Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

201 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga 🏆
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Work in progress: work on this guide is still ongoing. Maybe now it looks like just a list of achievements, but it will not be so for long. Very soon, I will update each achievement with a detailed description and a screenshot or video explaining how to unlock it.

Thank you for you patience!

Achievement info

● Difficulty level of achievements: Medium. ● Total achievements: 19 (100%) ● Offline achievements: 19. (100%) ● Online Achievements: 0. ● Estimated time to complete all achievements: 30-60 hours. ● Minimum number of passes for 100%: 1-2 times ● Glitchy achievements: None. ● Missable Achievements: Yes. ● Achievements with difficulty levels: Yes. ● Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None.
Peace in our time/Legendary

The game has 3 difficulty levels, you will need to complete the game at least 2 times on Сaptain and Warlord difficulty to get achievements. You can try to play the game directly on the warlord, but this may be a bad idea — the fact is that some achievements in the campaign are best completed on Cadet or Capitan difficulty and it is simply impossible to complete them on the Warlord, keep that in mind when choosing a difficulty.

In total, there are 30 story chapters in Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga. During some chapters, additional optional missions may appear that can be completed for the sake of rewards.
Each chapter or mission is a map with a specific landscape, enemy troops and objectives to complete. Between missions, you can upgrade your army, create squads, hire fighters, communicate with companions and prepare for the next mission.
Haughty No More

Beatrix in Chapter 11 is an enemy unique unit — a female magician who summons meteorites from the sky, which can destroy an entire squad with one attack. She is the only unit in the squad and has about 450 HP.

There are several ways to get the achievement:

Defeat her in battle
Despite the fact that melee combat with Beatrix is complete suicide, because. she dodges most attacks and at the same time she herself can destroy even a powerful squad in one strike, then it would be best to shoot at her with squads of archers or crossbowmen.

Also you can use Stefan squade to ambush and backstab her — also choose "Focus leader" attack type to kill her with one single strike.

Force her to flee
Another way to get the achievement is to defeat enemy nearby troops, except Beatrix and pass one of those brigdes next to her spawn point at the start of the chapter.

The next turn after you pass any of these bridges, she can attack one of your squads and then start a dialogue and leave the battlefield. At this point, you should get the achievement.

I highly recommend doing this achievement on Cadet difficulty. Initially, the mission will seem quite simple, because the enemy army will not be too large and strong, but by a certain move the enemy will receive significant reinforcements.

On Captain difficulty, one cannon squad is capable of destroying any of your army in 1-2 volleys, but even if you can survive, you simply won’t have enough moves to kill all the squads in the number of moves allotted for the mission.

But you can still defeat enemies if you follow some tips:
  • Play on Cadet difficulty, this will give you an additional 50% damage protection, which will extend the life of your characters.
  • Before the mission, try to hire more unique mercenaries, and also form as many squads as possible, they will help in the attack and take on enemy fire.
  • Have 2-3 healers in squads, this will not only allow you to heal in battle in case of free actions, but instead of moving, it will allow units in the back rows on the map to heal your soldiers from other squads without allowing them to die.
  • In my case, the aggressive tactic worked well, in which I had to attack the units with cannons myself, and inflict damage on the other units only in defense. This is due to the fact that cannons do not deal damage when attacked, which means you will only need to deal with the first row of soldiers. Destroying cannons without protection is not difficult.
  • Do not neglect trinkets, artifacts and equipment in general, it can have a very positive effect on the combat skills of your units.
  • Diana, Lysander and Stefan are great attackers in this mission, but the last two can die fairly quickly if placed incorrectly on the battlefield

I can’t say that getting this achievement was a cakewalk, but I can`t call it impossible too.
It took me a few tries.

In this mission you need to lose in order to successfully complete the story mission, so even if you defeat all opponents, the mission will end as if you were defeated anyway.

This achievement is not very hard to get if you know a few tricks. At the first turn block the enemy fortress with Diana and destroy all enemy infantry nearby.

The kids in this mission are AI controlled and run as fast as they can towards the bridge in the east of the map. They have no defense, so even an injured and demoralized enemy squad can defeat them in one attack.

Therefore, you will need to try to run ahead of the children and even block their path in order to slow them down slightly, and also, if possible, expose your units to enemy attacks and destroy everyone who gets in the way of the bridge. Don`t mess with Hand of Zanatus.


The achievement is not as difficult as it may seem. It is not necessary to force all enemy units to surrender — ONLY UNITS WITHOUT STAR SYMBOL. There are tips that make the task easier.

