DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition

DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition

340 ratings
Complete Achievement Guide by Mekarazium [Finally completed]
By Mekarazium

I divided achievements into 5 groups.

[S] - Story Mode. That means what you will unlock achievements by simply playing Story Mode, and spending no more time.
[F] - Free Mode. That means what achievement requires playing Free Mode.
[A] - Ambition Mode. That means what achievement requires playing Ambition Mode.
[O] - Others. That means what those achievements isnt't fitting to any other groups
[U.] - Ultimate. That means what those achievements are extremely hard to get.
[O] Arena Master
Goal: Rank number #1 in Arena Challenge Mode

#1 in Arena means, what you will need to kill >75 Officers, and that's a lot.
You can choose any Officer, capped at lvl 30. You should pick 2 weapons with no mods inside.

Character to choose:
Anything, with ability to stun/slow/juggle officers with their EX Attacks.
Perfect example: Zhou Tai

Weapons to choose:
Chained Whip + Curved Sword(EX)

One of Zhou Tai EX Attacks allows you to freeze time(red flash), and send enemies into juggle state. And here is the trick - if your enemy is "immune" to your CS element - you can deal a LOT MORE DAMAGE, because he will not be affected by juggle hit. Also - it grants you a big mobility (see my Dash Cancelling guide)

Chained Whip Switch Attack can restore HP, and CAN be cancelled in all time you're sucking hp. It's not recommended to fight with that weapon a lot, pick it just for that perfect stuff.
(Hint: Right after Switch Attack is connected, HP is stolen. You can cancel attack, wasting even less time, than you should)


There are some officers (like Zhang Liao, Lu Bu(he's pretty easy), Liu Bei and his brothers and etc), who are dealing a lot more damage. Usually - they're appearing each 6-7 stages.
(i'm too lazy to re-play all officers)
[S,F,A] Art Of War Scroll Expert
Goal: Raise Chen Gong to Level 50, then - open Skills Menu..

Nothing else. Grind Experience.
[S,F,A] Attack Ace
Goal: Defeat an enemy Officer, using both EX-Attacks.
Recommended Difficulty: Normal.
Recommended Character: Jia Chong(see screenshot)

So - you need to kill enemy officer, by using both EX-Attacks, while he's still alive. Jia Chong gives you a PERFECT(!) opportunity to make it.
Second EX-Attack gives you perma-juggle by pressing Strong Attack two times(and perma-chains). It's not a problem to execute EX-A1 while enemy is flying.
[A] Battle Pro
Goal: Do not allow any units to be defeated(retreated) during a Campaign in Ambition Mode.
Recommended Difficulty: Easy
Recommended Character: Any
Recommended Bodyguard Skills: Allied Defence/Charge + Ambush + Fire Attack

Way #1: To get this achievement, just go with your units. If situation on the other side of the map is kinda... desperate - send Ambush+AD/AC Bodyguard.

Way #2: Speedrun, before your units even started fighting. It's a lot simplier way to do(and that's how i did).
[O] Bridge Melee Master
Goal: Rank #1 in Bridge Melee Challenge Mode.
Recommended Characters: God helps you.
Recommended Weapons: Javelin + something else that fits you.
This - is your nightmare.

I can say without a doubt - even playing on Ultimate Difficulty is easier, than getting this Achievement. No jokes.

To get this achievement, you should lure enemies into one big pile of people, and then - exetute Musou Attack, or you can try to mash one of gigantic AoE Javelin attacks.

Some kills later - Lu Bu will come. Focus on him. After killing - he will grant you ~15-30 seconds of meat. If there are gem-booster on the map - use it right now.

Grind the strategy, and may God help you.

[S,F,A] Carnage
Goal: Make 100.000 KnockOuts

Just kill people, and this achievement is yours.
[S,F,A] Crossed Pike Expert
Goal: Levelup Lu Lingqi to Level 50, and then - open Skills Menu.

Grind experience. Nothing more.
[S,F] Crossroads
Goal: Complete Story Mode, with all Hypotheticals

Hypothetical requirements can be done in either Story Mode or Free Mode.

