Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

168 ratings
TMNT: Shredder's Revenge Retro Mods
By NeoRizer
A guide with links providing full retro mod over hauls on the audio / visuals of the game.
Working as of Patch Radical Reptiles.
Ultimate Retro Mod

The Ultimate Retro Mod Package [drive.google.com] will completely overhaul the entire game to be a more early 90's experience.

Yes, these mods work in multiplayer, it mods the game on your end and will not conflict with other players not using the mod.

Every player can customize the game how they see fit and each individual can have completely unique experiences while still playing online together.

  • Changes the Intro of the game to the 1987 cartoon intro. It includes the original cartoon theme song, the way it was intended to be sung.

  • Changes all of the in game audio to more memorable old school tracks from past games & even the original movie trilogy. I'd spoil which tracks they are, but that would ruin the fun of the mod.

  • 85% of these tracks were edited and arranged by myself, the rest were taken from UPRC's retro audio mod pack[www.nexusmods.com]from Nexus Mods [www.nexusmods.com].

  • Changes the title screen and all of the in game cut scenes to reflect the comic color changes.
    It also effects all four turtles in game and on the character select screen.

  • April's breasts are now uncensored in cut scenes.

  • No sports gear Casey is back! You can now use any Casey pallet swap from Dimension Shell shock and not see any dumb sports gear like baseball helmets / basketball gear...etc... just plain Casey Jane.

  • April's butt attack has made it's return! It's been a long time coming but the mod now works with all of her palette swaps!

  • Baxter has been re-colored to reflect his Turtles in Time appearance.

  • Leatherhead has been re-colored to reflect his Turtles in Time appearance.

  • Vernon runs out of the Channel 6 building instead of Tiffany. Erma also joins in the running with Vernon and the other channel 6 workers.

  • Tiffany is now kidnapped and held hostage by Bebop instead.

  • Tiffany now appears tied up in ropes during the first fight with Bebop.

  • All Power-Up Pizza boxes have been re-branded to Pizza Hut franchise boxes.

  • And of course the most important thing, monkey's throw their own feces in the zoo stage instead of banana's... real world accuracy is important.

To install The Ultimate Retro Mod Package [drive.google.com] Right click on your Shredder's revenge game in your steam library. Click to browse local files and DELETE your entire CONTENTS folder and replace it with the one in this package.

If you overwrite the contents folder, the visual mods will not work because the main files will still be active.

Do not worry about losing save data by deleting your contents folder. The contents folder is just the folder with all the readable game data.

Your save files / game configs are stored in a separate location in your steam folder.

  • Aprils butt attack mod makes it's long time return! Now works with all palette swaps!

  • Changed all of the remixed soundtracks from the Radical Reptiles update to be more suitable to the package. Try the alternate themes!

  • No Sports Gear Casey mod has returned as of patch v. and works with all pallets.

  • Completely overhauled Ultimate Retro Mod Package to be compatible with latest patch v. Dimension Shell Shock, unfortunately a lot of mods were lost in the process due to incompatibility.

  • Tiffany now appears tied up in ropes during the Bebop fight.

  • Boss banner mod as been updated to include all 3 boss modifications.

  • Added more songs to Credits_Medley and cleaned up cross fading between tracks.

  • Changed Stage Title Card Theme to "You Win" from Tournament Fighters SNES.

  • Added Pizza Hut pizza boxes mod.

  • Added Baxters Turtles in Time re-color mod.

  • Fixed Outros for Episodes 10 & 14 not displaying appropriate turtle colors.

  • Added screenshots of visual changes as per request.

  • Added Erma cameo in channel 6 evacuation scene.

  • Cleaned up folder structure and condensed file size. Original audio folder is now deleted.

  • Changed Turtle's Lair / Achievement screen audio to something more fun.

  • Amplified the audio for Warming Up from Turtles in Time.

  • Changed Krangs dialog audio & amplified Shredder's fight audio.

  • Changed the introduction of the story to a more retro song.

