

231 ratings
Super Noob's Guide to Starting Magicite
By KatherineOfSky
Though I found several "Beginner's Guides" -- most of them didn't help with the nitty gritty, so I thought I'd create a newbie's guide to beginning the game.
Though I found several "Beginner's Guides" -- most of them didn't help with the nitty gritty, so I thought I'd create a newbie's guide to beginning the game.
Creating your Character
Not many options when you first begin, but the two main skills I find most useful are the "Potion Brewer" Trait (purple bottle icon), and "Gatherer" trait (green plant icon). You can "roll" traits as many times as you like by clicking on the "Stats" button on the upper right side of the character creation screen.
First World
Normally a forest, the enemies here are formidable without the right tools. First thing to do:

(Note: Movement is accomplished with W, A, S, D. Use of an item is generall left click, unless it is a consumable, which is right click.)

1. Chop at least 10 (parts of) trees so that you have at least 10 wood; (an equal number of sticks will follow). Do this in the very beginning part of the map if you can, away from monsters so you have time to craft.

2. Open your crafting window by pressing R. You start off with a wood-bladed axe. You need to create a sword (for killing monsters), and a pick (for mining stone).
  • Left click on the Sticks pile. Dole out 3 single sticks by right clicking in three empty squares. Put the big sticks pile in an empty square.
  • To combine items, shift click two squares together -- for example, hold shift, and click on two of the single sticks, one after another. Grats, you've just made an axe handle. ... but you don't need one... so shift click the axe handle and the other single stick. There's your pick handle!
  • To make refined wood, we need to split the wood pile in half and then combine those two stacks together. Right click on your wood pile. (It will automatically pick up half the pile). Put it in an empty square, then shift click the two piles together. You now have refined wood.
  • Make a sword hilt by selecting one piece of refined wood and one stick & combine.
  • Hilts & handles are all well and good, but you need blades! To make a blade, take two pieces of refined material (in this case, wood), and combine them. Then, combine the new blade with your handle. Voila! You now have a sword & pick!

3. Equipping. The top row of squares in your inventory, (above your character's paper-doll), can be selected with hot keys -- 1 through 5. I suggest placing the sword in the first slot, pick in second, and axe in third. The fourth and fifth I usually save for a bow and healing potion.

4. Gathering -- Gather everything you can initially, especially "tufts of grass", which end up being herbs (used for healing potions), or mushrooms (used for mana potions). (Combine 2 herbs for a health potion, or 2 mushrooms for a mana potion). Equip one in a quick slot for use. (To use, select, and RIGHT click).

5. Pigs won't harm you, but they are worth killing for the xp, meat, and gold.

6. If you are lucky and lots of rocks have spawned, you may be able to make stone tools before reaching the end of the first level! Repeat the steps above to make handles. Make Stone blades from stone --> refined stone --> stone blade. Note: I always make my stone pick FIRST, before the sword... picks can mine one level above their own technology, so a wood pick and mine stone, and a stone pick can mine ironite, etc. Upgrade your pick first and you'll be gathering higher grade materials.

7. Don't leave any stone untouched. You can't "go back", so mine the gold rocks even if you don't have a high enough pick -- you'll still get stone for it.

8. The End of the Level -- at the end, you'll be presented with the three doors -- the border color on each of these indicates the type of biome you'll travel to next. I normally choose forest (green) for the first few because it is easier than some others.

9. Before entering a door, I chop as many trees as possible before moving on. If you spend too much time on a level, a message will pop up indicating the Scourge is coming. You have 15 seconds to enter a door unless you want to be decimated!
The Village
1. Prior to the next biome, you will pass through a village. I take this opportunity to cook food. To create a fire starter, combine one coal & one stone. I put the firestarter & the raw meat on my quick bar, then exit the crafting screen. Select the firestarter and right click on the ground. Immediately select the raw meat and right click over the fire until your entire stock is cooked. (Cooked meat satisfies more hunger and has a chance to heal!)

2. Watch your health & hunger bars (in the upper right). To eat, select the cooked meat on your quick bar and right click.

