The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Mod the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
由 gravewrought 制作
The goal of this guide is to provide help getting started with creating your own mod for the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

The goal of this guide is to provide help getting started with creating your own mod for the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

Overall the guide assumes some familiarity with markup (HTML/XML), programming, and generally manipulating text files.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth leverages Lua for its modding capabilities.

To be effective with Lua, you will need to understand basic programming concepts including variables, data types, strings, references, and hash tables.

Having a basic understand of how these are leveraged, rather than implemented, is enough for our purposes.

Lua is a very lightweight programming language, designed to be embedded into applications, as is the case with the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Lua provides a way to interpret and interface with the objects within the game itself, meaning the Lua interpreter communicates between the Lua code produced as part of your mod, and the compiled game engine. Not all objects are one-to-one or available within the Lua environment.
How to Get Started
Getting started with a new mod is a simple as creating a new mod directory with your Binding of Isaac: Rebirth installation.

For any mod to load, you will need to make sure mods are enabled in your configuration. If you are enabling mods for the first time, it may also be a good opportunity to enable the debug console as well.

Options are configured in an options.ini file that is stored with your game data. In Windows, this is stored under the My Games directory in the Documents for your user profile.

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance

Open this file with a plain text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++, and look for EnableMods -- to enable mods for your installation, ensure this value is set to one.

Find EnableDebugConsole -- to enable the console for your installation, ensure this value is set to one.

Be sure to save the file after making changes.

Mod Directory
Navigate to the installation directory for Binding of Isaac: Rebrith -- in many cases it will be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth

However, if this directory does not exist on your system, you can determine the correct location using the following PowerShell script.
$steam_path = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam\' 'InstallPath' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$steam_path) { $steam_path = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve\Steam\' 'InstallPath' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if (!$steam_path) { throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Steam installation path not found." } $isaac_path = "$steam_path\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth" $isaac_path

Save the contents to a file called locate_isaac.ps1 and run the command from an instance of PowerShell. PowerShell can be quickly found on most modern Windows systems by using the window key; simply press the window key and type "PowerShell" and the application should be presented as the preferred choice.

Once you have found and opened the installation directory for the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, find the mods directory -- if the directory does not exist, create it. Open the mods directory, this is where you will create a directory to contain your mod -- create a new directory and give it a name.

The Lua application interface for the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is available as part of the installed game. You can open it using your web browser after locating it at the following path on your machine:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\tools\LuaDocs\index.html

If your Steam installation directory is different, then use the script provided earlier to locate your Binding of Isaac: Rebirth installation directory.

The documentation provides some essential detail in order to understand where and how your software is able to interface with the game. There are also many extended versions of this documentation available online from various sources.
In nearly all cases, the code written for Binding of Isaac: Rebirth mods is code that is designed to be called in response to a predefined situation. These situations, or hooks, are defined a part of the software environment and exposed through a function call that allows a developer to pass a function to be called when the situations arise -- these functions that are provided to the game by an external developer are referred to as callbacks.

Callbacks must be structured in a very particular way that is defined by game itself and, in order to be called successfully, it is important that mod developers follow the defined requirements exactly.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth/tools/LuaDocs/group__enums.html#ga84d8f7ea5c80b37ad1c55b2a97286eb1

The ModCallbacks enum defines every potential callback that is available to Binding of Isaac: Rebirth mods. If you review the documentation, you will be able to see how each of the callbacks need to be structured, and what data type is provided to the function when it is called.
Within the context of the Binding of Isaac: Rebrith, main.lua is the entry point to your mod. This file must be placed in your mod directory, and not in any other subdirectory within the file structure of the mod or the game itself.

Lua enables your code to include additional files, as part of the module feature. However, as you are making updates to your mod you will want to be able to reload your changes in real time, and the command to reload your mod, luamod mod, only reloads main.lua and none of your included modules. To speed development it may be better to avoid the module feature and instead develop an option to concatenate multiple files into your single main.lua file to keep your mod organized.