  • Changed the Statue of Tyranny song to something more retro fitted.

  • ALL cut scenes updated with comic turtle colors.

Will always work regardless of game version.
Ultimate Retro Audio

The Ultimate Retro Audio Only Pack [drive.google.com] will change all of the audio in game to retro tracks, anything visual is left alone.

To install this package just overwrite your contents folder with this one and it'll replace all the in game audio and the opening video with retro fitted music.

Right click on the game in your library > Browse local files > Content (overwrite this folder and files when prompted)

  • Added new songs to the remixed alternate track option for the Radical Reptiles update.

  • Added Shredder's Hideout - Outside from Hyperstone Heist.

  • Added songs for Dimension Shell Shocks Survival mode.

  • Added more songs to Credits_Medley and cleaned up cross fading between tracks.

  • Changed Stage Title Card Theme to You Win from SNES Tournament Fighters.

  • Cleaned up folder structure and condensed file size. Original audio folder is now deleted.

  • Changed Turtle's Lair / Achievement screen audio to something more fun.

  • Amplified the audio for Warming Up from Turtles in Time.

  • Changed Krang's dialog music & amplified Shredder's fight audio.

  • Changed the introduction of the story to a more retro song.

  • Changed the Statue of Tyranny song to something more retro fitted.

  • Updated the package to include the original TMNT theme song from the 1987 cartoon playing over the new introduction.
Working as of Patch Radical Reptiles.
Customize Your Own Mods

This Custom Mod Pack[drive.google.com] will allow you to customize your own mods as you see fit.

Everything above is included, there's a small instruction guide included to get you started.

If you want to swap out audio tracks, you'll have to rename them to the proper name scheme inside the audio folder and overwrite that track to have it play in game.

I've included a bunch that I've modded myself as well as the original retro audio mod from UPRC's retro audio mod pack[www.nexusmods.com].

The songs that aren't named properly are completely customizable, you can rename them and throw them in to any stage or screen you like.

Example: Warming Up Loop and Warming Up Intro

You can place this song wherever you want in game by just renaming it and overwriting the file in the audio folder.

I myself placed it on the side quest screen where you turn in collectable items for points. So I renamed both files accordingly to: MISC_Side_Mission_Intro and MISC_Side_Mission_Loop.

Then I overwrote the old files and viola, it plays in game while on that screen, very simple.

Some of the files are already fitting a certain name scheme because I felt that was the only good spot for them, but you can do whatever you feel like doing. Play around and experiment as much as you like.

  • Re-added April's Butt attack mod back in to the package. Now works with all of her pallet swaps.

  • Removed all other iterations of Tiffany's level changes. Now only the Tiff in Ropes mod is included.

  • Added a handful of new tracks to the audio mods folder for the Radical Reptiles update.

  • Cleaned up files and removed broken textures from April's Cleavage Cutscene pack.

  • Added Ultimate Casey to character mod pack.

  • Added TMNT 2 - Battle Nexus - TCRI Building to audio mods.

  • Lots of mods were removed or altered from the .rar file because of incompatibility issues with the Dimension Shell Shock Update. There is no telling when the original creators will update them, or if they ever will, and I have no time to wait around or monitor the status of them. Check Nexus mods for any specific ones you want.

  • Updated Leatherheads Turtles in time Re-Color mod to work with patch v1.0.0.255 as of Feb 1st 2023.

  • Updated April cleavage cut scenes (Original Comic Book Colors) mod to work with patch v1.0.0.255 as of Feb 1st 2023.

  • Added "Tiffany in Ropes" to the level customization mods.

  • Added Manhattan Project WhizzyWhipItWonderful's Remix - Bridge of Danger to audio mods.

  • Added a boss banner mod that includes all three boss changes to occur simultaneously.

  • Added TMNT NES Vomitron Remix - Boss Fight to audio mods.

  • Added TMNT NES Vomitron Remix - Act 5 Battle Scene to audio mods.

