Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

135 ratings
Entering the Highlander Open
By kKaltUu and 4 collaborators
In this guide I will show you what you have to do to sign up for the Highlander open, as a player or a team.

Signing in
After navigating to you will be presented with the ETF2L website. All players playing in ETF2L matches or the Highlander Open have to be registered on

At the top right hand side of the website, you will see the familiar green Steam Sign In button.

Clicking this for the first time, steam will provide your steam account information to ETF2L. Upon steam login, you will be asked to enter a username. Finally you will be asked to enter your nickname and email address (your nickname is what will be visible to other users).
Your email will be used to make sure we can notify you of any match dates, warnings or team invites. We will never use your information for commercial purposes.
The dashboard
The next step is to customise your profile and join a team! Let's take this moment to introduce you to the ETF2L dashboard.
The dashboard is what you will find yourself frequently using during your time on ETF2L. Here you can edit your profile, schedule matches, post recruitment ads, submit match results and more!
Navigate to the top right corner of the ETF2L homepage and hover on the howdy, (your username) section, now click the Edit My Profile[] option in the dropdown menu.

This will take you to the profile editing section of the dashboard. It should hopefully look like this (see image below):

Once you are finished customising your profile, scroll down and click the Update Profile button. To return to the ETF2L homepage at any time, click the home icon in the top left corner.

To create or join a team, click on the "Team Admin" button on the ETF2L homepage, it is located in the top right section (where the steam sign in button was prior to login). The next section of the guide will explain this in detail.

Quick Link to Team Admin[]
Joining or creating a team
After you're done with the set-up, you need to join a team to compete in the cup. This means you're either going to find 8 friends that you want to play with, or joining a roster as a member.

By going to the dashboard, you can see the section called My Teams[]

After following the link, you can click on Create Team, for this tournament you need to create a team of type Highlander Open #3.

Joining a team is rather simple. You will recieve an email with the URL to the invitations page. This can be found on the dashboard under My Teams called Invitations[]

After joining a team, wait 24 hours before you're verified and able to play matches. This won't affect the teams' ability to sign up for the cup.
Finding a Team or Players (Recruitment)
Now that you know the basics, you might want to create a recruitment post for your team or for yourself as a player. Other players can comment on these posts and vouch for your skills, friendliness or overall quality.

ETF2L has a section of the site dedicated to helping players and teams find each other:

The section is split into 2 different pages, ones for Players Looking for Teams and one for Teams Looking For Players. Make sure you are browsing the correct sections when looking for players or teams.

Whether you are making your own team or looking to join one, one of the first things you should do is make a recruitment post of you own. You can do this by following this link [] which takes you to your dashboard.

From here use the drop down menus to select whether you are a player or team, for this competition select the Fresh Meat team type and the Open skill level. Select the classes you would like to play/need for your team, to select multiple classes hold down the CTRL button and click on the classes. Here is a example of a recruitment post:

Signing up (Leaders only)
Now that you've had the hard part behind you, it's time to add your team to the competition.
You can do that by navigating to the main website.

The >>>CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP<<< button will take you to the competitions page on your dashboard. Look for the Highlander Open #3 category and click Join Now!

If you are not a team leader you will get a notification saying that "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.". If you are a team leader and still getting this message contact us on Discord[] and we'll try to help you further.

You will be asked to select a division (select any, all teams should be equal, the divisional system is for the regular seasons).

After all is done, you will see that your team has been signed up to the competition:

If you are stuck on any part of the guide or the site, I advise you to go to the ETF2L Discord[], once you have joined head to the #admin_requests channel and press the L emote to contact our League Admins.

If you find any inconsistency in this guide, you can contact me (proky) on Discord proky#4008!
J_cob 5 Sep, 2016 @ 8:47am 
do i really need to change my profile picture and stuff like that?
Hi5TBone 8 Jul, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
Nevermind. we're in!
Hi5TBone 8 Jul, 2016 @ 1:16pm 
When I go into the "My Competitions" page, it says my team is still waiting. Final Divisions are announced tonight since sign-ups closed yesterday. Will they change the "waiting" when divisions are announced?
>,..,< Aoshi  [author] 6 Jul, 2016 @ 2:25am 
by going to irc [] and making an admin request. The explanation how to make an admin query is written out on top. After you've made a request an admin wil answer it as soon as he has the time.
ab 6 Jul, 2016 @ 1:49am 
Hey,I have an issue,I played hl open 1,I think,a long time ago and my username was something including rekt,and in the options it says only a adming can change the nickname,so how do I contact an admin to change my nickname to 'vision
>,..,< Aoshi  [author] 3 Jul, 2016 @ 11:17am you can look for open/fun 9v9 teams that are looking to participate in the HLO, if they are interested they will state so in the discription of their recruitment post. Otherwise you can also look here but keep the date of the comment in mind.
C O O L 3 Jul, 2016 @ 10:54am 
Thanks! Sadly, I haven't been able to get recruited, and I'm not sure how to directly ask a team for an invitation...
>,..,< Aoshi  [author] 3 Jul, 2016 @ 2:20am 
Fun teams can participate in certain cups, this can be either 6v6 or 9v9. highlander teams can participate in highlander cups and highlander seasons. There is a distinction due to some players not wanting to leave their highlander teams' roster for this event and can just make a fun team to participate instead.
C O O L 2 Jul, 2016 @ 7:54pm 
What's the difference between a fun team and a normal team?
>,..,< Aoshi  [author] 2 Jul, 2016 @ 4:54pm 
Both will get merged once the signups end, its just due to both fun teams and normal teams being allowed to sign up. So no matter which of the 2 you sign up for it's the correct one!