You must complete all hypothetical requirements on all stages Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends.

You can find out if a stage has hypothetical requirements by a ? mark on the stages picture and its hypothetical requirements are revealed, when you're completing this stage once.

Additionally, completing hypothetical requirements also gives access to some events required for Event Aficionado.

[S] Event Afcionado
Goal: Unlock all events (Complete Story Mode with all Hypotheticals)

See [S,F] Crossroads section above.

It should be unlocked automatically.
[A] Expedient Leader
Goal: Complete Ambition Mode stage, with >14 minutes left on timer
Recommended Bodyguard-Skills: х3 Gather Supplies

Actually, it's pretty easy achievement. Start the game, kill some peeps and officers, use x3 GS, and end the game.
[A,F] Famous Commander
Goal: Levelup your Leadership to Level 99.

Leadership is raised identically to character levels but only when you have bodyguards set (Ambition Mode/Free Mode only) so just keep playing with bodyguards until you reach Lv99 Leadership. Leadership raises a character's Fee capacity (99) which is used to assign more expensive bodyguards. Gain additional XP towards your Leadership by using your bodyguards' stratagems.
[A] First Fortification
Goal: Increase Skill-level of your Bodyguard

Very easy achievement. When you're on your camp, get into Bodyguards Menu. Then - open Strenghten Bodyguards menu. Sacrifice one low-level officer, and achievement is yours.

[A] First Fusion
Goal: Use Weapon Fusion on Blacksmith

Another easy achievement. Once you're unlocked Ambition Mode (Sub. part), use your first gems to make a Fusion. Achievement will be unlocked as soon as you will make it.

[S,F,A] First Skill
Goal: Use Bodyguard Skill

When you're on the battlefield, enter Menu, and find Bodyguards. Use any skill on anything on the map, and this achievement will be unlocked.

[S,F,A] Flame Bow Expert
Goal: Levelup Zhu Ran to Level 50.

Grind experience. Or purchase some EXP from Academy on Ambition mode.
[U,F] Goal Getter
Goal: Complete all Goals on Free Mode, including opposite faction sides.

Pretty tough achievement to get, but still - possible.

In Free Mode, each stage there is 3 Goals, that you need to do.
Variants of Goals:
  • Specific Attack Kills (Musou, Air, Strong, Normal)
  • Trigger Bodyguard-Skill
  • Storm Rush Kills

So - you should pick specific characters for specific Goals.

Storm Rush Kills

To be honest, i tried a lot of characters to quickly do it, but i uhm... failed a lot. There are a really low amount of characters, that could drain stamina quickly, mainly Flute-style users (Zhenji ie). Her Air Strong Attack drains a LOT of stamina, and if you will get one attack on ground - Storm Rush is yours. Don't forget to stack some nonames, before Storm Rush / Musous.
[S,F,A] Golden Dream
Goal: Collect 100.000 Gold.
Recommended Skills: Havoc + Attack Boost + Equestrian + Victory Cry

There are two ways of getting this achievement.

Way #1
Play some stages, collect gold on legit way. Victory Cry will increase that gold x2-x3 times. Pretty quickly you will get this.

Way #2
In Ambition Mode, send troops(6.000 gold) onto Yan Province. Play a stage. Next day you will take Elephant, costs 10-20k. Then - go to Farmer, and claim some money. Do it some times - and you will get this achievement.
[F] Highest Rating
Goal: Achieve A ranking on any Free Mode stage

It's easy achievement. Do receive it - do this things:
1) Complete atleast 1 Battle Goal (use something)
2) Receive atleast 150 Feats. You can receive them, by spamming your Bodyguard-Skills, or competing Battle Goals.
3) Clearing fast will also help you
4) And killin' as much as you can will help you too.
[O] Inferno Master
Goal: Earn #1 Ranking in Inferno Challenge

Difficulty - Medium-Hard.
Recommended Character:
Zhou Tai / Anything with Dash x4 or Whirlwind x4

What you must do

You must kill ANYTHING on the map(including no-name peasants and altars), in <2.00.00 time limit.
Dash Cancelling is required to clear this challenge in less than 2 minutes, but you can try to do Whirlwind builds.

