Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

431 ratings
Halo Infinite: Collectibles
By Psychedelic Adventurer
A clean and simple guide to help you find all missable items in Halo Infinite's sandbox. *WARNING: NO LEVEL SELECT*

The big one. The one you've all be waiting for. When I saw Infinite's veritable checklist of things to find and unlock, I inwardly sighed; knowing I was going to have to do this on my first run. But thankfully, it really wasn't that bad.

If you're looking for the full Achievement Guide, click here:
This guide will break down what you're look for, where they can be found, and in what order you should be getting them in. This is especially important when you realise, you only have one chance to get them. But more on that later.

The full list of things you should be looking out for is as follows:
  1. Banished Outposts/FOB's
  2. Propaganda Towers
  3. Assassination Targets
  4. UNSC Squads
  5. Spartan Cores
  6. Mjolnir Lockers
  7. Forerunner Artefacts

The Index will follow a strict rule:
The main region holds the combined total of all missions and Open-world collectibles within it.
The hyphenated missions in the Index represent the missions themselves, as well as the Open world elements, if they are included within the region (For example, Region 1 does not have any).

Note: I was hoping to publish this guide in one lump, but the sheer amount of collectibles within Infinite, combined with it actually being very very easy to miss a lot of stuff if you're not aware going in, means I think it's pretty much a public service to introduce this guide as quickly as possible. I will endevour to get this guide this complete complete as quickly as possible, without ruining my own enjoyment of the campaign.

Edit: As of 25/12/21, this guide is feature complete. However, I will be refining it further for maximum readability.
At this present time, there is NO WAY to revisit prior areas in the campaign. So, you need to make sure you're getting them all before heading off. You can have multiple saves, but your progress will be bound to your account. So only those which you haven't found yet will show up.

If you think you're going to miss a collectible on a mission, it is better to restart than have to play the game again. 343 have confirmed they will be looking into this, so expect some kind of mission format later on.
Warship Gbraakon
UNSC Audio Log #1 - The Plan This Audio Log should automatically appear in your database as you progress through the level.
Audio Log #2 - Infinity Down Progress through the level until you've gotten to the first elevator, this should be after the grappleshot tutorial. At the top of the elevator, you'll be in a room with a left turn. Where the right-angle turn is you'll see a collection of boxes and weapons on the ground, among them is an Audio Log.

Skull #1 - Boom After you have engaged the brutes through the first section of the level, you'll arrive at a large lift. Go straight up it. Progress a little further and you'll grab some spike grenades. You'll arrive in a large two tiered room. You'll see a large number conveyor belts to your right. Jump onto the middle container as it's rising up; careful not to get crushed by the laser grid. Once the container stops you should be able to see the Skull right ahead of you.

Banished Audio Logs #1 - Loss As you continue on, you'll get pull out of Chief's POV, and enter a cutscene with Esherum. After that, stay near the top floor, take a right-hand turn you'll see this Audio Log on the ground Make sure you grab the log before blowing up the reactors and activating the switch, otherwise you'll have to restart the mission.
UNSC Audio Log #1 - The Question This Audio Log will automatically unlock through a cutscene. Unmissable.

Skull #2 - Cowbell As you progress through the level, you'll pick up your trusty AI companion, then move along up an elevator. You'll eventually come out at an intersection with a see-through window. Go left down that corridor where you'll be attacked by some Jackles and grunts. Straight above is a narrow outcropping. Use you zip line to clamber up to the very highest point. The Skull will be waiting at the top.

Banished Audio Logs #1 - Cylix Collect the weapon and cross the room with the large raising bridge. This isn't any of the hard light bridges that you encounter, but a physical bridge that will raise chunk by chunk from the ground. Right at the end of this room, but before you move to the next area, this Audio Log will be to the left of the door.

UNSC Audio Log #2 - Not My Fault In the final area of the level, a large red room, you'll be tasked with getting a power seed from a side room filled with Cylix. Once you've reached the end of the hallway you'll find out that an additional power seed is required to activate it. You'll be asked by the Weapon to go into a side room to get another Power Seed for the gravity lift. In this room, just to the left of the objective, the audio log will be on the ground.
- Outpost Tremonius
Spartan Core #1 You'll encounter the first Spartan Core when you first reach the top of the elevator. Almost unmissable.

Banished Audio Log # 1 - In Your Honor Outpost Inter - In Your Honor - As you approach the Outpost from the south on the cliff below it you'll see a collection of crates and weapons. Among all this trash you'll find the Audio Log.

Armor Locker #1 Just north of the Outpost Tremonius marker, you'll find this Armor Locker. It's next to where the dirt meets the metal of the platform where the pelican lands.

Spartan Core #2 After leaving the building with the elevator circle clockwise around the building. You'll see wreckage directly behind with a Spartan Core.

Spartan Core #3 From where the Pelican lands look South-West and you'll see a small shack next to a building. The Spartan Core can be found here.
Lockdown [Region 1]
The first 'open world' Region in Infinite. There are no classic Halo style 'missions' in this region. Just forts to capture.

UNSC Audio Log #1 After you approach and clear out FOB Golf, head to the capture point to activate and secure the location, then turn left. You’ll see the audio log, sitting up against a pile of sandbags near the edge of the platform.

