Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

394 ratings
New ACHIEVEMENTS Guide for ver 1.1, also in Chinese - Finished (新版本1.1成就攻略:更新完毕)
By Killer and 1 collaborators
After Goat Simulator updated to version 1.1 on June 3rd, add a new map which is called Goat City Bay, and several new achievements. This guide is for the 27 new achievements, and I gave every achievement a level, then you could choose the easier one to unlock before the harder one.
Updating Note - 更新说明
The achievement which called "hidden achievement" has really hidden!!! :-(
May be it will appeared when next update comes out. :D Just have fun now!

- 2014.6.20 -
Number of achievements: 26/27.
成就个数 - 目前:26个;共计:27个。
ADD List - 新增列表:
  1. GoatBuilt 健美山羊 (In Very easy)
  2. Valkyrie 瓦尔基里(女战神) (In Very easy)
- 2014.6.8 -
I have a journey for 7 days, so the guide will not update in the follow 7 days. Thx.
Indie-Man will help me to answer your question in comment. :D
You all may discuss in the comment to find out the solution, too. Have fun in the games.
Your friends, Killer.
- 2014.6.6 -
Number of achievements: 24/27.
成就个数 - 目前:24个;共计:27个。
ADD List - 新增列表:
  1. SteamWorld Goat (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?) (In Very Hard)
  2. The mage's favourite 魔法师最爱 (In Normal)
  3. Neckbeard 络腮胡子 (In Easy)
- 2014.6.5 -
My friend Indie-Man joins. Number of achievements: 21/27.
Indie-Man加入。成就个数 - 目前:21个;共计:27个。
ADD List - 新增列表:
  1. Flip-Kick 空翻踢 (In Easy)
  2. Vegas, baby (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?) (In Easy)
  3. Columbian Sugar Lord 哥伦比亚大毒枭 (In Normal)
  4. Is that a goat? 那是羊? (In Hard)
- 2014.6.4 -
The first edition published. Number of achievements: 17/27.
发布第一版。成就个数 - 目前:17个;共计:27个。。
ACHIEVEMENT List - 成就列表:
  1. Here's Johnny! 强尼在这!
  2. Maximum MLG Big Plays (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?)
  3. Demogoat 山羊敢死队
  4. A story about my goat 山羊传说
  5. Disgusting 令人作呕
  6. Ling Ling into battle go (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?)
  7. Goats 'n' Stuff 山羊这玩意
  8. Powerhoof SMASH 百万吨蹄击
  9. One Ball 欢乐时光(海苔?)
  10. The Savage 山羊狂暴者
  11. Don't Panic 别慌!
  12. Builder Goat 山羊建筑师
  13. Stand by for Goatfall 信仰之跃就绪
  14. Tony Goat 山羊托尼
  15. A Story about my elevator 专属电梯
  16. Hat Simulator 帽子模拟器
  17. I freaking love goats 为羊癫狂
About Levels - 难度划分介绍
In the guide are 5 levels, they are very easy, easy, normal, hard and very hard. It is best to finish them from easy to hard, and it may help you finish it more quickly. (This guide is just my own solutions, you may have a better one.)
Very Easy - 极简单
Here's Johnny! 强尼在这!
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Wield an axe with your tongue. 用舌头尽情的挥舞斧子吧!

Solution: Find this house in GOAT VILLE, use the tongue to lick down the axe, then wave the axe by tongue. (You could also find an axe in GOAT CITY BAY, so you may finish this achievement in new map.)
方法:在GOAT VILLE中图示屋子处,用舌头把墙上的斧子舔下来并挥舞。(其实任意一把斧子都可以,所以在GOAT CITY BAY也可以完成。

Maximum MLG Big Plays (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?)
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Knock a bucket into a person. 把一个水桶撞到人身上。

Solution: Find a bucket, and lick it, then throw it to a person.

