Call of Juarez

Call of Juarez

31 ratings
Call of Juarez - RTX ON - 2022 Graphical Upgrade
By Madmonkey68
This is a collection of graphical and gameplay mods/tweaks I found essential to anyone playing "Call of Juarez" in 2022.

The use of this guide should provide your game with the use of DX 10 API (better rendering instead of 9), upscaled textures, fov fixes, removal of black bars, removal of hud and RTX graphical improvements using ReShade software.

The RTX mod used in this guide is very performance heavy and recommended to be used on newer high-end systems (further tweaking of ReShade settings may be required by user to achieve optimal results).

It's important to note that Ray Tracing support IS available for Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB cards and up, but with less ray casting done by the card compared to RTX series cards with dedicated RTX cores. On GTX 10 series cards Ray Tracing is processed by using regular cuda cores instead of dedicated RTX cores. The performance hit is certainly there and heavier on cards that have lesser cores to spread the load. Although you might get playable frame rates, even running ray tracing on lower settings instead of Ultra with a GTX 1070, 1080 or 1080Ti could end up severely hurting your FPS.

Tested with the following at 4K (3840x2160) resolution:

CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K
GPU: GeForce GTX 1080TI
OS: Windows 10

Performance: 30 FPS

I am not the creator of any of the mods/fixes found in this guide, all rights go to their original creators sourced below.
I cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of the use of this guide, use at your own risk.

UPDATED: 05/06/2022
Getting Started

Install a fresh copy of Call of Juarez and run the game at least once making sure to customize the video and graphical settings.
Upscaled Vanilla Textures
We will install a pack of AI upscaled textures, they are still the original but of higher quality.
This is to preserve the original look and feel of the game.

Visit the following link:
Download two files named "Textures" and "Main".

Extract both archives to a folder on desktop.

1. Copy the contents of the file named "Textures" into your game directory's "Data" folder.
Path should be X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez\Data

2. Copy the contents of the file named "Main" into your game directory.
Path should be X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez

Created and Uploaded by Kuzja80
FOV and Black Bars fix
We will install a mod to increase the FOV and we will also remove the black bars seen ingame.

Visit the following link:

Download the file.

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop.

The password to open the archive is: pcgw

1. To install the FOV mod, open the archive named "Call of Juarez Aspect FOV Fix" then open the archive named "Increased_FOV". To install an FOV of 90, open the folder named "FOV+90%" and
copy the files "ChromeEngine3.dll" and "ChromeEngine3_DX10.dll" into your game directory.
Path should be X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez

2. To remove the black bars, open the archive named "Call_of_Juarez_BlackBars_fix" and
copy all the contents into your game directory's "Data" folder.
Path should be X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez\Data

Other Widescreen Solution & Issues - Ignore if not needed

To view differences go to:

Also you can use trainer or Cheat Engine table.
Copy ChromeEngine3.dll and ChromeEngine3_DX10.dll to the game folder from this archive - FOV_Trainer.7z
CoJ_DX9_FOV.exe - FOV trainer for DX9 game version
CoJ_DX10_FOV.exe - FOV trainer for DX10 game version

Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues

Copy widescreen fix in the game folder.
With black bars - Call_of_Juarez_21_9_WBB.7z
Without black bars - Call_of_Juarez_21_9_WOBB.7z

Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues

Copy widescreen fix in the game folder.
With black bars - Call_of_Juarez_48_WBB.7z
Without black bars - Call_of_Juarez_48_WOBB.7z

Mod by WSGF
Hud Removal - Optional
We will now remove the hud to improve immersion (and make it easier to take great screenshots :P).

Visit the following link:

Download the file named "No-HUD_(BurningFish).zip".

Extract the archive to a folder on desktop.

1. To remove the hud, open the archive named "No-HUD_(BurningFish)" and
copy and replace all the contents into your game directory's "Data" folder.
Path should be X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez\Data

If the link has problems, just search "TweakGuides", once there click "Call of Juarez Tweak Guide" and go to "[Page 10] Neat Stuff & Conclusion".

Mod creator Koroush Ghazi
Launch Options
In Steam Library, right click Call of Juarez and go Properties then General, go down until you see Launch Options and paste in the path to your game with the following modifications at the end (\CoJ_EGL.exe" %command%).