UNSC Audio Log #2 Right next to FOB - Golf, on the side of a forerunner hex cliff.

UNSC Audio Log #3 Right next to FOB - Foxtrot, turn right and you’ll see it leaning up against a UNSC shipping container.

UNSC Audio Log #4 Northwest of FOB Foxtrot. Jump off the ledge into the small crevasse. You’ll find the audio log lying on the ground near a fallen soldier with a Battle Rifle.

UNSC Audio Log #5 Northwest of FOB-Foxtrot. From the armoury, head west to the cliffs to find this audio log, lying on the ground near a fallen soldier and a crate of grenades.

UNSC Audio Log #6 When you're rescuing Starlight squad. The audio log is lying on the ground, under a ramp leading up to a machine gun emplacement.

UNSC Audio Log #7 On the cliffs on the southern edge of the first island. From the Mjolnir box on the southeast side, turn further Southeast and up the mountain cliff edge. You'll find a UNSC box and a rocket launcher, along with the Audio Log.

UNSC Audio Log #8 In the southern part of the island, on the mountain. You’ll find this audio log in a small area off the main path.

UNSC Audio Log #9 Directly South, half way up the mountain, you'll find a small, abandoned camp with a campfire and a sniper rifle. The audio log is near the cliff face, lying on a sleeping bag.

Propaganda Tower #1 Just east of Fob Foxtrott.

Propaganda Tower #2 Just east of Cayman Squad, on a slight cliff edge. Lightly defended.

Propaganda Tower #3 Just east of Cayman Squad's marker.

Propaganda Tower #4 In the mountains situated South East above the Assassination target. This one is hard to find if you didn't already knot it was there.

Propaganda Tower #5 This one is very easily missable. Right on the south edge of the playable map, due East of Starlight squad's position. It's nestled on a small floating island.

Artefact #1 Just on the hill above Ransom Keep, due South. You'll be able to spot the Artefact by the massive circle like structures sticking out of the ground.

Artefact #2 On the eastern side of Region 1, on the largest mountain, travel up to the top, and you'll see a small Banished patrol. Right next to them is the Forerunner artefact.

- [P2] Skulls, Cores, Mjolnir Lockers
Skull #1 - Blind Right on the South side of Region 1, in the mountains. This one is quite tricky. On the slope of the mountain, look for the crevice where the peaks split into two and walk along the hexagonal shapes to get inside the two peaks. Slowly make your way across the gap until you can grapple to the right side mountain, onto a small outcropping a few metres down from where you jumped. The Skull will be hiding in the a crack.

Spartan Core #1

Spartan Core #2

Spartan Core #3

Spartan Core #4

Spartan Core #5

Mjolnir locker #1

Mjolnir locker #2

Mjolnir locker #3

Mjolnir locker #4
- Ransom Keep
Banished Audio Log #1 - The Dream of Atriox - Southeast corner of the Silo yard right next to a barricade. Really easy to find if you're spamming the explore key.

Banished Audio Log #2 - Unnatural Defenses After destroying the four Silos and the new enemies that show up a building to the north is now open as part of the next objective. After stepping into the building take a left and it will be on the floor

Spartan Core #1 This one is quite confusing as it's actually out of the Keep itself. Head south, off the bridge. The Core is under a little shelter.

UNSC Audio Log #1 - Making Ends Meet Really close to where the Spartan Core is, you'll hear a beeping. Scale the cliff just above where the small tunnel is, to find this audio log.

UNSC Audio Log #2 - To Andrew Valleros Really close to Audio Log #1, just down inside the valley, you'll find an Elite in a Ghost. Keep heading south and you'll find this at the end of the tunnel.
- The Tower
Mjolnir locker #1 Head underneath the metal platform to the South-West of the tower. There will be a small rocky path you can take to find this Mjolnir Locket.

Banished Audio Logs #1 - Harbinger Inside the tower complex. Take a right when the area opens up and you'll see a small trailer to the right with two exploding boxes and the Audio log.

Spartan Core #1 inside the Tower complex, right next to some soldier which are chained up - just inside a house.

Skull #1 - IWHBYD Climb to the top of the tower with the grapple. This is relatively difficult if you don't have the upgrade #3 for the grapple, so either find some Spartan core first, or just wing it. The climb isn't too difficult once you've got used to the swinging.

Spartan Core #2 Travel into the tower and head up to the third floor, this is where you would have had the boss fight with the invisible Elite. You should find the Spartan Core here.

UNSC Audio log #1 - What Was Inside On the second floor of the interior of the tower, behind one of the pillars is this audio log. Very difficult to miss.
Connections [Region 2]
UNSC Audio Log #1 - Duty Clearance To the left of the vehicle spawn point at FOB - Echo.

UNSC Audio Log #2 A little bit off the beaten try, south of Pyramid Squad. A dead Marine will be next to log.

UNSC Audio Log #3 Just past FOB echo, keep moving due north. The Log is just on an outcropping on the cliff.

UNSC Audio Log #4 Just down the slope, 100metres from Echo; next to a dead Marine.

UNSC Audio Log #5 Inside a little swamp/lake, jump up to the forerunner bracketing and you'll find a little encampment with the log there. Beautiful view as well!