First of all, it is worth knowing that during this mission you will not control your hero's squad. His squad will be an ally, which is controlled by a computer. The difficulty is that it will prevent you from getting the achievement, because it will attack any close enemy.

So when deploying an army, have the fastest units in the first row, then fill in the second. Click on your hero's unit to see which opponents he can reach on his turn.

All enemy units in your hero's reach area must capitulate on your turn or be blocked by your troops in such a way that he/she cannot attack (and destroy) them. Fortunately, all enemy units (without stars) have low morale, so each of your units has a high chance of making them surrender when choosing the "force surrender" attack type.

Even if the enemy refused to surrender and engaged the battle, it is enough that at least one of the soldiers in squad surrenders (for example, a healer), others can be destroyed. Here's a perfect example of what the end of your first turn should look like for this achievement. Your ally goes next, and then it will be the enemy's turn. If you play on low and medium difficulty, then you can simply ignore the attacks of enemy units with a star.

If you managed to get all the necessary units outside the wall to surrender, then you will not need to do this with everyone, but only with 2-3 units in the city itself. Do this until the Imperial Officer's dialogue appears, thanking you for your mercy. After you close the dialogue, the achievement should unlock.


The rank of the faction is a special indicator that opens up new opportunities for the player as it rises. The current level and rank progress is shown both during the mission in the upper right corner, and between missions near the resource bar.

To increase the rank of a faction, you can do a number of things:

— Capture neutral or enemy castles, buildings (cities/temples etc) and mines on the map;
— Talk to your companions in a special section between chapters. Dialogues marked with a star give faction promotion points;
— Complete all additional mission conditions like beat the mission under X turns, kill targeted enemy suqads and so on.
— Force enemy troops to surrender. Each troop is an additional money and stars.

The maximum rank looks like five silver stars. I strongly advise you to complete all additional tasks, for example, after chapter 22 you will be offered several separate missions at once on which you can earn a lot of extra stars. If you fulfill these conditions, you will be able to get the maximum rank by chapter 25-26.


Every time your regular units participate in battle, they gain experience and levels that increase the characteristics of strength, dexterity, intelligence and etc.

By increasing these characteristics to a certain level, as well as having the necessary resources at your Home Base, you can upgrade them to the following classes of units between missions.
When you see a green up arrow next to a class, it means that you can upgrade your unit to it right now

Tier 1 Class — bronze frame border
Tier 2 Class — silver border
Tier 3 Class — golden border

If it's Money you want...

There are totally 17 unique mercenaries available.They can always be identified quickly enough by their unique name, which, unlike other units or mercenaries, will look like a nickname. Some of them listed here:
  • Sir Rolante: Knight Captain
  • Matriarch Rosalie: Templar
  • Konrad the Cold: Ice Mage
  • Lt. Archibald: Dragoon
  • Slayer Alphonse: Champion
  • Warlord Tatar: Centurion
  • Zeteni the Undying: Sentinel
  • General Bizen: Samurai
  • Teriq the Wicked: Raider
  • The Outcast: Lightning Mage
  • Renalyn Steelheart: Swordmaster
  • Lady Clementine: Valkyrie
Always check the bazaar during chapter to find unique mercenary there.


Proof of Merit is a usable item that can be found in treasure chests and I believe can be bought at bazaar.

You can use in an Army management menu at Home Base. See that golden arrows next to some of your units? That means the reached max level CP level.

So Proof of Merit can be used only on Tier 3 units with maxed CP and it makes them gold with much more higher stats, but changing class for them is no longer available.

Death Ball

The game allows you not only to hire units, but also independently distribute them among the squads. Their placement on the battlefield depends on the number of fighters. The maximum number of units in one squad is 9, but in order to accommodate such a number of warriors, it is necessary to watch for capacity level of the squad leader.

I think Lysander is great for this achievement, because each new unit in the squad takes up more capacity than the previous one, while Lysander has the ability to reduce its amount for units with firearms, which allows you to take 8 more units to the squad.

If Lysander in your case does not have enough leadership, then try to increase the level of your leaders more often (defeat enemy units) and closer to the 25th chapter you will have several characters at once who will have enough leadership in order to have 8 more units in the squad.
General Ragavi leader is perfect for this achievement too, cause she has 99 leadrship points.

Gran Armee

This achievement is best earned on Captain (or Cadet) difficulty. Permadeath option is disabled there, so even if your soldiers and units are destroyed during the chapter, they will still be in your army with the start of the new one. Thus, by constantly buying more soldiers and mercenaries, you will steadily increase your army.