First of all - the speed is all. You don't need to make insane chains, or combos, just kill anything on your road. After spawn - go for top-guys first, then next ones on the right, and etc. You should do a circle anyway.
[A,F,S] Lighting Speed
Goal: Complete any stage on Ultimate(highest) dificulty in <2.00.00 time.
Recommended Character: Zhou Tai

So. Basically it's a rather simple achievement. I'll reveal how to do it in a more simple way.
I was retarded, so i grinded the hell out of my fingers to not complete it on ~5 minutes.

  • What you need to do:
  • 1) Start Ambition Mode.
  • 2) Select Skirmish Battle
  • 3) Dash-Cancel to enemy Officer
  • 4) Kill it with fire.
  • 5) Get achievement
  • 6) ???
  • 7) PROFIT!
[U,O] Martial Arts Master
Goal: Complete all Challenges.

Complete Inferno, Bridge Melee, Arena, Speedrun, and Carnage on #1 place to get this achievement.
[S,F,A,U] Matchless Warrior
Goal: Complete any stage on Ultimate difficulty WITHOUT taking ANY damage.
Recommender Character: Any character, which can freeze/stun/slow/got massive aoe/great mobility.

To be honest - this is one of the difficultiest achievements on this game. Ultimate peons are very agressive even when you're killing last Officer, meaning what you need to kill them first.

Bait enemy officer => Rush inside => Kill peons => Finish off officer with x3 Musou Attacks.
[F,A] Mighty Warrior
Goal: Defeat 1000 enemies on Ultimate difficulty on one map.

This is one of the pre-requisites to Ultimate Warrior achievement.

Actually - easy achievement, which became a bit difficult, just because of Ultimate Difficulty. There are tons of Ulimate-difficulty guides on Steam, so...

Just walk around, kill peons, enjoy your achievement.
[S,F,A] Movie Maven
Goal: Unlock all Xtreme Legends Movies.

So. I found a list what you need to do, to unlock this achievement.

1 x Complete the stage "Pacification of Jing Province" - Wei
1 x Complete the stage "Defense of Jiangling" - Wu
1 x Complete the stage "Revenge at Yiling" - Shu
1 x Complete the stage "Battle of Shangyong" - Jin
4 x Playthrough Lu Bu's story in its entirety.
1 x Complete Ambition Mode.

Goal: God help you. Collect ALL SECONDARY WEAPONS in the game.

I'll just... leave... it here... okay?

[F] New Friends
Goal: Complete 5 stages with next characters
Characters: Lu Lingqi, Yu Jin, Fa Zheng, Zhu Ran, Chen Gong.

So. Select a quick stage on Free Mode, and complete it 5 times, changing characters between those 5. After finishing - achievement will be unlocked.
[O,U] Rampage Master
Goal: Get #1 rank on Rampage Challenge.

Even Arena is easier...

You're starting at the left bottom corner of the map. Both ways are actually equal in their length, because you need to kill anyone on this level. Start from going on top. Then - go for a circle-movement from top to right, and from right to the bottom. Finish anything on current square, then - move to next one. Rinse and repeat.

P.S - Completed this one on 1:59:58.
[S,F,A] Seasoned Veteran
Goal: Level up any Officer to level 150.

So. It's a pretty damn long way to make your Officer be at level 150. You can grind experience a lot... Or... Use Ambition Mode!

Ambition Mode actually allows you to boost ANY character that you got to level 150 for ~300-400k Gold. It's damn expensive i know. But you can abuse Elephant(i guess i wrote about this on 100k Money achievement, so look above at it).

Anyway. Good luck with this one. It takes a lot time to grind both EXP and Gold.
[F,A] Skill Specialist
Goal: Use each skill of your Bodyguards.

So. The list what you must use.