UNSC Audio Log #6 Direct right of the button to fortify FOB Charlie.

UNSC Audio Log #7 Right next to the gigantic forerunner structure, Spire, next to a downed Warthog. A power core is also right next to the log itself.

UNSC Audio Log #8 Just as you capture Fob-Delta. Really difficult to miss.

UNSC Audio Log #9 Just to the left of the massive forerunner structure (on the map, you wont be able to see it from the ground. The log is on a small crate next to some UNSC gear.

UNSC Audio Log #10 Up on a hill, above a propaganda tower, in a little encampment. You'll be able to grab this one if you look behind a big rock.

UNSC Audio Log #11 Just west of Thunder Squad’s LZ, there is a crashed Pelican. You’ll find this audio log in the back end. There is a sizeable contingent of Banished here, so pack heavy.

UNSC Audio Log #12 Right inside the zone of Squad Foxhound next to some crates, barrels, and a crashed Pelican. Nothing else to this one.

UNSC Audio Log #13 Inside Fob-Bravo on the floor. Easy one.

UNSC Audio Log #14 Inside Fob-Alpha, resting on a container. Can't miss it.

UNSC Audio Log #15 Quite far out from anything, on a mountain South East of Bengal Squad. This one is very easy to miss if you're not careful. The log is in a small camp on the side of the mountain.

UNSC Audio Log #16 Quite far out from anything, on a mountain South East of Bengal Squad. This one is very easy to miss if you're not careful. The log is in a small camp on the side of the mountain.
- [P2] Mjolnir Armour Lockers
Mjolnir Armoury #1 Due South of FOB Echo, jump up a hill overlooking the bridge.

Mjolnir Armoury #2 On an intersection of road due north of the assassination target, you'll find a bridge. Under it is the Mjolnir collectible.

Mjolnir Armoury #3 Again, just north of Spartan Audio log, head down a little more to a waterfall. The Mjolnir locker is in the river underneath.

Mjolnir Armoury #4 Just North East of the battle site of Courier Squad, the Locker is on the side of a mountain.

Mjolnir Armoury #5 Straight South from Lancer Squad's position, the locker is situated next to a small human camp.

Mjolnir Armoury #6 Directly north of FOB Alpha. You will see the Armor Locker past some rocky cliffs in the pool

Mjolnir Armoury #7 Scale the mountain to east of the Banished tower, and you'll find this in a clearing on a rock.

Mjolnir Armoury #8 Literally 50m up from FOB-Alpha, just go North and you'll see a cave entrance [Marked on map]. There will be Banished hiding in there, and the Locker is yours.

Mjolnir Armoury #9 Close to the Spire, and the other Spartan Core (next to the AudioLog), you'll find a cave entrance. The Spartan Core is at the end of the passage.

Mjolnir Armoury #10 Go directly East of FOB Bravo and climb on the mountain ridge at the edge of the area. Then, drop down and you will see a small UNSC camp.

Mjolnir Armoury #11 On a mountain cliff edge close to FOB-Delta.

Mjolnir Armoury #12 North of FOB Delta. You'll find this one at the very peak of the mountain next to Delta.

Mjolnir Armoury #13 South of the Excavation Site, in a small forest clearing.

Mjolnir Armoury #14 Just North of FOB-Delta, at the bottom of a mountain outcropping, with some Banished resistance next to it.
- [P3] Propaganda Towers
Propaganda Tower #1 On the highest point of the mountain due South of Indiana Squad.

Propaganda Tower #2 Just North of outpost Tremonius.

Propaganda Tower #3 East of the Artefact in the little pool, this tower is stationed on the hill looking over the water.

Propaganda Tower #4 Straight North of Paladin Squad, up a really high mountain.

Propaganda Tower #5 Head south of Cobra Squad, on the far north side of the second island, and you'll find this Propaganda Tower.

Propaganda Tower #6 in the mountains east of the Armory of Reckoning.

Propaganda Tower #7 East of Bengal Squad, next to a small Banished outpost.

Propaganda Tower #8 Just South-East of FOB-Alpha, on the edge of the mountain.

Propaganda Tower #9 Just South-west of FOB-Bravo, near a small Banished encampment.

Propaganda Tower #10. Just South of FOB-Bravo, carry on down the road into a fork in the road. The Tower is on a small cliff above.

Propaganda Tower #11. In the hills just East of Thunder Squad.

Propaganda Tower #12. East of FOB Charlie, you can't miss this one.

Propaganda Tower #13. Just west of the Excavation site, over the mountain on the other side. You can't miss this one if you just head West over the mountain.

Propaganda Tower #14. Straight East of Titan Squad, on a small hill.

Propaganda Tower #15. Overlook a banished tower thingy, just go north from FOB-Echo.

Propaganda Tower #16. South west corner of Region 2. On a section of Forerunner foundation plating. Easy one.

Propaganda Tower #17. Just North-East of Sundering, roll up the hill and you'll be in sight of this tower.

Propaganda Tower #18. South of FOB-Delta, underneath a stone outcropping, with some Banished just milling around.
- [P4] Spartan Cores
Spartan Core #1 Just North of the Assassination Mission IK'Novus, there is a classic Forerunner structure very reminiscent of Halo CE.