Demogoat 山羊敢死队
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Have 10 gas cannisters explode at the same time. 一次性让10个气罐同时爆炸。

Solution: Knock the gas cannisters in GOAT CITY BAY where the picture shows. (You could also finish this achievement on the top of a building, try it?)
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY图示处,撞击气罐即可。(某个屋顶也可以完成,有兴趣可以自己找找。

A story about my goat 山羊传说
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
I'm sorry about my goat. 对于我的山羊,我真的很抱歉。

Solution: Take the blue crystal in GOAT CITY BAY where the picture shows. (Attention: Don't lick it!)
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY图示商铺,捡起(注意:直接走过去就可以,不能用舌头舔!)蓝色水晶样物块。

Disgusting 令人作呕
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Why did you step in that? Yuck. 为啥要踩上去?(呕吐…

Solution: Get into the inlet of sewer in GOAT CITY BAY, where the picture shows.
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY小河的入海口有一个下水道口,走进去即可。

Ling Ling into battle go (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?)
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Fight the turtles. 打倒四只忍者神龟。

Solution: Also in the sewer, find 4 turtles and fight them.
方法:上一个成就的GOAT CITY BAY下水道口里面,走到中部左转是忍者神龟的住所,进去打倒四只忍者神龟即可。

Goats 'n' Stuff 山羊这玩意
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Hold your own concert. 举办属于自己的个人音乐会。

Solution: Go to the top of skyscraper (PUT-IN HOTEL), then touch the actor on the stage.
方法:到达GOAT CITY BAY摩天大楼的顶层,与舞台上面的演员接触即可。

GoatBuilt 健美山羊
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Get on top of the Parkour obstacle course. 到达树林中越野障碍训练场的顶部。

Solution: The easiest way is take the blue crystal (which could unlock the achievement - A story about my goat) first, then go to the obstacle course in the woods which located in GOAT CITY BAY. Aim at the top of the obstacle course and Press R to lick to the top by your blue tongue. Then Press Space to get on the top, then you will get this achievement.

Valkyrie 瓦尔基里(女战神)
Level: Very easy - 难度:极简单
Go on the catapult with a rider on your back. 驮着个人一起去玩投石(羊)机吧!

Solution: Go to the amusment park in GOAT CITY BAY, then find where you could ride the cow, then touch the cow, a woman or a men will run to you and ride on your back. Then carry this guy to the catapult where I told you the location of first trophy. Get on the catapult, when the catapult throw you away, the achievement is also unlocked.
Easy - 简单
Powerhoof SMASH 百万吨蹄击
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Kick a person into a car. 用后腿把一个人踢到车里面。

Solution: Kick a person to a parked car by the back legs, and make sure the car explodes.

One Ball 欢乐时光(海苔?)
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Ride a bike for 60 sec. 骑着自行车60秒以上不摔倒。

Solution: Find a bike, and use R to ride it, make sure not fall off it in 60s, then press R to get off it.

The Savage 山羊狂暴者
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Paint with all the colors of the wind. 用风暴把一切变得一团糟吧!

Solution: Get on the top of wind-driven generator (The middle one) in GOAT CITY BAY, use the tongue to lick the windstatue, then put it to the altar in GOAT CITY BAY, then press R to use your new ability.
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY的风力发电机顶(中间那一台)用舌头舔住暴风雕塑,然后放到GOAT CITY BAY的祭坛处,按R键使用技能即可。

Don't Panic 别慌!
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Srsly. 妈妈快看,天上下鲸鱼啦!

Solution: Go to the sea-facing terrace on the skyscraper (PUT-IN HOTEL) in GOAT CITY BAY, then lick a towel which has a number, 42, on it. Bring it to the place where UFO crashed, then press R to use the new ability.
Info from @sharpturn
The "42" on the towel is a reference to "The Hiker's guide to the Galaxy". According to the book, the answer to "life, the universe, and everything" is 42.

