50 ratings
Advanced XCOM Warfare
By Laguna Queen and 6 collaborators
Brutally defeat the Aliens with finesse for more flawless victories!
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𝓣𝓱𝒆 𝓐𝔀𝓪𝓻𝒹𝓼 𝓗𝒆𝓵𝓹 𝓣𝓱𝒆 𝓜𝓸𝓼𝓽!!!
What makes this guide so special?
The sections describe various unique techniques on Legendary difficulty to defeat the enemy. Certain combat maneuvers are class-specific and requires a well-balanced team.

Note: Engagements must be limited to one pod at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.

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Why are you writing this guide?
I enjoy helping others and wanted to also preserve the key findings before they are forgotten. Also, other guides do not seem to have the same high standards as mine and are missing key details in having successful runs.

Who is the intended audience?
The guide is for everyone, but much more friendlier to new players. Everything will be explained to be on the same level as those who are the most experienced. The writing will be easy to follow with plenty of screenshots for those who are too lazy to read everything!

How experienced are you in writing guides?
This is not the first time in writing such a detailed guide that is very comprehensive. Here are the other ones:

For Frostpunk,
For Warhammer 3,
For Crying Sun,
For Company of Heroes 2,
For Dead in Vinland,
For Infectonator : Survivors,
Each battlefield is different with its own RNG and have fixed outcomes for certain turns regardless of save-scumming. The solution is not always simple when choosing from multiple combat options and only few routes have higher chance of success.
The mechanics have changed to allow squads to get in position before engaging pods. The type of mission determines if the squad starts concealed, but the same advantage still exists when a single member is cloaked.
The Superhero Ranger
The Ranger is the only class that has the ability to remain concealed regardless of others.
They allow more civilians to be safely recused in Retaliation missions when others cannot.

Enemy VIP missions will also be easier when carrying them to the LZ.

Loot can also be recovered silently without alerting nearby pods.

Their other main functions involve scouting in advance for pod locations and provide vision for Sniper's squadsight.
Free Superior Decoys
Hacked enemy turrets have more HP and return fire unlike Mimic Beacons that cost resources.
The best time to control the turret is when a neutral pod is behind it to lure them into an ambush.
The same can be done with MEC except the unit is mobile.

Note: Bonus experience can only be gained when the hacked machine regains control back and is destroyed afterwards.
Brutal Concealed Ambush
The concealed squad can wipe out an entire pod with a chain of Overwatch shots.

Positions neeed to be set up that hug the enemy without being seen, and the last member initiating the attack with either manual fire or an explosive.
Guardian: Enhanced Overwatch (Support Majors Only)
The ability has a 50% chance to repeatedly fire until the entire magazine is empty.
The superior expanded magazine further enhances the carnage of chain overwatch shots!
Such ability can take down multiple enemies but is limited with the current amount of ammunition.
Retreating Enemies
Any enemy unit has a chance to retreat when the rest of the pod is killed during first contact.
The last survivor does not return fire and rejoins with another fresh undiscovered pod.

Note: Such chance occurrence usually occurs with Advent units but also higher tiered enemies like the Archon and Andromedon.
Luring the Enemy In
The Sniper with an advancing concealed Ranger can shoot far beyond own means.
Such maneuver forces a chase that leads them directly into a full team ambush!

Note: The enemy will be fully exposed in the open before they react to take cover.
Grenade Combo
Any explosive will damage or destroy the enemy's cover, depending on its quality.
The kill shot needs to be delivered by anyone who has not been promoted yet.
Why Objects Are Now Targetable
The unseen enemies are near the explosive object and now identify as a viable target.
The blast will severely weaken the nearby pod with a much larger AOE than a standard grenade!
Building Demolition
Certain missions like Advent Facilty have more pods garrisoned inside the building. Obstacles like walls obstruct vision and projectiles that limit safer options of engagement.
Grenades need to be used to remove the wall to clear the Sniper's line of fire.
The Sniper can either start the fight or use the Kill Zone ability against the entrenched pod!

Note: Grenades need to be used twice if they are stock grade.
Double Damage: Falling off the Rooftop
The Grenadier can fire a long-range explosive like a rocket at neutral pods on rooftops to injure them twice.

The initial blast will not only damage the enemy but destroy the entire floor underneath them.
The immediate fall afterwards weakens the enemy to be easily killed with a single shot.

Note: Manual gunfire allows dropped loot to be safely recovered.
Non-Triggering Blind Explosive
A neutral enemy pod can be injured or killed by an explosive without triggering any reaction.

The concealed Ranger must locate exactly where they are and move away to avoid having direct vision before delivering the explosive.

Note: The image is for viewing purposes only and will trigger the pod since the Ranger has not moved away.
Non-Triggering Instant Kill Attack
A single enemy unit in a neutral pod can be killed off alone without alerting the entire pod. The first attack must be lethal and the target must be the only one in view while the rest of them are hidden.

Note: The Ranger was able to conduct this attack due to being concealed.
Non-Triggering Instant Kill Sniper
The Sniper has the highest chance of picking off an enemy without alarming the rest.

The preference is to use the Deadeye or get lucky with the critical chance in a normal attack.
Ambushing Enemy Reinforcements
An ambush can be set up with the closest soldiers to the red flare where the enemy will arrive.
The Sniper can do considerable damage with the Kill Zone ability by firing at their entire squad.