Spartan Core #2 Just due North of 'Redoubt of Sundering', on a hill. The Core can be found on a rescue pod crash side.

Spartan Core #3 In the centre of the Spire, next to the Audio Log.

Spartan Core #4 This one is quite hard to find, regardless if you've had the icon pop. Go to the hexagonal cliff edge, look down, and you'll hopefully see some more 1x1 hexagonal squares. Make your way down, land on the tiles, and you should be able to scan your way to finding the entrance to the little cave with the Spartan Core.

Spartan Core #5 Inside a Banished camp. You'll have to clear out the camp, jump into the hole with lots of Banished automated turrets. Sooner or later you'll see a grav lift going up into the building with the Core in.

Spartan Core #6 The core is on the west side of the map, on the side of a hill. Surrounded by Banished forces.

Spartan Core #7 Right at the Northern peninsula of the map. The Core is inside a small Forerunner bunker which is located in a small cave [Map marker indicates the cave entrance].

Spartan Core #8 Probably one of the most confusing secrets in the entire game. You'll first find this secret just North of Jester Squad, and can be identified by the monolithic Forerunner structure, under which is the Core itself. To get down there you need to jump down to the bottom of the mountain and find the red door. Then move down the path to the right until you reach a small Banished outpost. On the left is a door leading down a corridor [See the map pic for where the door is]. You'll find considerable size of Banished troops here. Clear them out, and you'll find one more Elite Brute next to the Core. Kill him, and the Core is yours.
- [P5] Skulls, Artefacts, Targets
Skull #1 Just to the west of FOB Alpha. Walk along the cliffside, until you see a little outcropping which you can walk through.
Once you see the doll on the ground you know you're on the right track.

Swing to the pillars until you get to the opening of the platform at the top. There you'll see one final jump and an opening. The Skull is inside there.

Skull #2 on the far Northern island, which you can get to via grapple, or Wasp. The Skull is defended by a large contingent of Banished, as well as two Hunters. These things will blow you away in seconds, so It's highly advised to jump from the cliff, grab the Skull, and make a run for it.

Assassination Mission: Thav 'Sabarim This target is in a ghost and surrounded by Grunts. The easiest thing to do is just jump on the top side of the hill and snipe him out.

Artefact #1 Just east of Harpoon Squad, up on the side of a hill. The Forerunner architecture will be easy to spot from a distance.

Artefact #2 On the North side of the map, in the middle of the small bed of water. Pretty easy to find, even if you're not paying attention.

Assassination Mission: Ik' Novus Really easy target. IK'Novus fires the scrap launcher which is super innacurate, so just camp up on a hill, kill the sniper Jackals, and pump him full of lead.

Assassination Mission: Inka 'Saham On the far Northern Island, you'll have to fight a large Banished force and the leader himself, who has a pumped up Pulse Rifle. This thing will shred your shields quickly, so a vehicle is strongly advised.
- Sundering of Redoubt
UNSC Audio Log #1 Right outside the Sundering of Redoubt fort, the log is on a cliff right next to the Northern wall.

UNSC Audio Log #2 Just outside the fort itself is a small cave at the southern most point. Kill the enemies inside, and the log will be at the back of a cave under a red light.

Banished Audio Log #1 Inside the Redoubt fort, you'll see a large building with some ammo refill stations. The Log is just inside next to it.

Banished Audio Log #2 Inside one of the buildings inside the fortress. You must free the Marines before you may enter. Once you have done this, you can grab the Log. Be very careful upon entering, as a Brute Chiefton with a hammer will ambush you.

Spartan Core #1 Inside the Redoubt fort, just outside the south entrance you'll see the Core right next to the wall.
- Forge of Teash
UNSC Audio Log #1 On the eastern section of the hill overlooking the south side of the Forge, you’ll find a small UNSC post with this audio log.

UNSC Audio Log #2 Northeast of the Forge of Teash, look for a cliff. Around halfway to the top (or bottom if you're descending). You’ll find a small cave with green light emitting from within. Crawl through the tunnel to find a hideout for a UNSC troop, and the audio log is sitting on a sleeping bag.

Banished Audio Log #1 Just inside the Forge itself, once you've unlocked the door you can roll in and grab the Log.

Banished Audio Log #2 Inside a banished silo. Carry on down the ramp and you'll see the Audio log at the bottom of the stairs.

Spartan Core #1 Right next to Banished Audio Log #1, just upstairs.
- Horn of Abolition
UNSC Audio Log #1 On the south side of the outer Fort. The Core is inside a sunken building with broken doors. You can't just run in through here; just jump on on the roof and enter through the broken grate. The Core is at the bottom.

UNSC Audio Log #1 High above the Fort on the southern mountain is a little tactical UNSC with a rocket launcher and mongoose. The Log is next to it.

UNSC Audio Log #2 In contrast, the next log is on the North East outer wall, just under a grassy hill outside the base.

Banished Audio Log #1 Straight inside the Fort on the West side. You'll have to unlock the door to gain access to the log.

Banished Audio Log #2 In the building by the large Banished tower. You'll have to unlock the door before you can get this Log. Inside is a Elite Ultra with a sword, so watch out.
- Armoury of Reckoning
UNSC Audio Log #1 In the northeast side of the Armory of Reckoning, there is a small mountain pass between the rocks. You’ll find the audio log on the ground near a destroyed UNSC pod.

