Battlefield™ V

Battlefield™ V

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Battlefield V - SLI FIX - NVIDIA
By Madmonkey68
This is a guide on how to get SLI up and running for NVIDIA users on Battlefield V.

This is not a mod, we are not modifying the game files. We are merely turning a couple settings ON so it is perfectly safe to use in Online Multiplayer.

I have been using this same SLI fix with older Nvidia drivers to play Battlefield V Online Multiplayer since game launch without any ban.

Tested with the following at 4K (3840x2160) resolution:

GeForce Game Ready Driver - Version: 511.23, Release date: 01/14/2022
( )

CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K
OS: Windows 10

I cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of the use of this guide, use at your own risk.

UPDATED: 05/13/2022
Gettings Started

Install a fresh copy of Battlefield V and run the game at least once making sure to customize the video and graphical settings.
Graphics Settings
In order for SLI to function, make sure to have "Motion Blur" and the "DX 12 ENABLED" option set to OFF.

These are my graphical settings:

Setting up SLI
1. Navigate to the following site and download Nvidia Inspector.

2. Move the downloaded file to desktop, extract in a new folder and open "nvidiaProfileInspector".

3. Inside Nvidia Inspector, find and open the Battlefield V profile and match the following three settings accordingly making sure to spam "Apply changes" when done.

4. In Windows, navigate to C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs
Select both "nvdrsdb0" and "nvdrsdb1", Right Click and go "Properties".

5. Check the "Read-only" option and press "Apply".

6. Enjoy!


Steps 4 and 5 are ESSENTIAL to get Nvidia Inspector to save and apply your settings in BFV.
Settings in Nvidia Inspector or Nvidia Control Panel will not be applied to Battlefield V if the "Read-only" is not applied.

Please also note that you will not be able to make changes to Nvidia Inspector or Nvidia Control Panel for other games unless you temporarily navigate back to the two files and Turn OFF "Read-only". Existing changes to BFV will remain as long as you do not launch the game.
Turn ON "Read-only" when changes are made or when you go back to play BFV.

SLI ENABLED - With Changes

Please note performance may differ depending on user specs and graphical settings.
Optional - Increasing sharpness to counter blurry TXAA anti-aliasing
There are ways to remove anti-aliasing outright in Battlefield V but from personal testing I've noticed it leads to heavy artifacts ruining gameplay. Instead you can just increase sharpness through Nvidia Control Panel and it looks good without any artifacts.

You will not be able to make this change unless you temporarily navigate back to the two files and Turn OFF "Read-only". Turn ON "Read-only" when changes are made and you are ready to launch BFV. Follow steps 4 and 5 from "Setting up SLI" section in this guide for help.

Kamov 24 Mar, 2022 @ 9:31pm 
hmmm ok i dont have problem with network but i do have with lag But anyways thx
Madmonkey68  [author] 24 Mar, 2022 @ 8:23am 
Depending on the system configuration and in-game settings (assuming you have 2 GPUs), you should see some sort of performance increase when enabling SLI with the help of this guide. If its network/connection lag you're talking about then this may not help.
Kamov 24 Mar, 2022 @ 6:31am 
will this guide will reduce lag?
Madmonkey68  [author] 23 Mar, 2022 @ 7:14am 
Loge 23 Mar, 2022 @ 5:20am 