The enemies who survive the overwatch will take cover in vulnerable positions and be wiped out.

A Ranger with Bladestorm ability can also be positioned on the red flare.

Enemy reinforcements only exist in certain scenarios and not all battles.
Flanking Grapple Attack
Any light armor with the grapple can flank enemies in an urban area with multiple buildings.
The caveat is to have a rooftop in range and not accidently triggering the next enemy pod while conducting such maneuver.
Repeater Spotlight
The only weapon upgrade that has a chance of instant kill, regardless of target.

The Repeater is best for the long run, especially against the highest tier enemies in late game.

Andromedon have two forms meaning that they need to be put down twice!
Skulljacks are Lethally Rewarding
Advent soldiers can be skulljacked and instantly killed after researching Skullmining.
Rewards are limited to collecting one of each type, the Small Intel, Large Intel, or Facility Lead.
For more rewards, a second available Specialist can replace a Grenadier or assign the Ranger to obtain the Small Intel reward but chances will be very slim.

Note: Only 2 Skulljacks should be built and deployed per mission for both the small and large Intel.
Enemy melee units have enhanced health and armor to compensate for their lack of ranged attacks. Berserkers are quite dangerous as they become enraged when injured.

A solution is to send a concealed Ranger ahead to find the Berserker and have a Sniper shoot from afar. The injury causes the enemy to become enraged and attack own if there are no squad members within their melee range.
The first enemy hybrid that is extremely resilient, requiring its destruction twice.
Sniper fire is recommended to lure the enemy closer for Grenadiers to shred its armor off.
The second form can be hacked if the Specialist is still free and not all of the turns were spent.
The alternative is to grapple out of harm's way or hope its attack misses.
The toughest mechanical unit that needs to be dealt within one turn.
The scouting concealed Ranger can spot for the Sniper to lure it closer to the squad.
The Grenadier with a shredding chainshot can remove all armor for the coup de grâce follow-up.

Note: The robot is vulnerable to hacks but require a Skulljack and at least level 2 Gremlin Mark.
The toughest and most evasive enemy hybrid the has has a high defense of 40.
Grenadiers must focus on shredding armor off first from a height advantage when possible to counteract the -40% aim penalty.

Once most or all of the armor is gone, the rest of the squad can hopefully bring it down before it returns fire.

Note: The enemy cannot be hacked despite being a hybrid unit but very useful when mind controlled.

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Copyright Notice
This guide was written by Laguna Queen et al. (2022) on Steam, and not to be republished without crediting the authors and gaining their permission. We can be reached through the the guide comment section below.

We have no guide sites outside of Steam and please contribute to the actual creators, not plagiarism websites!
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Laguna Queen  [author] 27 May @ 10:05am 
Update on retreating enemies: Noticing that Archons and even Andromedon have a chance to retreat too.
apollo3465 20 May @ 12:55am 
Nice guide, thanks for writing. It showed me some new tactics even I played thi sgame a lot.
Minimav 25 Feb, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
My personal favorite trick to taking out reinforcements is to park a Bladestorm ranger on the flare. They don't ever seem to fire when they drop, so they land, scatter to cover, and all get slashed. War of the Chosen makes it a bit of a mixed bag, since while a ranger can use the Katana and Templars can also pick up Bladestorm, the reinforcements may include a Purifier, which has a nasty habit of exploding on your melee attackers.
BottomScorer 4 Jan, 2023 @ 11:33am 
The Retreating Enemies section is still inaccurate.
Lunar Wolf 3 Jan, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
The Andromedon Suit (it's second stage) can also be hacked and controlled.
BottomScorer 21 Nov, 2022 @ 8:50pm 
Retreating Enemies isn't true for all enemies. In fact, only few retreat in this game: ADVENT Trooper, ADVENT Stun Lancer, Chryssalid, Sectoid, Shieldbearer.

You should play more to see it!
Cruz / LastSpartan 26 Aug, 2022 @ 11:30am 
Threat Assesment can be used to deliver even more firepower in the form of extra overwatch-shots against the enemy. It only costs one action to use so the specialist can still perform overwatch as well.
taterclause 30 May, 2022 @ 4:33am 
Superb. I'd write one myself but it seems you and others have this ground thoroughly covered! well done!
Laguna Queen  [author] 28 May, 2022 @ 5:50am 
Yes, I agree but the team needs to be uncloaked for this ambush to work and assuming the pod does not randomly move elsewhere. Even if it is triggered, the entire team may not be able to fire since that depends on scatter. This is why I wrote about how to actually make them trigger the entire team, which is more reliable but does miss that extra turn.

Also, how do you find the guide anyways?
taterclause 28 May, 2022 @ 4:47am 
In the Brutal Ambush section, personally I've found an even better overwatch ambush. when in either concealment or facing an enemy pod that is untriggered, if you can manage to have them discover/engage you during their own movement, they'll often be much closer, you'll get most or all of your shots in, but the default scatter movement will be the end of their turn, meaning after your devastating (or not) overwatch ambush you will have a fresh turn to finish off any survivors and position yourself for the next pod. This tactic only get more and more devastating as the game goes on.