The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

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Replacing Reans heart attack sound with vine boom
By Not Jackeru$
I had this really stupid idea to change the sound effect that plays when Rean gets a heart attack with vine boom.
This guide will show you how to do that!
I got the idea from twitter, decided it would be funny.
Then spend 2 hours looking for the right files to replace.
I started out by listening to the sound files one by one, those are several hours of my life I will never get back. I later realised the sound files I was looking for were in a different folder, so I eventually automated the process and got the files I needed.

I am going to explain step by step how to locate the files and will give you the files that will replace the original sound with the vine boom sound effect.
What files do you need?
In the link below you will find two .wav files, .wav is the file format Cold Steel uses for its sound.

The files do not have proper names, this is due to the name format the developers decided to use. Trust me I wish they wouldve named every single individual file that wouldve made my life a lot easier.
Where to locate and change the files
To locate the files, right click The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold steel in your steam library and click properties.
Look for the "Local Files" tab and select "Browse".
Navigate through the following folders:
1. data
2. se
3. wav

You are now in the folder with all the sound effect files.
Before you do anything, it might be a good idea to make a copy of the files you will be replacing. If you do not do so it is not a big deal, you can just verify the integrity of the files to get the old files back.

Drag the two files you downloaded earlier into this folder and replace the existing files.
You have now succesfully updated the sounds to vine boom!
Does it actually work?
If youre unsure whether this method works or not, you could make a copy of one of the .wav files and rename it to ed8h0002.
This is the sound file for the confirmation sound effect.
Once you have replaced this file you can easily check whether you were succesful by simply starting your game and selecting a save file.
You should hear the vine boom sound effect playing.

This is a lot easier than playing trough the game to the point where Rean gets a heart attack ;)
paradise 29 Jul, 2024 @ 11:46pm 
your hard work is highly appreciated two years later
Alpha-methyl 18 Oct, 2023 @ 5:50am 
Wow, someone actually told the truth in one of these guides... that "backing up your game file" is almost never worth duplicating it unless you have a very data-limited internet connection, it's easier to "verify integrity of game files" than it is to go into the folder, as easy as it is, and making a copy of said file... might not be a difficult task but it's still going to be easier to just let steam fix it in almost all cases... drives me a little crazy with how many guides stress it's "VERY IMPORTANT" to create a backup - still more trouble than it's usually worth. Now, if we're talking about backing up save files, I agree wholeheartedly, if you're going to mess with those babies.
Rae 7 Apr, 2023 @ 12:20am 
dang, now that's a vine boom moment
Not Jackeru$  [author] 4 Apr, 2023 @ 8:22am 
Its been a long time since I made this guide so I might not be 100% correct on this, but from what I remember you cannot do this the same way for the other 3 games.

Game 2 might work similarly, but im going to assume the file name you need to change has a different name, and since the developers didnt name the file in a way that makes it easy to find like "ReanVineBoom", I have to comb through thousands of files (with software) to find the right file.
This took me the longest time.

Game 3 and 4 are on a different engine from what I understand, and the localisation was done by a different team. So Im going to assume those files will also be a lot different from this file.

So in short, this solution will probably only work for this game.
Rae 31 Mar, 2023 @ 6:56pm 
does this work only for this game? what about the other 3 games?
Geno is Cool 2 Nov, 2022 @ 3:36pm 
thank you very cool