You can find out the total number of units in your army at your Home Base in the army management section. The total number of fighters will be shown at the bottom right, which takes into account both units in already formed squads, and units that are hired but not assigned to squads.

Treasure Hunter

Always check treasure chests during the chapters playthrought cause they can contain useful loot that also can unlock the achievement.

Or check the store between chapters, and don't miss the bazaar either. There may be a legendary item for sale.


Always check Conversation menu in Home Base between the chapters to see new relationship dialogues with your party members. Never miss the dialogues with character you like to see special diablog with heart symbols to form a bond.

You can also check relationship status with teammate uncluding each other in special menu.
Bonded characters gets bonunses in battle when fighting next to each other.

Check out my bond guide to see all possible options for that achievement.

Having high Morale gives your units a chance for extra attacks in the same battle. Low Morale lowers your attack power. If the enemy's Morale is low, you can force them to surrender, which gives you more gold from their bounty at the end of the chapter.

Enemy healers left without other troops surrender automatically.

But it's also important to understand that you will have the option of attacking your opponent normally or forcing him to surrender.

In this case, you will go to the menu where your armies will be shown, their strength and the state of the fighters, their morale indicators, and it will also show with what probability they can be forced to surrender.

If you see that the opponent's chances of surrender are low or equal to zero, then you need to inflict a series of defeats on him in order to lower his morale. Or you still can try to force them and if you squad is strong enough to defeat all units, then they will surrender too.

At the end of the chapter, you will see the number and type of units that you forced to surrender, as well as the reward for them.

I got this achievement next to 15-16 chapter by forcing surrender as much units as I could from previous chapters, cause some missions will let you surrender up to 20-30 units.

Learned Commander

Three branches of tech to choose from, spending tech points you get from advancing your Faction Rank. Academy, Command, and Craftsmanship. Academy affects recruiting, growth, magicians and support, and dragons. Command grants more battlefield tactics, and squad capacity bonuses. Crafts are direct upgrades to equipment and certain class unlocks, namely a focus on firearms units such as Gunners, Dragoons, and Siege Cannons.

Full tech menu upgrade requires 108 tech points:
  • 15 perks with cost 1
  • 15 perks with cost 2
  • 13 perks with cost 3
  • 6 perks with cost 4

This achievement is unmissable: progress through the story and you will be rewarded with exactly the number of points required to fully unlock the perk tree. Well, maybe there are a few extra points left.
As far as I know, completing additional tasks during Chapter 22 does not give additional points.
So ultimately your tree should look like this.

IbnBattuta 19 Aug, 2024 @ 10:01am 
NewGame+ count for achievements, finished the hardest two achievements on easy difficulty, tweaking NewGame+ options to make it easier as well, using duplicate units and it worked.
Fenrir 4 Jan, 2024 @ 10:28am 
For Reconciliation: I equipped my Main Characters Squad with Skull of Rodain to auto-surrender the squads he fights. worked well for me (you dont get the surrenders counted towards you in the ending screen, but you can still get the achievement)
ActustheKaktus 14 Dec, 2023 @ 8:39am 
Does the Warlord Achievement also count in the New Game+? Does anyone know? I'm almost done with all the achievements so far. Thanks for the guide!
Chaoton 12 Nov, 2023 @ 12:35pm 
Tried (and got) ch.12’s achievement on Ng+ WL. Made a lot of deadly horse archers and put most of my elite squads on one side to swoop and eliminate them at their spawn point while leaving weaker teams to buy time on another. The cavs need to be neutralized by some tank baiting or they would wreck our class cannons.
Scout 8 Nov, 2023 @ 8:46am 
@ClinkzZ, because game companies don't care about achievement hunters who have no life so they get upset that a game they played is no longer at 100%
[IPL] Dunleap 15 Oct, 2023 @ 3:07am 
This is the best Guide I ever seen, Thank you! I can see a lot of work put into:steamthis: it!
gob 13 Sep, 2023 @ 4:41pm 
Is it possible to get the "Legendary" achievement on New Game+?
ClinkzZ 15 Aug, 2023 @ 12:56am 
They added another Achievement linked to the upcoming DLC. And it sounds absolutely disgusting... I don't know why game companies kill the 100%-Completion-Score by adding DLC-Achievements later on. Those Achievements have nothing to do with Replayablitiy - those just feel super annoying and let you leave a super fun game with a bad taste...
Cheddarbestest 3 Aug, 2023 @ 12:51pm 
So... I beat the game and I didn't get the learned commander achievement. Not enough points.
VivdPenDragon 1 Jun, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
Thanks for the reply. Guess i will just keep trying.