UNSC Audio Log #2 Inside the fort itself, you’ll find a jutting rock overhang near a Banished building. The log is inside a destroyed Warthog underneath the overhang.

Banished Audio Log #1 Just inside the East side of the Armoury, you'll find a small hanger with a lazer grid door. Once you've de-activated the door you can enter. There will be a few Marines trapped in there, along with the Banished Log.

Spartan Core #1 Inside a Banished underground bunker. To get in, look for some barricades over the door and squeeze through them. Follow the ramp and you'll find the intersection with some enemies at the bottom. Clear them out, and the Core is at the end.

Banished Audio Log #2 This one is inside the locked house. This will be the last building that you'll get into, which you'll need to get into via the bunker which has the Spartan core in. Continue up the grav lift and the Log will be on the floor.
- Excavation Site
UNSC Audio Log #1 Inside the blasted wasteland; there is a destroyed truck. Next to it is the Audio Log.

UNSC Audio Log #2 Can only be accessed by continuing on through the level. Once you're inside the drilling platform, look in one of the legs, and the log will be on the floor.

Spartan Core #1 In the centre area of the site, jump up on a hill, and the core is at the top, overlook the giant gun/drill

Spartan Core #2 On the South side of the complex inside a little building. Just roll in, and the Core is on the grating above.l

Mjolnir Armoury #1 Right next to the core, on the left. Jump down and you'll find the Locker right in the corner of the dig site, up against some stone.

Banished Audio Log Can only be accessed by continuing on through the level. Once you're inside the drilling platform, look into the central control room, and do a 180 degree turn. You'll find the log behind the laser window.
Graveyards [Region 3]
Spartan Core #1 Near the beggining of when you get to Region 3, just head east, fighting through the Banished forces until you see some more Infinity/Random UNSC ship wreckage. The Core is on there.

Spartan Core #2 Make your way to the west-mot Anti-Air gun. Look to the left of the giant elevator, and you'll find the crate.

Spartan Core #3 Either go up a long trail from the Northern AA gun, or just grapple up the mountain. Either way, you'll find the Core at the top of the rock face.

Spartan Core #4 Inside the camp with the Northern AA gun. Head past the gun itself and into one of the far buildings.

Spartan Core #5 The last Core in the region lies right inside the Eastern AA Gun and it's camp. Just past the hill with the gun on, you should see a small tunnel leading into a shaft with the Spartan Core in it.

Mjolnir Armoury #1

Banished Audio Log #1

Banished Audio Log #2

Banished Audio Log #3

UNSC Audio Log #1

UNSC Audio Log #2

UNSC Audio Log #3

UNSC Audio Log #4

UNSC Audio Log #5[/code]
- [P2] Propaganda Towers
Propaganda Tower #1

Propaganda Tower #2

Propaganda Tower #3

Propaganda Tower #4
Reformation [Region 4]
Banished Audio Log #1 During the mission: The Sequence, you'll have to gain access to the structure on East end of the map. Once you're in the building, the Log will be on the side of the wall.

Banished Audio Log #2 Likewise, during the same mission: The Sequence, run over to the South-most objective market. The Banished Log is in the building, next to a dead Brute.

Banished Audio Log #3 Also, during the same mission: The Sequence, run over to the South-East objective market. The Banished log is also inside the building, like the rest in this mission.

Banished Audio Log #4 The north objective in The Sequence. The Banished log is also inside the building.

UNSC Audio Log #1 Just South of FOB-Lima, nestling against the rock face.

UNSC Audio Log #2 Right inside FOB-Lima, on the left side of the landing pad.

UNSC Audio Log #3 In the middle of Region 4's first section, in the shallow lake. The Log itself is in the middle.

UNSC Audio Log #4 On FOB-November's main template.

UNSC Audio Log #5 Inside the Forerunner canyon structure dividing region 4 up. This one is right next to Spartan Core #4. Just walk away from the massive structure, and look down a small shaft going down off the ring. There is a small overhang at the bottom, with the log at the bottom.

UNSC Audio Log #6 This one is IN the mountain north of Riven Gate. Just get to the top of mountain, and find the massive split in the earth. Drop down, fight the Banished force inside, and you can find the Log down the a small corridor.

UNSC Audio Log #7 On FOB-Kilo's station. Can't miss it.

UNSC Audio Log #8 South East of FOB-Kilo's location, just behind the mountain.

UNSC Audio Log #9 Next to the Black Eye skull.

UNSC Audio Log #10 Inside FOB-Juliet

UNSC Audio Log #11 South of FOB-Juliet, on the cliff edge overlook it.

UNSC Audio Log #12 Southwest of FOB Kilo, at the bottom of the corner of the elevated area.
- [P2] UNSC Audio Logs
UNSC Audio Log #13 NorthWest of FOB-Juliet, in a little swap. There's a small Banished force with a ghost guarding it.

UNSC Audio Log #14 Just north of the massive drop, directly opposite that you'll see a mountain. The Log is resting in a small camp next to it.

UNSC Audio Log #15 Northwest of FOB Juliet, you’ll find a crashed Pelican on the edge of a large hill. This audio log is lying on the ground beside it.

