Portal 2
Virus..? what virus?
즐겨찾기 해제
"Wheatley and Mister Norton have pooled resources and come to the profound conclusion that this was nothing more than a False Positive.

For posterity's sake: in June 2014 Portal received an update on Steam. Norton and most other anti-virus programs immediately branded the new 'portal.exe' file as a Virus. For about two days thereafter, the Portal message forums at Steam were flooded with threads about the new virus. There was genuine confusion and worry; even after Norton announced it was a 'false positive.'
It was during those tense 48 hours that I photoshopped this masterpiece of artwork."
댓글 2
Jezer 2014년 7월 4일 오전 8시 12분 
left for dead3 with portal dlc comfirmed...lol
RadioactiveToast 2014년 6월 18일 오후 4시 02분 
you realise what you've done?! *valve realises half lif3*