• Ambush
• Fire Attack
• Poison Trap
• Assist Main Unit
• Allied Charge
• Allied Defense
• False Message
• Emergency Support
• Forage
• Summon Enemy
• Gather Supplies
[O] Speed Run Master
Goal: Reach the finish. Sounds pretty easy.

Thing #1 - You should get something with damage
Thing #2 - You should get something with high mobility
Thing #3 - That character should have Dash 4.

Aaaand... It's Zhou Tai! Jump, attack, cancel, repeat. Also known as Dash-Cancelling technique. I wrote another guide with demonstration how it works.
[S] Story Buff
Goal: Finish Xtreme Legends stage, and watch ALL cutscenes.
Here is the list of missions you should complete to get this achievement.

• Defense of Fan Castle
• Pacification of Jing Province
• Find the Beauties

• Defense of Mt. Dingjun
• Revenge at Yiling
• Find Red Hare

• Pursuit at Yiling
• Defense of Jiangling

• Battle of Shanyong
• Seek the Secret Ingredients

Lu Bu:
• All missions.
[A,U] Total Unifier (Subjugator + Total Subjugation + Total Victory)
Goal: Check Total Unifier achievement

I'll just copypaste.

Xtreme Legends' extended Ambition Mode is unlocked once you complete Dynasty Warriors 8's original Ambition Mode. To complete it you must acquire 790 allies, 9999 fame and raise the Merchant, Blacksmith, Barracks and Teahouse to Lv50.

Once this is done you will advance onto Xtreme Legends' Ambition Mode, in this extension of Ambition Mode your goal is to gain total control (100% Subjugation) in each battlefield of each of the regions. Each region has a few battlefields you must gain Subjugation (Control) on each battlefield to collectively raise the Subjugation of the region. This is done in campaigns (battles) in campaigns your goal is simply to win (defeating the Commander), this victory gives you some subjugation towards gaining 100% subjugation for that battlefield. The amount of Subjugation you get towards a battlefield for a campaign is based on amount of bases in your control once you've achieved victory (achieving 100% on the campaign however does not equal 100% battlefield Subjugation) and the difficulty you chose.

(also - if Battlefield part isn't unlocking, try this: clear off the map, reach 95%, go for commander. Lure him out and use your Bodyguards to claim his point. Kill Commander right after, but be careful - he can go back for that point, instantly reclaiming it)
[Ux6] True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms
Goal: Read this guide, and complete all achievements on this game.
Nothing difficult, eh? Look at Diaochan face, and don't disappoint her.
[S,F,U] Ultimate Rating + Ultimate Warrior + Victory Call
Goal: Finish all Xtreme Legends stages with A rating
Goal#2: Finish all Xtreme Legends stages on Ultimate Difficulty

Actually... Uhm... You should finish all this.

• Final Conflict at Guandu
• Defense of Chang'an
• Defense of Fan Castle
• Pacification of Jing Province
• Defense of Xinye
• Battle of Zitong

• Assault on Shochun
• Invasion of Runan
• Assault on Xu Province
• Assault on Xiangyang
• Defense of Jiangling

• Defeat Lu Bu
• Clash at Changban
• Defense of Yong'an
• Final Conflict at the Wuzhang Plains

• Riot at Luoyang
• Defense of Shangyong
• Defense of New Hefei Castle
• Zhuge Dan's Secret Plan
• Pacification of Bashu
• Battle of Shangyong

Other :
• Runan Rescue Mission (Complete Defeat Lu Bu - Shu)
• Final Conflict at Hulao Gate (Complete Getaway from Hulao Gate - Lu Bu)
• Melee at Chibi (Complete Assault on Xu Province - Wu)

Lu Bu:
• Ten Eunuchs' Rebellion
• Uprising at Chang'an
• Battle of Changshan
• Battle of Dingtao
• Assualt on Xiapi
• Invasion of Xu Province
• Battle of Shochun
• Assualt on Wujun
• Battle of Xiaopei
• Clash at Guandu
• Recapture of Chang'an
• Assualt on Xiapi
• Invasion of Xu Province
• Battle of Shochun
• Assualt on Wujun
• Battle of Xiaopei
• Clash at Guandu
• Recapture of Chang'an
[S,F] Wallpaper Compiler + War God
Goal: Reach level 15 with Yu Jin, Lu Lingqi, Fa Zheng, Chen Gong,Zhu Ran and complete Lu Bu both story-sides.