3. The village contains many craftsman & merchants. To sell items, go to the villager standing next to the large chest. (To interact, press W). To smelt ores (anything higher-level than stone), go to the blacksmith.
Next Area & Future Levels
1. Ranged is the easiest class to play, so make a bow as soon as possible (Pick handle + Stick). (Find crafting recipes on the wiki here: To craft a bow, you will need spider webs for string, so be sure to kill the green bug looking things (yep, those are spiders!).

2. Make arrows from refined materials (Stone/Bone or higher) + sticks & equip on the paper doll. To fire an arrow, select the bow, and right click toward your target. If you miss, you can retrieve the arrow.

3. Collect leather & pelts to refine at the merchant's stalls in town. Add refined metals to create a hat & body armor. Make sure to create a shield for your character, no matter what type: shields only show up at the blacksmith merchant, (bottom crafting lineup). Remember, Hats & Armor add stats plus HP, (leather = dex, pelts = mag, blacksmith = attack). Shields only add HP, so craft them with lowest priority.

4. At level 5, 10, and 15, you will be able to gain a Skill, which is accessed with (default) keys Z, X, C. A pop-up on the right side of the screen presents you with three icons -- Red (melee), Blue (Mage), and Green (Ranged). Choosing a color icon will give you a random Skill from the selected type. (See all abilities on the wiki:

There is no rule that you must choose all of the same type, so if you get one you're looking for early, feel free to choose one from a different class if you like!
  • Collect all the little green & yellow dots that fall from monsters -- they represent xp (green) and gold (yellow).

  • Green Slimes often drop herbs, so they are worth killing!

  • Inventory management is important -- make sure you ALWAYS have a space to pick up herbs!

  • You can double jump by pressing spacebar in mid-air.

  • The vines swinging from the top of the screen look dangerous but will not harm you.

  • At the beginning, when you only have a wooden sword, it is wise to avoid almost all the monsters.

  • Pay attention to the monster attack patterns and you'll have an easier time defeating them.
  • You can dash using Q and E.

  • You can look further in any direction by moving your mouse that way. (Check lower pathways to see if they are safe).

  • Chop as many trees as possible -- selling wood & sticks makes a tidy profit! (Selling items is based on quantity, not quality).

  • Arrow glitch -- when firing a arrow close to the floor it still has a chance to deal damage, but you get to keep your arrow. Good for when you are low on ammo.

  • If you stand between 2 trees, swinging your axe will hit both of them with 1 hit if you flail your mouse around from one to the other. It still costs 2 durablity but it's much quicker. Works with enemies and rocks too. (Thank you 'Dear maN' for this tip!)

Check out some of the other great guides for further play!
paltzsyre 30 May, 2023 @ 10:14pm 
i actually advise against avoiding monsters. once you understand how to fight in any regard, kill anything that isn't imposing for xp, as in return you'll get stats and hp asap
forj 1 Jul, 2020 @ 10:14pm 
I'm still struggling, but this guide really helped a lot!
KatherineOfSky  [author] 1 Jul, 2020 @ 9:44pm 
You're welcome!
forj 1 Jul, 2020 @ 9:39pm 
I needed this thanks!
Chillin Scorpion 21 Aug, 2017 @ 9:06pm 
i also knew about the 3 tree thing its helpfull since i kinda speed through the game
moosu 5 Jun, 2017 @ 7:12pm 
KatherineOfSky  [author] 1 Jun, 2017 @ 6:38pm 
This tip has been posted at least 3 times :-)
DmX 1 Jun, 2017 @ 6:30pm 
You can do the tree trick by swinging and then dashing from one tree to another, this trick also works against monster allowing you to hit them twice with a single swing (careful cause you could hurt yourself)
moosu 11 Apr, 2017 @ 3:03pm 
if you stood in a place that has either trees surrounding you or veils, use your axe or pickaxe, and try to hit one then instantly turn to face the other, you may end up harvesting double in one go!
Kyokui Avarus 20 Feb, 2017 @ 5:11pm 
@andrekam98 that bug has been patched in the recent update