Mine looks like the following:

"H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez\CoJ_EGL.exe" %command%

Input your exact game path there making sure it looks the same with BOTH beginning/ending quotations and spaces included.

Tip! You can find the exact game path by going to your game directory and copy pasting the path from here.

When you are ready to play the game, make sure you select "Run Call of Juarez - DirectX 10".
This will make sure the game launches in Direct X 10 API with all mods loaded.

Installing ReShade
Visit the following link:
Download the file by clicking on "Download ReShade 5.1.0" and copy the file "ReShade_Setup_5.1.0" to desktop.

Run the file named "ReShade_Setup_5.1.0" and follow along with the photos and instructions below:

Find and click your game executable file named "CoJ_EGL.exe".
Path should be: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez

Proceed to test launch the game.
Once it has done loading you should get a notification at the top of your screen showing ReSahde has installed, press "Home" key to bring up the menu or to make it go away and press "Skip".

Tweaking ReShade - RTX ON
Now we will get RTX working in ReShade.

Due to legal reasons I cannot post where you can find this ReShade RTX mod for free.
Visit the creator's Patreon here if you want to buy the mod:

Once you have this RTX mod, close the game if its running and open the RTX mod folder.
There are two sub folders located in there named "Shaders" and "Textures".
In order to install it, copy and replace both folders to path: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Juarez\reshade-shaders

Proceed to launch the game, once in-game bring up the ReShade menu by pressing "Home" key and match the presets listed below.

To enable Ray Tracing support and achieve similar results, match these same settings.

In ReShade, check-off the following:

✔️Vibrance [Vibrance.fx]
✔️Levels [Levels.fx]
✔️Bloom [qUINT_bloom.fx]
✔️MXAO [qUINT_mxao.fx]
✔️Debanding [qUINT_deband.fx]
✔️DELC_Sharpen [qUINT_sharp.fx]
✔️SSR [qUINT_ssr.fx]
✔️RTGlobalillumination [qUINT_rtgi.fx]
✔️Tint [Sepia.fx]
✔️Lightroom [qUINT_lightroom.fx]

Some options were turned off for certain scenery and screenshots, it may be necessary to further tweak these settings to achieve optimal results.

As mentioned above, Ray Tracing support IS available for Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB cards and up, but with less ray casting done by the card compared to RTX series cards with dedicated RTX cores.
On GTX 10 series cards Ray Tracing is processed by using regular cuda cores instead of dedicated RTX cores. The performance hit is certainly there and heavier on cards that have lesser cores to spread the load. Although you might get playable frame rates, even running ray tracing on lower settings instead of Ultra with a GTX 1070, 1080 or 1080Ti could end up severely hurting your FPS.

Those who do not have a RTX series card can still try to make use of the graphical fidelity this Ray Tracing guide offers. If performance becomes a big issue you can disable "RTGlobalillumination [qUINT_rtgi.fx]" and you should still benefit graphically.

I am personally using a newer version of the RTX mod but I have tested with multiple and visuals are nearly if not identical.

RTGI/Ray Tracing/Global illumination ReShade mod by Marty McFly/Pascal Gilcher, GTX/RTX Ray Tracing info by Rene from TechJunkies
Screenshot Album

Slender 18 Apr, 2024 @ 12:27pm 
reshade kinda looks like crap
Laykan 21 Nov, 2023 @ 7:17am 
shake 19 Jan, 2023 @ 7:22am 
0JMachine 6 Jan, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
couldnt get the launch command to work so i just added a desktop shortcut lol. otherwise great guide.
DEMANATI 12 Jul, 2022 @ 7:02pm 
@OGDamo if u tried everything then im pretty sure its your specs
Stachu D'Jones 16 Jun, 2022 @ 4:52am 
Actually scratch that, I played on a bit and it just stutters periodically.
Stachu D'Jones 16 Jun, 2022 @ 4:34am 
Do you have a fix for stuttering near water? I just started the game and when you walk a bit to the overview of the town, there's a small waterfall. Every time I walk past it, it stutters pretty badly. I tried everything. Vsync in NVIDIA panel, limiting fps to 60, putting everything on low so the game looks like its made out of playdough and it still stutters.