Once you have created main.lua, open the file and give it the following contents:
MyMod = RegisterMod("MyMod", 1) function MyMod:print(message) local parameter_type = type(message) if parameter_type == "string" then Isaac.ConsoleOutput("[MyMod] "..message.."\n") end end function MyMod:post_game_started(IsContinued) local str_continue = "No" if IsContinued then str_continue = "Yes" end MyMod:print("Game Started (Continued? "..str_continue..")") end MyMod:AddCallback(ModCallbacks.MC_POST_GAME_STARTED, MyMod.post_game_started)

This code is the most basic scaffolding of a Binding of Isaac: Rebirth mod, however it does not contain the ability to store persistent mod state.

Essentially the first line registers your mod with the game engine, and provides a mod object that can be used to interact with the system. Using this object, you are able to register callbacks and therefore run your code when events take place in the game.

Afterward, a print function is defined as part of this object -- in this case we are adding some code around the regular console output function that is provided by a global object, Isaac. The Isaac object represents a core interface with the game engine, and provides access to many capabilities including printing messages to the debug console in-game.

Next the post_game_started function is defined, this function is a callback that follows the parameters defined by the ModCallbacks.MC_POST_GAME_STARTED hook-- following the definition for post_game_started, the AddCallback interface is called to register this callback with the ModCallbacks.MC_POST_GAME_STARTED hook.

Now, when a game is started, a message will be printed to the debug console -- when a new game is started it will say:
Game Started (Continued? No)

But when a game is continued, it will say:
Game Started (Continued? Yes)

To access this console, you will need to hit the tilda/backtick button (~) with the previously discussed EnabledDebugConsole option set to 1 in your options.ini. If the option is enabled, you should see the following:

If you exit the game, and then continue, you should see something like this:

You will notice that the message printed in the first session is still in the console -- the console will persist between play sessions, until the game itself is closed or the clear command is issued in the debug console.
To publish your mod, you will need to push the mod using the provided ModUploader tool.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\tools\ModUploader

Before using the tool, you will need to have a metadata.xml generated for your mod. If your mod does not have this file, the file is generated for the first time when your mod is loaded by the Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, but you can also start with this template.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <metadata> <name>New Mod</name> <directory>mod</directory> <id>0</id> <description></description> <version>1.0</version> <visibility>Public</visibility> </metadata>

Once generated you will need to update the id tag to be blank like so:


If you fail to empty the id tag, the upload process will fail with Error 25.

After you are assigned a Steam Workshop ID, then the tag will be populated with that value going forward.

Open the tool by executing ModUploader.exe, and you should be provided with the following window:

Click Choose Mod... and you will be presented with a dialog box to choose your metadata.xml file. If the tool is able to load the file successfully, then the Upload Mod button will become enabled.

The Enter Mod Description box contains the description that will be displayed on the Steam Workshop page for the mod. This section supports Steam Formatting, more information on syntax is available here:

Each time a mod is uploaded, change notes can be provided through the Enter Change Notes field.

The box in the center of the tool with a Change button on the bottom is where a preview image can be selected for the mod. This image should be square, and at least 256px x 256px, and it will be displayed as the primary preview image for the mod in lists on the Steam Workshop and other areas throughout Steam.

Under the preview image box, there is an option select for mod visibility. This field can be set to Private, Unlisted, or Public. Private workshop items are only available to those they are shared with, Unlisted is available to anyone with the link but the mod does not appear in searches or lists, and Public items are available to all Steam users.

Finally, there is a list of tags available on the left side of the tool -- check any tags that apply to your mod. These are categories that appear on the Steam Workshop, and your mod will be shown in lists for those tags that are included.

Once you are prepared, click the Upload Mod button to push your updates to the Steam Workshop.
1 条留言
Spazycat_17 2022 年 6 月 8 日 下午 12:06 
Man all i wanted was just to get console commands ;-;