439 ratings
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Thank you for you patience!

Introduction ✔

● Difficulty level of achievements: Hard.
● Total achievements: 42 (100%)
● Offline achievements: 42. (100%)
● Online Achievements: 0.
● Estimated time to complete all achievements: 70+ hours.
● Minimum number of passes for 100%: 3 (There is a way to get ending achievements at once).
● Glitchy achievements: None.
● Missable Achievements: 3. (Ending achievements)
● Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
● Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None.

The most part of achievements require from you to kill 30 ingame bosses: one boss — one achievement. For comparison with original Dark Souls games: DS - 26, DS2 - 41, DS3 - 25. Some of them will appear right during the exploration of the open world (Optional bosses unnecessary for main story) and bosses that have to be beaten for finishing the game (Mandatory bosses).

For your convenience, all bosses achievement are displayed in a separate sections indicating the location and a video guide on how to defeat it. Similar ending and collectible achievements are grouped in one section.
Erdtree Aflame ✔

Erdtree Aflame
Use kindling to set the Erdtree aflame.

You will get this achievement shortly after defeating Fire Giant at Mountaintops of the Giants area. Just after killing the giant proceed towards top of that boss area and ascent yourself upwards by riding that huge chain that connects the mountain top to the forge. Once you are on top of the Forge area, go left and follow the path to the end. At the end you will see a Grace checkpoint, use it and start talk to Melina. After this choose "yes" option and the cutscene will occur. After the cutscene you will get the achievement.

Great Rune ✔

Great Rune
Restore the power of a Great Rune.

1. Travel to the Stormveil Castle location.
2. Make your way to Stormhill.
3. Defeat both Golems: the Warrior and the Archer.
4. Use portal to travel to Divine tower of Limgrave.
5. Use elevator and stairs to go to the top of the tower.
6. Activate the Great Rune and see «GREAT RUNE RESTORED» info

This videobuide shows the way of getting Godrick's Great Rune and how to use it to restore its power for getting achievement.

Roundtable Hold ✔

Roundtable Hold
Arrive at Roundtable Hold.

1. Defeat the first story boss — Margit, the Fell Omen.
2. Head to the Site of Grace and take rest.
3. During the next cutscene you will see Melina.
4. Accept her offer and she will teleport you to the Roundtable Hold.

NOTE: Open map and use fast travel to leave it. Its hub-like location so you can leave it different way.

Commander Niall ✔

Commander Niall
Defeat Commander Niall.                                                                                      

Boss Type
Commander Niall is a knight who attacks with lightning and wind, which is guarded by two ghost knights
Mountaintops of the giants
Tips and Tricks
  • Focus on the Banished Knight with dual swords at the beginning
  • Use a tanky Spirit to manage the Banished Knights
  • Take advantage of when Niall tires himself out after his Charged Whirlwind dash move
Ancestor Spirit ✔

Ancestor Spirit
Defeat Ancestor Spirit.  

Boss Type
Ancestor Spirit is a large animated carcass of a deer, it's horns glow with a pale blue light and many of it's attacks have a magical cyan glow.
Siofra River
Tips and Tricks
  • Using Summons for this boss isn't advised as the AS(Ancestral Spirit) has a flame spewing attack that kills any and all Summons upon contact
  • A player names Greed stats he managed to inflict heavy dmg upon AS using a +6 Uchigatana with the Bloody Slash Ashes of War
  • The boss has two flying attacks (observed), one sprays a damaging magical spray and the second is a dive attack, you can tell the difference as the dive attack comes straight at you, and does not have blue smoke coming from his mouth, running away from the dive attack is impossible, run toward it and dive into it and the boss will miss.
  • Be sure to bring a moderate amount of heals as this boss deals a fair amount of physical damage
Elemer of the Briar ✔

Elemer of the Briar
Defeat Elemer of the Briar.                                                                              

Boss Type
Elemer of the Briar is a knight boss with broadsword and shield
The Shaded Castle, Atlus Plateau
Tips and Tricks
  • Do not use range build / shooting spells from afar cause it`s useless against this boss
  • Watch your stamina bar so that you have enough left to dodge and land a counter-hit.
  • His close-range melee attacks are easy to dodge once you learn his attack pattern
  • Playing with heavy armor would make you too slow for this.
Royal Knight Loretta ✔

Royal Knight Loretta
Defeat Royal Knight Loretta.                                                                           

Boss Type
Royal Knight Loretta is the spirit of a knight riding atop her steed. She wields a polearm and utilizes powerful glintstone sorceries to punish would-be trespassers to her domain. Players are required to defeat Royal Knight Loretta in order to gain access to the northeast sections of Liurnia behind the estate which houses locations important to the story.
Liurnia of the Lakes, Caria Manor
Tips and Tricks
  • Maintain your distance when she uses glintstone sorceries
  • Dodge under her diagonal slashes and through her horizontal sweeps.
  • Use a tanky spirit to distract her and get some hits from behind.
Leonine Misbegotten ✔

Leonine Misbegotten
Defeat the Leonine Misbegotten.                                                                   

Boss Type
Leonine Misbegotten is a feral humanoid with feline features and a thick, crimson mane.
Limgrave, Castle Morne
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Lone Wolf Ash Summons
  • Use Glinstone Pebble or Carian Slicer spells
  • Ash of War: Barricade Shield works very well here
  • Staggers easily
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void ✔

Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Defeat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void.                                             

Boss Type
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void is a malformed star which landed in the Lands Between long ago
Ainsel River (Underground)
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Mimic Tear Ashes or any more-tanky one.
  • Don't get hit by his fang attack. It'll be indicated by the glowing fangs on his face - this skill is an instant death attack.
Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree ✔

Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
Defeat Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree.                                        

Boss Type
It's the non-spirit version of the boss already fought in Caria Manor
Miquella's Haligtree
Tips and Tricks
  • Maintain your distance when she uses glintstone sorceries
  • Dodge under her diagonal slashes and through her horizontal sweeps.
  • Use a tanky spirit to distract her and get some hits from behind.
Mimic Tear ✔

Mimic Tear
Defeat Mimic Tear.                                                                                                     

Boss Type
Mimic Tear initially spawns in as a Silver Tear, then transforms into your character, having the same equipped armor, weapons and spells to fight.
Nokron, Eternal City
Tips and Tricks
  • Unequip your weapons before the fight starts, then re-equip them after it starts. The boss will have no weapons.
Mohg, the Omen ✔

Mohg, the Omen
Defeat Mohg, the Omen.                                                                                       

Boss Type
Mohg, the Omen is one of the hardest bosses in the game, having one of the largest health bars and having high resistance to basically all sorts of attacks (both magic and melee deal vastly reduced damage against him).
Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
Tips and Tricks
  • Equip Mohg's Shackle in your items and buff before entering the arena, summon your ash of choice right away then wait for him to approach
  • When he is close and about to strike, use the Mohg's shackle item to interrupt him then unleash some charged attacks on him.
  • You may need to trade a hit or two, but you should be able to stagger him with all of that time and get a critical strike.
  • Feel free to run away and rebuff if needed, let your summon take aggro and dodge through his attacks.
Godfrey the First Lord ✔

Godfrey the First Lord
Defeat Odfrey the First Lord.                                                                       

Boss Type
This is a spectral shade of Godfrey. After being brought down to about 40% health, Godfrey will drop his armor and weapons and enter his second phase where he is known as Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Tips and Tricks
  • This is a relatively easy boss for this late into the game, due to his attacks being very slow and easy to dodge
  • As a mage, simply keep your distance and spam him with spells, when he rushes towards you dodge backwards.
  • As a melee character, dodge towards him and slightly to the side to get behind him and deal a few hits between his combos.
  • You shouldn’t have much trouble dodging his slow axe attacks.
  • Sometimes he likes to do a stomp that deals AoE damage but if you are dodging it won’t hurt you.
  • If you try to heal while being away from him he will instantly rush towards you, so it’s better to dodge a combo and heal afterward, this gives you a long enough break without being attacked.
Magma Wyrm Makar ✔

Magma Wyrm Makar
Defeat Magma Wyrm Makar.                                                                          

Boss Type
Magma Wyrm Makar is a Dragon creature
Liurnia of the Lakes, Ruin-Strewn Precipice
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Kaiden Sellsword Ash Summons
  • Glintstone Pebble is excellent for this fight. Aim for the head.
  • Bring fire resistance Items
  • In phase 2 it's pretty easy to stay near its legs safely
  • Seems easy to posture break with charged heavy attacks on its legs
Godskin Noble ✔

Godskin Noble
Defeat Godskin Noble.                                                                                           

Boss Type
Godskin Nobles are flabby and overweight humanoids wielding rapiers and black flame magic.
Can be encountered in multiple locations:
  • Volcano Manor
  • Spiritcaller's Cave in the Mountaintops of the Giants
  • Crumbling Farum Azula
  • Carian Study Hall
Tips and Tricks
  • Easy to defeat using mage build, the Comet Azur Spell and the Cerulean Hidden Tear in your Wondrous Flask (infinite FP), thus you can potentially one-shot him or at least take most of his health right at the start.
  • Keep your distance and spam spells until he dies, use the pillars around the room for cover.
Red Wolf of Radagon ✔

Red Wolf of Radagon
Defeat the Red Wolf of Radagon.                                                                  

Boss Type
Mandatory for Legacy Dungeon
Red Wolf of Radagon is a giant red wolf Great Enemy Boss
Liurnia of the Lakes – Academy of Raya Lucaria – Schoolhouse Classroom (requires Academy Glintstone Key, found behind the dragon boss Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Lone Wolf Ashes
  • Use fast castling spells like Glintstone Pebble and stay mobile
Margit, the Fell Omen ✔

Margit, the Fell Omen
Defeat Margit, the Fell Omen.

Boss Type
Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame. Let it be Margit the Fell!
Stormhill, Stormveil Castle
Tips and Tricks
  • Purchase Margit's Shackle from Patches to bind him to the ground. This allows you to get a few free hits.
  • Using the Lone Wolf Ashes can help distract Margit long enough to get some easy damage in with spells or melee attacks. The wolves work better than the Northimn Mercenary for this fight because you only need them to stay alive, and it's harder to kill 3 mobile targets than 1 non-mobile one.
  • Glintstone Stars works amazingly well in this fight if you can get separation to use them. Consider bringing only 1 health flask so you can get more casts in if you do decide to use them.
  • Wait for him to do his leaping plunge attack with his Hammer and roll through it towards him to get in some easy damage. This is your best opening during this fight.
  • Ash of War: Shield Barricade can make this fight much easier for melee players because it allows them to block and attack more easily, though his yellow blade is not Physical Damage, making you still take chip damage.
  • Great boss to learn how to parry. Do note that it takes 2 parries to put him in a riposte state. Majority of his staff attacks are parry-able, but his magic weapon attacks are not. This simplifies the fight a lot as majority of his attacks open up with the staff. *Needs to be tested but I have not tested if his staff+sword/hammer spin is parry-able, as it rarely happens when parry-ing him successfully.
Valiant Gargoyle ✔

Valiant Gargoyle
Defeat Valiant Gargoyle.                                                                                     

Boss Type
Valiant Gargoyle is a double boss of 2 giant gargoyles. After taking half the health of the first gargoyle, a 2nd gargoyle will spawn. They use a variety of melee attacks, poison gas, and and some ranged shockwaves, as well as flying attacks that will home in one you from anywhere.
Siofra Aqueduct, in Nokron, Eternal City
Tips and Tricks
  • Kill the first Gargoyle before damaging the 2nd one.
  • The faster you can kill the 1st one the easier it will be.
  • While fighting both Gargoyle you need to watch what the 2nd gargoyle is doing. Keep your distance to it, but get ready to dodge when it comes flying towards you.
  • If you play a mage, it’s not worth summoning Ashen Remains, the mana is better reserved for using spells and carrying some more health flasks (about 6 health flasks and 5 mana flasks will suffice).
Regal Ancestor Spirit ✔

Regal Ancestor Spirit
Defeat Regal Ancestor Spirit.                                                                      

Boss Type
Regal Ancestor Spirit is a large animated carcass of a deer, just like the Ancestor Spirit. This is a 1:1 copy of the Ancestral Spirit in Siofra River, with the only addition being that it will heal itself regularly so the fight drags on for longer.
Nokron, Eternal City
Tips and Tricks
  • Light the 6 flames
  • Then you can interact with a dead elk at Hallowborn Grounds in Ancestral Woods.
  • This teleports you to the boss.
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella ✔

Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
Defeat Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella.                                                   

Boss Type
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella is a huge Humanoid Creature
South-western section of Ainsel River accessed from the Ainsel River Well
Tips and Tricks
  • It uses single-hit attacks and no real combos
  • Very slow and very easy to dodge boss
Fire Giant ✔

Fire Giant
Defeat Fire Giant.                                                                                                    

Boss Type
Fire Giant, the last known survivor of the War against the Giants, is a massive humanoid creature with a face on its chest
Mountaintops of the Giants
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Black Knife Tiche or Mimic Tear Ash Summons. Avoid low health group summons like the wolves, as he can cleave them down with ease
  • Fire giant is resistant to bleed but not immune, making weapons that inflict bleed effective. Antspur Rapier with Ash of War: Seppuku and imbued with poison will inflict poison, Scarlet Rot, and bleed, enhanced further with items such as Mushroom Crown, Lord of Blood's Exultation, and Kindred of Rot's Exultation.
  • During the last phase, the incantation Swarm of Flies can be used to inflict bleed during openings when the boss halts, which can be enhanced with items such as Radagon Icon, Faithful's Canvas Talisman, and Lord of Blood's Exultation.
Godskin Duo ✔

Godskin Duo
Defeat Godskin Duo.                                                                                                   

Boss Type
Godskin Duo is a dual-boss fight where you'll have to fight against Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble, both simultaneously.
Crumbling Farum Azula
Tips and Tricks
  • Put one boss to sleep and focus down the other. Refer to Sleep Strat below.
  • Use the Hoarfrost Stomp skill and spam it behind a pillar. Refer to Hoarfrost Stomp Strat below.
  • The structures in the arena are your allies, use them to gain space to heal, or to separate them and fight them one at a time.
  • If you use a Spirit Ash, don't stall too much as your Spirit ally won't last too much, so be aggresive while the Spirit Ash is active.
Lichdragon Fortissax ✔

Lichdragon Fortissax
Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax.                                                                    

Boss Type
Optional, but required for achieving the "Age of Duskborn" ending
Lichdragon Fortissax is a massive four-winged black dragon wielding powerful lightning attacks
This boss has not a specific location and finding is the merge of Fia’s and Rann’s Questline, enter Fia’s dream by interacting with the sleeping Fia.
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the "Loretta's Mastery" Spell
  • Use the "Rotten Breath" Incantation
  • Also you can use Mimic Tear to distract it, then consume Wondrous Flask with Cerulean Hidden Tear (infinite mana) and fire Comet Azur spell to kill it in one attack.
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon ✔

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon.                                

Boss Type
Optional, as only two shardbearers must be defeated to gain access to Leyndell Castle, or only Starscourge Radahn if the player uses the secret entrance in Deeproot Depths
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon is one of the demigods players may have to defeat in order to advance the story forward
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Lone Wolf Ashes Summon, as well as summoning a dragon, a giant, and an unknown enemy that dashes and lunges at the player.
  • If you're using a Bow just fire away, since Physical Damage is good here. Range down the students in Phase I.
  • Rennala is very resistant to magic, so the best choice against her is Rock Sling, to which she is vulnerable. But bring a sword for hitting the glowing students, locking the right one can be a pain.

Dragonlord Placidusax ✔

Dragonlord Placidusax
Defeat Dragonlord Placidusax.                                                                     

Boss Type
Dragonlord Placidusax is a massive, two-headed dragon that uses mostly Lightning damage attacks.
Crumbling Farum Azula
Tips and Tricks
  • The easiest way to victory is to summon Mimic Tear (ideally fully leveled up)
  • Use a mage build spam Rock Sling at it from afar for the rest of the fight
  • Just keep your distance and spam the spell, and the boss will mostly focus on your Mimic Tear ashen remains.
Maliketh the Black Blade ✔

Maliketh the Black Blade
Defeat Maliketh the Black Blade.                                                            

Boss Type
Beast Clergyman & Maliketh, the Black Blade are one and the same boss consisting of 2 phases, taking on two different forms with different names throughout the fight. At exactly 50% health Beast Clergyman will transform into Maliketh, the Black Blade.
Crumbling Farum Azula
Tips and Tricks
  • Ideally your Ashes are still alive to distract him at the start, allowing you to get some quick damage in while he focuses on your Ashes.
  • When he focuses on you, you’ll want to stay close to him to bait him into melee attacks.
  • As a mage you’ll want to dodge backward to get some distance and use the Rock Sling spell again immediately after he misses his combo, hopefully stunning him, then you can spam Rock Sling for massive damage.
  • You can hide behind pillars from the 3 projectiles or dodge each one sideways just before it hits.
Hoarah Loux the Warrior ✔

Hoarah Loux the Warrior
Defeat Hoarah Loux the Warrior.                                                             

Boss Type
Godfrey, First Elden Lord & Hoarah Loux, Warrior are one and the same boss. Godfrey transforms into Hoarah at half health.
Leyndell, Capital of Ash.
Tips and Tricks
  • Jump to avoid his stomp attacks.
  • Recognize his grapple patterns as Hoarah Loux

Shardbearer Mohg ✔

Shardbearer Mohg
Defeat Shardbearer Mohg.                                                                              

Boss Type
Basically a 1:1 copy of Mohg, the Omen but in a much larger arena so it’s easier to get away from him and spam him with long-range spells.
Mohgwyn Palace inside Siofra River
Tips and Tricks
  • The player can find the Mohg’s Shackle item in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds under Lyndell just before the Lyndell Catacombs bonfire at the bottom of the pipe/water area. Can be used similar to Margit’s Shackle during the boss fight to tether him for a short bit. You will NOT be able to tether him during his second phase.
  • Mohg will recite Tres, Duo and Unus at certain health thresholds, placing a red ring around the player. At the start of his second phase, he will chant Nihil three times, doing large damage and healing himself for each ring on the player. In order to survive this attack, you will need a potion made with the "Purifying Crystal Tear", or will need to heal. The damage will cancel any ongoing healing and interrupt the player, so the optimal time to do so is during the interval between the second and third Nihil.
  • The "Purifying Crystal Tear" will provide the player with a shield, which prevents all three counts of bleed in the mid-battle attack described above. This is obtained by defeating the invader Eleonora at the end of Yura's quest line.
Shardbearer Malenia ✔

Shardbearer Malenia
Defeat Shardbearer Malenia.                                                                    

Boss Type
Malenia, Blade of Miquella born as a twin to Miquella, Malenia is known as the most powerful of the Empyreans. Wielding a prosthetic arm and leg. Players do not need to defeat it in order to advance in Elden Ring. Malenia is also the feature of the game's Collector's Edition, which features a statue of her and a replica of her helmet.
Consecrated Snowfield
Tips and Tricks
  • Most of her attacks have to be dodged by rolling to the side.
  • Her low Poise makes it rather easy to interrupt most of her actions by just relentlessly attacking her. Stacking poise on your character (around 60) will allow you to keep attacking through most of her own attacks. She is also vulnerable to knockdown attacks in her first phase, so using a weapon or Spirit Ash that abuses this can be helpful.
  • Weapons with Bleed are recommended, as it's rather easy to proc the status on her and it allows you to more easily outpace her self healing. Frost is also a valid option.
  • Melania heals every time she hits you with an attack, even when blocked. In addition, she often dodges backwards at the end of a combo, making parries and guard counters hard to land. This makes most shields less useful than normal. It is recommended that you two-hand your weapon and dodge roll her attacks. A great shield with high block may be useful when she performs her Waterfowl Dance.
  • Her opening move in phase two, Scarlet Aeonia, as described above, can be easily avoided by immediately running towards her and turning right upon being almost directly underneath her. She will turn to follow your movement, but as soon as she is looking leftwards you can start moving right and you should be far enough away to avoid both parts of the attack.
  • When you have avoided the Scarlet Aeonia attack, there is a window of about 5-7 seconds where Melania is unable to move or attack while at the centre of the scarlet rot mist. Use this opportunity to unleash powerful ranged attacks or spells/incantations with a DoT area effect. If you have the FP, Comet Azur can take off 30% of her HP before she becomes active again. This can be repeated every time she does this attack and is your best opportunity for heavy damage. You can also attack her freely in melee during this window but be aware you will take heavy DoT damage and Scarlet Rot buildup.
  • In order to avoid her Waterfowl Dance combo you must start running away from her while maintaining lock-on as soon as she leaps, which will let you avoid the first two spin attacks entirely if done soon enough (if not you will have to roll the second one). The third spin attack has to be rolled through, and make sure to stay away from her until the final AoE triggers. If you are caught by the attack it is better to roll towards her than away; the extreme edges of the attack seem to have more hitboxes.
  • In Phase 2, make sure you are constantly topped up to full HP. Many of her basic combo attacks are strong enough to deal well over 1000 damage to heavy armour users very quickly, so sitting at 80% HP or below to save on flasks is liable to get you killed.
Shardbearer Morgott ✔

Shardbearer Morgott
Defeat Shardbearer Morgott.                                                                        

Boss Type
Morgott, The Omen King is a Boss in Elden Ring. Morgott, The Omen King is the true identity of Margit, the Fell Omen and the self-proclaimed "Last of All Kings"
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Tips and Tricks
  • Bring Margit's Shackle Item
  • Using Margit’s Shackle outside the bossroom temporarily breaks his AI
Shardbearer Rykard ✔

Shardbearer Rykard
Defeat Shardbearer Rykard.                                                                           

Boss Type
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy is the true form of the God-Devouring Serpent, whose body has been taken over by Rykard
Mt. Gelmir
Tips and Tricks
  • Use the Serpent-Hunter Great Spear found at the beginning of the boss' chamber.
  • Use the Mimic Tear Spirit Summon while equipped with Serpent-Hunter to significantly reduce the boss' difficulty.
Shardbearer Godrick ✔

Shardbearer Godrick
Defeat Shardbearer Godrick.                                                                        

Boss Type
Godrick the Grafted is the ruler of Stormveil Castle, and the final boss of this area. You don't need to initially fight Godrick the Grafted to progress into the next area of Elden Ring, and can instead opt to face him at a later part of the game.
Stormveil Castle
Tips and Tricks
  • Attack him from behind during phase 2 when he does his fire breath attack
  • Be mindful of his combo attacks, Don't run in unless you see a clear opening
  • Spirit Summons can be used to distract Godrick so that the direction of his attacks aren't always toward you
  • If possible, carry more Flasks with you before entering through the fog gate
  • Once you get a successful hit in, its best to follow up with a combo to delay his next attack and maximize damage output
  • Remember to Summon Nepheli Loux before you enter
  • Use the arena to your advantage (trees, pillars, rocks)

Shardbearer Radahn ✔

Shardbearer Radahn
Defeat Shardbearer Radahn.                                                                         

Boss Type
Starscourge Radahn is a massive and destructive creature
Wailing Dunes, Caelid
Tips and Tricks
  • Torrent is available for this fight (unless other players are summoned in for co-op)
  • The summon signs seen are NPC summons for the Festival Mechanic. They can be summoned with one button press and any number can be summoned at once. Upon death, their signs will reappear to summon again, though not necessarily in the same place as first summoned.
  • With the summons, it is possible (if slow) to complete the fight without attacking Radahn directly.
    Radahn will start shooting magic arrows immediately upon entering the arena
  • These can be blocked with a shield, but will do heavy magic damage. They will kill most players in one hit.
  • The arrows home so accurately that they are not possible to dodge without the use of i-frames, such as rolling or mounting/dismounting Torrent. As always, rolling toward the source of a projectile will make it easier to dodge with -frames
  • Debris on the battlefield will block the arrows once, as it will destroy the debris instead of the player. Helpfully, the first two groups of summon signs are behind such debris.
  • The arrow barrage Radahn fires in the air ("Arrow Rain") will also home in on you. It is easier to dodge on Torrent, but is possible to outrun on foot if you run directly perpendicular to Radahn.
  • A reliable approach is to raise your shield when you enter the arena and approach the first group of summon signs. Summon all available NPCs, using the debris next to their signs for cover, and advance to the next group with your shield up. Keep an eye on Radahn: at some point he pulls back his bow without the magical energy charges, signaling you to get on your horse and begin strafing to avoid his spear-arrow attacks. Once you get close enough, Radahn will pull out his swords and begin his melee attacks, at which point you can begin the fight. At this point, if you're on horseback it should be safe to run away a bit and heal the chip damage from his arrow attacks.
  • If the player stays a far enough distance away, he will become unable to perform his arrow wall attack, making the opening sequence of the fight a lot easier. In terms of proximity, avoid going past the first 3 summon signs you see until one of them has had the opportunity to make Radahn switch to his Melee stance. After which you are fine to continue moving forward and collect the missing summon signs.
  • Almost all of Radahn's ranged attacks, including his magic arrow and both of his magic rock and sphere projectiles will likely kill in one hit. The magic arrows must be dodged with i-frames or blocked. The magic rocks and magic spheres can be dodged with i-frames or by sprinting perpendicularly to Radahn on torrent.
  • Radahn is extremely weak to Scarlet Rot. Inflicting it on him once will bring him down to half health in a short time. Going into the second stage of the battle with cure him of the rot. Inflicting it on him again will kill him in a short time. By and far the easiest way to win the fight is to hit him with Rotten Breath, which will require two successful hits to inflict Scarlet Rot.
Collectible and miscellaneous achievements ✔

These achievement require from player to collect legendary items or upgrade your equipment.

Legendary Sorceries and Incantations
Acquire all legendary sorceries and incantations

Legendary Ashen Remains
Acquire all legendary ashen remains

Legendary Talismans
Acquire all legendary talismans

Legendary Armaments
Acquire all legendary armaments

God-Slaying Armament
Upgrade any armament to its highest stage

Ending achievements ✔

There are only 3 endings in Elden Ring: good, bad and secret one. Beating game with each ending has its own achievement. More information about what conditions must be completed to get the ending is described below.

