The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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"The Deleted" Additional Modes Explained!
By KissedToge
"The Deleted" character has several additional modes all names after real computer viruses. But what are they?
"The Deleted" is a wonderful mod made by popjam and ~r~M. Firework. It combines creative character design with actual computer linguistics! One key note is the 'Additional Modes', of which there are currently 9, plus 2 unlockable characters. The names of these 'Additional Modes' and Unlockable Characters are all the names of real malware (mostly), and while the in-game description does a good job of summarising what they are, I wanted to go into more detail for each. So, in the order that they show up in the Workshop Page;
Also known as the 'I-Worm' or the 'Ska Virus' after its' creator Spanska, Happy99 was the first major malware spread via email and usenet (imagine email but dialup). When you opened the executable sent from an email presumably from a friend or family member, it would display fireworks in a small window titled "Happy New Year 1999 !!". While this was being displayed, the virus used an exploit via Winsock, the Windows Socket API, to replicate itself and spread via your email. The malware itself was harmless, but it was spread so effectively that over 20% of all malware reported in Q1 of 1999 were Happy99.
Also known as 'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT' after the file that was attached with the email, ILOVEYOU was very similar to Happy99. In May of 2000, Onel de Guzman released the ILOVEYOU malware via email, which spread quickly like Happy99. The difference being, ILOVEYOU was not a harmless malware. In the email sent, along with the headline "kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me.", a file titled LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs was sent. When downloaded, Windows would by default hide the .vbs extension unless you went into Folder Options and disabled that feature. This meant people were opening a Visual Basic Script programme without even knowing, because it displayed as ".TXT". This virus, while also self-replicating and sending itself through emails, would also Payload multiple things:
The file would always run at startup, even if disabled or deleted, because the file was rooted into the Windows Registry data.
The file included another virus called the Barok Trojan, which was a password stealing Trojan.
The file would find every file in all connected drives with common extensions (JPEG, DOC, CSS, JS, MP3, etc.) and replace them with itself, renaming each file to append to the original, like <original filename>.<original extension>.vbs.
Because ILOVEYOU was written in VBS, it was easy to open and edit. This meant people were making their own versions of the ILOVEYOU malware to cause their own damage. At its' peak, there were roughly 20 different ILOVEYOU scripts being spread through email.
The Morris worm, named after its' creator Robert Morris, is one of the oldest computer worms that we know of. Robert was a student at Cornell University, studying Computing at PhD level. While he was there, he got the idea to make his own computer virus, quote, "simply to see if it could be done." Morris had no malicious goals or intended plan with the worm, he just wanted to see if he could make one. The worm's instructions were simple; using multiple exploits (that would take way too long to explain), remotely gain access to a machine running BDS, a now defunct UNIX Operating System, download itself onto that PC, and run the exploit again.
This would've been harmless, and potentially gone unnoticed, had Morris not made one major flaw. There was no system in place to mark what computers had already been infected. So once every available system was hacked into, the virus kept running. It continuously connected to some PCs, running the virus again and again to hack more PCs to continue the cycle. At its' peak, there was an estimated 20,000,000 versions of the virus running.
ZIP Bomber
A nice and simple one! While there is no known author for the original ZIP Bomb, there have been many, many more made, because it's easy to make! Using recursion, you can copy data from inside a ZIP file to itself. Meaning it only takes a few kilobytes to download a ZIP Bomb, but as the file exponentially copies the same piece of data, it very quickly scales. After 13 seconds, 5 kilobytes becomes 19GB. 4 Seconds after that, 188 Terabytes.
These days, all modern anti-virus can detect a ZIP Bomb before its' even been opened, so it's rare to see in the modern era. (Kids, please don't try to open a ZIP Bomb on your school computer.)
CryptoLocker was the first major Ransomware, spread (again) by email in September 2013. Once the malware was opened, CryptoLocker encrypted all files on your PC that it could. This encryption is the same encryption services like VPNs use, giving the virus a public key and a private key. The public key could be used to encrypt data, and was completely safe for anyone to know. But only the private key could be used to decrypt it. Not even the public key could decrypt the data. This means it takes fractions of seconds to encrypt one way, but could take longer than the lifetime of the universe to brute-force. The only way to get the private key was to give the developer money via BitCoin. The developer made over $2,000,000 from this.
Spy Wiper
Also sold as "Spy Deleter" and "Mail Wiper", Spy Wiper was a malware that was sold to people as an Anti-Virus. That's right, sold. Not only were you paying money for an Anti-Virus, but the Anti-Virus was a virus in itself. Not much is known about Spy Wiper, other than the company who developed it made over $2,000,000 from sales.