方法:在GOAT CITY BAY中的摩天大楼中层平台处游泳池边用舌头舔住毛巾(有一个标记:42),然后放到GOAT CITY BAY飞碟坠落的地方,按R键使用技能即可。

Builder Goat 山羊建筑师
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Find all the blocks. 找到所有的MINECRAFT方块。

Solution: Find out 3 MINECRAFT blocks in GOAT CITY BAY where the picture shows. (Shape of 3 blocks, like the forth picture.)
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY中图示地点收集完三个MINECRAFT方块即可。(三个方块的样子,如第四幅图示。

About the grass block: Follow the route to find it out.

About the stone block: Follow the route to find it out.

Flip-Kick 空翻踢
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Kick something in the air while doing a backflip. 在做后空翻的同时做出后腿踢的动作。

Solution: Just need to do a backflip (Jump then press S and MouseRight) and when you on the air do a kick (Press S and Mouse Left), then land successfully on ground. No need to kick anything could get the achievement. (Attention: You have to perform a succsesfully backflip.)

Vegas, baby (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?)
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Hit The jackpot. 赢得头奖!(这个简直就是欺骗感情…看完你就懂了…

Solution: Go into this house (The house with the Garage) in GOAT CITY BAY. Go to the main bedroom of the house in the second floor. In there, it is a Pot named "JACK" on the dresser. Kick it , lick it , or touch it. (Notice: All of the options give you the achievement!)
The achievement was named like that for the player to think they should achieve the jackpot in the slotmachine game in the cafe of the PUT-IN HOTEL, which is impossible to achieve, the real one is Hit the Jack-pot, "The Pot Named Jack".
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY的这个带车库的屋子的二楼,进入图示的主人房,在梳妆台上面有一个花盆写着JACK这个名字。踢它,舔它或者摸它都可以让你获得成就。

Neckbeard 络腮胡子
Level: Easy - 难度:简单
Smell and look like one. 闻起来跟看起来都像某个人…

This man has neckbeard. And he is the creator of MineCraft - Markus Alexej Persson (Nickname: Notch)!!! :D


Solution: Well, in this one you have to make the goat smell and look like a neckbeard. Firstly, start a CUSTOM GAME (Attention: Important!!!) and have the REPULSIVE GOAT (Press R to be disgusting!). Then bring a piece of money (Notice: In "Hat Simulator", I tell you where they are.) to the hat store in GOAT CITY BAY to buy the Fedora (aka Mafia Hat), then press R to make the goat smell disgusting and you will get this achievement.
Not so hard, huh?

方法:当然要把山羊弄成络腮胡子怪蜀黍的样子啦!首先,启动定制模式(注意:必要步骤!!!)并选择使人反感的山羊(按R键可以发出难闻气味的那只)。然后,在GOAT CITY BAY里面带上钱(提示:在“帽子模拟器”成就里面,我告诉过你们钱在哪里能够找得到的。)到帽子商店去,买上一顶卷檐软呢帽(就是类似黑手党那种帽子)。然后按R键释放你全身难闻的味道,你就可以获得这个成就了。
Normal - 普通
Stand by for Goatfall 信仰之跃就绪
Level: Normal - 难度:普通
Finish all wallrun quest. 完成全部“飞檐走壁”挑战。

Solution: Finish all wallrun quests. (Run on the wall over 10s)

Tony Goat 山羊托尼
Level: Normal - 难度:普通
Finish all manual quests. 完成全部“倒立行走”挑战。

Solution: Finish all manual quests. (Walk with front legs over 3000 points, use slow mode to finish it easily.)

A Story about my elevator 专属电梯
Level: Normal - 难度:普通
Get up on the skyscraper without using the elevator. 不坐电梯到达摩天大楼顶层。

Solution: Swim to the whale (goat?) which in the middle of the bay, then walk to the head of it. It will breathe out and blow you away, then use slow mode and doll mode to drive you to the top of the skyscraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (Not just this way to finish this achievement, you could try other ways.)
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY中游泳到海中央的鲸鱼上面,走到它的头部,被呼出的气流吹飞,使用慢动作模式和布娃娃模式控制自己到达摩天大楼顶层。(不只是这种方法,其他的大家可以自己尝试。

Hat Simulator 帽子模拟器
Level: Normal - 难度:普通
Buy all hats. 把帽子商店里面的帽子都买光!

