonder.

Now these two next ones aren't as bad as the one I just talked about but they are still easy to miss these as they're not directly on the frontline and when you're in the middle of a fight, it could be easy to forget about these more "hidden" places, so, if you end up collecting everything on the front but you are still missing credits, try looking at these spots:
Gate A has been capped (instant re-queue lol) so you're forced to move and collect the cash around the Gate A area; unfortunately, that means that now some credits could fall off or spawn under the ledge near the Gate, reasons for that could be an Engineer bot, bots rushing to Gate A via the ramp, Heavy using knockback on a bot, making it fall down the ledge and die, anything really.

We're still at Gate A, are you asking yourself how credits can appear on that pit area? Well, simple. Lots of airblast and knockback! Your pyro trying to push bots to the grinder but failing? Your Heavy trying the exact same thing and... surprise! Failing! 99% of the time, that's how credits end up landing down there, worst case scenario even hiding under the wooden platfrom, like shown in the picture.
For Rottenburg, there's going to be two types of unusual places for credit(s):
Non-Tank related and Tank related

Since Rottenburg has Tanks and Mannhattan doesn't, I'll be including Tanks in this section, let's start with the Non-Tank related credits.

Non-Tank related credit(s):
Oh boy, this one is a classic. If you end up in this situation, there's sadly nothing you can do since it's going to be stuck on there, be 110% sure there's no money laying around there, because if the barrier gets destroyed by the tank, it spawns back in when the wave gets completed, so any money around that area gets stuck, since the barrier spawned back in, making it impossible for you to collect it. Pain.

This is also pretty common: sometimes, when robots get destroyed near the rock next to the tank barrier, credits can spawn on top of it and your magnet ability won't always work on them. Be sure to go next to them or even jump on the credits to collect them; this also happens quite often so keep an eye out.

Very sneaky, some credits can land in this spot behind the wall, mostly when the bots are spawning on the right side, I've had numerous times where I was certain that all of the credits were on the top right, like usual, only to end up seeing a small credit laying on that spot, about to burn away, this is some evil stuff considering most of the time you can't even see it if it's hidden behind that rock wall, so this one is pretty tough, I'd suggest to look at this spot first before anywhere else if you're missing credits.

Now we reached the robot spawn area of Rottenburg, luckily it's not as bad as Mannhattan; in Mannhattan, credits can get quite deep inside the spawn area, it depends. In Rottenburg, the credits can only land on the very edge of the spawn area and not any deeper, this happens way more to the right side spawn than the left one, since the left one is up higher, again not nearly as bad as Mannhattan but still something to look out for.

Tank-related credit(s):
If your team can't kill the tank fast enough, it actually enters a tunnel where you can't damage it at all; when it comes out in this area and it gets destroyed (without your team picking up the cash), money could be easily forgotten since, well, maybe you didn't pay attention and you're looking all over the map but here, make sure you know where the tank got destroyed.

For these two next ones, I'm going to explain how tank credits behave, when a tank gets destroyed, credits fly waaay up high before landing on the ground; the issue with that is if there's some sort of platform on top or near the area where the tank got destroyed, the credits are most likely going to land on said platform instead of the ground level, this is dangerous since you'd think you collected everything but there could still be some credits on a higher platform without you even knowing, let's look at these examples:
If the tank gets destroyed below the wooden platform near spawn, the chances of some or maybe even most credits landing on it are pretty high, you'd be surprised how many times that happened to me, it should also be said that this one is extra evil since literally NO ONE will be looking up there, I mean why should they? Nothing is happening up there anyway... besides those 50$ thats about to burn away.

Same principal applies to this one, if the tank gets destroyed under the wooden platform, credits will land on top of it, instead of the ground level, this one is a bit more forgiving, since you'll be able to spot the credits pretty easily, nonetheless, you know what to look for now.

Always remember that you're not perfect, you ARE going to lose credits and that's totally fine, just please for the love of everything that you hold dear, do NOT make any missed credit jokes, it's getting stale. I hope I could help a small bit with this guide, if you know any more "Unusual" Places, specifically in Two Cities, please leave them down in the comments!

Guides for the other operations are coming... probably never.
Počet komentářů: 13
CC Spirit Minister 26. říj. 2022 v 19.22 
I've experienced killing the boss directly next to the pit, teetering on its edge, only to have the money spawn in and show up...nowhere. Even dropping down the pit to my death in case it fell to the bottom didn't work. Lost 250 credits because of a bug. So the lesson is, kill Sir Nukesalot, and don't even bother trying to pit him. Pitting him is cheese anyway, he's supposed to be a fun bullet sponge boss, not a knockback test dummy.
[FP] jh34ghu43gu 25. úno. 2022 v 23.41 
Credits in the rottenburg barrier area will only get stuck if they are lasso'd into the barrier as it respawns, there is a trigger_hurt there that will collect money normally but for some reason it ignores money that is being lasso'd. This is also how money ends up in spawns since it's a similar case but with the func_respawnroom (or w/e it is). Normally if lasso'd money isn't collected after X seconds it ends up in an instant collect state as long as the scout gains line-of-sight to it before it expires, which unfortunately is impossible for barrier money.
-Observed behavior, not researched in depth due to CBA.
emeraldocean 11. úno. 2022 v 20.57 
I've seen credits from the tank drop in the central castle area above when the tank is destroyed right after coming out of the front tunnel as well.
Adid 2. led. 2022 v 16.38 
goo idea
Basil  [autor] 30. pro. 2021 v 16.14 
Thanks for the advice, I'll remember it for next time!
Deathrowboat 30. pro. 2021 v 15.14 
For future guides, use ent_create item_currencypack_small/medium/large to spawn credits when taking screenshots. Will look nicer and less out of place that way.
Prismo 30. pro. 2021 v 10.45 
Something to note is, with the way money spawns, there’s always a chance it can end up in a place that’s unreachable/not able to be seen. I’ve learned the locations on this guide before reading it and can safely say that there’s always going to be bugged money at some random time.
arky ⛧ 30. pro. 2021 v 10.09 
Money can actually land further back in the robots spawn on the right side of Rottenburg, very rarely does it happen but it is possible for it to get stuck far back which can't be picked up.
KostGuy 29. pro. 2021 v 20.18 
You are big brain!
Basil  [autor] 28. pro. 2021 v 7.02 
Seeing as how you only realized it halfway through as you said, I think its pretty good like this but thanks for your feedback! :csdsmile: