FAR: Changing Tides

FAR: Changing Tides

40 ratings
By Csontzuzo
100% achievement guide with clear descriptions, screenshoots, chapter select locations for missable achievements and a video speedrun walkthrough for the whole game with successfull "at a rate of knots" achievement.
General Information
Required playthroughs: 2+. Theoretically one enough, with some chapter select replays, but it is doubtful anyone would do the speedrun achievement during the first playthrough.

100% difficulty: 4/10. Speedrun is quite doable already on the second playthrough and just need to be extra careful while attempting the "steady as you go", which is not that hard either.

Chapter select available?: Yes, if you missed anything, you can return to that point via "load". Only speedrun required starting with a new game but starting a new game don't reset stats so you don't need to farm "travel distance" achievements before attempting the speedrun.

100% completion time: 10-12h, while I guess noone going to do the speedrun achievement on first walkthrough because even watching vids before or during that walkthrough, you will just get some delay and you would run out of time.
Storyline achievements
You don't need to care about these achievements, they are listed in the guide just for mere completion. All these should be unlocked when you finished the game at least once, and in the following order:

Cast Off
Release the vessel

So it Begins
Leave home

Fixed it!
Repair the lever at the sawmill

Load the firebox and light the train engine

Heart Core
Install the Engine Module

Fire Warden
Douse the engine to keep it cooled

Discover the Ancients
View the Ancient's murals

All Patched Up
Attach the new Stern Module

20,000 Leagues
Install the Diving Module

Turn on the Lights
Activate the underwater gate

Ancient Energy
Install the Energy Boost Module

Pass through the sea gate

Are You Qualified For That?
Use the crane to clear the way

Risen From the Depths
Complete the ascent of the floating city

What Now?
Leave the floating city

Northwest Passage
Resurface between the ice

Free the vessel from the ice

Inflate the balloon and float over the waterfall

A Familiar Sound?
Sound the lighthouse horn

Meet Lone
Speedrun Walkthrough Video aka "At a rate of knots"
At a Rate of Knots
Complete the journey in less than 210 minutes

You will have 3hours and 30minutes to finish a game, which isn't hard on a second playthrough. I still had time to waste in this run, collected all containers and made the flower to reach its full potential.
Here is the walkthrough video:

Distance traveling achievements
Full Steam Ahead
Travel 1000m using the Boost Module

Eventually you will get the boost module upgrade. While your ship boosted it will travel faster. Essential for speedrun achievement but I also traveled 1000m with it during my first playthrough so I believe this could be literally a storyline achievement. If you unsure how to use the boost then you can check one preparation and useage at 2:02:36-2:03:20 on the video but here is also an explanation:
1. Start the burner and heat it up, and keep the green marked area in the blue fields.
2. While keeping the green marked area in the blue fields don't forget to cool down the yellow marked area with your water hose.
3. Once the button at the orange marked area becomes active, then use it.

Travel 10000m aboard the vessel while submerged

10km while submerged is quite lot and this was my last achievement, together with the perfection achievement. Don't focus on getting this early, you can get it later, you might also get it while trying for "steady as you go" achievement. If you still need it once done with everything else, then load checkpoint #30, you can travel there submerged without obstacled for a quite long time. Repeat if required.
Flower related achievements
You can get a flower at the beginning of the game. If you missed it, you can return to it and pick it up with loading the chapter marked with number #1, so you need to load up the very first checkpoint. Eventually you will get to a spot and you need to pick up the flower and carry it to your ship:

Just store the flower first on your ship and continue your journey, you will have 2 options to deal with it. I suggest to do option 1 in your speedrun and do option 2 in your first, regular playthrough, as all achievements in options 2 will take more time.

Option 1

Going Green
Burn the flower

Once you unlock the steam engine for your ship, then justuse the flower as a fuel and burn it.

Option 2

Plant the flower in the vessel

Just keep the flower until you get another ship upgrade and you can plant the flower at the following part of your ship: (HOW?: Just drop the flower at the marked location)
If still unsure about how it goes, you can watch the planting on the video at 48:00.

I'm Rooting For You!
Water the flower

Beauty in Disaster
Grow the flower to its full potential

Now water the planet as you can see on the picture to get I'm Rooting For You! and periodically return and water the plant again and again during your journey to get Beauty in Disaster. Also make sure the roof above the flower is open (blue marked area on the next picture and the blue button is next to it) and travel on the water as much as you can instead going submarine mode even when it is not necessary. The flower reaching its full potential on the video too, it is at ~2:00:25.
Other missable achievements
Burn 100 fuel

Burn 100 fuels. Sounds annoying right? Because you won't burn that many during 2 playthroughs, not even half of them. Just load a checkpoint where you had MANY fuels and add them to burner. Nope, you don't need to wait until they are burned, you can add fuels to it even if its full and the counter already goes up. Reload that checkpoint until achievement earned.

King of the World!
Stand at the prow of the vessel while travelling at full speed

Be at the marked location while the steam engine(burner) working and the sails also got maximum power. The boost not required for this achievement:

Oh Buoy
Push all the buoys out of the way

Push away all the buoys with your ship. Originally i would think this achievement is a storyline achievement, but actually you could skip some while going underwater. So don't do that, because you need to do it in one run:-)

Running a Tight Ship
Successfully repair key parts of the vessel 10 times

You will find some kind of oil can with 6 charges (when full) and you need to repair your ship 10 times total. If you having issues to get this (then you playing the game perfectly:-D) then don't cool down the engine while the burner is active or don't lower the sails when you passing a bridge. You can eventually keep the damage and reload the checkpoint to get the total 10 if neccessary.

Running on Fumes
Burned the last item onboard

Run out of fuels completly on your ship. Again, if not earned during your regular gameplay, just load a checkpoint and add all of your item to the burner.

Salvage Hunter
Salvage the contents of 6 containers in a single journey

Collect 6 containers with the hook of your ship. 2 containers need to be collected to progress in the game, the other ones you could find at the bouys, on the groundfloor of the ocean/sea. You need to collect 6 in a single run, but there are at least 7 you can find in one run. Locations of those 7 on the walkthrough video:

  • 48:25 - 48:40 (unmissable)
  • 52:48 - 53:45
  • 1:16:35 - 1:20:00 (unmissable)
  • 1:40:05 - 1:45:30 (this was a trickier and i wasted like 4 extra minutes here)
  • 1:55:40 - 1:56:25
  • 2:32:50 - 2:34:15
  • 2:59:23 - 3:00:00

Steady as you Go
Navigate the underwater caves near the waterfall without bumping into them

You need to pass the area you load with the chapter select #51 checkpoint.
This is the area where you need to start and need to avoid bumping to any walls:
And you should get the achievement once you reach the balloon.
The affected area on the video: 3:00:53 - 3:04:20
Changed Tides
Attain all other achievements

This achievement unlocks as last, together with your other, last missing achievement. You can start new game anytime. That not affecting your progress toward this achievement as your stats don't reset with a new game.
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Kvo 31 Dec, 2022 @ 1:40pm 
Thank You.
progamerguy101 27 Jul, 2022 @ 6:58am 
lunarul, that's how the ocean works. my dad worked in the merchant marine and they could go days without something happening at sea,like sometimes they won't even see dolphins or whales. So the devs did their research and made the experience to the T.
lunarul 30 May, 2022 @ 9:00pm 
@RTz13: I found the first one a better experience than the sequel. This one has a lot more dead time, just waiting to get to the next destination with nothing much to do. I felt like there was almost always something to do in the first one and going through a second playthrough for the last achievements was fun. In this one, mopping up the last achievements felt more like a chore. Just my 2c.
lunarul 30 May, 2022 @ 8:59pm 
Thank you for the great guide. The exact timestamps for the containers were just what I needed, and pointing to the best checkpoint for Submariner was the cherry on top.
RTz13 7 Mar, 2022 @ 8:14am 
@csontzuzo i do recommend the first one on sale, 3-4 hours to complete
Csontzuzo  [author] 7 Mar, 2022 @ 1:05am 
@Ganjalf the Green {GH}: yes, i know it is not a storyline achievement, this is why it is not listed there, but i never thought anyone would finish the game without it:-D Thanks for the confirmation tho and YW:-)
@RTz13: I actually not played the first one so can't compare to it. Somehow the vehicular travelling with a car on ground not felt enough charming to me, but this one with a ship while also could explore underwater environment felt something more i would like to play. It is a fun, casual game, i would recommend, but because of the too simple and straightforward puzzles i feel so that the game is a bit overpriced.
RTz13 6 Mar, 2022 @ 8:51am 
Loved the first one, found it a great moody experience for late night plays. Recommend?
Ganjalf the Green 5 Mar, 2022 @ 10:35pm 
got all but 6 achievements during my first playthrough and i can confirm that "Full Steam Ahead -
Travel 1000m using the Boost Module"
IS NOT a storyline achievement.

thanks for this guide!