UNSC Audio Log #16 At FOB-Hotel

UNSC Audio Log #17 On the same section as the Target Writh Kul, grapple your way down to the lowest level of the map. On a muddy ledge near the bottom of the pillar, you’ll find the audio log on a crate near a sleeping bag.

UNSC Audio Log #18 North of FOB-Hotel, there's the remains ofa pelican that's been split in half. The Log is in there.

UNSC Audio Log #19 At the very top of a highest mountain.
- [P3] Mjolnir Armour Lockers
Mjolnir Armoury #1 Under the massive bridge, south of FOB-November.

Mjolnir Armoury #2 Right at the Northern end of the map. On the left side of the outer mountain, next to a Spartan Core.

Mjolnir Armoury #3 On the far Southern edge of the region.

Mjolnir Armoury #4 Very difficult to get if you don't have a Wasp/Banshee. Just fly to the far South West corner of the region and fly down to the Forerunner stuff way down below. On the side of the mountain is a small alcove with a little UNSC camp in it. The Locker is in there.

Mjolnir Armoury #5 Way down at the bottom of the map, South of FOB-Kilo. You'll find this one hiding on the side of a rock.

Mjolnir Armoury #6 South of Riven Gate, behind a large rock. Just grapple up the mountain, and you'll find this easily.

Mjolnir Armoury #7 North of Riven Gate, on the mountain overlooking it.

Mjolnir Armoury #8 At the very Northern point of the region 2's second half, of on top of the mountain.

Mjolnir Armoury #9 North of FOB-Kilo, and right next to the Assassination Targets.

Mjolnir Armoury #10 South of FOB-Juliet, and directly North of the Target: Skimmer Alpha.

Mjolnir Armoury #11 On the south Southern edge of the map, and south of the Beacon on the bottom edge of the map..

Mjolnir Armoury #12 Just North of FOB-Hotel, past the assassination target.

Mjolnir Armoury #13 The last locker in the game is just southwest of FOB-Hotel. Follow the road and then you will see a mountain pass.
- [P4] Propaganda Towers
Propaganda Tower #1 Just South of the pool in the middle of region 4.

Propaganda Tower #2 North East of FOB-November.

Propaganda Tower #3 Right next to the Target mission: Arthoc. The Tower is on the hill next to him.

Propaganda Tower #4 Right of the main mission: 'Beacon', on the side of the mountain.

Propaganda Tower #5 On the mountain north of Riven Gate. Right at the peak, you'll find a small dip, and there you'll find the Tower.

Propaganda Tower #6 Straight East of FOB-Juliet.

Propaganda Tower #7 There's a mountain southeast of the bridge that goes into region 3, go round the mountain, and the Tower is in a little outcropping.

Propaganda Tower #8 Just South of Annex Gate, right on the edge of the map.

Propaganda Tower #9 South of the bridge going to Region 3, on top of the mountain.

Propaganda Tower #10 On the West side of the of the mountain overlooking the second half of region 4.

Propaganda Tower #11 On the West side of the map, under the mountain which leads off the edge of the map.

Propaganda Tower #12 Right next to Tower #11, head northeast and you'll find a tower along the northern edge of the island.

Propaganda Tower #13 The Tower in the game (hopefully). SouthWest of FOB-Hotel, up the mountain closest to the large Forerunner cliff.
- [P5] Spartan Cores
Spartan Core #1 Just South-East of FOB-November, under the shadow of the command spire.

Spartan Core #2 At the Northern point of the map, under the mountain. The Core is inside a small camp.

Spartan Core #3 On the same mountain as the assassination target: Barroth; but higher. You'll find the Core at the top of the mountain, next to a small camp.

Spartan Core #4 Inside the Forerunner power structure which devides the pieces of region 4. The Core is on the ground, under triangular monolithic structure, and just next to the Audio log found in the same place.

Spartan Core #5 A really interesting one. This one is IN the mountain north of Riven Gate. Just get to the top of mountain, and find the massive split in the earth. You can drop down into a massive hollow spot in the mountain, which has a few things inside, including the Core; and a large Banished contingent. Find the core next to the broken Forerunner artefact.

Spartan Core #6 Just South East of the 'Beacon' mission. Just head away from the area and you'll see an opening in the mountain (map pic related).Go inside, kill the Banished, and grab the Core at the end of it.

Spartan Core #7 In the Southern objective for 'the sequence', you'll find one of the beacons. Just behind the structure is the Core.

Spartan Core #8 Just over the cliff, west of FOB-Juliet, under the mountain. This can be found through a little door in a hollowed part of the mountain. To get to this you'll need to fight through a sizeable Banished outpost.

Spartan Core #9 The very north end of region 4, inside a piece of crashed UNSC warship. Just run inside the wreckage and grab it.

Spartan Core #10 Just inside the mountain where you save Fortune Squad. Jump down from the battle, then go into a little hole, which will lead straight to the Core.

Spartan Core #11 You'll find the last core inside the Southern most objective in the mission 'the sequence'. Just next to the Forerunner structure, go a little further out of th perimeter and you'll it next to some trees.