Solution: Lick the money where the picture shows in GOAT CITY BAY, and bring it to the hat shop and pay for the hat (Throw the cash into the table, if the cash successfully paid, you will hear the sound of cash register), then select a hat which behind the showcase. Buy all 6 hats to get this achievement.
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY中图示地点舔住钱,带到帽子商店收银台付款(把钱扔进收银台,成功付款后可以听到收银机的声音哦!),然后选择帽子。买完所有帽子(共计六顶)以后即可。

In the snacks shop next to the hat shop

A Restaurant (Here are 4 pieces of money!!!)
In the first floor and second floor of skyscraper (PUT-IN HOTEL)
The vendor next to the skyscraper (PUT-IN HOTEL) and the sea-facing cafe
Find out more money by yourself? Just 6 pieces is enough. XD
还想找更多的钱吗?但是6份就够了诶… XD

Columbian Sugar Lord 哥伦比亚大毒枭
Level: Normal - 难度:普通
Ride the boat while on a sugar rush. 趁着你还有快感的时候,赶快踏上旅途吧!

Solution: For this one you have to lick the sugar on the table of the pool having house, which show in the picture, first. After that you go on a sugar rush, go to the "boat" (Near the skycraper, I mean PUT-IN HOTEL) which takes you to "The Island" as fast as you can. The timing is a little hard but it isn't so much difficult. (Notice: Use slow mode could be easier.) And there you have it.
( The joke has been censored for "Drug use" )
方法:在GOAT CITY BAY中那个有游泳池的屋子客厅桌子上放着白色粉末状物体,舔上一口,马上跑到摩天大楼下面的那艘快艇上面去。时间有点紧,抓紧咯!(提示:合理使用慢动作模式可以更轻松哦。)快艇启动了即可,就是可以不坐上去。XD(这是为了躲避吸毒稽查队么?)

The mage's favourite 魔法师最爱
Level: Normal - 难度:普通
Burn people from afar. 在远处点燃人类。(FFF团最爱!)

Solution: You have to headbutt someone into a Grill (BBQ), or a headbutt a grill into someone and set fire to Him/Her. Even you could lick the grill to burn people until you finally got the achievement. (Notice: A grill can be easily found in the beach next to the amusment park or the house which is sea-facing.)
Hard - 困难
Is that a goat? 那是羊?
Level: Hard - 难度:困难
Lick the rollercoaster with 6 batteries attached. 舔一下加载了6块电池的过山车。

Solution: Find out 6 batteries and install them to electric relay (next to the elevator), then get up to the terrace and lick the roller coaster.

Batteries location - 电池位置:
1# On the left corner of the building which opposite to the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (Surrounded by garbage, hard to find out)
1# 摩天大楼对面顶楼左角(被垃圾包围,极难发现)
2# In the cafe of the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL).
2# 摩天大楼面海的休闲室吧台里
3# On the boardwalk near the roller coaster.
3# 游乐场过山车电梯旁木板路上
4# The top of the building which write an ad of MIRAM CORE.
4# 写着MIRAM CORE广告牌的楼顶
5# On the top of the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL), and behind the stage.
5# 摩天大楼顶楼舞台后面
6# In the red container near the place which scraps collector (?) live.
6# 拾荒者(?)聚集地的红色集装箱里面
All batteries collected.
Unlocked achievement.
Very Hard - 极困难
I freaking love goats 为羊癫狂
Level: Very hard - 难度:极困难
Find all collectibles on level 2. 在第二幅地图里面找到所有的山羊雕塑。

Solutions: See Note One & Two.