Nothing difficult, just play and you will unlock this achievement.
[S,F,A] War Trident + Woven Cloth Expert
Goal: Levelup Yu Jin and Fa Zheng to level 50, and achievement will be unlocked.
[A,U] Xtreme Speed
Goal: Earn a subjugation rate of 100% in under two battles in an Ambition Mode campaign.

This is done in Xtreme Legends' Ambition Mode.
You must gain 100% subjugation of the battlefield in under two campaigns (battles) on that battlefield. You gain more control of the battlefield per campaign the higher the difficulty you play on and of course by the number of bases you held in control. This must be done on Hard (bring a strong character) so from any battlefield you have 0% on, simply play it on hard or higher twice and you will have gained 100% control of that battlefield.

Check the video. Will upload later.

Tharon 9 Jun @ 3:39am 
Matchless Warrior is super easy if done in Ambition mode.
Just pick a powerful warrior (Lu Bu is great) and start a Skirmish campaign on Ultimate. Ignore everyone and rush to the enemy leader. If you get hit, exit and restart the campaign.
Modular Frame 25 May @ 10:19pm 
Thank you for the guide! It helped me a ton!
And, for what it's worth, for the bridge, I used Xiahou Dun and would just use his first light attack, then heavy attack, the slam, double side slash, and up one, that would send nearly anyone off the side, and if Lu Bu appeared, I'd use the musou attack on him, managed 1100 kills with about 3-4 minutes remaining
Kepo Emperor 22 Feb @ 1:57pm 
For no hit in ultimate, just use ma chao and play stage where you fight Xu Zhu(Wei Story)
Play as Xu Zhu force, it fast and easy:steambored:
eblishjasin1312 15 Jan @ 3:56am 
fuck this, i'm not trying it
Chere 17 Apr, 2022 @ 4:40am 
Thanks for the guide, mate, got the last two today :)
Killer2001 20 Sep, 2021 @ 12:07am 

This guide mentions which levels you need. If you're in free mode, you need to beat all of the levels for Lu Bu's story and every level on the bottom of the level selection screen for every kingdom.

Your guide missed a few levels but I also didn't read the whole thing and skipped straight to the bottom of the guide. There's a chance I missed where you mentioned the other levels.
Mekarazium  [author] 18 Sep, 2021 @ 11:23pm 
From what i remember, only the ones i've listed. Been a lot of time since i've played the game.
Killer2001 18 Sep, 2021 @ 5:59pm 
I'm confused. I achieved the Victory Call Achievement while playing all the stages listed in the guide on Ultimate difficulty, earned A ranks, and completed all the stars, yet I didn't receive Ultimate Warrior, Ultimate Rating, or Goal Getter.

Am I supposed to beat only the levels listed in this guide, which were only introduced in the XL version of the game or EVERY level in the entire game?
dooozen@안유진은 내 사랑 30 Aug, 2021 @ 5:24am 
I have absolutely no idea how to complete all stages with A on Ultimate difficulty. I mean, everything is super easy besides Storm Rush. But this.......... My god... My officers have TOO MUCH damage, and I just can't USE storm rush on enemies before they just die, or everybody around enemy officers just die (flute jump strong attack). This Storm Rush stages is ABSOLUTE shit for 150 lvl officers with max attack and 6lvl weapon, or I just don't get how to do it right. Can anybody help me with that ONLY thing?
ArrowKnee 21 Aug, 2021 @ 5:11am 
#1 Bridge Melee is easiest with Xu Huang since he basically grabs 15-20 people in his 4th strong attack and just aim to throw them. Other character I used is Guan Ping because his 4th strong attack send troops flying for a really long range