The Sojourn

The Sojourn

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The Sojourn - Full Achievement Guide
By Markus_Krajtus
Since there are no really hard achievements in the game, this "guide" is more about telling you when to expect each of them to pop-up.
There is already a walkthrough guide (by Chadworthy) which explains a lot for each of the levels. Personally, I don't think it is really needed - the game has right amount of a challenge and it is not that hard to figure it out (even though some of the levels might be quite challenging). If you use a hint it might loose all the charm.

Since there are just two types of achievements and it's fairly easy to get them all if you do all the obvious stuff, this "guide" is more or less just a mere list of all the achievements. Due to high number of hidden achievements this list might be still useful to understand where and when to get them. So... here comes possibly one of the most useless guides ever...

Story achievements
These achievements are story related so they unlock at certain moments of the game and cannot be missed.

For better orientation, the game itself has 4 parts:
  • Discovery (17 levels),
  • Knowledge (17 levels),
  • Vision (14 levels),
  • Redemption (16 levels).

Welcome to Reality - Step into the dark world

Just the beginning of the game.

Step by Step - Overcome the second challenge

First level of Discovery - easy peasy.

Blindfold - Witness the story behind the blindfold

Fifth level of Discovery - still easy.

Not a Child - Experience the first chapter of life: Discovery

Once you finish Discovery and continue to the second part of the game - it is in fact 17th level of the game. Nothing really hard.

Level Up - Activate the elevator

Once you finish first 4 levels in Knowledge and use the elevator for the first time.

Doubtful Mind - Reach the top of the tower

Once you finish Knowledge and continue to the third part - 34th level of the game.

Opened Eyes - Open the frozen well

Same as in the previous part, you get this by finishing first 4 levels of Vision.

Tree of Lies - Witness the secret behind the tree

As expected, when you finish Vision and carry on to the next stage - Redemption. (You need to finish 50 levels.)

Unity - Witness the story of the first movements

And... finishing first 4 levels of Redemption.

Eternity - Finish your sojourn

Finishing the whole game. (It means to finish 66 levels.) These last levels can be quite tricky but you can still figure it on your own.

My recommendation for the whole game is to start from the end - especially for last levels. This is actually a good approach for quite a lot of other puzzle type games as well. You need to figure out the last step needed to be done to finish a level. (Like if there is a bridge which needs to be crossed in the dark world, you know that you have to be in the dark world in that moment.) Then find out what you have to do (as the second to last step) to reach that last step. And so on until there is something you can actually make happen. This approach is usually easier than trying to go from the start - at least it works for me.

The following achievements are unlocked by collecting merits, or as I call them scrolls of wisdom. If I am not mistaken you don't have to get any one of them and still finish the game. (But I am not sure, since I got all of them on my first playthrough and I do not plan another one.)

You can get a scroll during a level since majority of the levels has scroll as a second objective. Basically if you reach the end of a level (releasing spirit) do not leave - just wait and additional part of the level shows up. Then simply reach the scroll.

Some levels do not have a scroll. And then, there are extra levels which have only the scroll and do not continue the story whatsoever.

Parts of the game and number of scrolls:
  • Discovery - 2 scrolls
    2 extra levels after finishing all the levels (17 levels) and before going up the stairs
  • Knowledge - 18 scrolls
    Levels 1-4 and 6-17 (just level 5 of this part is without a scroll)
    + 2 extra levels on the top floor
  • Vision - 12 scrolls
    Levels 5-14 (first 4 levels are without a scroll)
    + 2 extra levels in the last well
  • Redemption - 14 scrolls
    Levels 5-16 (first 4 levels are without a scroll)
    + 2 extra levels almost at the end of the game - after finishing all the levels and when the next part of the story is shown to you

As mentioned in the walkthrough guide, if you miss some of the scrolls you can get back to them at the end of the game. So do not worry...

Curious Mind - Earn your first merit of life

Get your first scroll...

Scholar - Earn 10 merits of life

Earn 10 scrolls...

Adept - Earn 20 merits of life

Get 20 scrolls...

Expert - Earn 30 merits of life

Surprisingly, get 30 scrolls...

Master - Earn 40 merits of life

Getting 40 scrolls...

Sage - Earn all merits of life

Finally, getting all the scrolls - 46 in total...

... thanks ;)