Lord of Frenzied Flame
Achieve the “Lord of the Frenzied Flame” ending

This ending is rather simple compared to what's required in the Age of Stars ending. At any point after reaching the Royal Capital, you can make your way down the depths of the sewers to find the Cathedral of the Forsaken.

Defeat the boss Mogh, the Omen down here and they'll be a secret path you can interact with. Follow this path, down the jumping puzzle, and then interact with the door at the bottom WHILE not having any armor/equipment on. They'll be a cutscene with Three Fingers and your character appearance will change.

At the end of the game on the stone platform, you can select the "Become the Lord of the Frenzied Flame" ending. and you will get the "Lord of Frenzied Flame" achievement.

Age of the Stars
Achieve the “Age of the Stars” ending

Completing the questline for Ranni (also known as Renna) will allow you to get the "Age of Stars" ending option at the end of the game. You will see an option to "Summon Ranni", do this for the "Age of Stars" achievement also.

Ranni's Questline Steps
  • Step 1: Talk to Ranni After Defeating Radahn
  • Step 2: Go to Nokron, Eternal City and find the Hidden treasure
  • Step 3: Use the Carian Inverted Statue at Carian Study Hall
  • Step 4: Return to Three Sisters Area, go Through the Portal
  • Step 5: Collect the Minature Ranni Item and talk to Ranni a few times at a Site of grace
  • Step 6: Defeat the Baleful Shadow
  • Step 7: Defeat the Boss Astel Naturalborn of the Void
  • Step 8: Get the Dark Moon Ring from the Academy
  • Step 9: Give Ranni the Ring
  • Step 10: Summon Ranni at the end of the game when making a choice

Elden Lord
Achieve the “Elden Lord” ending

Elden Lord has two different endings and here are the conditions for unlocking each of them.

Elden Lord: Age of Fracture
  • Select the option that asks you to follow path of Two Fingers. Once you select this option, the game will end.
  • Select “Mend the Elden Ring” option once you counter the final boss successfully.

Elden Lord: Age of Duskborn
  • Select the option that asks you to follow the path of Two Fingers. Once you select this option, the game will end.
  • Select “Mending Rune of the Death Prince” option once you counter the final boss successfully.

This videoguide can help you get all three endings in one playthrough. Watch it and follow the instructions.

Elden Ring
Obtain all trophies/achievements

It's fairly obvious that this achievement will be the last one and will be unlocked only after you've completed each of the achievements mentioned above.

Conclusion ✔

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Máhh 14 Apr, 2024 @ 5:37am 
Máhh 14 Apr, 2024 @ 5:37am 
Máhh 14 Apr, 2024 @ 5:37am 
SrslyTony 2 Jan, 2024 @ 11:47pm 
It's a good guide. I've only been playing for 30 hours right now but I've learned recently that if you explore the map too fast, some NPCs will start being killed by other NPCs before their quest can get wrapped up, and I was thinking "oh there's absolutely at least one legendsry talisman that involves you to follow someone's side quest to the very end". Now I can take notes at which ones those may be! Appreciate it :pirate_smile:
Frostbyte 1 Apr, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
"Missable Achievements: 3. (Ending achievements)"

I'd argue 4 achievements are missable. If you miss Bolt of Gransax before getting to Farum Azula, it's only obtainable again in a NG+.
SotiCoto 1 Apr, 2023 @ 9:26am 
The guide gives barely any explanation for the most troublesome things, is overreliant on video links to do all the actual work, and is flooded with pointless filler images.

Conclusion: Bad Guide.
nandateme 8 Mar, 2023 @ 2:42pm 
"Estimated time to complete all achievements: 70+ hours."

Yeah, sure, 70 hours, and guess what, I heard this even possible in 2h 42min 50s
Shinpur 6 Jan, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
Battle Beast Gaming 9 Jul, 2022 @ 3:43pm 
why is rykard labeled as mandatory
MOZA 20 May, 2022 @ 7:48am 
really helpful, thanks.