MX vs. ATV Reflex

MX vs. ATV Reflex

38 ratings
Temporary Fix: Increase FPS With Core Allocation Command
By CheekyChan
How to gain more FPS via allocating cores through CMD commands as a temporary solution until this issue is fixed.
Introduction and Disclaimer
I have put hours into debugging the issues MX vs ATV Reflex has with some computer setups and have finally chased it down to being a CPU issue.

Your video card/GPU does not matter (To an extent, bad/old card can also mean bad performance, nothing I can help you with there except to turn down your settings.), it seems to be that the game does not allocate resources to CPU cores correctly, in my testing, when turning off cores and enabling them while the game is running causes the AI, shadowing and even physics to freak out. When the game is ran on the first two cores it seems to give a noticeable boost to performance, at least 10-20FPS on the systems I've tested, all of which were AMD systems running Bulldozer architecture such as the FX4100 seen later in the screenshots.


I got into contact with one of the devs and showed him proof via a private YouTube video showing off the issue. He said he would check it out and talk to his colleagues about getting it fixed but this isn't a priority for them since they do have another MX game coming out soon.

That being said, I take no responsibility for anything you screw up in this process but I will help you fix problems you encounter when I can.

Getting Started and Checking Your PC Configuration.
Getting Started:

It's best you have knowledge of CMD commands to make this guide go a lot faster, but if not no worries, it's pretty straight forward.

There are no requirements or third party programs needed for this fix.

Knowing Your PC:

This is important, you will need to know the specs of your PC, to find these you can visit a few places, such as checking DXDIAG. To check DXDIAG on any Windows PC running Vista and newer, simply click the Start Menu orb or hit the Windows Key on your keyboard and start typing: "DXDIAG" without quotes and wait for it to appear, then simply click it to bring it up. If running Windows XP, Start Menu, All Programs, Accessories, click Run, type "DXDIAG" then Enter.

Next you'll need your CPU information such as how many cores are available. Under Processor information it should say something like: "(4 CPU's)" or more, that's how many cores are available on that CPU.

Getting Your CPU Core Binary Number and Converting it to Hexadecimal
To find out what your Binary Number is to convert to Hexadecimal we'll need to count how many cores you have.

Let's say you have four cores and you need an application to only run on your two first cores, we take and count your CPU cores backwards and for each core we want to be active, we'll take and add a 1 to it and each we want to be inactive we'll add a 0 as such:

I got the idea for this image from Brink on Sevenforums since it's the easiest way to explain how to count active cores in binary.

Now the game needs to be running on the first two cores ONLY, so get your binary number for having only your first two cores active which for a four core CPU would be: "0011" 11 being the first two cores as active and 00 being the third and fourth disabled cores.

Now use a calculator to convert it, I and many others I'm sure use:

Got your number? Good, let's continue.
Making A CMD Shortcut Command
Next we'll be making a CMD Shortcut Command so go ahead and make a shortcut to the MXReflex.exe which will usually be in: 64 Bit OS: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MX vs ATV Reflex" or 32 Bit OS: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\MX vs ATV Reflex". Now place that shortcut on your desktop and right click it, then click Properties.

This is where it gets fun, under Target we'll be putting: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "MX vs ATV Reflex" /high /affinity 3 "H:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\MX vs ATV Reflex\MXReflex.exe"

With quotes and all as shown here:

But you need to edit it to match your information which should be pretty straight forward.
The only things you'll need to change are "/affinity 3" change it to the hexadecimal number you got when counting cores and converting from binary. Next change: "H:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\MX vs ATV Reflex\MXReflex.exe" to your MXReflex.exe's actual location.

And under Start In set it as the folder that MXReflex.exe is in such as mine shows: "H:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\MX vs ATV Reflex".

Was that so bad?

Now save and test your shortcut, if it doesn't work you probably did something wrong, proof check and if not ask me for help.
Adding An Icon to Your Shortcut
Simply right click your newly pimped out shortcut, select Properties and upon seeing this:

Select Change Icon... at the very bottom then in the new window click Browse then browse to your MXReflex.exe directory and double click the MXReflex.exe to select it as an icon and hit OK with your newly selected Icon lit up then save the Properties window and done.

Should look nice and clean, like a real shortcut.

BUG: This may sometimes make Command Prompt use the MXReflex icon, it rarely happens but it does happen, there's no harm and the fix would be to make a .bat shortcut to run the CMD Shortcut for MXReflex, confusing, eh? Not really. Might add it later in the guide if it bugs anyone.
neizvestniy3113 25 Jul, 2019 @ 6:28pm 
yeah, in this situation, it does make sense they would do that. good for them though, not a lot of companies do moto games these days. cant wait to see their future projects now that they got a new THQ wave.
CheekyChan  [author] 25 Jul, 2019 @ 5:29pm 
I know why they did it, getting brand names in games is expensive and Rainbow Studios was going through hard times after THQ shut down, once THQ was bought out they started pushing Rainbow to make money. I talked to one of the devs a bit and they basically said they don't have a choice, they either make money or the studio dies. So it was safe for them to make the game with non-real bikes and sell the real ones as DLC so they only have to pay a royalty on the very cheap DLC. It's a smart move financially, very safe but very inconsiderate to the customer.
neizvestniy3113 25 Jul, 2019 @ 4:12pm 
yeah, i mean, maybe like 5 dlcs or a pack wouldve been fine, but like, adding like 50 dlcs and everything is so separate makes no sense to me, kinda greedy. All Out these days looks cool too, but so many dlc. i guess gotta get that bread? i mean, sure its good for them to get money to make more moto games, but 1000 dlcs is too much.
CheekyChan  [author] 25 Jul, 2019 @ 4:08pm 
Yeah, not to mention in order to own any REAL bikes you have to buy them as DLC, the DLC even on sale is more than the game itself. Which is really sad. I had high hopes for All Out but it seems to be another cash grab.
neizvestniy3113 25 Jul, 2019 @ 4:05pm 
yeah, afaik unleashed on works with nvidia, it does sucks there is not fix for that game so that it can be played on anything. i actually am looking forward to getting MX vs ATV Supercross, i watched Windham151 vids on that game, it looks rather fun to play, but the amount of dlc's it has thoe, i mean, damn dawg.
mObb 25 Jul, 2019 @ 2:55pm 
FPS when riding alone like in Waypoint Mode are stable on 59~60 tho. Nice work !
CheekyChan  [author] 25 Jul, 2019 @ 1:46pm 
Yeah, Alive was really good too, played it on 360 and PS3 but the PS3 version was atrocious, awful FPS, screen tearing and weird texture filtering bugs, Reflex was fine on PS3 and they were the exact same engine with minimal changes. I just wish Unleashed was patched to work properly with new hardware considering they re-released on Steam back in 2015 and did dick all to get it working for anyone.
neizvestniy3113 25 Jul, 2019 @ 12:07pm 
bro life wouldve been so much better if there were all other mx vs atv games on steam too, sucks most of them are console only. :(
CheekyChan  [author] 25 Jul, 2019 @ 9:00am 
No problem, man. And thanks for listing specs and FPS, I'm trying to get a list going of what kind of gains can be expected but Reflex can be a weird beast.
mObb 25 Jul, 2019 @ 6:13am 
Thanks for making that great game playable man!! Here worked. fps 40~55 on Ryzen 2700x + gtx1080. 1080p all high. Not ideal but the game is so fun anyway. Thanks.