Also known as "Arab Star" or "Black Box", Jerusalem is a Logic Bomb. This means the virus lays dormant in memory until something happens to awaken it. The trigger for Jerusalem was running any executable file on Friday the 13th of any year. When both of these conditions were met, any executable run would be deleted. Jerusalem got the nickname "Black Box" because when the conditions were met, a Black Box was displayed on the screen while the executable was deleted.
Hicurdismos is a classic Fake Crash Support Call Scam, but with an interesting twist. In 2016, Hicurdismos was released pretending to be Microsoft Security Essentials, the Anti-Virus built into Windows 7. Once downloaded and run, the user would see a Fake Blue Screen of Death informing you to "resolve the issues over the phone" and providing an American phone number to call. (The normal Blue Screen of Death does not have this information.) This was made more convincing, as the file went into PowerShell in the background and disabled your mouse cursor, your keyboard, and the ability to open task manager. This was designed purely to trick people into calling a fake Support Line to hopefully scam money out of them.
VCS, short for Virus Construction Set, was a virus constructing kit made in the 1990s. There was nothing remarkable about it, and it never made any major viruses. All it could do is infect and encrypt a file on DOS called VIRUS.COM, and display a custom message on the user's screen.
It is, however, appropriately named, as it is the configurable mode.
Also known as "Novarg", MyDoom is yet another self-replicating email worm. The email disguised itself as an email sending error, usually titled "Error", "Mail Delivery System", "Test" or "Mail Transaction Failed" in several different languages. What sets MyDoom apart from ILOVEYOU and Morris is that it was the fastest spreading email worm ever, and still is!
The worm was originally designed to attack SCO Group systems, an American Software Developing company, as a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, in response to a court case between SCO Group and IBM regarding the legality of Linux based Operating Systems. More information on this court case can be found here[]!
MEMZ is a very special one! Created by Leurak to enter danooct1's "Viewer-Made Malware" series. It gained a lot of traction when Leurak made a new version of MEMZ (3.0) to run on Windows 10, then sent it to Twitch Streamer[] and YouTuber Vargskelethor, who demonstrated the payload live on stream.
The virus was very impressive, as it has many embedded payloads made specially by Leurak that it runs one by one. These payloads included;
Duplicating the user's screen inside itself repeatedly
Automatically moving the mouse subtly
Opening "" and searching for funny searches, like "virus builder legit free download", "how 2 buy weed", "my computer is doing weird things wtf is happenin plz halp", "how to remove a virus", and so on.
Most notably, replacing the boot sector with a gif of Nyan Cat.
Thank You For Reading!
Thank you so much for reading! All of the information in this guide is completely my own, so if I missed anything or got anything wrong, please tell me me in the comments and I'll fix it!
I will also be updating this if any new characters get added to the pack!

  • SevenOfSpades for informing me there are additional characters!
  • popjam and ~r~M. Firework for making such an awesome mod, and giving such kind feedback on the guide!
someone, i guess 5 Nov, 2022 @ 3:30pm 
rest in peace
KissedToge  [author] 17 Oct, 2022 @ 5:31am 
Oh, my bad! I'll be sure to add that when I'm free :)
someone, i guess 16 Oct, 2022 @ 6:50pm 
guess not lol
someone, i guess 21 Sep, 2022 @ 11:56am 
do you think you'll add the new(ish) unlockable Reveton character?
KissedToge  [author] 23 Feb, 2022 @ 10:11pm 
I'm glad you liked it! I really enjoyed writing it, and I'm glad I was able to go into good detail!
popjam 23 Feb, 2022 @ 10:07pm 
Encyclopedia not EID
popjam 23 Feb, 2022 @ 10:00pm 
Awesome <3 I've written some descriptions in the EID, but these are much more detailed!
KissedToge  [author] 23 Feb, 2022 @ 7:15pm 
MEMZ is also a virus! It was made by Leurak for Danooct1 and Vargskelethor!
If there are anymore unlockable characters, please let me know! I'll be happy to add them to the list :)
SevenOfSpades 23 Feb, 2022 @ 7:13pm 
Oh my bad, I assumed "MEMZ" was just a general reference to memey viruses, not a specific one. It's the other unlockable character so it may be worth including as well.
KissedToge  [author] 23 Feb, 2022 @ 7:10pm 
Oh I was unaware there was an unlockable character! I'll add it shortly, thank you!