  • Added more songs to Credits_Medley and cleaned up cross fading between tracks.

  • Added the following audio mods to package:

    TMNT NES Vomitron Remix - Dam

    TMNT 1989 Arcade - April's Apartment
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Boss Theme (Both A & B Loops)
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Shredder's Theme
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Parking Garage
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Highway
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Skateboarding
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Technodrome
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Character Select
    TMNT 1989 Arcade - Stage Title Card

    TMNT Turtles in Time - In the Nick of Time
    TMNT Turtles in Time - Bury My Shell at Wounded Knee
    TMNT Turtles in Time - Eye of the Turtle

    Tournament Fighters - You Win

  • Added Baxter Stockman Turtles in Time re-color mod.

  • Added Shirtless Casey mod.

  • Added Pizza Hut Pizza Boxes mod.

  • Added TMNT 2003 - Subway to audio mods.

  • Added Manhattan Project Scene 7-1 to audio mods.

  • Added Erma & extra channel 6 workers mod to package.

  • Cleaned up Audio mods folder to reflect game name and credit given to remix artist as well as removed duplicate entries.

  • Cleaned up folder structure and merged UPRC's retro audio mod [www.nexusmods.com] in to this package.

  • Added Vomitron's version of World Map Normal to audio mods.

  • Added TMNT NES Sewer Theme to audio mods.

  • Added TMNT 2003 Streets to audio mods.

  • Amplified the audio for Warming Up from Turtles in Time.

  • Added Tokka & Rahzar appear clip for Krang's dialog & amplified Shredder's 1989 fight audio.

  • Added TMNT NES Sewer to audio mods.

  • Added TMNT Manhattan Project Introduction to audio mods.

  • Added TMNT NES Intro Theme to audio mods.

  • April Sexy cut scene turtle comic color mod now includes all cut scenes with proper colors.
Revert All Changes
If you're done going back to the past and want your modern experience back:

Verify the integrity of the files through steam to restore the game back to it's default settings.

  • To do this right click on the game in your steam library > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Files.

  • Alternatively just uninstall and re-install the game to restore it.
BONUS: Cheat Engine Table
I've since been done with this game for months and finished everything on old patches, but the games developers decided to make the final fight against Krang / Shredder excruciatingly difficult to complete, without getting hit, so here's a cheat engine table.

It's been outdated for a while so I took the liberty of modifying the old scripts out that no longer work so you're going to have to settle for invulnerability and some other redundant stuff.

The infinite ninja power script no longer functions because they changed the mechanic so it's been removed from the table.

One of the options, when activated, gives you 450 - 500 XP points just for finishing a level so you can easily power up your characters to level 10 quickly.

Cheers, have fun!

Still works with Radical Reptiles.

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge CE Table [drive.google.com]

Outro & Contributions

I'm aware there are a bunch of classic Turtles in Time tracks missing from UPRC's audio package[www.nexusmods.com] in the Ultimate Retro Mod Package[drive.google.com] .

That's why I've included all of UPRC's audio mods and all the extra one's I've added in the Custom Mod Pack[drive.google.com], so you can customize the things you don't like yourself.

I wanted some variety in my music so I grabbed remixes from Manhattan Project, Tournament Fighters and some other odd balls but I'm not spoiling it.

Have fun!

  • Moved all download links to Google Drive.

  • Added original content creators names and links to their mods as per request.

  • I'm slowly adding extra tracks to the mod pack, when I find the time to get inspired.

  • I've added an update section for each category so you can keep track if your packs are outdated.

Audio Remix Contributions:


Audio Mod Contributions:

DinnerSupreme [www.nexusmods.com]
UPRC [www.nexusmods.com]

Visual Mod Contributions:

Lippeth [www.nexusmods.com]
0808telme [www.nexusmods.com]

I spent a lot of time working on this pack so I would really appreciate an up vote and a follow if this guide helped enhance your Shredder's Revenge experience. Thanks!