Team Fortress Classic

Team Fortress Classic

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How to create waypoints
By [APG]RoboCop[CL] and 1 collaborators
FoxBot devised by RedFox.
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Main guide
To make a FoXBot waypoints, I've downloaded the FoXBot v0.791 Linux builds and added this into my [/common/half-life/tfc] folder and made sure my [liblist.gam] loaded in [gamedll_linux] line. I then load TFC Linux client on Steam and used [Create Server] to make a listenserver online from my PC.

Now in order to control the bots and menus on making waypoints, I made a empty file as a .cfg file named as fwp.cfg that contain this text:

// Waypoint Key Binder For FoXBot .. -=Last Modified 8-02-2006=-
// These are the keyz that will be bound ..

bind "=" "waypoint on"
bind "-" "waypoint off"
bind "INS" "waypoint add"
bind "DEL" "waypoint delete"
bind "s" "waypoint save"
bind "m" "waypoint menu"
bind "i" "waypoint info"
bind "l" "waypoint load"
bind "[" "autowaypoint on"
bind "]" "autowaypoint off"
bind "PGUP" "pathwaypoint on"
bind "PGDN" "pathwaypoint off"
bind "/" "pathwaypoint create1"
bind "\" "pathwaypoint create2"
bind "HOME" "pathwaypoint remove1"
bind "END" "pathwaypoint remove2"
bind "F11" "bot_debug on"
bind "F12" "bot_debug off"
bind "F3" "pathwaypoint_connect on"
bind "F4" "pathwaypoint_connect off"
bind "F5" "locate_waypoint on"
bind "F6" "locate_waypoint off"
bind "F7" "Pathrun_oneway"
bind "F8" "Pathrun_twoway"
bind "F9" "Waypoint_author YOURNAMEHERE"
bind "F10" "exec config1.cfg"

// This section prints the info out into the console ..
// So that you can PGUP & PGDN to see each keyz function ..

echo "=-....-=Waypoint Keyz Loaded For FoXBot=-....-="
echo ""
echo "= waypoint on --> Turns On Waypoints."
echo "- waypoint off --> Turns Off Waypoints."
echo "INS waypoint add --> Adds a waypoint at the current player location."
echo "DEL waypoint delete --> Deletes the waypoint nearest to the player."
echo "s waypoint save --> Saves the current waypoint list to a file."
echo "m waypoint menu --> Displays a menu for setting tags on a waypoint."
echo "i waypoint info --> Shows information about the current waypoint."
echo "l waypoint load --> Loads the waypoint list from a waypoint file."
echo "[ autowaypoint on --> Turns on autowaypoint setting."
echo "] autowaypoint off --> Turns off autowaypoint setting."
echo "PGUP pathwaypoint on --> Turns on the pathwaypoint setting."
echo "PGDN pathwaypoint off --> Turns off the pathwaypoint setting."
echo "/ pathwaypoint create1 --> Sets the first waypoint in a manual path."
echo "\ pathwaypoint create2 --> Sets the second waypoint in a manual path."
echo "HOME pathwaypoint remove1 --> Sets the first waypoint in removing a path."
echo "END pathwaypoint remove2 --> Sets the second waypoint in removing a path."
echo "F11 bot_debug on --> Bot tells you current location of it's problem."
echo "F12 bot_debug off --> Turns Debug Off."
echo "F3 pathwaypoint_connect on --> Turns on automatic path connection to a waypoint."
echo "F4 pathwaypoint_connect off --> Turns off automatic path connection to a waypoint."
echo "F5 locate_waypoint on --> Turns waypoint location on."
echo "F6 locate_waypoint off --> Turns waypoint location off."
echo "N/A locate_waypoint <number> --> Best use spectator mode for this."
echo "F7 Path run 1 way ==> Connects waypoints in direction you run 1 way"
echo "F8 Path run both ways ==> Connets both ways when running"
echo "F9 Waypoint Author ==> Add's your name to waypoint file"
echo "F10 Restore config ==> Done waypointing, restore original config.cfg"

In order to use this config you need to press [~] key and type "exec fwp.cfg", but be warned as this may erase your binds like for "say_team [%H|%A] Flag Dropped!" After you exec the fwp.cfg, make sure that waypoint is ON!

For rats this map is quite basic and quite easy to make as you don't need to insert flag locations, goals and various tags, but for this map the best thing to insert is the normal waypoints by using [autowaypoint ON] and using waypoint menu to plot the Actions for Sniper vantage points in the shadows and near the dark passageways and behind props, but nowhere near to a place for snipers to be over-exposed. Under this image is the Sniper Action post and where the armour/battery can be traced for bots.

In order to insert the Sniper Action spot, you need to use [waypoint menu], but it has to be where you are on the vertical light located directly, in order for the menu to work.

Once you got the GUI menu loaded up, press [4] then [3] where it says "Sniper" and the crossbow sound will occur - hey presto!

Optimize your waypoints

An important part of your waypointing is optimizing your waypoints. This is basically running through your level and deleting unneeded waypoints and fixing paths that aren't quite right. Heres some things to look for when optimizing.

Make sure paths don't cut through corners or try to connect to higher unreachable places.
Make sure there are paths to and from the flags and flag goal locations that travel both ways.
Make sure your sniper waypoints face the right direction.
Make sure you have health, ammo, and armor waypoints set where needed. Also check their team specific tags if needed.