Spartan Core #12 North objective in the mission 'the sequence'. Just on top of the Forerunner structure.
- [P6] Skulls, Artefacts, Targets
Skull #1 - Famine One of the easiest Skulls in the game. Just on the far right of the map, on a lone island mountain floating out on the Eastern region. The Skull is on the side of the mountain, in the grasp of a dead Elite.

Skull #2 - Black Eye Follow the waterfall to its base then look up at it. About midway up on the right of it is an opening which you can fit through.Just grapple onto the waterfall, and you'll see the opening quickly. Just crouch through and you'll find the Skull in a red lit room.

Skull #3 - Thunderstorm Very easy to grab if you have a flying vehicle. Just fly off to the Northern most point in Region 4, on a mountain that also has an audio log on the top. Fly down a little, and you'll find a small pillar, with the skull on it.

Artefact #1 On the top of the Northern-most mountain on region-4. Right next to a Core, and Mjolnir locker.

Artefact #2 Artefact is on the western side of the mountain directly east of FOB Juliet. Northwest of Riven Gate.

Artefact #3 North of FOB-Hotel, at the very edge of Region 4's map connecting to Region 1. In a little dip of the intersecting mountains.

Assassination Mission: Arthoc Right next to the Propaganda Tower. This dude is a push over. Just blast him with some Fusion coils and he'll go down by headshot.

Assassination Mission: Zeratus On the hill just North of the other Target. Zeratus' rocket launcher homes in on your, so it's a good idea to take him and his squad out at range.

Assassination Mission: Barroth Just west of FOB-Liima. Barroth is a sniper Jackal, with a nice gun. That's about it. Just mow him down anyway you see fit. Easy one.

Assassination Mission: Myriad Two Hunters hiding in the swamp, south of FOB-Juliet.These guys are brutally powerful and will wipe you out in seconds. The best way to deal with these guys is load up a razer back full of marines, and use them in a Razorback, combined with some Skewer/other long range guns to blast them from far away.

Assassination Mission: Skimmer Alpha Just north of the FOB-Juliet. This one is barely a challenge. Just imagine this as a normal Banished incursion.

Assassination Mission: Writh Kul Just north of the FOB-Juliet. This one is barely a challenge. Just imagine this as a normal Banished incursion.

Assassination Mission: Ordo 'Mal North of FOB-Hotel, you'll find this dude hanging in a giant pool, in his gigantic Wraith; along with a small army of Banished. You can decimate Ordo 'Mal pretty easily; just blow up his Wraith with some heavy equipment. He'll quickly jump out and you can finish him off.

Assassination Mission: En 'geddon West of FOB-Hotel. This dude just has a grav hammer and upgraded shields. He isn't the danger; his squad of sniper brutes are. Clear them out, and he'll be easy pickings.
- Riven Gate
UNSC Audio Log #1
Just to the east of Riven Gate, outside the entrance, you’ll find this audio log. Climb the cliffs on the south side of the road to find a sniper’s perch and the audio log, lying on the ground next to a sniper rifle.

UNSC Audio Log #2
Northern edge of Riven Gate, you’ll find a small scouting post. Located near the westernmost gate, you can grapple up to the ledge from near a gravity launcher and a small tunnel in the cliff.

Banished Audio Log #1
Head to the cliffside along the southern edge of the area and head inside the building on the right. Previously, there was a gate blocking the way, but now the way is open, and you’ll find the audio log sitting just inside the tunnel at the back of the building.

Banished Audio Log #2
Near the gate on the eastern side of Riven Gate, there is an upper ledge with a tower, a locked building, and some captive marines. Open the building by activating the terminal in the tower, then drop down and head inside and you’ll find this audio log leaning up against a counter in the back right corner of the room.

Spartan Core #1
- Annex Ridge
Banished Audio Log #1 In the centre of the base, there's a bunker which leads through the base. Next to a grav lift, which leads up into a control building, the Log sits next to it.

Banished Audio Log #1 After you've lifted the lockdown from the fort, you'll access the building to the North. The Audio Log itself it on the floor.

UNSC Audio Log #1 In the northeastern corner of Annex Ridge, there is a small cluster of metal spires. This audio log can be found near a sniper rifle on the first level of the spire.

UNSC Audio Log #2 There is a small cluster of metal spires; the log can be found near a crate of grenades on the first level of the spire closest to the Banished buildings.

Spartan Core #1
Outside the building containing the Banished Log #2, go outside, and the Core is inside a little hut.

Note: This level's collectibles count towards the wider Region 4 Map summery. You cannot miss these if you want to 100% the game in one playthrough.

UNSC Audio Log #1 Unmissable. Unlocked through a cutscene.

UNSC Audio Log #2 When you get down to the bottom of the level, after MC and Weapon have had their little tiff, you'll have 3 different avenues to take to grab the power seeds. The middle avenue is longer than all the others and on the left, has the Log you're looking for.

Skull #1 Mythic
UNSC Audio Log #1 Unmissable. Unlocked through a cutscene.

Skull #1 - Grunt Birthday Party To grab this, continue through the mission until you reach the section where there are 3 locked doors. After a cutscene all will open. Find the one that has a power-seed in, and take it through the door you need to go through to continue the quest. You'll find the core on the left.

After you've done that, continue through the level until you reached a large ramp like object. Grapple over it and through a window. The Skull is through there, guarded by 3-4 Sword wielding Elites.