SteamWorld Goat (这个成就应该怎么翻译呢?)
Level: Hard - 难度:极困难
Get to a depth of 200 in SteamWorld Goat. 在迷你游戏SteamWorld Goat中到达200层以下。

Solution: Go to the house which is showed in the picture in GOAT CITY BAY, then enter the living room (Hit any window), then walk close to the TV, then start the minigame. Get to a depth of 200 in the minigame to get the achievement.

How to play the game:
Use the direction key (↑↓←→, not WSAD) to control the minigame.
The depth is showed on the top left corner. You may pick some gold which will be showed on the top right corner, and if you pick the hourglass, the time in the timer, which is showed on the top, will be increased.
When the timer goes to 0, the shop option will appear. You could press R button to pay the gold for strengthen the abilities (Include pick up speed, pick up power, goat speed, remaining time and fee for the next round which will keep your gold) in the minigame. If your gold cannot pay the fee for the next round, the game is over.
Notice: When the game is over, the abilities which was strengthened won't be reset, so don't pay the gold for next round, but strengthen your abilities.

Here is a simple way, make a glitch in the minigame. Get the disguting goat from the sewer and the uncle goat from the blue crystal, then press R to activate the power when you play the minigame, until the game gets a glitch. Now you can go through all blocks in the minigame.
Attention: Make sure the camera very near to the goat and make the fps (frames per second) of the game so low to preform the glitch, maybe high up the graphics is a good idea to slow down the fps.

Notice from @{SuN} Scapegoat4 ~♪
For anyone who cannot do the "SteamWorld" glitch, because thier computer is really good and doesn't lag (like mine, since I can run it on any settings and it never lags). Try using GOAT QUEEN and TORNADO GOAT, along with ROCKET SKATE GOAT. Press R for a little bit and eventually your game will lag like crazy due to all the goats that goat queen spawned (and all the physics they are commanding). Since Goat Simulator is buggy, there is no way in hell your computer won't lag with that... In fact it'll lag so hard, you may not even be able to save your game. XD

方法:在GOAT CITY BAY的这个房子里面,从图示箭头(哪个落地窗都好)进入这个屋子的大厅,靠近电视机,开始游戏。到达200层以下即可。

Note One: I freaking love goats 1# - 20# (附录一:为羊癫狂 1# - 20#)
1# In the sling near the dam. (2P)
1# 水坝旁边的投石器里面(两图)
2# Goat cemetery (3P, follow the route)
2# 山羊墓园(三图,沿路线走)
3# In the living room of a house which has a swimming pool. (3P, follow the route)
3# 游泳池旁边屋子的客厅里(三图,沿路线走)
4# The sea-facing room of the house. (3P, follow the route)
4# 游泳池对面屋子的面海房间(三图,沿路线走)
5# Left room on the second floor of a house which has a garage. (3P, follow the route)
5# 带车库的屋子二楼左边房间(三图,沿路线走)
6# Sea-facing three-floor house's balcony on second floor. (2P, follow the route)
6# 海边三层别墅的二层侧边阳台(两图,沿路线走)
7# In the showcase of a show opposite the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (3P, follow the route)
7# 摩天大楼对面商店的橱窗处(一图)
8# Left corner of the hall on the first floor of the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (3P, follow the route)
8# 摩天大楼大堂左边角落桌子上(三图,沿路线走)
9# Sea-facing cafe of the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (3P, follow the route)
9# 摩天大楼面海休闲室里面(三图,沿路线走)
10# In the sewer where turtles live in. (3P, follow the route)
10# 下水道里面忍者神龟的住所(三图,沿路线走)
11# On the boardwalk of the river bank. (2P)
11# 小河边的木板路上(两图)
12# The end of right side road of the river bank. (1P)
12# 小河右边步行街尽头(一图)
13# On the garbage can in the gallery. (2P)
13# 画廊里面的垃圾桶展品上面(两图)
14# On the top of amusement park's entry ticket station. (2P)
14# 游乐场入口售票处顶部(两图)
15# On the seaside rock under the roller coaster. (1P, Attention: BUG, this one counts twice.)
15# 过山车下方海边的岩石上(一图,注意:游戏BUG,这一个雕塑相当于两个。
16# The place where could take the roller coaster. (2P, follow the route)
16# 过山车顶部的搭乘平台(两图,沿路线走)
17# The path near the tunnel to Atory City. (1P)
17# 到Atory City的隧道旁边小路上(一图)
18# In the fence near the tunnel to Atory City. (2P)
18# 到Atory City的隧道旁边围栏里(两图)
19# On the yacht beside the amusement park. (1P)
19# 游乐场码头旁边的快艇上(一图)
20# The top of the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (2P)
20# 摩天大楼楼顶(两图)
Note Two: I freaking love goats 21# - 30# (附录二:为羊癫狂 21# - 30#)
21# Sea-facing terrace of the skycraper. (1P)
21# 摩天大楼面海露台边缘(一图,提示:下楼比上楼容易。
22# Where the scraps collectors (?) stay. (2P)
22# 拾荒者(?)集会处(两图)
23# The top of the building opposite the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (2P)
23# 摩天大楼对面楼顶铁架上(两图)
24# The balcony of the building opposite the skycraper (PUT-IN HOTEL). (3P, follow the route)
24# 摩天大楼对面楼顶阳台(三图,沿路线走)
25# On the middle of the ad board which on the top of the buiding. (1P)
25# 摩天大楼对面楼顶两楼之间的广告牌中间(一图)
26# On the top of the tank where the building has ad MIRAM CORE on it. (3P, follow the route)
26# 写着MIRAM CORE广告牌的楼顶水箱顶(三图,沿路线走)
27# The top of the buiding which beside the building has ad MIRAM CORE. (2P)
27# 写着MIRAM CORE广告牌旁边的楼顶(两图)
28# On the top of obstacle course. (4P, use builder goat ability is much easier.)
28# 丛林障碍越野的顶部平台(四图,提示:使用山羊建筑师技能更简单。
29# The top of rotary car machine. (2P, use builder goat ability is much easier.)
29# 游乐场旋转飞车顶部(两图,提示:使用山羊建筑师技能更简单。
30# The island on the bay. (4P, the yacht is on the right of cafe, make sure you won't fall off, only if you know the way to the island.)
30# 海湾中的小岛上(四图,提示:快艇在休闲室右边,不要从快艇上掉下来,除非你知道路线。
At Last - 写在最后
Goat Simulator just updated, but the guide need to write more and spend more time. If you have any good idea to achieve new goals, please tell me in the comment. I will reply you patiently, thanks. XD (PS. Your comment can make this guide much better, thanks!

manoogins13 24 Jun, 2022 @ 12:26pm 
Theres 4 new maps: MMO, GoatZ, Waste of Space, and Payday
Caulfield 12 Jan, 2022 @ 4:32am 
a Bioship 13 Jun, 2021 @ 10:51am 
What planet is this being transmitted from, and does this planet
by any chance include Astrofleet colonies?
香蕉道有女鬼,等级三 10 Jun, 2021 @ 4:03am 
s1csty9 6 Oct, 2020 @ 4:00am 
involuntary QA这里没有,这个成就我有但是是不小心获得的。
I'm bilingual (LOOK IT UP)
Killer  [author] 4 Feb, 2018 @ 3:53am 
谢谢 @??? 的建议 但是这个方式是不是有点慢... 用 MOD 的话天使羊和反重力羊应该也可以做到吧 :pleased:
??? 4 Feb, 2018 @ 12:09am 
Killer  [author] 7 Jul, 2017 @ 3:24am 
谢谢 @CS-Archer 的建议 这个成就要求一点就是最后平稳站立 而要站立平稳当然是要跳起来咯 :pleased:
CS-Archer 7 Jul, 2017 @ 3:19am 
“Tony Goat 山羊托尼”成就 关于“倒立行走”技巧再补充一点,要以跳跃的收尾方式即可算入挑战记录
德基姆 20 Dec, 2016 @ 3:05am 