UNSC Audio Log #2 after you've find out what Cortana did to the Brute's homeworld, continue on. Just before you reach the entrace, you'll go through a hallway with some cases on tables. The Log will be on the side, next to a hologram of Zeta Halo.
The Road
[No Collectibles]
House of Reckoning
UNSC Audio Log #1 On the first Banished survival course, on the right against a small weapons table.

Banished Audio Log #1 On the third survival course up against a Banished table. Difficult to miss.

Banished Audio Log ##2 Just before you fight Escherum. In his boss arena. Before you rescue Esparza, run over to the side and grab the last log in the game.
Silent Auditorium
Skull #1 - Bandana
This one is quite annoying, especially if you're playing on Legendary. You have to go through the entire level WITHOUT killing any Sentinels. They only show up about 1/2 way through the mission, and there's only one or two large engagements with them. Just ignore them and try and run past the fights with them in. If you manage to avoid killing them, you'll be able to get the Skull. Just before going along the long bridge leading to the final boss, divert to your right through a door (which would be closed normally). Go through the area, and the Skull will be there.

- Change Log
--09/12/21: Guide Published
--10/12/21: Region 1 (almost) completed
--11/12/21: Region 1 completed, along with key, Region 2 1/2 way there.
--12/12/21: Region 1 edited further.
--16/12/21: Region 2 finished.
--17/12/21: Region 3 finished.
--21/12/21: Region 4 finished.
--21/12/21: Region 4 refined, plus further missions detailed.]
--21/12/21: Missions finished
Well then. That was quite something wasn't it. When I started this guide, I really didn't know what I was in; but I'm glad I could bang this out for you all.

Just a reminder for you all. You cannot Level-Select currently in the game. This means you HAVE to get all the Mission specific collectibles. The openworld region collectibles however, can be acquired post-credits.

I hope you enjoyed this Guide as much as I enjoyed making it (cliche I know). This is by no means the end for Infinite. I'll be updating this guide as much as I can to make it's up to date and accurate. See you on the flip side Spartans. Let's jump into the Multiplayer.

[Optional] Donate!


Donations are not needed, and are certainly not expected. However, they are highly appreciated none the less, and give me extra motivation to carry on supporting my hobby. If you feel like throwing something my way, just use the trade link found above.
Ebbonheart 4 Jan @ 12:25pm 
Everything for Spartan Core 2 is correct in the [P2] Skulls, Cores, Mjolnir Lockers section. However the Spartan core is not there to pick up. Any ideas on how to fix that?
Lord Thorthax III 17 Aug, 2024 @ 11:57am 
Finally broke down and looked up a guide for the last couple things I was missing. Thanks for setting this up.:MCCLEGENDARY::MCCLEGENDARY:
Dabz 30 Jun, 2023 @ 9:42pm 
Didn't use this guide but, just managed to finish all collectibles on heroic for first play through and MAN! I was not expecting that many collectibles and also on that last skull if I didn't look ahead of time I would of shot a sentinel and ruined getting the skull. Great game and plan on going back to finish under 8 hours, get all the campaign achievements and finish up the mp ones.
Blitz_Falke 14 May, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
For Lockdown [Region 1] the location on the region/overview map for Spartan Log 9 is incorrect I think. The two images for that entry are correct but don't align with the marker on the regional/overview map.
WyvernQuester 4 Nov, 2022 @ 11:20am 
is this campaign?
Papazhoom 10 Jun, 2022 @ 3:28am 
Psychedelic Adventurer  [author] 19 Jan, 2022 @ 1:58pm 
You're most welcome, and that's a good point, I'll add it to that section. :Corinthian:
Nefnoj 19 Jan, 2022 @ 1:14pm 
The last one is more of a nitpick than a tip, "The Road" DOES have one collectible that's unmissable and unlocked through mission completion, and it's 350 Valor. I feel like that might be a nice detail to add, when I got to that point I had mild anxiety that I missed something to get max valor, when I only needed to finish that mission.

Beyond that, this guide is really good! Especially with the skulls, used it for my whole Legendary playthrough and I barely had any problems. I really appreciate how you specified any time there were one-chance things with a giant logo, you made it impossible to miss.
Nefnoj 19 Jan, 2022 @ 1:13pm 
I have three suggestions for you!

The Silent Auditorium is actually pretty easy, if you've fully upgraded the Thruster Pack.
While most of the Banished will take pot shots at where you were when you turn invisible taking guesses as to where you were, Sentinels won't and go completely non-hostile. It's like they have baby-like object permanence, thinking you don't exist anymore. You can tell when they're being passive by their eye color: Yellow eyed Sentinels are angry, blue eyed Sentinels are passive.

Another one is a problem I kept running into, having flying vehicles is a late-game thing, and some items I searched for in the open world prior to unlocking flying vehicles, so for some of the skulls where you recommended having a flying vehicle, it was a little frustrating. Some require it (like Famine) but some don't (like Thunderstorm), that specification might be nice to include.
LuCK_Str1kez 9 Jan, 2022 @ 12:37pm 
It seems there is an typo on "Horn of Abolition", it says audio log but the info is about the spartan core in that area, Otherwise really good guide, Thx :nice: